The most easy way to set up the project is to install Docker and Docker Composer and build the project.
cp .env.dist .env
cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml
Add proper credentials in phpunit.xml
These Endpoints are used:
- Directions API
- Distance Matrix API
- Geocoding API
- Geolocation API
- Maps Elevation API
- Maps Static API
- Places API
- Time Zone API
Once you have configured your environment, you can build the project:
docker-compose build
Install the dependencies via Composer:
docker-compose run --rm php composer install
To start the test suite, you can use:
docker-compose up -d
To run phpunit:
docker exec ivory-google-map_php_1 vendor/bin/phpunit
Configure PHP Storm for Docker (just create your config):
Create a Docker Compose Remote CLI Interpreter:
Preferences > Language & Frameworks > PHP
Your Config should look like this:
You are ready to start testing:
At first time it takes some time to build containers
Test results
Get a VNC Client like VNC Viewer
Start yout Test Environment and connect the viewer to localhost:5900
If you get asked for a password it's secret