From b42bbbe8ab7277edef21763a59eada6babee0db4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: boxmoji Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 17:02:04 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Moji: Update Microcopy translations --- microcopy/microcopy.json | 1239 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 620 insertions(+), 619 deletions(-) diff --git a/microcopy/microcopy.json b/microcopy/microcopy.json index 8b03237cb..25ffa55ca 100644 --- a/microcopy/microcopy.json +++ b/microcopy/microcopy.json @@ -1,621 +1,622 @@ { - // The name of the English locale, in this locale - "locales.names.en": "英語", - // The name of the Japanese locale, in this locale - "": "日本語", - // The HTML of the site, as shown in search results - "head.title": "Box Developerドキュメント", - // The HTML <meta> description of a site, as shownin search results. - "head.description": "ここではアプリの開発に使用できるBoxのAPIやSDK、\nAPIドキュメント、開発者向けサポートリソースを探したり、\nBox開発者コンソールにアクセスしたりできます", - // The HTML <meta> tags for a site, used for SEO purposes. - "head.keywords": "box,プラットフォーム,api,sdk,ファイル,フォルダ", - // The twitter account for Box Platform in this localeas used in by Twitter cards when the site is shared. - "head.twitter": "@boxplatform", - // A message to show that the site has updated in the background - "refresh_notification.message": "このサイトはバックグラウンドで更新されています", - // The text on the link to refresh the page - "refresh_notification.link_text": "更新", - // Text to signify that more content is available byclicking this link or button - "messages.read_more": "もっと見る", - // Describes the base-resource variant - "messages.resource_variant_descriptions.base": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n**Base**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、`fields`クエリパラメータで指定されたフィールドのほかに、そのパラメータを使用しているときに必ず返されるデフォルトのフィールドを表します。", - // Describes the mini-resource variant - "": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n通常、**Mini**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、このリソースが別のリソースのレスポンス内にネストされている場合に返されます。", - // Describes the standard-resource variant - "messages.resource_variant_descriptions.standard": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n通常、**Standard**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、固有のAPIエンドポイントを介してこのリソースがリクエストされたときに返されます。\nたとえば、`fields`パラメータが指定されていない場合、IDでファイルを取得すると、これらのフィールドが返されます。", - // Describes the full-resource variant - "messages.resource_variant_descriptions.full": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n**Full**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、`fields`パラメータをサポートするAPIエンドポイントによって返すことができます。たとえば、IDでファイルを取得するときに、`fields`リクエストパラメータを`id,type`に設定すると、これらのフィールドのみがAPIレスポンスで返されます。", - // A temporary welcome message at the top of the page that explains what the state of the new developer docs is - "messages.welcome_message": "最新情報\n===========\n\nDeveloperドキュメントが大幅にアップデートされました。現時点ではリファレンスドキュメントのみをご覧いただけますが、\nその他のドキュメントも順次このサイトに移行する予定です。\n\nドキュメントに関してお気付きの点やご意見がございましたら、\n[Twitter][1]または[GitHub][2]までお知らせください。\n\n[1]:\n[2]:", - // The title for the API reference page - "reference.titles.api_reference": "APIリファレンス", - // The title for the resources page - "reference.titles.other_resources": "リソースの一覧", - // The title for the HTTP Request section of an endpoint - "reference.titles.request": "リクエスト", - // The title for the HTTP Response section of an endpoint - "reference.titles.response": "レスポンス", - // The title for the section of an endpoint that shows ahow to make requests to our API - "reference.titles.request_example": "リクエストの例", - // The title for the section of an endpoint that showswhat response our API will return - "reference.titles.response_example": "レスポンスの例", - // The title for the section of an endpoint that showsa live API response created with an API explorer - "reference.titles.response_output": "出力", - // The title for the section of a resource that showswhat a typical resource looks like - "reference.titles.resource_example": "レスポンスの例", - // The label for a button that allows a user tocopy (and then paste) a value - "reference.buttons.copy": "コピー", - // Describes all endpoint parameters that are partof the URL path - "reference.parameter_groups.path": "パスパラメータ", - // Describes all endpoint parameters that are partof the URL query - "reference.parameter_groups.query": "クエリパラメータ", - // Describes all endpoint parameters that aresent in the HTTP body - "reference.parameter_groups.body": "リクエスト本文", - // Describes all endpoint parameters that aresent in the HTTP headers - "reference.parameter_groups.header": "リクエストヘッダー", - // Describes a specific parameter that issent in the URL path - "reference.parameter_location.path": "パス内", - // Describes a specific parameter that issent in the URL query - "reference.parameter_location.query": "クエリ内", - // Describes a specific parameter that is sentin the HTTP body - "reference.parameter_location.body": "本文内", - // Describes a specific parameter that issent in a HTTP header - "reference.parameter_location.header": "ヘッダー内", - // Describes a boolean parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.boolean": "boolean", - // Describes a string parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.string": "string", - // Describes an object parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.object": "object", - // Describes an array parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.array": "array", - // Describes an associative array (dictionary, hash,key value pairs) parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.associative_array": "associative array", - // Describes a date-time parameter type - "": "日時", - // Describes a 64-bit integer parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.int64": "64ビット整数", - // Describes a 32-bit integer parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.int32": "int32", - // Describes a parameter type formatted as an email - "": "メール", - // Describes an integer parameter type - "reference.parameter_types.integer": "integer", - // Describes a parameter formatted as a UUID - "reference.parameter_types.uuid": "UUID", - // The label for an example - "reference.parameter_details.example": "例", - // The label for an example key - "reference.parameter_details.example_key": "キーの例", - // The label for an optional parameter - "reference.parameter_details.optional": "省略可能", - // The label for a required parameter - "reference.parameter_details.required": "必須", - // The label for a conditionally required param - "reference.parameter_details.conditionally_required": "条件付きで必須", - 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// A label for Node JScode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.node": "Node", - // A label for .NETcode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.dotnet": ".NET", - // A label for