- new file for modularization
- new libs.versions.toml file for new automatic catalog versions update
- new test dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter in version 5.11.0-M2
- new verifier class KeystoreVerifier that checks if a given Keystore file is valid
- remove of test dependency testng
- update gradle to new version 8.9
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle' to new minor version 7.0.0.BETA1
- update of dependency commons-codec to the new patch version 1.17.1
- update of dependency commons-lang3 dependency version to 3.15.0
- update of dependency commons-io dependency version to 2.16.1
- update of dependency crypt-api to the new minor version 9.3
- update of dependency crypt-data to the new minor version 9.5
- update of dependency file-worker to new version to 17.3
- update of dependency xml-base to new version to 2
- update of dependency guava version to new version 33.2.1-jre
- update of dependency silly-collection to new version to 27.1
- update of dependency silly-strings to new minor version 9.1
- update of dependency throwable to new major version 3
- update of test dependency silly-io to new version 3.1
- remove of test dependency testng
- migrate from testng to new junit-jupiter
- javadoc extended
- replaced obsolete package.html with files
- replace obsolete dependency jobj-clone with new dependency jobj-cloner
- removed all deprecated calls
- new class PublicKeyStringEncryptor that can encrypt strings with the given public key
- new class PublicKeyHexStringEncryptor that can encrypt and hex characters with the given public key
- new class PrivateKeyStringDecryptor that decrypts encrypted strings the was encrypted with the corresponding public key
- new class PrivateKeyHexStringDecryptor that decrypts encrypted hex strings the was encrypted with the corresponding public key
- update jdk to version 17
- update gradle to new version 8.7
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'com.github.ben-manes.versions.gradle.plugin' to new version 0.51.0
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-gradle' to new version 5.2.2
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle' to new minor version 6.25.0
- update of crypt-api dependency to the new major version 9
- update of crypt-data dependency to the new major version 9
- update of dependency commons-codec dependency version to 1.16.1
- update of dependency commons-io dependency version to 2.16.0
- update of dependency commons-lang3 dependency version to 3.14.0
- update of dependency randomizer to new version 10.2
- update of dependency file-worker to new version to 17.1
- update of dependency silly-collection to new version to 27
- update of dependency jobj-core to new version 8.2
- update of dependency guava version to new version 33.1.0-jre
- update of dependency silly-strings to new major version 9
- update of test dependency json-extensions to new version 3
- update of test dependency checksum-up to new version 3
- update of test dependency test-object to new version 8.2
- update of test dependency silly-io to new version 3
- update of test dependency 'com.github.meanbeanlib:meanbean' to new version 3.0.0-M9
- update of test dependency testng to new version to 7.9.0
- new constructor to SharedSecretEncryptor with corresponding model
- new constructor to SharedSecretDecryptor with corresponding model
- update gradle to new version 8.2.1
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'com.github.ben-manes.versions.gradle.plugin' to new version 0.47.0
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-gradle' to new version 5.2.0
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle' to new minor version 6.19.0
- update of crypt-api dependency version to 8.6
- update of crypt-data dependency version to 8.5
- update of dependency commons-codec dependency version to 2.13.0
- update of dependency commons-io dependency version to 1.16.0
- update of dependency guava version to new version 32.1.1-jre
- update of dependency randomizer to new version 9
- update of dependency file-worker to new version to 11.6
- update of dependency silly-collection to new version to 21
- update of dependency jobj-core to new version 7.1
- update of dependency guava version to new version 32.0.1-jre
- update of test dependency json-extensions to new version 2.4
- update of test dependency checksum-up to new version 2.2
- update of test dependency test-object to new version 7.2
- update of test dependency silly-io to new version 2.2
- update of test dependency testng to new version to 7.8.0
- update to jdk version 11
- rename of main package from 'io.github.astrapi69.crypto.' to new 'io.github.astrapi69.mystic.crypt.'
