@@ -142,12 +100,64 @@ Models offered in **Preview** mode have not been fully performance-tested at sca
+### Deprecated models
+ A text embedding model, converting textual data into numerical vectors that machine learning algorithms can process.
+ Deprecated on 2025-01-09
+ A text embedding model converting textual data into numerical vectors that machine learning algorithms can process.
+ Deprecated on 2025-01-09
+ A text embedding model converting textual data into numerical vectors that machine learning algorithms can process.
+ Deprecated on 2025-01-09
+ A model that can handle complex tasks, such as coding, due to the extensive embedded knowledge.
+ Deprecated on 2025-01-09
+ A model capable of creating document summaries, answers to questions, and content classification labels.
+ Deprecated on 2025-01-09
+ An enhanced **text-bison** model capable of creating document summaries, answers to questions, and content classification labels.
+ Deprecated on 2025-01-09
[ask]: e://post_ai_ask
[text-gen]: e://post_ai_text_gen
[extract]: e://post_ai_extract
[extract-structured]: e://post_ai_extract_structured
[agent]: e://get_ai_agent_default
-[azure-ai-gpt-3-5-model]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/models#gpt-35
[azure-ai-mini-4o-model]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/models?tabs=python-secure#gpt-4o-and-gpt-4-turbo
[vertex-ai-model]: https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/generative-ai/docs/learn/models#models
[vertex-ai-gemini-models]: https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/generative-ai/docs/learn/models#gemini-models
diff --git a/content/guides/box-ai/ai-tutorials/prerequisites.md b/content/guides/box-ai/ai-tutorials/prerequisites.md
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--- a/content/guides/box-ai/ai-tutorials/prerequisites.md
+++ b/content/guides/box-ai/ai-tutorials/prerequisites.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ the Box AI APIs in your sandbox, request access
from the Box AI team using [this form][form].
-## Create an application
+## Create a custom application
First you need to create a custom application
you will use to make calls. To create
diff --git a/content/guides/docgen/docgen-getting-started.md b/content/guides/docgen/docgen-getting-started.md
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+rank: 1
+ - post_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+ - post_docgen_batches_v2025.0
+ - docgen/generate-document
+ - docgen/mark-template
+ - docgen/docgen-jobs
+ - docgen/docgen-templates
+# Get started with Box Doc Gen
+To start generating documents with Box Doc Gen API you will need a custom application and a developer token to
+authenticate your calls. You also need a Doc Gen template that will serve as an input source for your document.
+## Enable Box Doc Gen
+To use Box Doc Gen, make sure it is enabled by an
+admin in the Admin Console.
+If you are a Box Admin, you will find the necessary information in
+[Enterprise Settings: Content & Sharing Tab][settings] documentation.
+## Create and upload a Box Doc Gen template
+To use Box Doc Gen API to generate documents, a Box Doc Gen template must already exist in Box. You have the following options to create a template:
+* Install the [Box Doc Gen Template Creator add-in for Microsoft Word][template-addin].
+* Create a Box Doc Gen template [using a JSON file][json-template] or manually create [template tags][template-tags].
+## Create a custom application
+First you need to create a custom application
+you will use to make calls. To create
+an application, follow the guide
+on [creating custom apps][createapps].
+## Generate a developer token
+You need a developer token
+to authenticate your app when sending requests.
+To generate a token:
+1. Go to **Developer Console** > **My Platform Apps**.
+2. Click the **Options menu** button (…) on the right.
+3. Select **Generate Developer Token**. The token will be automatically generated and saved to clipboard.
+![generate token](./images/developer-token.png)
+You can also open your app, go to
+**Configuration** > **Developer Token**
+and generate the token.
+A developer token is only valid for one hour.
+For additional details, see [developer token][token].
+After you generate the token, you can use it in cURL
+or other clients, such as [Postman][postman], to make
+[token]: g://authentication/tokens/developer-tokens
+[createapps]: g://applications/app-types/custom-apps
+[postman]: g://tooling/postman
+[settings]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404822772755-Enterprise-Settings-Content-Sharing-Tab#h_01FYQGK5RW42T07GV985MQ9E9A
+[template-addin]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36587535449747-Installing-Box-Doc-Gen-Add-in
+[template-tags]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36151895655059-Creating-A-Box-Doc-Gen-Template-Manually
+[json-template]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36148012877843-Creating-a-Box-Doc-Gen-Template-using-JSON-data
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+rank: 5
+ - get_docgen_jobs_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_batch_jobs_id_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_jobs_id_v2025.0
+ - docgen/docgen-getting-started
+ - docgen/generate-document
+# Box Doc Gen jobs
+A Box Doc Gen job runs when you make a request to generate a document.
