A multipage theme theme for Stackbit. Live Demo
Stackbit provisions your theme's content model with a growing selection of headless CMS and pulls the content for you in the format your static site generator expects it. This is powered by a single config file, stackbit.yaml, which defines a Uniform theme model and enables integration with CMS like Contentful, DatoCMS, Forestry, NetlifyCMS, etc.
This theme in particular is written in Unibit, a superset of static site generators. Unibit's powerful transpiling engine enables you to write once and stay SSG agnostic. Themes will automatically work with new generators as they are added and can currently convert to Jekyll, Hugo & Gatsby.
Develop locally using the Unibit CLI.
npm install -g @stackbit/unibit
Start the local development server.
unibit develop
Compile a production build into the public
unibit build
Develop this theme in the browser using CodeSandbox.