Bubble Trouble can be categorized as an Indi version of the famous game of 80's, this game will got only 1 level where the enemies will appear non-stop till your player die.
- The player will be able to move between the screen jumping and falling depending of their position
- The player will be able to shoot to the enemies
- The enemies will appear randomly at the top of the screen and will start moving in direction of the player.
- Instead kill the enemies when get a shoot, they will be put inside the bubble.
- Add an highscore register
- Extra lives when reach certain level
- startGame
- eventListeners for keystrokes
- Game class:
- playMonsterCollision
- playLevelUpMusic
- clearBackground
- drawBackground
- drawData
- drawBonus
- spawnAttack
- spawnEnemy
- increaseLevel
- bonusLive
- collisionWithPlayer
- collisionWithAttack
- livesHandler
- removeDedEnemies
- handleAttack
- gameLoop
- Player class:
- drawPlayer
- moveLeft
- moveRight
- drawJump
- jump
- moveJumping
- gravity
- getImageUsed
- play_collision
- playSound
- Enemy class:
- drawEnemy
- moveEnemy
- imageMovingEnemy
- drawDedEnemy
- Attack class:
- playSound
- drawAttack
- moveAttack