puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
function part1(puzzle) {
while (puzzle.length) {
let a = puzzle.pop()
for (const x of puzzle) {
if (a + x === 2020) {
return a * x
function part2(puzzle) {
while (puzzle.length) {
let a = puzzle.pop()
for (const x of puzzle) {
for (const y of puzzle) {
if (a + x + y === 2020) {
return a * x * y
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
function part1(puzzle) {
return puzzle.filter(p => checkPwd(dissectPolicy(p))).length
function part2(puzzle) {
return puzzle.filter(p => checkPwdV2(dissectPolicy(p))).length
// helpers:
function dissectPolicy(rawPolicy) {
const [range, char, pwd] = rawPolicy.split(/\s+/)
const [min, max] = range.split('-').map(Number)
return {
char: char[0],
function checkPwd({ min, max, char, pwd }) {
const count = pwd.split(char).length - 1
return count <= max && count >= min
function checkPwdV2({ min: pos1, max: pos2, char, pwd }) {
return (pwd[pos1 - 1] === char) !== (pwd[pos2 - 1] === char)
testPuzzle = document.querySelector('pre > code').textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
function part1(puzzle) {
return countTrees(puzzle, 3, 1)
function part2(puzzle) {
return [
[1, 1],
[3, 1],
[5, 1],
[7, 1],
[1, 2],
].reduce((acc, [rightSlope, downSlope]) => (acc *= countTrees(puzzle, rightSlope, downSlope)), 1)
// helpers:
function countTrees(treesMap, rightSlope, downSlope) {
const patternLength = treesMap[0].length
let currCol = 0
let trees = 0
for (rowIndex = downSlope; rowIndex < treesMap.length; rowIndex += downSlope) {
currCol += rightSlope
if (treesMap[rowIndex][currCol % patternLength] === '#') {
return trees
testPuzzles = document.querySelectorAll('pre > code')
part1Test = testPuzzles[0].textContent.split('\n\n')
part2InvalidsTest = testPuzzles[2].textContent.split('\n\n')
part2ValidsTest = testPuzzles[3].textContent.split('\n\n')
puzzle = document.body.textContent.split('\n\n')
function part1(puzzle) {
return puzzle.filter(p =>
checkPassport(dissectPassport(p), ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid'])
function part2(puzzle) {
return puzzle.filter(p => checkPassportV2(dissectPassport(p), Object.keys(validators))).length
const validators = {
byr: /^(19[2-9][0-9]|200[0-2])$/,
iyr: /^20(1[0-9]|20)$/,
eyr: /^20(2[0-9]|30)$/,
hgt: /^(1([5-8][0-9]|9[0-3])cm|(59|6[0-9]|7[0-6])in)$/,
hcl: /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/,
ecl: /^(amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth)$/,
pid: /^\d{9}$/,
// helpers:
function dissectPassport(rawPassport) {
return Object.fromEntries(rawPassport.split(/\s+/).map(pair => pair.split(':')))
function checkPassport(passport, requiredFields) {
const passportFields = Object.keys(passport)
return requiredFields.every(field => passportFields.includes(field))
function checkPassportV2(passport, requiredFields) {
const passportFields = Object.keys(passport)
return requiredFields.every(
field => passportFields.includes(field) && validators[field].test(passport[field])
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
function part1(puzzle) {
return Math.max(...puzzle.map(calcSeatId))
function part2(puzzle) {
logNonConsecutiveSeat(puzzle.map(calcSeatId).sort((a, b) => a - b))
// helpers:
function halve(seats, directions) {
const dir = directions.shift()
if (!dir) return seats
if ('FL'.includes(dir)) {
// upper half
return halve(seats.slice(0, seats.length / 2), directions)
} else {
// lower half
return halve(seats.slice(seats.length / 2), directions)
function* range(min, max) {
for (let i = min; i < max; i++) yield i
function decodeRow(boardingPass) {
const rows = Array.from(range(0, 128))
return halve(rows, boardingPass.slice(0, -3).split(''))
function decodeCol(boardingPass) {
const cols = Array.from(range(0, 8))
return halve(cols, boardingPass.slice(-3).split(''))
function calcSeatId(boardingPass) {
const [row] = decodeRow(boardingPass)
const [col] = decodeCol(boardingPass)
return row * 8 + col
function logNonConsecutiveSeat(seats) {
for (i = 0; i < seats.length; i++) {
if (seats[i] + 1 !== seats[i + 1]) {