+The `document_generation_data` parameter in the `POST` request is an array of entries that represent Box Doc Gen jobs run to generate a document.
+Box Doc Gen API allows you to get information about the Box Doc Gen jobs.
+## Prerequisites
+Before you start using Box Doc Gen API, follow the steps listed in the [get started with Box Doc Gen][docgen-prerequisites] guide to create a custom app and a Box Doc Gen template.
+## List all Box Doc Gen jobs
+To get a list of all Box Doc Gen jobs that were run,
+use the `GET /2.0/docgen_jobs` endpoint. You don't have to provide any additional parameters.
+## Get a Box Doc Gen job by ID
+To get a specific Box Doc Gen job,
+use the `GET /2.0/docgen_jobs_id` endpoint and provide the `job_id`.
+## Get Box Doc Gen jobs in batch with a specific ID
+A single request can generate several documents. In such a case, a separate generation job is run for each document and all these jobs are included in one "batch" meaning a request.
+To get all jobs performed within one request, use the `GET /2.0/docgen_batch_jobs_id` endpoint and provide the `batch_id`.
+[docgen-prerequisites]: g://docgen/docgen-getting-started
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+rank: 4
+ - get_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_templates_id_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_templates_id_tags_v2025.0
+ - post_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+ - docgen/docgen-getting-started
+ - docgen/generate-document
+# Box Doc Gen templates
+Box Doc Gen API allows you to retrieve information related to Box Doc Gen templates.
+## Prerequisites
+Before you start using Box Doc Gen API, follow the steps listed in the [get started with Box Doc Gen][docgen-prerequisites] guide to create a custom app and a Box Doc Gen template.
+## List Box Doc Gen templates
+To get a list of all created Box Doc Gen templates,
+use the `GET /2.0/docgen_templates` endpoint. You don't have to provide any additional parameters.
+The response will contain an `entries` array listing the already created Box Doc Gen templates.
+## Get a Box Doc Gen template by ID
+To get a specific Box Doc Gen template,
+use the `GET /2.0/docgen_templates_id` endpoint and provide the `template_id`.
+The response will contain details of a file that was used as a Box Doc Gen template.
+## List all document generation jobs for a template
+To get a list of all created Box Doc Gen templates,
+use the `GET /2.0/docgen_template_jobs_id` endpoint and provide the `template_id`.
+The response will contain a list of Box Doc Gen jobs that were run to generate
+[docgen-prerequisites]: g://docgen/docgen-getting-started
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+rank: 3
+ - docgen/docgen-getting-started
+ - docgen/mark-template
+ - post_docgen_batches_v2025.0
+ - post_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+# Generate documents
+The `POST /2.0/docgen_batches` endpoint allows you to generate a document using Box Doc Gen template as input.
+## Prerequisites
+Before you start using Box Doc Gen API, follow the steps listed in the [get started with Box Doc Gen][docgen-prerequisites] guide to create a custom app and a Box Doc Gen template.
+## Send a request
+To generate a document or a set of documents,
+use the `POST /2.0/docgen_batches` endpoint.
+### Parameters
+To make a call, you need to pass the following parameters.
+Mandatory parameters are in **bold**.
+| Parameter |Description | Example |
+| ------------ | ------ | --- |
+| **`file.id`** | ID of the file to be marked as Box Doc Gen template. | `12345678` |
+| **`file.type`** | The type of provided input. The value is always **`file`**. | `file` |
+| `file_version` | The file version of a template. | `12345` |
+| **`input_source`** | The input source for generated document. The value has to be `api` for all the API-based document generation requests. | `api` |
+| **`output_type`** | The output file type. | `docx` |
+| **`destination_folder.id`** | The ID of the folder where the generated document will be stored. | `12345678` |
+| **`destination_folder.type`** | The type of the destination item. Since the generated files are stored in folders, the value is always **`folder`**. | `file` |
+| **`document_generation_data.generated_file_name`** | The name of the generated file. | `New_Template` |
+| **`document_generation_data.user_input`** | The JSON data to be used to generate document. | `{"id": 2, "name": "Ink Cartridge", "type": "non-fragile"}`|
+## Use case
+When your Box Doc Gen template and JSON data is ready, you can make a request to Box Doc Gen API to generate documents.
+A sample call looks as follows:
+When the request is being processed, each entry in the `document_generation_data` array is treated as a separate document generation job that Box Doc Gen adds to the document generation queue.
+Generated documents will be saved in the designated folder.
