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File metadata and controls

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AnyVar Asynchronous VCF Annotation

AnyVar can use an asynchronous request-response pattern when annotating VCF files. This can improve reliability when serving remote clients by eliminating long lived connections and allow AnyVar to scale horizontally instead of vertically to serve a larger request volume. AnyVar utilizes the Celery distributed task queue to manage the asynchronous tasks.

How It Works

AnyVar can be run as a FastAPI app that provides a REST API. The REST API is run using uvicorn or gunicorn, eg:

% uvicorn anyvar.restapi.main:app

AnyVar can also be run as a Celery worker app that processes tasks submitted through the REST API, eg:

% celery -A anyvar.queueing.celery_worker:celery_app worker

When VCF files are submitted to the /vcf endpoint with the run_async=True query parameter, the REST API submits a task to the Celery worker via a queue and immediately returns a 202 Accepted response with a Location header indicating where the client should poll for status and results. Once the VCF is annotated and the result is ready, the polling request will return the annotated VCF file. For example:

> PUT /vcf?run_async=True HTTP/1.1
> Content-type: multipart/form-data...

< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
< Location: /vcf/a1ac7850-0df7-4db6-82ab-b19bce93faf3
< Retry-After: 120

> GET /vcf/a1ac7850-0df7-4db6-82ab-b19bce93faf3 HTTP/1.1

< HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

> GET /vcf/a1ac7850-0df7-4db6-82ab-b19bce93faf3 HTTP/1.1

> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> ##fileformat=VCFv4.2...

The client can provide a run_id=... query parameter with the initial PUT request. If one is not provided, a random UUID will be generated (as illustrated above).

Setting Up Asynchronous VCF Processing

Enabling asychronous VCF processing requires some additional setup.

Install the Necessary Dependencies

Asynchronous VCF processing requires the installation of additional, optional dependencies:

% pip install .[queueing]

This will install the celery[redis] module and its dependencies. To connect Celery to a different message broker or backend, install the appropriate extras with Celery.

Start an Instance of Redis

Celery relies on a message broker and result backend to manage the task queue and store results. The simplest option is to use a single instance of Redis for both purposes. This documentation and the default settings will both assume this configuration. For other message broker and result backend options, refer to the Celery documentation.

If a Docker engine is available, start a local instance of Redis:

% docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine

Or follow the instructions to run locally.

Create a Scratch Directory for File Storage

AnyVar does not store the actual VCF files in Redis for asynchronous processing, only paths to the file. This allows very large VCF files to be asychronously processed. All REST API and worker instances of AnyVar require access to the same shared file system.

Start the REST API

Start the REST API with environment variables to set shared resource locations:

% CELERY_BROKER_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0" \
    CELERY_BACKEND_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0" \
    ANYVAR_VCF_ASYNC_WORK_DIR="/path/to/shared/file/system" \
    uvicorn anyvar.restapi.main:app

Start a Celery Worker

Start a Celery worker with environment variables to set shared resource locations:

% CELERY_BROKER_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0" \
    CELERY_BACKEND_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0" \
    ANYVAR_VCF_ASYNC_WORK_DIR="/path/to/shared/file/system" \
    celery -A anyvar.queueing.celery_worker:celery_app worker

To start multiple Celery workers use the --concurrency option.


Celery supports different pool types (prefork, threads, etc.). AnyVar ONLY supports the prefork and solo pool types.

Submit an Async VCF Request

Now that the REST API and Celery worker are running, submit an async VCF request with cURL:

% curl -v -X PUT -F "[email protected]" 'https://localhost:8000/vcf?run_async=True&run_id=12345'

And then check its status:

% curl -v 'https://localhost:8000/vcf/12345'

Additional Environment Variables

In addition to the environment variables mentioned previously, the following environment variables are directly supported and applied by AnyVar during startup. It is advisable to understand the underlying Celery configuration options in more detail before making any changes. The Celery configuration parameter name corresponding to each environment variable can be derived by removing the leading CELERY_ and lower casing the remaining, e.g.: CELERY_TASK_DEFAULT_QUEUE -> task_default_queue.

Variable Description Default
CELERY_TASK_DEFAULT_QUEUE The name of the queue for tasks anyvar_q
CELERY_EVENT_QUEUE_PREFIX The prefix for event receiver queue names anyvar_ev
CELERY_TIMEZONE The timezone that Celery operates in UTC
CELERY_RESULT_EXPIRES Number of seconds after submission before a result expires from the backend 7200
CELERY_TASK_ACKS_LATE Whether workers acknowledge tasks before (false) or after (true) they are run true
CELERY_TASK_REJECT_ON_WORKER_LOST Whether to reject (true) or fail (false) a task when a worker dies mid-task false
CELERY_WORKER_PREFETCH_MULTIPLIER How many tasks a worker should fetch from the queue at a time 1
CELERY_TASK_TIME_LIMIT Maximum time a task may run before it is terminated 3900
CELERY_SOFT_TIME_LIMIT Amount of time a task can run before an exception is triggered, allowing for cleanup 3600
CELERY_WORKER_SEND_TASK_EVENTS Change to true to cause Celery workers to emit task events for monitoring purposes false
ANYVAR_VCF_ASYNC_FAILURE_STATUS_CODE What HTTP status code to return for failed asynchronous tasks 500