console.log(seats[i] + 1)
testPuzzle = document.querySelectorAll('pre > code')[1].textContent.trimRight().split('\n\n')
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n\n')
function part1(puzzle) {
return puzzle.reduce((tot, group) => (tot += uniqYesAnswers(group)), 0)
function part2(puzzle) {
return puzzle.reduce((tot, group) => (tot += crossYesAnswers(group)), 0)
// helpers:
function uniqYesAnswers(group) {
return new Set(Array.from(group.replace(/\n/g, ''))).size
function crossYesAnswers(group) {
const groupAnswers = group.split('\n').map(answers => answers.split(''))
// build an intersection of the newline-separated answers
// [[a,b],[a,c],[a,d]] -> [a]
return groupAnswers.reduce((a, b) => a.filter(c => b.includes(c))).length
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
function part1(puzzle) {
function part2(puzzle) {
const firstRun = load(puzzle)
try {
} catch (error) {
// narrow the bug to executed `jmp` and `nop` instructions
const bugRange = firstRun.filter(i => i.ec && ['jmp', 'nop'].includes(i.opcode))
// for each possible bug, reload and run the program after flipping the bug's instruction
for (const flipMe of bugRange) {
const reloaded = load(puzzle)
reloaded[flipMe.index].opcode = reloaded[flipMe.index].opcode === 'jmp' ? 'nop' : 'jmp'
try {
} catch (error) {
// helpers:
function load(puzzle) {
return puzzle.map((rawInstruction, index) => {
const [opcode, arg] = rawInstruction.split(' ')
return {
arg: Number(arg),
ec: 0, // execution counter
function run(program, executionThreshold = 0) {
let acc = 0
let pc = 0
while (program[pc]) {
if (program[pc].ec > executionThreshold) {
throw new Error(`Aborting @${JSON.stringify(program[pc])} PC: ${pc}, ACC: ${acc}`)
switch (program[pc].opcode) {
case 'acc':
acc += program[pc].arg
case 'jmp':
pc += program[pc].arg
case 'nop':
console.error('Unknown opcode!')
console.log('Ok:', acc)
testPuzzle = document.querySelector('pre > code').textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
function part1(puzzle) {
function part2(puzzle) {
const target = findInvalidNumber(puzzle)
const weaknessRange = puzzle.slice(...findWeaknessRangeLimits(puzzle, target))
console.log(Math.min(...weaknessRange) + Math.max(...weaknessRange))
// helpers:
function findInvalidNumber(puzzle, preambleLength = 25) {
for (head = preambleLength; head < puzzle.length; head++) {
const addendRange = puzzle.slice(head - preambleLength, head)
const nextNumber = puzzle[head]
if (nextNumber !== undefined) {
let nextNumberIsValid = false
while (addendRange.length > 1) {
const firstAddend = addendRange.pop()
for (const secondAddend of addendRange) {
if (firstAddend + secondAddend === nextNumber) {
nextNumberIsValid = true
if (nextNumberIsValid) break
if (!nextNumberIsValid) {
return nextNumber
function findWeaknessRangeLimits(puzzle, target) {
let cutStart = 0
while (true) {
for (cutEnd = cutStart + 2; cutEnd < puzzle.length; cutEnd++) {
const rangeSum = puzzle.slice(cutStart, cutEnd).reduce((sum, curr) => (sum += curr))
if (rangeSum === target) {
return [cutStart, cutEnd]
if (rangeSum > target) {
testPuzzles = document.querySelectorAll('pre > code')
part1Test1 = testPuzzles[0].textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
part1Test2 = testPuzzles[1].textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n').map(Number)
function part1(puzzle) {
const chain = puzzle.concat().sort((a, b) => a - b)
const [last] = chain.slice(-1)
chain.push(last + 3)
const diffs = chain.map((adapter, i, adapters) => adapters[i + 1] - adapter)
return count(diffs, 1) * count(diffs, 3)
function count(diffs, val) {
return diffs.filter(diff => diff === val).length
function part1() {
const [page] = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)
const input = page === 'input' ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
const [timestamp, timetable] = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const solver = new Solver(Number(timestamp), Solver.extractBusIds(timetable))
const earliestIndex = solver.nextDepartures.indexOf(solver.earliestDeparture)
