Control plugins for the Leaflet JavaScript library that makes it possible to insert
an address and get the route to a "fix"
You can view an example to get an idea of what it can do. I have published an article explaining the plugin:
- Download the latest release.
- Include the CSS and JS in your page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="LeafletControlRoutingtoaddress.css" />
<script src="LeafletControlRoutingtoaddress.js"></script>
- Initialize the plugin You can initialize the plugin in the standard Leaflet way adding it to a map instance. To add the basic routing control to your map instance, use this Javascript code.
var mymap ='mapid').setView([50.27264, 7.26469], 13);
position: 'topright',
router: 'osrm',
token: '',
placeholder: 'Please insert your address here.',
errormessage: 'Address not valid.',
distance: 'Entfernung:',
duration: 'Fahrzeit',
target: 'Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland',
requesterror: '"Too Many Requests" or "Not Authorized - Invalid Token"'
Note that in the basic version, the control uses OSRM. OSRM is sometimes busy and can not provide a routing. If you like to use Mapbox this is possible. To add the mapbox routing control to your map instance, use this Javascript code.
var mymap ='mapid').setView([50.27264, 7.26469], 13);
position: 'topright',
router: 'mapbox',
token: '',
placeholder: 'Please insert your address here.',
errormessage: 'Address not valid.',
distance: 'Entfernung:',
duration: 'Fahrzeit',
target: 'Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland',
requesterror: '"Too Many Requests" or "Not Authorized - Invalid Token"'
To use Mapbox you'll need a Mapbox access token. You can find your access tokens, create new ones, or delete existing ones on the Mapbox Access Tokens page.
You can pass a number of options to the plugin to control various settings.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | 'Print map' | Sets the text which appears as the tooltip of the print/export control |
position | Leaflet control position | 'topright' | Position if the control |
router | string | 'osrm' | Sets the router - possible values are mapbox or osrm |
token | string | '' | You need this if you use mapbox. Mapbox access token. You can find your access tokens, create new ones, or delete existing ones on the Mapbox Access Tokens page. |
placeholder | string | 'Please insert your address here.' | Sets the text which appears as the placeholder of the control. ![]() |
errormessage | string | 'Address not valid.' | Sets the text which appears as the errormessage of the control. ![]() |
distance | string | 'Entfernung:' | Sets the text which appears as the distance label the control. ![]() |
duration | string | 'Fahrzeit:' | Sets the text which appears as the duration label of the control. ![]() |
target | string | 'Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland' | Sets the text which set the target address. |
requesterror | string | 'Too Many Requests" or "Not Authorized - Invalid Token' | Sets the text which appears as the requesterror of the control. ![]() |
If you are interested in the develment of this plugin,
you can view the development levels in the routingtoaddresscontrol
- Start with boilerplate
- Rename boilerpalte
- Add text fields for inserting addresses (places.js und css)
- Add options (placeholder and fix address)
- add handler, set to top
- no jquery and geocoder for searching address, , todo if adresse nicht gefunden
- create marker (in add methode refernez zu map, delete marker todo if adresse nicht gefunden no starign point)
- Route as JSON.
- Show route on map.
- Set bounding box.
- Catch errors.
- Use places.
- Show details.
- Add Mapbox router.