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ayamir edited this page Jun 20, 2023
55 revisions
The default leader key is <Space>
means press<Ctrl>
simultaneously. -
means press<Alt>
simultaneously. -
means press<leader>
For macOS
users, please refer to this to make Alt
key works.
Effect | Mode | Shortcut |
open vscode-like command panel | N |
<C-p> |
sync plugins | N |
<leader>ps |
clean plugins | N |
<leader>px |
check plugins update | N |
<leader>pc |
toggle nvim-tree | N |
<C-n> |
refresh nvim-tree | N |
<leader>nr |
toggle undotree | N |
<leader>u |
Terminal | ||
toggle vertical terminal | N |
<A-\> /<F5>
toggle horizontal terminal | N |
<C-\> |
toggle floating terminal | N |
<A-d> |
quit terminal | I |
<C-d> |
Buffer navigation | ||
pick buffer n (n means No) |
N |
<A-n> |
right buffer | N |
<A-j> |
left buffer | N |
<A-k> |
move current buffer to right | N |
<A-S-j> |
move current buffer to left | N |
<A-S-k> |
close current buffer | N |
<A-q> |
close current window | N |
<A-S-q> |
split buffer vertically | N |
<C-w>v |
split buffer horizontally | N |
<C-w>s |
navigate down | N |
<C-j> |
navigate up | N |
<C-k> |
navigate left | N |
<C-h> |
navigate right | N |
<C-l> |
Operaions in nvim-tree |
new file | N |
a |
remove file/directory | N |
d |
rename file/directory | N |
r |
open directory | N |
o /Enter
close directory | N |
o /Backspace
copy filename | N |
y |
copy relative path | N |
Y |
copy absolute path | N |
gy |
toggle file/directory begin with dot | N |
H |
toggle hidden file/directory configured in nvim-tree | N |
I |
Telescope Operations | ||
find file in recently opened | N |
<leader>fr |
find keyword in current project | N |
<leader>fw |
find file in current project | N |
<leader>ff |
find buffer in opened buffers | N |
<leader>fb |
search for the string under cursor in cwd | N |
<leader>fs |
find file in history | N |
<leader>fe |
find directory recorded by zoxide
N |
<leader>fz |
find project | N |
<leader>fp |
Vanilla vim operations | ||
escape insert mode | I |
jk |
[fold current]/[unfold collapsed] block | I |
<S-Tab> |
Lsp operations by lspsaga.nvim |
show code action | N |
ga |
preview definition | N |
gd |
jump to definition | N |
gD |
toggle tagbar(outline) | N |
go |
lsp rename in current file | N |
gr |
rename in current project | N |
gR |
show signature help | N |
gs |
show current function/variable's definition or references | N |
gh |
request incoming calls from the language server | N |
<leader>ci |
request outgoing calls from the language server | N |
<leader>co |
show hover doc | N |
K |
code diagnostics of the current line | N |
<leader>ld |
Lsp operations bytrouble.nvim |
toggle last diagnostics | N |
gt |
toggle lsp references | N |
<leader>tr |
toggle lsp document diagnostics | N |
<leader>td |
toggle lsp workspace diagnostics | N |
<leader>tw |
toggle code quickfix | N |
<leader>tq |
toggle code loclist | N |
<leader>tl |
Code completion | ||
next candidate | I |
<Tab> /<C-n>
prev candidate | I |
<S-Tab> /<C-p>
confirm candidate | I |
<Enter> |
close completion window | I |
<C-w> |
Navigate in snippet | ||
next snippet's block | I |
<Tab> |
prev snippet's block | I |
<S-Tab> |
Navigate in quote or bracket | ||
jump to quote end | I |
<A-l> |
back to quote begin | I |
<A-h> |
Code selection | ||
select current () block |
N |
vab |
select current {} block |
N |
vaB |
select current outer function block | N |
vaf |
select current outer class block | N |
vac |
select current inner function block | N |
vif |
select current inner class block | N |
vic |
Code-snip Run | ||
Snip run for selected area | V |
<leader>r |
Snip run for whole file | N |
<leader>r |
Cursor movement | ||
jump to one line | N |
<leader>j /<leader>k
find one word | N |
<leader>w |
find one character | N |
<leader>c |
find two characters below cursor | N |
<leader>cc |
find one characterx in front of cursor |
N |
Fx |
find one characterx behind cursor |
N |
fx |
find next characterx follow direction |
N |
; |
find prev characterx follow direction |
N |
, |
next function begin | N |
][ |
prev function begin | N |
[[ |
next function end | N |
]] |
prev function end | N |
[] |
next unstage git hunk | N |
]g |
prev unstage git hunk | N |
[g |
next code diagnostics | N |
g] |
prev code diagnostics | N |
g[ |
Code comment | ||
toggle one line's comment | N |
gcc |
toggle selected lines' comment | V |
gc |
Markdown preview | ||
toggle MarkdownPreView | N |
<F12> |
Session management | ||
Save current session | N |
<leader>ss |
Restore last session | N |
<leader>sr |
Delete last session | N |
<leader>sd |
Debug mode(supports c&cpp&rustgolang&python now) | ||
Debug continue(run) | N |
F6 |
Debug disconnect | N |
F7 |
Debug toggle breakpoint | N |
F8 |
Debug step into | N |
F9 |
Debug step out | N |
F10 |
Debug step over | N |
F11 |
Debug run last | N |
<leader>dl |
Debug run to cursor | N |
<leader>dc |
Debug set breakpoint with condition | N |
<leader>db |
Debug open repl | N |
<leader>do |
Git management | ||
open lazygit in current directory |
N |
<leader>g |
Enter vim-fugitive | N |
<leader>G |
Enter git diff view | N |
<leader>D |
Close git diff view | N |
<leader><leader>D |
Stage hunk |
N /V
<leader>hs |
Reset hunk |
N /V
<leader>hr |
Undo stage hunk | N |
<leader>hu |
Reset buffer | N |
<leader>hR |
Preview hunk | N |
<leader>hp |
Blame hunk | N |
<leader>hb |
crates.io support (Only available in Cargo.toml ) |
Toggle spec activities | N |
<leader>ct |
Reload crate specs | N |
<leader>cr |
Toggle pop-up window | N |
<leader>cs |
Select spec versions | N |
<leader>cv |
Select spec features | N |
<leader>cf |
Show project dependencies | N |
<leader>cd |
Update current crate's spec | N |
<leader>cu |
Update selected crate's spec | V |
<leader>cu |
Update all crates' specs | N |
<leader>ca |
Upgrade current crate | N |
<leader>cU |
Upgrade selected crates | V |
<leader>cU |
Upgrade all crates | N |
<leader>cA |
Open current crate's homepage | N |
<leader>cH |
Open current crate's repository | N |
<leader>cR |
Open current crate's documentation | N |
<leader>cD |
Browse current crate on crates.io
N |
<leader>cC |
You can see more keybindings in lua/core/mapping.lua
and lua/keymap/init.lua
- Put your cursor begin of the begin quote or bracket then press
you will jump to the end of the end quote or bracket. - Put your cursor end of the end quote or bracket then press
you will jump to the begin of the begin quote or bracket.