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Xilinx SDK wolfBoot Project

To use this example project:

  1. Copy .cproject and .project into the wolfBoot root.
  2. From the Xilinx SDK Import wolfBoot using "Import" -> "Existing Projects into Workspace".

Xilinx SDK BSP

This project uses a BSP named standalone_bsp_0, which must be configured to use "hypervisor guest" in the BSP configuration settings, which is edited by opening the platform.spr file under "standalone on psa_cortexa53_0" -> "Board Support Package" -> "Modify BSP Settings".

This will enable the EL-1 support required with Bl31 (ARM Trusted Firmware). The BSP generates a include/bspconfig.h, which should have these defines set:

#define EL1_NONSECURE 1
#define HYP_GUEST 1

You may need to adjust/add the following project settings under Properties -> C/C++ General:

  1. Platform bspInclude path: "Paths and Symbols" -> "Includes" -> "GNU C" -> "Add" -> Workspace Path for platform (example: /zcu102/export/zcu102/sw/zcu102/standalone_domain/bspinclude/include).

  2. Platform BSP Library path: See "Library Paths" -> "Add" (example: /zcu102/psu_cortexa53_0/standalone_domain/bsp/psu_cortexa53_0/lib).

wolfBoot Configuration

A build settings template for Zynq UltraScale+ can be found here ./config/examples/zynqmp.config. This file can be copied to wolfBoot root as .config for building from the command line.

$ cp ./config/examples/zynqmp.config .config
$ make keytools

These template settings are also in this .cproject as preprocessor macros. These settings are loaded into the template by the wolfBoot make. If not using the built-in make then the following defines will need to be manually created in target.h:

#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x20000
#define WOLFBOOT_LOAD_ADDRESS                0x10000000
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x2A00000

#define WOLFBOOT_DTS_BOOT_ADDRESS            0x7E0000
#define WOLFBOOT_DTS_UPDATE_ADDRESS          0x39E0000
#define WOLFBOOT_LOAD_DTS_ADDRESS            0x11800000

Note: If not using Position Independent Code (PIC) the linker script ldscript.ld must have the start address offset to match the WOLFBOOT_LOAD_ADDRESS.

Generate signing key

The keygen tool creates an RSA 4096-bit private key (wolfboot_signing_private_key.der) and exports the public key to src/keystore.c for wolfBoot to use at compile-time as the default root-of-trust.

$ ./tools/keytools/keygen --rsa4096 -g wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Keytype: RSA4096
Generating key (type: RSA4096)
RSA public key len: 550 bytes
Associated key file:   wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Partition ids mask:   ffffffff
Key type   :           RSA4096
Public key slot:       0

Signing Example

$ ./tools/keytools/sign --rsa4096 --sha3 ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world.elf ./wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
wolfBoot KeyTools (Compiled C version)
wolfBoot version 2020000
Update type:          Firmware
Input image:          ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world.elf
Selected cipher:      RSA4096
Selected hash  :      SHA3
Public key:           ./wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Output  image:        ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world_v1_signed.bin
Target partition id : 1
Found RSA512 key
image header size calculated at runtime (1024 bytes)
Calculating SHA3 digest...
Signing the digest...
Output image(s) successfully created.


Xilinx uses a bootgen tool for generating a boot binary image that has Xilinx headers, which the FSBL (First Stage Boot Loader) understands. See the boot.bif and boot_auth.bif as examples.

  • Use "partition_owner=uboot" to prevent a partition from being loaded into RAM.
  • Use "offset=" option to place the application into a specific location in flash.
  • Use "load=" option to have FSBL load into specific location in RAM.

Generating a boot.bin (from boot.bif). Run the Xilinx -> Vitis Shell and cd into the workspace root.

Example boot.bif in workspace root:

// Boot BIF example for wolfBoot with signed Hello World
// Note: "partition_owner=uboot" prevents partition from being loaded to RAM
	[bootloader, destination_cpu=a53-0] zcu102\zynqmp_fsbl\fsbl_a53.elf
	[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-1] wolfboot\Debug\wolfboot.elf
	[destination_cpu=a53-0, partition_owner=uboot, offset=0x800000] hello_world\Debug\hello_world_v1_signed.bin
bootgen -image boot.bif -arch zynqmp -w -o BOOT.bin

****** Xilinx Bootgen v2022.1
  **** Build date : Apr 18 2022-16:02:32
    ** Copyright 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

[INFO]   : Bootimage generated successfully

Running Boot.bin

  • QSPI: Flash using Vitis -> Xilinx (menu) -> Program Flash
  • SD: or copy boot.bin to SDCARD
Boot Mode MODE Pins 3:0 Mode SW6[4:1]
JTAG 0 0 0 0 on, on, on, on
QSPI32 0 0 1 0 on, on, off,on
SD 1 1 1 0 off,off,off,on