- update gradle to new version 7.5.1
- update of gradle-plugin dependency 'com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle' to new minor version 6.10.0
- update of crypt-api dependency version to 8.3
- update of crypt-data dependency version to 8.1
- update of dependency file-worker to new version to 11.1
- update of dependency silly-collection to new version to 20
- update of test dependency test-object to new version 7.1
- update of test dependency jobj-core to new version 6.1
- update of test dependency checksum-up to new version 2.1
- new constructor with private key in class PrivateKeyDecryptor
- new constructor with private key in class PrivateKeyGenericDecryptor
- new constructor with public key in class PublicKeyEncryptor
- new constructor with public key in class PublicKeyGenericEncryptor
- update gradle to new version 7.4
- update of dependency randomizer to new version 8.5
- refactored class PublicKeyHexEncryptor and PrivateKeyHexDecryptor and removed deprecated status
- new workflow for build repository with github action 'Java CI with Gradle'
- new gradle-plugin dependency of 'com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle' for format source code
- new gradle-plugin dependency of 'org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-gradle' for create git release tags
- update gradle to new version 7.3.3
- update gradle-plugin dependency of com.github.ben-manes.versions.gradle.plugin to new version 0.42.0
- update of crypt-api dependency version to 7.7
- update of crypt-data dependency version to 7.11.1
- update of dependency jobj-core to new version 5.3
- update of dependency bouncycastle to new version 1.70
- update of test dependency test-objects to new version 5.7
- update of test dependency silly-io to new version 1.7
- update of test dependency testng to new version to 7.5
- new encryptor class CharacterSetEncryptor that can encrypt string objects with the character set key
- new decryptor class CharacterSetDecryptor that can decrypt integer list with the character set key algorithm
- new dependency silly-strings in new version 8.1
- improve gradle build performance by adding new gradle parameters for caching, parallel, configure on demand and file watch
- update gradle to new version 7.3
- update of crypt-api dependency version to 7.6.1
- update of crypt-data dependency version to 7.9
- update of dependency file-worker to new version 8.1
- new encryptor class OneTimePadEncryptor that can encrypt byte array with the one time pad algorithm
- new decryptor class OneTimePadDecryptor that can decrypt byte array with the one time pad algorithm
- new generic encryptor class PublicKeyGenericEncryptor that can encrypt serializable objects
- new generic decryptor class PrivateKeyGenericDecryptor that can decrypt the byte array back to the serializable object
- new encryptor class BaseByteArrayEncryptor that can encrypt byte array
- new decryptor class BaseByteArrayDecryptor that can decrypt byte array
- new test dependency json-extensions in version 1.1
- new field in class PBEFileEncryptor for set a custom file extension for the encrypted file
- new flag field in class PBEFileEncryptor if true the given file that will be given for encryption will be deleted
- new field in class PBEFileDecryptor for set a custom file extension for the decrypted file
- new flag field in class PBEFileDecryptor if true the given encrypted file that will be given for decryption will be deleted
- update gradle to new version 7.1
- changed all dependencies from groupid de.alpharogroup to new groupid io.github.astrapi69
- update gradle-plugin dependency of to new version 0.16.1
- update of dependency randomizer version to 8.3
- update of dependency file-worker to new version 5.9
- update of dependency jobj-core to new version 3.9
- update of dependency crypt-data to new version 7.7
- update of test dependency test-objects to new version 5.5
- update of dependency commons-io to new version 2.11.0
- removed unused test dependency xml-extensions
- new encryptor classes that can encrypt byte arrays with a password and the counterpart of it the decryptor
- new encryptor classes that can encrypt String object with a password and the counterpart of it the decryptor
- new encryptor classes that can encrypt File object with a password and the counterpart of it the decryptor
- update of crypt-api dependency version to 7.5
- update of crypt-data dependency version to 7.6
- update of dependency commons-io dependency version to 2.10.0
- new dependency guava in version 30.1.1-jre
- new methods created for most common operations on a keystore object in class KeyStoreExtensions
- new dependency commons-io in version 2.9.0
- new dependency commons-lang3 in version 3.12.0
- new dependency silly-beans in version 1.1
- update of gradle version to 6.9
- changed to new package io.github.astrapi69
- update of file-worker dependency version to 5.7
