You are able to carry out a requirement analysis for a software system with various stakeholders in a context of existing systems. And, you can define acceptance criteria based on quality properties and a risk analysis carried out with, among others, attention for security aspects.
You are able to give advice concerning the choice of software architecture or existing software frameworks whereby cost aspects and quality properties such as availability, performance, security and scalability play a role. And, you can provide advice about the approach to take during the processing and consultation of large quantities of data with attention for privacy. Moreover, you are able to provide advice on the organisation of a software development process, including the test process.
You are able to compile a software architecture for a software system that is comprised of existing and new systems, and takes several stakeholders quality properties into account, including security and scalability, as well as able to compile a test strategy for system tests.
You are able to build and make available a scalable software system that correlates with existing systems, perhaps in the cloud, according to the designed architecture while using existing frameworks. You are able to apply test automation in carrying out tests.
You are able to carry out configuration, change and release management in conjunction with infrastructure management. You can organize a development environment with automated build and test infrastructure.
You are able to formulate appropriate research questions and secondary questions based on an unstructured practical issue, in all stages of the methodical process, and you are able to independently select research methods, carry them out and substantiate them with reference to research strategies in order to demonstrate the soundness of his research. Moreover you demonstrate that you are considerate towards social, international, scientific and ethical aspects in your analysis.
You are able to account for and defend the execution of a comprehensive professional assignment carried out in a realistic context, both orally and in writing, and are able to adapt the writing style to the intended audience either in Dutch or in English. Also, you are able to work effectively in a team in the independent execution of a professional assignment. Moreover you are able to function and work well in an international or intercultural environment, inside as well as outside the university of applied sciences.
You are able to describe your professional talents and development ambitions in relation to the ICT profession, as well as able to reflect and receive feedback on your own performance in the ICT profession. You demonstrate initiative, and you have an independent attitude in which you work independently and in a result-oriented manner on professional assignments outside of the university of applied sciences.