First you must install gcc. You can get it for free here:
Next, install MySQL server (I recommend choosing the dmg).
Now you need to install rvm This can be done by copy and pasting the following command into your terminal:
\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
Hopefully, the installation was successful. If it wasn’t, I recommend the “google the error message” strategy. You must now put the line
source /Users/lornajohnston/.rvm/scripts/rvm
at the end of the (hidden) file ~/.bashrc
. Open a new terminal and check that you are using a new version of ruby by running
ruby --version
You should see 1.9.3 in the output somewhere. If you see 1.8.7 or similar, something went wrong and I will again punt to the troubleshooting strategy outlined above.
Now we will install bundler. This can be done by running
gem install bundler
Go into the mooculus repo and run
bundle install
After doing this, we need some preliminary steps:
cp config/database.yml.template config/database.yml
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake exercise:all
Then, check that everything works with
bundle exec rails server
and navigate to localhost:3000
in your browser!
If you add more exercises, for them to be loaded, you must run
bundle exec exercise:all