Javacode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "": "Java", - // A label for Pythoncode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.python": "Python", - // A label for command line interfacecode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.cli": "CLI", - // A label for cURLcode sample - "reference.environments.curl": "cURL", - // A label for iOS code sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.ios": "iOS", - // A label for TypeScript code samplefrom autogenerated SDK - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.ts_gen": "TypeScript (Beta)", - // A label for Python code sample fromautogenerated SDK - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.python_gen": "Python (Beta)", - // A label for .NET code sample fromautogenerated SDK - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "reference.environments.dotnet_gen": ".NET (Beta)", - // Describes the smallest set of fields that are returnedfor a resource in an API response - "reference.resource_variants.base": "Base", - // Describes the set of fields that can be returnedfor a resource when embedded in another resource - "": "Mini", - // Describes the standard set of fields that are returned for aresource in an API response - "reference.resource_variants.standard": "Standard", - // Describes the full set of fields that can be returnedfor a resource in an API response - "reference.resource_variants.full": "Full", - // Describes how a request header name is not case sensitive - "reference.tooltips.header": "ヘッダー名は大文字と小文字が区別されません", - // The title for the guides section - "guides.titles.guides": "ガイド", - // A title for a set of links describing things to read before - "guides.titles.prerequisites": "最初に読む", - // A title for usage on a block of guides, marking the index/overview page - "guides.titles.overview": "概要", - // A title for other content - "guides.titles.more": "詳細", - // A title for related guides to this category - "guides.titles.related_guides": "関連するガイド", - // A title for generic related content - "guides.titles.related": "関連記事", - // A title for required guides - "guides.titles.required_guides": "必須のガイド", - // A title for a quick start guide - "guides.titles.quick_start_guide": "クイックスタート", - // A title for quick guides - "guides.titles.quick_start_guides": "クイックスタート", - // A title for a set of links describing related API endpoints - "guides.titles.api_endpoints": "関連するAPI", - // A title for a set of links describing related API endpoints - "guides.titles.endpoints": "エンドポイント", - // A title for a set of links describing related API resources - "guides.titles.resources": "関連するリソース", - // A short name for a group of guides - "guides.titles.category": "カテゴリ", - // A short name for a group of guides - "guides.titles.categories": "カテゴリ", - // A short name for a sub group of guides - "guides.titles.subcategory": "サブカテゴリ", - // A short name for a sub group of guides - "guides.titles.subcategories": "サブカテゴリ", - // A short name for a single guide - "": "ガイド", - // The text for a link to edit the source of the page - "guides.titles.edit_source": "このページを編集", - // The text for a link to give feedback on an API Reference page - "guides.titles.send_feedback": "フィードバックの送信", - // The text for a link to the next step in a multi-step guide - "": "次へ", - // The text for a link to the previous step in a multi-step guide - "guides.titles.previous": "前へ", - // The text for a link to the first step in a multi-step guide - "guides.titles.start": "開始", - // The text for a link that tells a user to start learning - "guides.titles.learn_more": "詳細を表示", - // The text for list that represent the sections on this page - "guides.titles.on_this_page": "このページの他のセクション", - // The text for a link that tells a user to get started - "guides.titles.get_started": "入門ガイド", - "headers.primary.links.documentation.text": "ドキュメント", - "": "コミュニティ", - "": "", - // The text for the link to the learn section - "headers.primary.links.learn.text": "Box Platformについて", - "headers.primary.links.learn.url": "/platform/", - // The text for the link to the learn section - "headers.primary.links.learn-sign.text": "Box Signの使用", - "headers.primary.links.learn-sign.url": "/sign/", - // The text for the link to the old Get Started guides - "headers.primary.links.get_started.text": "クイックスタート", - // The URL to the old Get Started guides - "headers.primary.links.get_started.url": "/guides/applications/", - // The text for the link to the old generic guides - "headers.primary.links.guides.text": "開発者向けガイド", - // The URL to the old generic guides - "headers.primary.links.guides.url": "/guides/", - // The text for the link the new API Reference docs - "headers.primary.links.api_reference.text": "APIリファレンス", - // The url to the root of the reference - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "headers.primary.links.api_reference.url": "/reference/", - // The text for the link the Sample Code App - "headers.primary.links.sample_code.text": "サンプルコードカタログ", - // The url to the root of the reference - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "headers.primary.links.sample_code.url": "/sample-code/", - // The text for the link to the old page on SDKs - "headers.primary.links.sdks_and_tools.text": "SDKとツール", - // The URL to the new page on SDKs - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "headers.primary.links.sdks_and_tools.url": "/sdks-and-tools/", - // The text for the link to the old page on SDKs - "": "サポート", - // The URL to the old page on SDKs - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "": "/support/", - "headers.primary.links.additional_resouces.text": "その他のリソース", - // The text for the Medium Dev Blog - "": "Box開発者向けブログ", - // The URL to Medium bev blog - "": "", - // A longer description of getting to the developer console - "headers.primary.buttons.dashboard.text": "開発者コンソールに移動", - // The URL to the developer console - "headers.primary.buttons.dashboard.url": "", - // The text for the link to the developer console - "headers.primary.buttons.console.text": "マイアプリ", - // The URL to the developer console - "headers.primary.buttons.console.url": "", - // The text for the link to the developer signup - "headers.primary.buttons.signup.text": "サインアップ", - // The URL to the developer signup - DO NOT TRANSLATE - "headers.primary.buttons.signup.url": "", - "headers.primary.featured.tag.text": "おすすめ", - "headers.primary.featured.title.text": "サンプルコードカタログ", - "headers.primary.featured.details.text": "便利なスクリプト、サンプルアプリ、ヒントになるユースケースを見つけましょう。