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Automatic Github Actions

Automatic Github Actions are available but disabled by default. To enable them, uncomment the relevant blocks in the .github/workflows/deploy-preview.yml and .github/workflows/deploy-production.yml files.

Example below of what you should uncomment to enable automatic deployment

name: Deploy WP & Nextjs to Production - builds and deploys
  # ######## Uncomment below block to enable automatic deployment <======= 🗑️ remove
  # push:                                                         <======= 📣 uncomment
  #   branches:                                                   <======= 📣 uncomment
  #     - 'production'                                            <======= 📣 uncomment
  #   # # Only run workflow if push a server tag                  <======= 📣 uncomment
  #   # tags:                                                     <======= 📣 uncomment
  #   #   - 'v*.*.*'                                              <======= 📣 uncomment
  # ########                                                      <======= 🗑️ remove

🔐 Github Actions secrets

In order for the Github workflows to correctly execute, you need to configure Actions secrets. You can for sure define them manually in the Github GUI, but the easiest way to do it is through the CLI. Here are the steps to achieve it:

  1. Install Github CLI according to your system and preferences. (Homebrew is the easiest on Mac)
  2. Configure the CLI. -> gh auth login and follow the instructions
  3. Copy .env.github.example file and edit the secrets. -> cp .env.github.example .env.github. ⚠️ Do not track this file in the repo as it is secrets
  4. Push secrets to Github. -> gh secret set --env-file .env.github
Secret Mandatory Description
REVALIDATE_SECRET True Secret token only known by your Next.js & WP backend app. This secret will be used to prevent unauthorized access to the revalidation API Route.
WORDPRESS_THEME_NAME True Name of the WordPress theme on remote server
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY True Will be used to deploy to the remote server. We consider that for both Staging/preview & production servers the same key will be used.
VERCEL_TOKEN False Mandatory if deploying to Vercel.
VERCEL_ORG_ID False Mandatory if deploying to Vercel. Your "Org ID" is also called your user ID or team ID, and it's found at > settings > general -- at the bottom
VERCEL_PROJECT_ID False Mandatory if deploying to Vercel. Your "Project ID" is found at > your project name > settings > general -- at the bottom
PM2_APP_NAME False Mandatory if deploying Next.js to your own server.
STAGING_BE_SSH_USER True Remote server SSH user.
STAGING_BE_SSH_HOST True Remote server SSH host IP address or domain name
STAGING_BE_SSH_PORT True Remote server SSH port number. Default 22.
STAGING_WORDPRESS_PATH True Absolute path to WP root directory.
STAGING_NEXT_PATH False Mandatory if deploying Next.js to your own server. Absolute path to the parent folder of Next.js app. ⚠️ Parent folder because to reduce the downtime we deploy to _new folder, then switch with the public folder.
STAGING_NEXT_URL False Mandatory if deploying Next.js to your own server.
PRODUCTION_BE_SSH_USER True Remote server SSH user.
PRODUCTION_BE_SSH_HOST True Remote server SSH host IP address or domain name
PRODUCTION_BE_SSH_PORT True Remote server SSH port number. Default 22.
PRODUCTION_WORDPRESS_PATH True Absolute path to WP root directory.
PRODUCTION_NEXT_PATH False Mandatory if deploying Next.js to your own server. Absolute path to the parent folder of Next.js app. ⚠️ Parent folder because to reduce the downtime we deploy to _new folder, then swith with the public folder.
PRODUCTION_NEXT_URL False Mandatory if deploying Next.js to your own server.

ℹ️ Deployments are done automatically through Github workflows. By default Next.js is deployed to Vercel, but there is a custom action .github/actions/deploy-next to deploy it to a custom server.

🚀 Production deployments

When we push to the production git branch, Next.js and WordPress are automatically deployed to production.

Next.js   ->
WordPress ->

See .github/workflows/deploy-production.yml for more details.

👁 Preview deployments

When we push to any branch, or for any Merge Request:

  • Next.js is deployed on a preview URL on Vercel
  • WordPress is ignored if not main branch and Next will consume data from WordPress Staging
Next.js   ->
WordPress ->

🔨 Custom deployments

Duplicate .github/workflows/deploy-production.yml file and edit the secrets to deploy WordPress and/or Next to a specific instance.

Be sure to not forget to add the custom action secrets to Github.