return solver.busIds[earliestIndex] * (solver.earliestDeparture - solver.timestamp)
class Solver {
constructor(timestamp, busIds) {
this.timestamp = timestamp
this.busIds = busIds
this.nextDepartures = this._calcNextDepartures()
this.earliestDeparture = this._calcEarliestDeparture()
static extractBusIds(timetable) {
return timetable
.filter(id => id !== 'x')
_calcEarliestDeparture() {
return Math.min(...this.nextDepartures)
_calcNextDepartures() {
return this.busIds.map(id => {
const missedBy = this.timestamp % id
return this.timestamp - missedBy + id
function part1() {
const [page] = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)
const input = page === 'input' ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
const lines = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const solver = new Solver()
for (const line of lines) solver.process(line)
return Object.values(solver.memory).reduce((sum, curr) => (sum += parseInt(curr, 2)), 0)
class Solver {
constructor() {
this.mask = {}
this.memory = {}
process(line) {
if (/^mask/.test(line)) {
const [rawMask] = line.match(/[X\d]+/)
this.mask = this._calcMask(rawMask)
} else {
const [location, value] = line.match(/\d+/g)
this.memory[location] = this._applyMask(Number(value))
_calcMask(rawMask) {
return rawMask.split('').reduce((mask, curr, i) => {
if (curr === 'X') return mask
mask[i] = curr
return mask
}, {})
_applyMask(value) {
const binary = this._binary(value)
for (const [i, newValue] of Object.entries(this.mask)) {
binary[i] = newValue
return binary.join('')
_binary(decimal) {
return decimal.toString(2).padStart(36, '0').split('')
function part1(puzzleStr, queryNum) {
const spokenNums = puzzleStr.split(',').map(Number)
while (spokenNums.length < queryNum) {
const lastSpoken = spokenNums[spokenNums.length - 1]
const prevSpokenIdx = spokenNums.slice(0, -1).lastIndexOf(lastSpoken)
if (prevSpokenIdx < 0) {
} else {
spokenNums.push(spokenNums.lastIndexOf(lastSpoken) - prevSpokenIdx)
return spokenNums[spokenNums.length - 1]
function part1() {
const [page] = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)
const input = page === 'input' ? document.body : document.querySelectorAll('pre > code')[1]
const [rawRules, rawTicket, rawTickets] = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n\n')
const rules = Helper.buildRules(rawRules)
const tickets = Helper.buildTickets(rawTickets)
const helper = new Helper(rules)
const invalidValues = tickets.flatMap(t => t.filter(val => helper.invalidValueForAllRules(val)))
return invalidValues.reduce((sum, curr) => (sum += curr))
class Helper {
constructor(rules) {
// this.rules = rules
this.plainRules = Object.values(rules)
this.cache = {}
static buildRules(rawRules) {
return rawRules.split('\n').reduce((obj, curr) => {
const [label, values] = curr.split(':')
const [a, b, c, d] = values.match(/\d+/g).map(Number)
obj[label] = [
{ min: a, max: b },
{ min: c, max: d },
return obj
}, {})
static buildTickets(rawTickets) {
return rawTickets
.map(t => t.split(',').map(Number))
invalidValueForAllRules(val) {
if (val in this.cache) return this.cache[val]
const results = this.plainRules.map(
([opt1, opt2]) => val < opt1.min || (val > opt1.max && val < opt2.min) || val > opt2.max
return (this.cache[val] = results.reduce(
(boolProduct, testResult) => boolProduct && testResult
function part1() {
const puzzle = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
helper = new Helper()
for (const mathLine of puzzle) helper.eval(mathLine)
return helper.results.reduce((sum, num) => (sum += num))
class Helper {
constructor() {
this.stack = []
this.results = []
eval(mathLine) {
for (const char of mathLine) {
if (char === ' ') continue
if (char === '+') {
if (char === '*') {
if (char === '(') {
if (char === ')') {
this.stack.push(char) // num
reduce() {
const n2 = this.stack.pop()
const op = this.stack.pop()
const n1 = this.stack.pop()
if (this.stack.slice(-1)[0] === '(') this.stack.pop()
this.stack.push(eval(n1 + op + n2).toString())
String.prototype.reverse = function () {
return this.split('').reverse().join('')
