A JavaScript library/framework for creating interactive && generative apps + installations in/out of the browser
visit libb.brangerbriz.com for examples and documentation or see the www directory.
run npm install
in the root directory to download the dev dependencies
- jshint for linting the source code
- jshint-stylish for prettier linting
- babel-cli for transpiling
- babel-preset-es2015 transpiling preset from es2015
- browserify for compiling the build
- uglify-js for minifying the build
- yuidocjs for auto-generated docs
- nodemon for watch scripts
to build the library you can run npm run build
, which will create two files ( in the build folder ) BB.min.js and BB.js. Running the build scripts also automatically runs npm run lint
which will lint your code for errors, npm run transpile
which will generate transpiled version of all the source code in src/transpiled, npm run compile
which compiles the transpiled versions into build/BB.js, npm run minify
which minifies the compiled library into build/BB.min.js and npm run docs
which builds the documentation page in www/docs.
to build an un-minified and un-transpiled debug version of the library with source maps run npm run build:debug
, this will produce BB.debug.js into the build folder as well as the www folder for use with examples and tests.
There are also a couple of watch scripts which watch for changes in the src/ directory: npm run watch
which will run the entire build process described above, or npm run watch:debug
which will only run the build:debug script.