- update of crypt-api dependency version to 7.4
- update of crypt-data dependency version to 7.5
- update of checksum-up dependency to version 1.2
- update of bouncycastle dependency version to 1.69
- update of xml-extensions test dependency version to 7.1
- update of testng test dependency version to 7.4.0
- update of test-objects test dependency version to 5.4
- update of com.github.ben-manes.versions.gradle.plugin to new version 0.39.0
- new class DigitalSignaturesExtensions that signs and verify byte arrays with MessageDigest
- new class SignatureExtensions that signs and verify byte arrays with Signature
- new class KeyStoreExtensions for handle issues with keyStore objects
- new area 'gradle-plugins versions' for hold the versions of the gradle plugins in
- new jar task for build manifest file
- update of gradle version to 6.7
- update of commons-codec version to 1.15
- update of silly-collections version to 8.4
- update of bouncycastle version to 1.66
- update of jobj-core version to 3.6
- update of randomizer version to 8
- update of testng test dependency version to 7.3.0
- update of checksum-up test dependency version to 1.1
- update of com.github.ben-manes.versions.gradle.plugin to new version 0.34.0
- extracted project gradle plugin versions to
- removed all lombok dependent imports
- update of silly-collections version to 8
- update of randomizer version to 6.8
- update of file-worker dependency version to 5.5
- update of jobj-core version to 3.5
- update of testng test dependency version to 7.1.1
- removed of junit test dependency
- removed of mockito-core test dependency
- new idea run configurations for gradle builds created
- update of silly-collections version to 5.8
- update of randomizer version to 6.4
- update of file-worker dependency version to 5.4
- update of xml-extensions version to 7.1
- update of testng test dependency version to 7.1.0
- update of junit test dependency version to 4.13-rc-2
- update of mockito-core test dependency version to 3.2.0
- moved xml specific classes to project xml-extensions
- new encryption and decryption strings with character set over indexes
- new classes created for create checksums for files, serializable and string objects
- update of build.gradle and changed from explicit project name with property reference
- update of silly-collections version to 5.4
- update of jobj-core version to 3.3
- removed maven related files and directories
- added new gradle plugins for migration of the maven plugins like license update, publish and version check
- gradle as build system
- new encryptor class created for encrypting java object in a generic way
- new decryptor class created for decrypt an encrypted {@link File} object that was previously encrypted and return the decrypted result as generic java object
- feature request for decorating crypt objects initial version implemented
- update of commons-codec version to 1.13
- update of dependency crypt-api version to 7.2
- update of dependency crypt-data version to 7.2
- update of bouncycastle version to 1.64
- update of randomizer version to 6.3
- update of xml-extensions version to 6.2.1
- removed depracated class CryptConst
- changed from modules to simple project
- moved crypt-api to own project
- moved crypt-data to own project
- moved crypt-core to the top of this project so crypt-core is now mystic-crypt
- new method in the utility class Hasher with private key parameter created
- new dependency jobj-core in version 3.2.1 added
- new dependency jaxb-api in version 2.3.1 added
- new dependency jobj-contract-verifier in version 3.2 added
- update of parent version to 5.2
- constant class CryptConst tags as deprecated, will be removed in next minor release
- update of guava version to 27.1-jre
- update of commons-codec version to 1.12
- update of bouncycastle version to 1.62
- update of file-worker version to 5.2
- update of jcommons-lang version to 5.2.2
- update of test-objects version to 5.2
- update of silly-collections version to 5.2.1
- update of randomizer version to 6.1
- update of commons-codec version to 1.12
- change provider of code coverage to
- update of parent version to 4.6
- update of file-worker version to 5.1
- update of jcommons-lang version to 5.1.1
- update of test-objects version to 5.0.1
- update of silly-collections version to 5.1
- update of parent version to 4.5
- update of file-worker version to 5.0.1
- update of jcommons-lang version to 5.1
- update of silly-collections version to 5
- update of randomizer version to 5.6
- update of guava version to 27.0.1-jre
- new enum value NEGATECASE in Operation class that indicates to negate the case of the given character value
- new blockchain classes created for Block, Address and Transaction
- new extension created class for simple obfuscation
- new hash methods created for hash blocks in a blockchain and calculate the merkle root hash