class Tile {
constructor(id, rows) {
this.id = id
this.top = rows[0]
this.right = rows.map(row => row.slice(-1)).join('')
this.bottom = rows.slice(-1)[0]
this.left = rows.map(row => row[0]).join('')
this.borders = [this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.left]
// find if there is a matching border between two tiles
countMatchingBordersWith(otherTile) {
return this.borders.filter(
border => otherTile.borders.includes(border) || otherTile.borders.includes(border.reverse())
const [page] = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)
const input = page === 'input' ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
const rawTiles = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n\n')
const tiles = rawTiles.map(rawTile => {
const [id] = rawTile.match(/\d+/g)
return new Tile(id, rawTile.split('\n').slice(1))
}, {})
const borderPairs = tiles.flatMap((tile, i) =>
.slice(i + 1)
.map(otherTile => [tile.countMatchingBordersWith(otherTile), tile.id, otherTile.id])
const tilesMatchesCountDict = borderPairs.reduce((counter, [count, ...idPair]) => {
for (const id of idPair) {
if (id in counter) {
counter[id] += count
} else {
counter[id] = count
return counter
}, {})
.filter(([id, count]) => count === 2) // take the edges (the only tiles with exactly 2 matching borders)
.reduce((product, [id, _]) => (product *= Number(id)), 1) // mult their IDs
class Game {
constructor(p1, p2) {
this.p1 = p1
this.p2 = p2
static parsePlayer(player) {
return player.split('\n').slice(1).map(Number)
play() {
while (this.p1.length && this.p2.length) {
takeRound() {
const p1Card = this.p1.shift()
const p2Card = this.p2.shift()
if (p1Card > p2Card) {
this.p1.push(p1Card, p2Card)
} else {
this.p2.push(p2Card, p1Card)
score() {
return this.winner.reduce((product, cardValue, index, cards) => {
const multiplier = Math.abs(index - cards.length)
return (product += cardValue * multiplier)
}, 0)
get winner() {
return this.p1.length ? this.p1 : this.p2
const [page] = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)
const input = page === 'input' ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
const [p1, p2] = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n\n')
const game = new Game(Game.parsePlayer(p1), Game.parsePlayer(p2))
game.score() // part 1
class Tile {
constructor(x, y, color) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.color = color
at(x, y) {
return this.x === x && this.y === y
black() {
return this.color === 'black'
flip() {
this.color = this.color === 'white' ? 'black' : 'white'
function parseCoordinates(indication) {
let x = 0
let y = 0
let amount = 2
let backup = amount
for (const direction of indication.split('')) {
switch (direction) {
case 'e':
x += amount
amount = backup
case 's':
backup = amount
amount = 1 // movements immediately following `s` or `n` are halved since we're dealing with a hex grid
y -= amount
case 'w':
x -= amount
amount = backup
case 'n':
backup = amount
amount = 1
y += amount
throw new Error(`Unknown direction: ${direction}`)
return [x, y]
const [page] = document.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)
const input = page === 'input' ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
const indications = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const floor = [new Tile(0, 0, 'white')]
for (const indication of indications) {
const coordinates = parseCoordinates(indication)
const found = floor.find(tile => tile.at(...coordinates))
if (found) {
} else {
floor.push(new Tile(...coordinates, 'black'))
floor.filter(tile => tile.black()).length
// function t(secret, subject) {
// let i = 0
// let v = 1
// while (i++ < secret) {
// v *= subject
// v %= 20201227
// }
// return v
// }
// function crack(pubKey) {
// let loopSize = 1
// while (t(loopSize, 7) !== pubKey) {
// loopSize++
// }
// return loopSize
// }
// t(crack(a), b)
const a = 9717666
const b = 20089533
let x = 1
let secret = 0
while (x !== a) {
x *= 7
x %= 20201227
secret += 1
let i = 0
x = 1
while (i++ < secret) {
x *= b
x %= 20201227