+[docgen-prerequisites]: g://docgen/docgen-getting-started
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+rank: 0
+ - docgen/docgen-getting-started
+ - docgen/docgen-templates
+ - docgen/docgen-jobs
+ - docgen/mark-template
+ - docgen/generate-document
+ - get_docgen_batch_jobs_id_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_jobs_id_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_jobs_v2025.0
+ - get_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+ - post_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+# Box Doc Gen
+Box Doc Gen allows you to generate business documents such as offer letters, sales contracts, invoices or agreements.
+You can generate documents based on Box Doc Gen templates uploaded to Box, with data fields that can be dynamically filled using Box Doc Gen API.
+Box Doc Gen only supports the ability to leverage English template tags when
+using Box Doc Gen templates. We recommend that customers test and review that Box Doc Gen supports their desired language requirements.
+## Prerequisites
+* access to Microsoft Word
+To use Box Doc Gen, you must have access to Microsoft Word, as it is required
+for creating and authoring your document templates. You can utilize the Box Doc
+Gen Add-in for a code-free experience or apply tagging scripts within Word to
+prepare your documents.
+Box Doc Gen is designed to facilitate the dynamic generation of business
+documents, but it is important to note that Box does not have control over
+users’ access to Microsoft Word. Users must ensure they have the necessary
+permissions and access to Microsoft Word to create and author document
+templates effectively.
+## Box Doc Gen API capabilities
+Box Doc Gen API allows you to:
+* mark documents as Box Doc Gen templates,
+* generate documents based on Box Doc Gen templates you store in Box,
+* examine the details of Box Doc Gen templates and document generation jobs.
+## Box Doc Gen API version
+Box Doc Gen API was released in Box API version `2025.0`. All API requests to Box Doc Gen API endpoints must specify a valid API version by setting the `box-version` header to `2025.0`.
+For more details, see [Box API versioning][api-versioning].
+## Box Doc Gen workflow
+![A flow diagram representing Box Doc Gen workflow](./images/docgen-workflow.png)
+1. Author your Doc Gen Template
+ * Use [Doc Gen Add-in for Microsoft Word][template-addin] to create a template without any code.
+ * You can also leverage [Doc Gen's tagging script][tagging-script] to author the template.
+2. [Add the template to Box][upload-template] using the Box Doc Gen UI. At this point, you can:
+ * Mark an existing file In Box as Doc Gen template.
+ * Create or Upload a document and mark it as a Box Doc Gen template.
+3. [Generate the document][generate-document] using Box Doc Gen API.
+[template-addin]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36587535449747-Installing-Box-Doc-Gen-Add-in
+[template-tags]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36151895655059-Creating-A-Box-Doc-Gen-Template-Manually
+[json-template]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36148012877843-Creating-a-Box-Doc-Gen-Template-using-JSON-data
+[tagging-script]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36149723736723-Template-tags-reference
+[upload-template]: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/36587432368275-Managing-Box-Doc-Gen-Templates-in-Relay
+[generate-document]: g://docgen/generate-document
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new file mode 100644
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+rank: 2
+ - docgen/docgen-getting-started
+ - docgen/docgen-templates
+ - docgen/generate-document
+ - post_docgen_batches_v2025.0
+ - post_docgen_templates_v2025.0
+# Mark file as Box Doc Gen template
+You can mark an existing document as a Box Doc Gen template and use it to generate documents.
+## Before you start
+Before you start using Box Doc Gen API, follow the steps listed in the [get started with Box Doc Gen][docgen-prerequisites] guide to create a custom app and a Box Doc Gen template.
+## Send a request
+To send a request containing your question,
+use the `POST /2.0/docgen_templates` endpoint and
+provide the mandatory parameters.
+### Parameters
+To make a call you need to pass the following parameters.
+Mandatory parameters are in **bold**.
+| Parameter |Description | Example |
+| ------------ | ------ | --- |
+| **`file.id`** | ID of the file to be marked as the Box Doc Gen template. | `12345678` |
+| **`file.type`** | The type of provided input. The value is always **`file`**. | `file` |
+## Use cases
+### Mark a file as Box Doc Gen template
+The following sample show you how to mark a file to ensure it is recognized as a Box Doc Gen template.
+The file must be in `.docx` format.
+### Remove Box Doc Gen template marking from a file
+To make sure a file is no longer marked as a Box Doc Gen template,
+use the `DELETE 2.0/docgen_templates/:template_id` request.
+[docgen-prerequisites]: g://docgen/docgen-getting-started
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+++ b/content/guides/uploads/direct/index.md
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ type. For more details, please refer to our [pricing comparison page][pcp].
* Digital Business Suite: 50 GB
* Digital Business Global Suite: 50 GB
* Enterprise Plus: 150 GB
+* Enterprise Advanced: 500 GB
To confirm the file size limit for your account, log into Box. Click on the
circle in the top right corner and select **Account Settings** from the dropdown