Example boot output

wolfBoot Secure Boot
Read FlashID Lower: Ret 0, 20 BB 20
Read FlashID Upper: Ret 0, 20 BB 20
Versions: Boot 1, Update 0
Trying Boot partition at 800000
Boot partition: 800000 (size 226024, version 0x1)
info: LMS wolfBoot_verify_signature
info: using LMS parameters: L2-H5-W8
info: wc_LmsKey_Verify returned OK
Successfully selected image in part: 0
Firmware Valid
Loading flash image from 8014A8 to RAM at 10000000 (226024 bytes)
Loading elf at 10000000
Found valid elf64 (little endian)
Program Headers 2 (size 56)
Load 57536 bytes (offset 10000) to 0 (p 0)
Clear 20600 bytes at 0 (p 0)
Entry point 0
DTB boot partition: 7B0000
Failed parsing DTB to load
Booting at 0
Hello World

Successfully ran Hello World application

Adding RSA Authentication

  1. Generate keys:

    • bootgen.exe -generate_keys auth pem -arch zynqmp -image boot.bif
  2. Create hash for primary key:

    • bootgen.exe -image boot.bif -arch zynqmp -w -o i BOOT.BIN -efuseppkbits ppkf_hash.txt
  3. Import example project for programming eFuses:

    • New BSP project (program efuses , ZCU102_hw_platform, standalone, CPU: PSU_cortexa53_0)
    • Goto Xilinx Board Support Packet Settings.
    • Scroll down to Supported Libraries and Check the xiskey library
    • In the system.mss pane, scroll down to Libraries and click Import Examples.
    • Check the xilskey_esfuseps_zynqmp_example
  4. Edit xilskey_efuseps_zynqmp_input.h

    • 453 #define XSK_EFUSEPS_PPK0_IS_SHA3 TRUE
    • 454 `#define XSK_EFUSEPS_PPK0_HASH "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" /* from ppkf_hash.txt */``
  5. Update boot.bif (see boot_auth.bif)

    [auth_params] ppk_select=0; spk_id=0x00000000
    [pskfile] pskf.pem
    [sskfile] sskf.pem
  6. Build “boot.bin” image:

    • bootgen.exe -image boot.bif -arch zynqmp -o i BOOT.BIN -w

Note: To generate a report of a boot.bin use the bootgen_utility: bootgen_utility -arch zynqmp -bin boot.bin -out boot.bin.txt

Post Quantum


  1. Add these build symbols to the Xilinx project: Note: Make sure and remove the existing WOLFBOOT_SIGN_*, WOLFBOOT_HASH_* and IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE
  1. Create and sign image:
$ ./tools/keytools/keygen --xmss -g wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Keytype: XMSS
Generating key (type: XMSS)
info: using XMSS parameters: XMSS-SHA2_10_256
Associated key file:   wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Partition ids mask:   ffffffff
Key type   :           XMSS
Public key slot:       0

$ ./tools/keytools/sign --xmss ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world.elf wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
wolfBoot KeyTools (Compiled C version)
wolfBoot version 2020000
Update type:          Firmware
Input image:          ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world.elf
Selected cipher:      XMSS
Selected hash  :      SHA256
Public key:           wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Output  image:        ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world_v1_signed.bin
Target partition id : 1
info: using XMSS parameters: XMSS-SHA2_10_256
info: XMSS signature size: 2500
info: xmss sk len: 1343
info: xmss pk len: 68
Found XMSS key
image header size calculated at runtime (5000 bytes)
Calculating SHA256 digest...
Signing the digest...
Output image(s) successfully created.


  1. Add these build symbols to the Xilinx project: Note: Make sure and remove the existing WOLFBOOT_SIGN_*, WOLFBOOT_HASH_* and IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE
  1. Create and sign image:
$ ./tools/keytools/keygen --lms -g wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Keytype: LMS
Generating key (type: LMS)
info: using LMS parameters: L2-H5-W8
Associated key file:   wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Partition ids mask:   ffffffff
Key type   :           LMS
Public key slot:       0

$ ./tools/keytools/sign --lms ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world.elf wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
wolfBoot KeyTools (Compiled C version)
wolfBoot version 2020000
Update type:          Firmware
Input image:          ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world.elf
Selected cipher:      LMS
Selected hash  :      SHA256
Public key:           wolfboot_signing_private_key.der
Output  image:        ../hello_world/Debug/hello_world_v1_signed.bin
Target partition id : 1
info: using LMS parameters: L2-H5-W8
info: LMS signature size: 2644
Found LMS key
image header size calculated at runtime (5288 bytes)
Calculating SHA256 digest...
Signing the digest...
Output image(s) successfully created.
