- A synthesis text and reference audio and reference text for voice cloning
The Voice file is output as .wav which path is defined as SAVE_WAV_PATH
in gpt-sovits.py
This model requires pyopenjtalk for g2p.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Automatically downloads the onnx and prototxt files on the first run. It is necessary to be connected to the Internet while downloading.
For the sample sentence and sample audio,
python3 gpt-sovits.py
Run with audio prompt.
python3 gpt-sovits.py -i "音声合成のテストを行なっています。" --ref_audio reference_audio_captured_by_ax.wav --ref_text "水をマレーシアから買わなくてはならない。"
Run for english.
python3 gpt-sovits.py -i "Hello world. We are testing speech synthesis." --text_language en --ref_audio reference_audio_captured_by_ax.wav --ref_text "水をマレーシアから買わなくてはならない。" --ref_language ja
PyTorch 2.1.2
ONNX opset = 17