Install build dependencies as described in the
Then clone this repository, enter it and make
rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build
A "normal" (not flatpak) tar.gz tarball which can be used by the new plugin installer available from OpenCPN 5.2.0 is built using:
$ cmake ..
$ make tarball
To build the flatpak tarball:
$ cmake ..
$ make flatpak
Historically, it has been possible to build legacy packages like an NSIS installer on Windows and .deb packages on Linux. This ability has been removed in the 5.6.0 cycle.
Builds for android requires an ndk installation and an updated cmake, see manual (above).
To build an android aarch64 tarball:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/android-aarch64-toolchain.cmake ..
$ make
To build an android armhf tarball
$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/android-armhf-toolchain.cmake ..
$ make
On windows, a different workflow is used:
> ..\buildwin\win_deps.bat
> cmake -T v141_xp -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" ^
> cmake --build . --target tarball --config RelWithDebInfo