さまざまなプログラミング言語の80以上のオープンソースリポジトリをご覧ください。", - "headers.primary.featured.cta.text": "サンプルコードを参照", - // The HTML alt-text for the site logo - "headers.secondary.images.logo.alt_text": "Box Developerドキュメント", - // A short label to signify that this page is new - "": "新規", - // The text for the link to the developer community forum - "headers.secondary.support_links.community_forum.text": "コミュニティフォーラム", - // The URL to the developer forum - "headers.secondary.support_links.community_forum.url": "", - // The text for the link to the changelog - "headers.secondary.support_links.changelog.text": "変更ログ", - // The URL to the changelog - "headers.secondary.support_links.changelog.url": "/changelog/", - // The text for the link to the developer blog - "": "ブログ", - // The URL to the developer blog - "": "", - // A short title for the dropdown to select a documentation type on mobile - "": "ドキュメント", - // A title for the dropdown to select a sub-page of the API referenceon mobile - "headers.secondary.dropdowns.api_reference": "APIリファレンス", - // A short title for the dropdown to select an support menu item - "": "サポート", - // A short title for the dropdown to select an support menu item - "headers.secondary.dropdowns.additional_resources": "その他のリソース", - // A boolean that determines whether to show the orange notification barin the header. Must be "true" or "false" - "headers.secondary.notifications.display": "true", - // The content of the notification - "headers.secondary.notifications.message": "Add the power of the Box AI API to your custom apps at Content Cloud Summit on May 15\n", - // The link to navigate to when the CTA is clicked - "headers.secondary.notifications.href": "", - // The text of the CTA - "headers.secondary.notifications.cta": "Learn more and register!", - // The number of seconds to display the message. Should alwaysbe 0 unless you want to autohide. - "headers.secondary.notifications.ttl": "0", - // Label for the log in button - "explorer.buttons.login": "ログイン", - // Label for the log in button - "explorer.buttons.logout": "ログアウト", - // Label for the button to run a live API call - "": "APIコールの実行", - // Label for the button to start the API explorer - "explorer.buttons.try": "このAPIを試す", - // Label for the button to close the API explorer - "explorer.buttons.close": "APIエクスプローラを閉じる", - // A label to expand the code, making it full screen - "explorer.buttons.expand": "拡大", - // A label to collapse a viewing, making it smaller. - "explorer.buttons.collapse": "折りたたむ", - // Provides a short intro to the API explorer - "explorer.messages.intro": "このドキュメント内で一部のAPIを試せるようになりました。", - // Short 1-sentence message to tell a user to fill in all params - "explorer.messages.missing_params": "必須パラメータをすべて指定してください。", - // Short 1-sentence message to tell a user to that a response was received - "explorer.messages.response_received": "レスポンスを受信しました", - // Describes the API explorer response - "explorer.titles.response": "APIレスポンス", - // Describes the HTTP headers returned by the API explorer - "explorer.titles.headers": "レスポンスヘッダー", - // Describes the response body returned by the API explorer - "explorer.titles.body": "レスポンス本文", - // The text used to prompt a user to start searching - "search.prompt": "検索...", - // Text to indicate that search results are filtered by these types - "search.only_show": "表示対象:", - // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters - "search.filter_types.resources": "リソースの一覧", - // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters - "search.filter_types.endpoints": "エンドポイント", - // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters - "search.filter_types.guides": "ガイド", - // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters - "search.filter_types.params": "パラメータ", - // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters - "search.filter_types.fields": "フィールド", - // A short name for the resource type to be shown in search results - "search.result_types.resource": "リソース", - // A short name for the endpoint type to be shown in search results - "search.result_types.endpoint": "エンドポイント", - // A short name for the guide type to be shown in search results - "": "ガイド", - // A short name for the param type to be shown in search results - "search.result_types.param": "パラメータ", - // A short name for the field type to be shown in search results - "search.result_types.field": "フィールド", - // A short name for the quick start type to be shown in results - "search.result_types.quick-start": "クイックスタート", - // A title for a footer section on Box's role in the community - "": "Boxとコミュニティ", - // A label for a link that links to the about page - "": "Boxについて", - // The URL for the company's about page - "": "", - // Text for a link to the Platform twitter account - "": "Platform Twitter", - // A link to the Platform twitter account - "": "", - // Text for a link to the Platform blog - "": "開発者向けブログ", - // A link to our developer blog - "": "", - // Text for a link to the newsletter page - "": "開発者向けニュースレター", - // A link to the newsletter page - "": "/newsletter/", - // Text for a link to the changelog page - "": "変更ログ", - // A link to the changelog page - "": "/changelog/", - // Text for a link to the github org - "": "GitHub", - // Link to the github org - "": "", - // Text for a link to the github community org - "": "コミュニティGitHub", - // Link to the github community org - "": "", - // A title for a footer section on our tooling options - "footer.categories.tooling.title": "ツール", - // Text for link to the Node SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.node_sdk.text": "Node SDK", - // link to the Node SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.node_sdk.url": "", - // Text for link to the Java SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.java_sdk.text": "Java SDK", - // link to the Java SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.java_sdk.url": "", - // Text for link to the Python SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.python_sdk.text": "Python SDK", - // link to the Python SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.python_sdk.url": "", - // Text for link to the .NET SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.dotnet_sdk.text": ".NET SDK", - // link to the .Net SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.dotnet_sdk.url": "", - // Text for link to the iOS SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.ios_sdk.text": "iOS Content SDK", - // link to the iOS Content SDK - "footer.categories.tooling.links.ios_sdk.url": "", - // Text for link to the Box CLI - "footer.categories.tooling.links.cli.text": "Box CLI", - // link to the Box CLI - "footer.categories.tooling.links.cli.url": "", - // Text for link to the Box Skills kit - "footer.categories.tooling.links.skills_kit.text": "Box Skills Kit", - // link to the Box Skills Kit - "footer.categories.tooling.links.skills_kit.url": "", - // A title for a footer section on our available code samples - "footer.categories.code.title": "サンプル", - // Text for link to our code samples - "footer.categories.code.links.samples.text": "Platformサンプル", - // Link to our code samples - "footer.categories.code.links.samples.url": "", - // Text for link to our Box skills code samples - "footer.categories.code.links.skills_samples.text": "Skillsサンプル", - // Link to our Box skills code samples - "footer.categories.code.links.skills_samples.url": "*-skills&type=&language=", - // A title for a footer section on our support channels - "": "サポート", - // Text for link to go to our support page - "": "サポートとコミュニティ", - // Link to go to our status page - "": "/support", - // Text for link to create a support ticket - "": "チケットの作成", - // Link to create a support ticket - "": "", - // Text for link to go to our support forum - "": "Platformフォーラム", - // Link to go to our support forum - "": "", - // Text for link to go to our feedback site - "": "製品フィードバック", - // Link to go to our feedback site - "": "", - // Text for link to go to our status page - "": "APIステータス", - // Link to go to our status page - "": "", - // A title for a footer section on our available translations ofthis site - "": "各国のサイト", - // Text for link to the page sitemap - "footer.bottom.links.sitemap.text": "サイトマップ", - // Link to the page sitemap - "footer.bottom.links.sitemap.url": "/sitemap.xml", - // Text for link to update user notification preferences - "footer.bottom.links.subscriptions.text": "ニュースレターの登録解除", - // Link to update user notification preferences - "footer.bottom.links.subscriptions.url": "", - // Text for link to our terms of use - "footer.bottom.links.terms.text": "利用規約", - // Link to our terms of use - "footer.bottom.links.terms.url": "", - // Text for link to our privacy policy - "footer.bottom.links.privacy.text": "個人情報保護方針", - // Link to our privacy policy - "footer.bottom.links.privacy.url": "", - // Text for link to our cookie notification settings - "footer.bottom.links.cookies.text": "Cookie通知", - // Link to our cookie notification settings - "footer.bottom.links.cookies.url": "", - // Text for link to creative commons code - "footer.bottom.links.sample_license.text": "Unilicenseで提供されるコードサンプル", - // Link to the license used - "footer.bottom.links.sample_license.url": "", - // Text to show how long it will be to read something, e.g.a "1 min read". Contains a variable for the number. - "": "読了までの所要時間: %s分", - "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.type": "sampleCode", - "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.cta": "サンプルコードを参照", - "": "/sample-code/", - "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.tag": "おすすめ", - "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.headline": "プロジェクトを開始", - "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.text": "Boxのサンプルコードカタログを使用して、便利なスクリプト、サンプルアプリ、ヒントになるユースケースを見つけましょう。さまざまなプログラミング言語の80以上のオープンソースリポジトリをご覧ください。", - "": "community", - "": "コミュニティに参加", - "": "", - "": "新着情報", - "": "Box Developer Communityフォーラム", - "": "Boxのコミュニティフォーラムで他の学習者やエキスパートとつながりましょう。質問のやり取りやリソースの共有のほか、一緒に学ぶことができます。", - "": "Box YouTube", - "": "Boxのチャンネルでチュートリアル、トレーニング、製品ニュースなどについて視聴できます (英語のみ)。", - "": "チャンネルを表示", - "": "", - "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.title": "開発者向けニュースレター", - "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.text": "開発者向けイベント、製品リリース、コミュニティのハイライトに関する最新情報を確認できます (英語のみ)。", - "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.cta": "ニュースレターを表示", - "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.url": "/newsletter/", - "": "Box開発者向けブログ", - "": "Box APIやSDKに関するニュース、更新情報、チュートリアルで、開発者や管理者に役立つインサイトを得ることができます。", - "": "Box Developer Japan Blogにアクセス", - "": "", - // The label for all things API - "changelog.labels.api": "API", - // The label for all things SDKS - "changelog.labels.sdks": "SDK", - // The label for all things Java - "": "Java", - // The label for all things Windows - "": "Windows", - // The label for all things Python - "changelog.labels.python": "Python", - // The label for all things Node - "changelog.labels.node": "Node", - // The label for all things CLI - "changelog.labels.cli": "CLI", - // The label for all things Mobile - "": "モバイル", - // The label for all things iOS - "changelog.labels.ios": "iOS", - // The label for all things Android - "": "Android", - // The label for all things Content Preview - "changelog.labels.content-preview": "コンテンツプレビュー", - // The label for all things UI Elements - "changelog.labels.ui-elements": "UI Element", - // The label for all things Postman (app) - "changelog.labels.postman": "Postman", - // The label for all things Salesforce (app) - "changelog.labels.salesforce": "Salesforce", - // The label for all things Reports - "changelog.labels.reports": "レポート", - // The label for all other things - "changelog.labels.other": "その他", - // Defines if this is a new feature - "changelog.levels.is_new_feature": "新機能", - // Defines if this is a breaking change - "changelog.levels.is_impactful": "影響度の高い変更", - // Defines if this is a new feature (short version) - "changelog.levels.short.is_new_feature": "新機能", - // Defines if this is a breaking change (short version) - "changelog.levels.short.is_impactful": "影響度の高い変更", - // Defines all entries - "changelog.all": "すべて", - // A label applied to a changelog entry that specifies if it's unread - "changelog.unread": "未読", - // The title of the developer changelog section - "changelog.title": "開発者向け変更ログ", - // A message that is shown when we can notfind any entries for a search - "changelog.messages.no_entries": "この選択にはエントリがありません。", - // Title of the create-app modal - "app_button.title": "アプリの作成", - // Label of the close buttton - "app_button.buttons.close": "閉じる", - // The label for the field that holds the client ID - "app_button.credentials.client_id": "クライアントID", - // The label for the field that holds the client secret - "app_button.credentials.client_secret": "クライアントシークレット", - // The description at the top of the app log in screen. - "app_button.logged_out.description": "難しい部分は、開発者に代わってBoxが対応します。代わりにアプリを作成できるように、ログインしてください。", - // The description at the top of the app creation screen. - "app_button.logged_in.description": "難しい部分は、開発者に代わってBoxが対応します。