Its unclear where to start. I choose to start with :
jekyll new mm-remote-theme-method
cd mm-remote-theme-method
watch the "note" from above in quick-start-guide, it is also needed for remote theme! (which was unclear to me at first)
jekyll-include-cache plugin which will need to be installed in your Gemfile AND added to the plugins array of _config.yml.
Therefore replace the contens of the Gemfile with:
source ""
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
gem "jekyll-include-cache"
add this to the _config.yml
remote_theme: "mmistakes/[email protected]"
- jekyll-include-cache
and delete the theme: minima
line in _config.yml
as the quick-start-guide already states
then run bundle
and then bundle exec jekyll serve
but that doesn't work yet: I got a Liquid Exception: No repo name found....
- error.
So obviousely you need to make the working directory (which is still mm-remote-theme-method) to be a git controled repository.
My way was to create a empty projekt on my github account (i called it "bt-blog" , make a git clone [email protected]:bodote/bt-blog.git
in there.
cd ..
cp -r mm-remote-theme-method/* bt-blog/
cd bt-blog
bundle exec jekyll serve
and voila: Server is finaly running with only minor warnings . The site is generated on http://localhost:4000 but still there are some parts missing.
you need to replase in about.markdown
the line layout: page
by layout: single
and replase in _posts/2020-09-17-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
the line layout: post
by layout: posts
ok now the warnings disapears. but finally, when wir look the the result on http://localhost:4000 the links to the targes in the navigation (_data/navigation.yml) are broken, eg.: http://localhost:4000/posts/ leads to a "not Found" error for what ever reason. maybe becausethere
we make a indentical copy from , create a new projekt with the same name on my own github account. Then we change Gemfile and remove these 2 lines:
gem "tzinfo-data"
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.0" if Gem.win_platform?
because tzinfo-data is not really necessary and leads to a security problem at least on my MacBook. and the 2nd one is obviousely not needed for MacOS or github-pages-hosting.
And hey, it finally works on http://localhost:4000 !