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File metadata and controls

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Configuration file:

A simulation case folder must at least contains a, which describes the configurations of a simulation. defines a function called setrun that accepts no argument and returns an instance of For those familiar with Clawpack's ecosystem, is a modified version of Our modified ClawRunData has some default settings configured to meet geoclaw-landspill's needs. Also, it has additional settings for landspill simulations.

The basic working function setrun looks like:

import gclandspill

def setrun():
    """Whatever docstring."""

    rundata =

    <...setting up rundata...>

    return rundata

For those unfamiliar with Clawpack/GeoClaw, roughly speaking, there are four parts in the rundata object that needs to be configured: core solver, AMR (adaptive mesh refinement), GeoClaw-specific, and landspill-specific configurations. The core solver, AMR, and GeoClaw configurations are described in the official Clawpack documentation:

This document covers only required settings and also settings specific for landspill. To better understand how a looks like, please see the in examples under the cases folder.

I. Settings in core solver, AMR, and GeoClaw

Most settings in the core solver, AMR, and GeoClaw are tuned to work with geoclaw-landspill, so end-users usually don't need to configure them. Here we list some settings in these three parts that users must configure:

  • rundata.clawdata.lower[:]: A list of two float representing xmin and ymin, respectively. In other words, lower boundaries in x and y.

  • rundata.clawdata.upper[:]: A list of two float representing xmax and ymax, respectively. In other words, upper boundaries in x and y.

  • rundata.clawdata.num_cells[:]: A list of two int representing the numbers of cells at the coarsest AMR level in the x and y direction.

  • rundata.topo_data.topofiles: A list of two-element lists. For each of the two-element lists, the first element is an int indicating the topography file's format. The topography file is specified in the second element. If a relative path is used for the topography file, it must be relative to the case's folder. Usually, the format is 3, which means it's an Esri ASCII format raster file. See Topography data for other acceptable raster formats.

  • rundata.clawdata.output_style: An int specifying which output style to use for saving temporal results. Each style comes with different follow-up settings that need to be set:

    • 1: Output a fixed number of frames at equally spaced times up to a final time.
      • rundata.clawdata.num_output_times: an int; total number of frames
      • rundata.clawdata.tfinal: a float; time of the last frame
      • rundata.clawdata.output_t0: a bool; whether to additionally output the initial state
    • 2: Specify a list of times.
      • rundata.clawdata.output_times: a list of float; output at these times
    • 3: Specify a number of time steps, and output every this number of time steps up to a given number of total steps.
      • rundata.clawdata.output_step_interval: an int; output every this number of steps
      • rundata.clawdata.total_steps: an int; output until the total number of steps reaches this value
      • rundata.clawdata.output_t0: a bool indicating whether to also output the initial state

II. Settings specific for landspill

i. Basic

  • rundata.landspill_data.ref_mu: Reference dynamic viscosity at ref_temperature. The default is the viscosity of Maya crude oil. Unit: cP (i.e., mPa-s, or 1e-3 kg/s-m). (default: 332.0)

  • rundata.landspill_data.ref_temperature: The temperature at which the ref_mu is measured. Unit: Celsius. (default: 15.0)

  • rundata.landspill_data.ambient_temperature: The ambient temperature in simulation. The solver adjusts the viscosity and density based on this temperature. Unit: Celsius. (default: 25.0)

  • rundata.landspill_data.density: The density measured at ref_temperature. The default is the density of Maya crude oil. Unit: kg/m^3. (default: 926.6)

ii. Point sources

A point source is used to mimic a rupture point along a pipeline. It provides fluid inflow into a computational domain. The inflow profile can be a multi-stage constant rate.

  • rundata.landspill_data.point_source.n_point_sources: An int indicating how many point sources. NOTE: currently only cases with one point source are well tested. (default: 0)

  • rundata.landspill_data.point_source.point_sources: A list of four-element lists. Each four-element list describes a point source. (default: [])

    • The first element is a length-2 list of x and y coordinates of the point source.
    • The second element is the number of stages in the multi-stage inflow rate.
    • The third element is a list indicating the end time of each stage.
    • The fourth element is a list providing the volumetric rate of each stage.

    For example, if there is one single point source located at x=10, y=11. and if it has three stages of inflow profile (excluding when the rate is zero):

    • 1 m^3/sec when time < 60 seconds
    • 0.5 m^3/sec when time ≥ 60 and < 1800 seconds
    • 0.1 m^3/sec when time ≥ 1800 and < 7200 seconds
    • 0 m^3/sec after 7200 seconds

    Then the corresponding configuration is

    rundata.landspill_data.point_source.n_point_sources = 1
    rundata.landspill_data.point_source.point_sources = [
       [[10., 11.], 3, [60., 1800., 7200.], [1., 0.5, 0.1]]

iii. Darcy-Weisbach friction model

In Darcy-Weisbach friction model, the friction coefficient can be calculated by several different models. We implemented some of them. The type of models to use is controlled by:

  • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.type: (default: 0)

Each type has its own set of follow-up parameters.

  • type is 0: No Darcy-Weisbach friction.

  • type is 1: Use a constant friction coefficient everywhere. The only follow-up parameter is rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.coefficient (default: 0.25).

  • type is 2: Block-wise constant coefficients. Users specify several blocks in a computational domain, and each block has a constant coefficient. Available parameters are:

    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.n_blocks: Number of blocks. (default: 0)
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.xlowers: The lower boundaries in x direction of all blocks. (default: [])
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.ylowers: The lower boundaries in y direction of all blocks. (default: [])
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.xuppers: The upper boundaries in x direction of all blocks. (default: [])
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.yuppers: The upper boundaries in y direction of all blocks. (default: [])
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.coefficients: The coefficients in all blocks. (default: [])
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.default_coefficient: Regions that are not covered by blocks will have this value. (default: 0.25)
  • type is 3: Cell-wise coefficients. The coefficients are set through a raster file in Esri ASCII format.