数回クリックするだけで、アプリを設定できます。", - // Text used to show that no value was set - "app_button.logged_in.values.none": "なし", - // Text used to show that something is allowed - "app_button.logged_in.values.allowed": "許可されている", - // Text used to show that something is not allowed - 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"app_button.logged_in.app_types.app_token_auth": "アプリトークン認証", - // Label for the root_readonly scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.root_readonly": "すべてのファイルとフォルダの読み取り", - // Label for the root_readwrite scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.root_readwrite": "すべてのファイルとフォルダの読み取りと書き込み", - // Label for the manage_managed_users scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_managed_users": "ユーザーを管理する", - // Label for the manage_app_users scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_app_users": "App Userを管理する", - // Label for the manage_groups scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_groups": "グループを管理する", - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_webhook": "Webhookを管理する", - // Label for the manage_enterprise_properties scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_enterprise_properties": "Enterpriseのプロパティを管理する", - // Label for the manage_retention_policies scope - "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_retention_policies": "リテンションポリシーを管理する", - // title of the page - "sample_code_catalog.title": "サンプルコードカタログ", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.all_languages": "すべての言語", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.universal": "共通のサンプル", - "": "Android", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.react": "React", - "": "Java", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.powershell": "PowerShell", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.dotNet": ".NET", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.python": "Python", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.node": "Node.js", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.angular": "Angular", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.angularjs": "AngularJS", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.curl": "cURL", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.vue": "Vue.js", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.r": "R", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.ruby": "Ruby", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.javascript": "JavaScript", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.apex": "Apex", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.swift": "Swift", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.perl": "Perl", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.php": "PHP", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.cSharp": "C#", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.ts": "TypeScript", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.all_tags": "すべてのタグ", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.ui_elements": "UI Element", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.salesforce": "Salesforce", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.skills": "Skills", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.api": "API", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.sdk": "SDK", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.cli": "CLI", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.webhooks": "Webhook", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.provisioning": "プロビジョニング", - "": "モバイル", - "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.frontend": "フロントエンド", - "sample_code_catalog.resetBtn": "フィルタをリセット", - "sample_code_catalog.noResults.title": "お探しのサンプルが見つかりません。", - "sample_code_catalog.noResults.message": "別のフィルタまたはフィルタの組み合わせをお試しください。\nそれでも見つからない場合は、", - "": "Boxにご連絡いただき、", - "sample_code_catalog.noResults.suggestSample": "新しいコードサンプルを英語でご提案ください。" + // The name of the English locale, in this locale + "locales.names.en": "英語", + // The name of the Japanese locale, in this locale + "": "日本語", + // The HTML <title> of the site, as shown in search results + "head.title": "Box Developerドキュメント", + // The HTML <meta> description of a site, as shownin search results. + "head.description": "ここではアプリの開発に使用できるBoxのAPIやSDK、\nAPIドキュメント、開発者向けサポートリソースを探したり、\nBox開発者コンソールにアクセスしたりできます", + // The HTML <meta> tags for a site, used for SEO purposes. + "head.keywords": "box,プラットフォーム,api,sdk,ファイル,フォルダ", + // The twitter account for Box Platform in this localeas used in by Twitter cards when the site is shared. + "head.twitter": "@boxplatform", + // A message to show that the site has updated in the background + "refresh_notification.message": "このサイトはバックグラウンドで更新されています", + // The text on the link to refresh the page + "refresh_notification.link_text": "更新", + // Text to signify that more content is available byclicking this link or button + "messages.read_more": "もっと見る", + // Describes the base-resource variant + "messages.resource_variant_descriptions.base": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n**Base**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、`fields`クエリパラメータで指定されたフィールドのほかに、そのパラメータを使用しているときに必ず返されるデフォルトのフィールドを表します。", + // Describes the mini-resource variant + "": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n通常、**Mini**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、このリソースが別のリソースのレスポンス内にネストされている場合に返されます。", + // Describes the standard-resource variant + "messages.resource_variant_descriptions.standard": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n通常、**Standard**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、固有のAPIエンドポイントを介してこのリソースがリクエストされたときに返されます。\nたとえば、`fields`パラメータが指定されていない場合、IDでファイルを取得すると、これらのフィールドが返されます。", + // Describes the full-resource variant + "messages.resource_variant_descriptions.full": "このリソースにはAPIの使用時に発生する可能性があるいくつかのバリエーションがあります。\n\n**Full**バリアントに含まれるフィールドは、`fields`パラメータをサポートするAPIエンドポイントによって返すことができます。たとえば、IDでファイルを取得するときに、`fields`リクエストパラメータを`id,type`に設定すると、これらのフィールドのみがAPIレスポンスで返されます。", + // A temporary welcome message at the top of the page that explains what the state of the new developer docs is + "messages.welcome_message": "最新情報\n===========\n\nDeveloperドキュメントが大幅にアップデートされました。現時点ではリファレンスドキュメントのみをご覧いただけますが、\nその他のドキュメントも順次このサイトに移行する予定です。\n\nドキュメントに関してお気付きの点やご意見がございましたら、\n[Twitter][1]または[GitHub][2]までお知らせください。\n\n[1]: https:\/\/\/boxplatform\n[2]: https:\/\/\/box\/", + // The title for the API reference page + "reference.titles.api_reference": "APIリファレンス", + // The title for the resources page + "reference.titles.other_resources": "リソースの一覧", + // The title for the HTTP Request section of an endpoint + "reference.titles.request": "リクエスト", + // The title for the HTTP Response section of an endpoint + "reference.titles.response": "レスポンス", + // The title for the section of an endpoint that shows ahow to make requests to our API + "reference.titles.request_example": "リクエストの例", + // The title for the section of an endpoint that showswhat response our API will return + "reference.titles.response_example": "レスポンスの例", + // The title for the section of an endpoint that showsa live API response created with an API explorer + "reference.titles.response_output": "出力", + // The title for the section of a resource that showswhat a typical resource looks like + "reference.titles.resource_example": "レスポンスの例", + // The label for a button that allows a user tocopy (and then paste) a value + "reference.buttons.copy": "コピー", + // Describes all endpoint parameters that are partof the URL path + "reference.parameter_groups.path": "パスパラメータ", + // Describes all endpoint parameters