- Added deployment scripts and configs
- Added ansible playbook
- Ansible playbook uses django-mango group for hosts and currently doesn't require sudo
- Added django_discover_runner to dependencies
- Renamed tests to test_*.py format
- Added speakers list view
- Added conference appp with basic conference model
- For speakers list view to work, add a speakers group and update the SPEAKERS_GROUP_NAME setting
- Run manage.py migrate conference
- Added basic form styles
- Added klass and widget templatetags
- Tweaked field.html so it knows where to place the label when field is a checkbox
- Added django-endless-pagination app as a dependency
- Updated proposal listing
- Added status field to proposal model
- Added tests for ProposalForm
- Added user field to proposal model
- Added save method to ProposalForm which accepts user
- Added bit of js to toggle duration form field if is_extreme is ticked
- Added basic proposal detail page
- Added slug field in proposal model
- Updated proposal_detail url to accept slug instead of id
- Added proposal_update_status view for update proposal status
- Run setup.py develop to install extra dependencies
- Run manage.py migrate proposal to execute migrations
- Added the models ProposalType, Category, AudienceLevel and Proposal
- Added south as depedency
- Added widgets TimeDurationWidget and TimeDurationHiddenWidget
- Added form field TimeDurationField
- Added proposal_list and proposal_create views
- Added ProposalForm form
- Added is_extreme field for proposal model
- Added field.html template for individual field rendering
- Run manage.py syncdb to create south tables
- Run manage.py migrate proposal to execute migrations
- Added Social Auth
- Run manage.py syncdb to create social auth tables
- Add social auth api tokens to localsettings
- Added basic generic and proposal apps
- Added base.html and home.html templates with twitter bootstrap assets