    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.filename: the name of the raster file for friction coefficients. (default: "")
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.default_coefficient: the coefficient for regions not covered by the raster file. (default: 0.25)
  • type is 4: Three-regime coefficient model. The coefficient is determined in each cell based on whether the cell is laminar, transient, or turbulent flow. See reference [1].

    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.filename: the name of the raster file for surface roughness. (default: "")
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.default_roughness: the surface roughness for regions not covered by the raster file. (default: 0.0)
  • type is 5: Churchill's coefficient model. See reference [2].

    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.filename: the name of the raster file for surface roughness. (default: "")
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.default_roughness: the surface roughness for regions not covered by the raster file. (default: 0.0)
  • type is 6: Two-regime coefficient. Similar to the three-regime model but ignore transient flow regime.

    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.filename: the name of the raster file for surface roughness. (default: "")
    • rundata.landspill_data.darcy_weisbach_friction.default_roughness: the surface roughness for regions not covered by the raster file. (default: 0.0)

Usually, type 4 or 5 is used because they consider the surface roughness.

iv. In-land waterbodies

geoclaw-landspill is able to records how much fluid volume flowing into in-land waterbodies and at what locations. Users have to provide rasterized hydrology data to enable this feature.

  • rundata.landspill_data.hydro_features.files: A list of filenames. If relative paths are provided, they are assumed to be relative to the case folder. (default: [])

Note: using multiple files has not been widely tested. It's recommended to combine all data into one single raster file.

Usually, hydrology data are vector data, such as those obtained from the USGS database. Users can burn the vector data into raster files using gdal_rasterize. Alternatively, users can specify a filename without actually providing the file. geoclaw-landspill automatically downloads and rasterize hydrology data in this case.

v. Evaporation model

geoclaw-landspill implements Fingas' 1996 model, including the natural log model and square root model. See reference [3].

  • rundata.landspill_data.evaporation.type: The type of evaporation models to use. (default: 0)

    • 0: No evaporation.
    • 1: Fingas' natural log model
    • 2: Fingas' square root model
  • rundata.landspill_data.evaporation.coefficients: a list of float for model coefficients. Currently, we only have Fingas' models, so this variable should be a list of two float. See reference [3] for coefficients of a variety of oils.

III. Optional settings affecting stability, accuracy, and performance

The following optional settings are commonly used to control numerical stability, accuracy, or/and performance:

  • rundata.clawdata.dt_initial: This determines the size of the first time step. By default, it is automatically determined by the following formula:

    dt_initial = 0.3 * (cell size at the finest AMR grid) / (inflow rate)

    This makes the cell containing the first point source to have a depth of 0.3 meters at the end of the first time step. Currently, the coefficient, 0.3, is hard-coded. This may give some trouble to simulations under small scales. For example, if the inflow rate of a point source is 1e-6 m^3 / sec, and if the finest cell size is 1e-4 m^2, this formula returns a dt_initial of 30 seconds, which is apparently too big for a problem at this scale. In this case, users may want to manually set dt_initial.

  • rundata.clawdata.dt_max: The maximum time step size allowed during a simulation. By default, the solver adjusts time step sizes based on flow conditions. Users sometimes may want to limit or increase how big a step size can be. (default: 5.0)

  • rundata.clawdata.cfl_desired: The desired Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) number. The solver adjusts time step sizes to make the resulting CFL numbers below this value. (default: 0.9)

  • rundata.clawdata.cfl_max: The maximum allowed CFL number. If a CFL number is larger than this value, it triggers the solver to adjust time step sizes. (default: 0.95)

  • rundata.refinement_data.variable_dt_refinement_ratios: Whether to use GeoClaw's adaptive time-step refinement mechanism. When AMR refines a coarse cell into several smaller cells, the smaller cells need smaller time step sizes. The time step sizes' refinement ratios can be fixed values or automatically determined by the GeoClaw solver. (default: True)

  • rundata.amrdata.amr_levels_max: The number of AMR levels to be used. By default, geoclaw-landspill uses two levels: the coarse level for dry regions and the fine level for wet regions. (default: 2)

  • rundata.amrdata.refinement_ratios_x: The refinement ratio between each two consecutive AMR levels in the x direction. (default: [4])

  • rundata.amrdata.refinement_ratios_y: The refinement ratio between each two consecutive AMR levels in the y direction. (default: [4])

  • rundata.amrdata.refinement_ratios_t: The refinement ratio between each two consecutive AMR levels in time step sizes. This only have effect when rundata.refinement_data.variable_dt_refinement_ratios is False. (default: [4])

  • rundata.geo_data.dry_tolerance: The solver considers cells with depth below this value to be dry cells. (default: 1.e-4)

  • rundata.landspill_data.update_tol: Affect how a coarse cell should distribute the depth to its children cells. This setting affects the conservation of mass. (default: the same as the dry_tolerance)

  • rundata.landspill_data.refine_tol: By default, as long as there's fluid in a cell, it is refined by AMR (even if the depth is smaller than dry_tolerance. The behavior can be changed with this variable. (default: 0.0)


[1] B. C. Yen, “Open Channel Flow Resistance,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 20–39, Jan. 2002, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2002)128:1(20).

[2] S. W. Churchill, “Friction-factor equation spans all fluid flow regimes,” Chem. Eng., vol. 84, no. 24, pp. 91–92, 1977

[3] M. F. Fingas, “Modeling evaporation using models that are not boundary-layer regulated,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 107, no. 1–2, pp. 27–36, Feb. 2004, doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2003.11.007.