that are partof the URL query + "reference.parameter_groups.query": "クエリパラメータ", + // Describes all endpoint parameters that aresent in the HTTP body + "reference.parameter_groups.body": "リクエスト本文", + // Describes all endpoint parameters that aresent in the HTTP headers + "reference.parameter_groups.header": "リクエストヘッダー", + // Describes a specific parameter that issent in the URL path + "reference.parameter_location.path": "パス内", + // Describes a specific parameter that issent in the URL query + "reference.parameter_location.query": "クエリ内", + // Describes a specific parameter that is sentin the HTTP body + "reference.parameter_location.body": "本文内", + // Describes a specific parameter that issent in a HTTP header + "reference.parameter_location.header": "ヘッダー内", + // Describes a boolean parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.boolean": "boolean", + // Describes a string parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.string": "string", + // Describes an object parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.object": "object", + // Describes an array parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.array": "array", + // Describes an associative array (dictionary, hash,key value pairs) parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.associative_array": "associative array", + // Describes a date-time parameter type + "": "日時", + // Describes a 64-bit integer parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.int64": "64ビット整数", + // Describes a 32-bit integer parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.int32": "int32", + // Describes a parameter type formatted as an email + "": "メール", + // Describes an integer parameter type + "reference.parameter_types.integer": "integer", + // Describes a parameter formatted as a UUID + "reference.parameter_types.uuid": "UUID", + // The label for an example + "reference.parameter_details.example": "例", + // The label for an example key + "reference.parameter_details.example_key": "キーの例", + // The label for an optional parameter + "reference.parameter_details.optional": "省略可能", + // The label for a required parameter + "reference.parameter_details.required": "必須", + // The label for a conditionally required param + 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one of many values + "reference.enum.value_is_one_of": "次の値のいずれか1つ:", + // A label for Node JScode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.node": "Node", + // A label for .NETcode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.dotnet": ".NET", + // A label for Javacode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "": "Java", + // A label for Pythoncode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.python": "Python", + // A label for command line interfacecode sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.cli": "CLI", + // A label for cURLcode sample + "reference.environments.curl": "cURL", + // A label for iOS code sample - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.ios": "iOS", + // A label for TypeScript code samplefrom autogenerated SDK - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.ts_gen": "TypeScript (Beta)", + // A label for Python code sample fromautogenerated SDK - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "reference.environments.python_gen": "Python (Beta)", + // A label for .NET code 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"カテゴリ", + // A short name for a sub group of guides + "guides.titles.subcategory": "サブカテゴリ", + // A short name for a sub group of guides + "guides.titles.subcategories": "サブカテゴリ", + // A short name for a single guide + "": "ガイド", + // The text for a link to edit the source of the page + "guides.titles.edit_source": "このページを編集", + // The text for a link to give feedback on an API Reference page + "guides.titles.send_feedback": "フィードバックの送信", + // The text for a link to the next step in a multi-step guide + "": "次へ", + // The text for a link to the previous step in a multi-step guide + "guides.titles.previous": "前へ", + // The text for a link to the first step in a multi-step guide + "guides.titles.start": "開始", + // The text for a link that tells a user to start learning + "guides.titles.learn_more": "詳細を表示", + // The text for list that represent the sections on this page + "guides.titles.on_this_page": "このページの他のセクション", + // The text for a link that tells a user to get started + 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description of getting to the developer console + "headers.primary.buttons.dashboard.text": "開発者コンソールに移動", + // The URL to the developer console + "headers.primary.buttons.dashboard.url": "https:\/\/\/developers\/console", + // The text for the link to the developer console + "headers.primary.buttons.console.text": "マイアプリ", + // The URL to the developer console + "headers.primary.buttons.console.url": "https:\/\/\/developers\/console", + // The text for the link to the developer signup + "headers.primary.buttons.signup.text": "サインアップ", + // The URL to the developer signup - DO NOT TRANSLATE + "headers.primary.buttons.signup.url": "https:\/\/\/signup\/n\/developer#ty9l3", + "headers.primary.featured.tag.text": "おすすめ", + "headers.primary.featured.title.text": "サンプルコードカタログ", + "headers.primary.featured.details.text": "便利なスクリプト、サンプルアプリ、ヒントになるユースケースを見つけましょう。さまざまなプログラミング言語の80以上のオープンソースリポジトリをご覧ください。", + "headers.primary.featured.cta.text": "サンプルコードを参照", + // The HTML alt-text for the site logo + "headers.secondary.images.logo.alt_text": "Box Developerドキュメント", + // A short label to signify that this page is new + "": "新規", + // The text for the link to the developer community forum + "headers.secondary.support_links.community_forum.text": "コミュニティフォーラム", + // The URL to the developer forum + "headers.secondary.support_links.community_forum.url": "https:\/\/", + // The text for the link to the changelog + "headers.secondary.support_links.changelog.text": "変更ログ", + // The URL to the changelog + "headers.secondary.support_links.changelog.url": "\/changelog\/", + // The text for the link to the developer blog + "": "ブログ", + // The URL to the developer blog + "": "https:\/\/\/box-developer-japan-blog", + // A short title for the dropdown to select a documentation type on mobile + "": "ドキュメント", + // A title for the dropdown to select a sub-page of the API referenceon mobile + "headers.secondary.dropdowns.api_reference": "APIリファレンス", + // A short title for the dropdown to select an support menu item + "": "サポート", + // A short title for the dropdown to select an support menu item + "headers.secondary.dropdowns.additional_resources": "その他のリソース", + // A boolean that determines whether to show the orange notification barin the header. Must be "true" or "false" + "headers.secondary.notifications.display": "true", + // The content of the notification + "headers.secondary.notifications.message": "日本時間5月16日のContent Cloud Summitで、カスタムアプリにBox AI APIを活用する方法を紹介します。", + // The link to navigate to when the CTA is clicked + "headers.secondary.notifications.href": "https:\/\/\/series\/content-cloud-summit-2024\/landing_page", + // The text of the CTA + "headers.secondary.notifications.cta": "詳細を表示", + // The number of seconds to display the message. Should alwaysbe 0 unless you want to autohide. + "headers.secondary.notifications.ttl": "0", + // Label for the log in button + "explorer.buttons.login": "ログイン", + // Label for the log in button + "explorer.buttons.logout": "ログアウト", + // Label for the button to run a live API call + "": "APIコールの実行", + // Label for the button to start the API explorer + "explorer.buttons.try": "このAPIを試す", + // Label for the button to close the API explorer + "explorer.buttons.close": "APIエクスプローラを閉じる", + // A label to expand the code, making it full screen + "explorer.buttons.expand": "拡大", + // A label to collapse a viewing, making it smaller. + "explorer.buttons.collapse": "折りたたむ", + // Provides a short intro to the API explorer + "explorer.messages.intro": "このドキュメント内で一部のAPIを試せるようになりました。", + // Short 1-sentence message to tell a user to fill in all params + "explorer.messages.missing_params": "必須パラメータをすべて指定してください。", + // Short 1-sentence message to tell a user to that a response was received + "explorer.messages.response_received": "レスポンスを受信しました", + // Describes the API explorer response + "explorer.titles.response": "APIレスポンス", + // Describes the HTTP headers returned by the API explorer + "explorer.titles.headers": "レスポンスヘッダー", + // Describes the response body returned by the API explorer + "explorer.titles.body": "レスポンス本文", + // The text used to prompt a user to start searching + "search.prompt": "検索...", + // Text to indicate that search results are filtered by these types + "search.only_show": "表示対象:", + // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters + "search.filter_types.resources": "リソースの一覧", + // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters + "search.filter_types.endpoints": "エンドポイント", + // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters + "search.filter_types.guides": "ガイド", + // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters + "search.filter_types.params": "パラメータ", + // A short name for the filter type to be shown in filters 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the Platform twitter account + "": "https:\/\/\/boxplatform", + // Text for a link to the Platform blog + "": "開発者向けブログ", + // A link to our developer blog + "": "https:\/\/\/box-developer-japan-blog", + // Text for a link to the newsletter page + "": "開発者向けニュースレター", + // A link to the newsletter page + "": "\/newsletter\/", + // Text for a link to the changelog page + "": "変更ログ", + // A link to the changelog page + "": "\/changelog\/", + // Text for a link to the github org + "": "GitHub", + // Link to the github org + "": "https:\/\/\/box", + // Text for a link to the github community org + "": "コミュニティGitHub", + // Link to the github community org + "": "https:\/\/\/box-community", + // A title for a footer section on our tooling options + "footer.categories.tooling.title": "ツール", + // Text for link to the Node SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.node_sdk.text": "Node SDK", + // link to the Node SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.node_sdk.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/box-node-sdk", + // Text for link to the Java SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.java_sdk.text": "Java SDK", + // link to the Java SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.java_sdk.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/box-java-sdk", + // Text for link to the Python SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.python_sdk.text": "Python SDK", + // link to the Python SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.python_sdk.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/box-python-sdk", + // Text for link to the .NET SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.dotnet_sdk.text": ".NET SDK", + // link to the .Net SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.dotnet_sdk.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/box-windows-sdk-v2", + // Text for link to the iOS SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.ios_sdk.text": "iOS Content SDK", + // link to the iOS Content SDK + "footer.categories.tooling.links.ios_sdk.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/box-ios-sdk", + // Text for link to the Box CLI + "footer.categories.tooling.links.cli.text": "Box CLI", + // link to the Box CLI + "footer.categories.tooling.links.cli.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/boxcli", + // Text for link to the Box Skills kit + "footer.categories.tooling.links.skills_kit.text": "Box Skills Kit", + // link to the Box Skills Kit + "footer.categories.tooling.links.skills_kit.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/box-skills-kit-nodejs", + // A title for a footer section on our available code samples + "footer.categories.code.title": "サンプル", + // Text for link to our code samples + "footer.categories.code.links.samples.text": "Platformサンプル", + // Link to our code samples + "footer.categories.code.links.samples.url": "https:\/\/\/box\/samples", + // Text for link to our Box skills code samples + "footer.categories.code.links.skills_samples.text": "Skillsサンプル", + // Link to our Box skills code samples + "footer.categories.code.links.skills_samples.url": "https:\/\/\/box-community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=sample-*-skills&type=&language=", + // A title for a footer section on our support channels + "": "サポート", + // Text for link to go to our support page + "": "サポートとコミュニティ", + // Link to go to our status page + "": "\/support", + // Text for link to create a support ticket + "": "チケットの作成", + // Link to create a support ticket + "": "https:\/\/\/t5\/custom\/page\/page-id\/BoxSearchLithiumTKB", + // Text for link to go to our support forum + "": "Platformフォーラム", + // Link to go to our support forum + "": "https:\/\/\/hc\/ja\/community\/topics\/360001932973-Platform-and-Developer-Forum", + // Text for link to go to our feedback site + "": "製品フィードバック", + // Link to go to our feedback site + "": "https:\/\/\/forums\/909778-product-feedback?category_id=330838", + // Text for link to go to our status page + "": "APIステータス", + // Link to go to our status page + "": "https:\/\/\/", + // A title for a footer section on our available translations ofthis site + "": "各国のサイト", + // Text for link to the page sitemap + "footer.bottom.links.sitemap.text": "サイトマップ", + // Link to the page sitemap + "footer.bottom.links.sitemap.url": "\/sitemap.xml", + // Text for link to update user notification preferences + "footer.bottom.links.subscriptions.text": "ニュースレターの登録解除", + // Link to update user notification preferences + "footer.bottom.links.subscriptions.url": "https:\/\/\/preferences.html", + // Text for link to our terms of use + "footer.bottom.links.terms.text": "利用規約", + // Link to our terms of use + "footer.bottom.links.terms.url": "https:\/\/\/s\/rmwxu64h1ipr41u49w3bbuvbsa29wku9", + // Text for link to our privacy policy + "footer.bottom.links.privacy.text": "個人情報保護方針", + // Link to our privacy policy + "footer.bottom.links.privacy.url": "https:\/\/\/legal_text\/privacy_policy", + // Text for link to our cookie notification settings + "footer.bottom.links.cookies.text": "Cookie通知", + // Link to our cookie notification settings + "footer.bottom.links.cookies.url": "https:\/\/\/legal\/cookie-notification", + // Text for link to creative commons code + "footer.bottom.links.sample_license.text": "Unilicenseで提供されるコードサンプル", + // Link to the license used + "footer.bottom.links.sample_license.url": "https:\/\/\/", + // Text to show how long it will be to read something, e.g.a "1 min read". Contains a variable for the number. + "": "読了までの所要時間: %s分", + "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.type": "sampleCode", + "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.cta": "サンプルコードを参照", + "": "\/sample-code\/", + "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.tag": "おすすめ", + "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.headline": "プロジェクトを開始", + "pages.featured_board.sampleCode.text": "Boxのサンプルコードカタログを使用して、便利なスクリプト、サンプルアプリ、ヒントになるユースケースを見つけましょう。さまざまなプログラミング言語の80以上のオープンソースリポジトリをご覧ください。", + "": "community", + "": "コミュニティに参加", + "": "https:\/\/\/", + "": "新着情報", + "": "Box Developer Communityフォーラム", + "": "Boxのコミュニティフォーラムで他の学習者やエキスパートとつながりましょう。質問のやり取りやリソースの共有のほか、一緒に学ぶことができます。", + "": "Box YouTube", + "": "Boxのチャンネルでチュートリアル、トレーニング、製品ニュースなどについて視聴できます (英語のみ)。", + "": "チャンネルを表示", + "": "https:\/\/\/@box\/videos", + "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.title": "開発者向けニュースレター", + "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.text": "開発者向けイベント、製品リリース、コミュニティのハイライトに関する最新情報を確認できます (英語のみ)。", + "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.cta": "ニュースレターを表示", + "pages.additionalResources.newsletter.url": "\/newsletter\/", + "": "Box開発者向けブログ", + "": "Box APIやSDKに関するニュース、更新情報、チュートリアルで、開発者や管理者に役立つインサイトを得ることができます。", + "": "Box Developer Japan Blogにアクセス", + "": "https:\/\/\/box-developer-japan-blog", + // The label for all things API + "changelog.labels.api": "API", + // The label for all things SDKS + "changelog.labels.sdks": "SDK", + // The label for all things Java + "": "Java", + // The label for all things Windows + "": "Windows", + // The label for all things Python + "changelog.labels.python": "Python", + // The label for all things Node + "changelog.labels.node": "Node", + // The label for all things CLI + "changelog.labels.cli": "CLI", + // The label for all things Mobile + "": "モバイル", + // The label for all things iOS + "changelog.labels.ios": "iOS", + // The label for all things Android + "": "Android", + // The label for all things Content Preview + "changelog.labels.content-preview": "コンテンツプレビュー", + // The label for 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"許可されている", + // Text used to show that something is not allowed + "app_button.logged_in.values.not_allowed": "許可されていない", + // Log out button label + "app_button.logged_in.buttons.logout": "ログアウト", + // Create app button label + "app_button.logged_in.buttons.create_app": "アプリの作成", + // Label for the application type + "app_button.logged_in.labels.application": "アプリケーション", + // Label for the name of an app + "": "名前", + // Label for the scopes of an app + "app_button.logged_in.labels.scopes": "スコープ", + // Label for the can_act_as_user setting + "app_button.logged_in.labels.can_act_as_user": "ユーザーとして操作", + // Label for the redirect URL + "app_button.logged_in.labels.redirect_url": "リダイレクトURL", + // Label for the CORS Origins + "app_button.logged_in.labels.cors_origins": "CORSオリジン", + // Describes a standard OAuth 2.0 app + "app_button.logged_in.app_types.auth_code_grant": "ユーザー認証 (OAuth 2.0)", + // Describes a standard JWT app + "app_button.logged_in.app_types.jwt_grant": "サーバー認証 (JWT使用)", + // Describes a limited access app + "app_button.logged_in.app_types.app_token_auth": "アプリトークン認証", + // Label for the root_readonly scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.root_readonly": "すべてのファイルとフォルダの読み取り", + // Label for the root_readwrite scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.root_readwrite": "すべてのファイルとフォルダの読み取りと書き込み", + // Label for the manage_managed_users scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_managed_users": "ユーザーを管理する", + // Label for the manage_app_users scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_app_users": "App Userを管理する", + // Label for the manage_groups scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_groups": "グループを管理する", + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_webhook": "Webhookを管理する", + // Label for the manage_enterprise_properties scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_enterprise_properties": "Enterpriseのプロパティを管理する", + // Label for the manage_retention_policies scope + "app_button.logged_in.scopes.manage_retention_policies": "リテンションポリシーを管理する", + // title 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"sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.swift": "Swift", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.perl": "Perl", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.php": "PHP", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.cSharp": "C#", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.languages.ts": "TypeScript", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.all_tags": "すべてのタグ", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.ui_elements": "UI Element", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.salesforce": "Salesforce", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.skills": "Skills", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.api": "API", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.sdk": "SDK", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.cli": "CLI", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.webhooks": "Webhook", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.provisioning": "プロビジョニング", + "": "モバイル", + "sample_code_catalog.labels.tags.frontend": "フロントエンド", + "sample_code_catalog.resetBtn": "フィルタをリセット", + "sample_code_catalog.noResults.title": "お探しのサンプルが見つかりません。", + "sample_code_catalog.noResults.message": "別のフィルタまたはフィルタの組み合わせをお試しください。\nそれでも見つからない場合は、", + "": "Boxにご連絡いただき、", + "sample_code_catalog.noResults.suggestSample": "新しいコードサンプルを英語でご提案ください。" } \ No newline at end of file