- new obfuscation test data for unit test
- new lombok.config files added to projects
- moved obfuscation classes to appropriate packages
- update of silly-collections version to 4.34.1
- unit tests extended for improve code coverage
- simple obfuscation implementation improved
- new methods for encode and decode string objects in HexExtensions class created
- new enum created that holds union words for chaining algorithms
- update of parent version to 4.1
- update of file-worker version to 4.23
- update of jcommons-lang version to 4.35
- update of resourcebundle-inspector version to 3
- update of guava version to 26.0-jre
- new unit tests created
- deleted deprecated class
- deleted unit test class deprecated class
- cleaned up of exclude classes in code coverage maven plugin
- javadoc improved and extended
- deleted deprecated methods and classes
- unit tests extended for improve code coverage
- moved auth relevant projects to own project
- update of parent version to 4
- removed unneeded .0 at the end of version
- update of file-worker version to 4.22
- update of jcommons-lang version to 4.34
- update of test-objects version to 4.28
- update of silly-collections version to 4.33
- update of jobject-extensions version to 1.12
- update of resourcebundle-inspector version to 2.22
- update of randomizer version to 5.4
- update of bouncycastle version to 1.60
- update of guava version to 25.1-jre
- unit tests extended for improve code coverage
- moved all left intefaces to the api projects
- moved all enums to the api projects
- provide new package.html for the javadoc of new packages
- moved random relevant projects to own project
- update of dependency version of silly-collections
- update of dependency version of jcommons-lang
- update of dependency version of file-worker
- update of dependency version of resourcebundle-inspector
- update of dependency version of jobject-extensions
- unit tests extended for improve code coverage
- this changelog file
- protect and encrypt private key with password
- write protected private key with password to a file
- paypal button as markdown added
- new classes that declares simple and complex rules for obfuscation of characters
- moved intefaces to new api projects
- added new meanbean dependency for better unit testing of beans
- provide package.html for the javadoc of packages
- interfaces moved to api projects
- moved several classes to appropriate named packages
- javadoc improved and extended
- deleted deprecated classes
- en- and decryption of file extended
- refactoring: moved classes to appropriate package
- Obfuscation classes uses now guava BiMap
- new eclipse launch scripts created
- created file
- created file
- created file
- created GoogleMapsUrlSigner class that is a possible solution to that issue
- created new intefaces of blockchain domain
- added guava dependency
- refactoring of several classes
- update of parent version
- update of dependency version of silly-collections
- update of dependency version of jcommons-lang
- update of dependency version of file-worker
- update of dependency version of test-objects
- sorted pom.xml's
- new eclipse launch scripts created
- update of dependency version of silly-collections
- update of dependency version of jcommons-lang
- update of parent version
- update of dependency version of file-worker
- created new CertificateExtensions, HashExtensions class
- added new reader method for der files
- javadoc image in the added with a reference to the online javadoc site
- mvn depencencies diagramm image added in the
- extended reader and writer methods
- unit tests improved and extended
- javadoc improved and extended
- update of parent version
- added jsr305 dependency
- new method in CertFactory for create a x509 cert v1
- created new unit tests
- code coverage added
- created new SecureRandomBuilder, CertificateReader and CertificateWriter classes
- unit tests improved
- javadoc improved and extended
- created new model class SignInWithRedirectionModel with redirection
- moved mystic-crypt-ui project to own repository
- initial version of a obfuscate demo
- created panels for the demo app
- new enum KeySize created that holds the bit size for private keys
- new class EnableButtonBehavior created for demo project
- create new CipherTypes.dat file that contain ciphers
- generate key pair keys with gui for demo project
- gui examples extended in the demo project
- new project mystic-crypt-ui for demos created
- created readers and writers for public and private keys
- new method for resolve the public key from a private key
- new abstract classes for encrypt and decrypt
- update of license headers
- refactoring: moved several classes to appropriate packages
- optimized factory for cipher creation
- chainable encryptor and decryptor created
- created new project crypt-data
- moved all algorithms and enums to the new project crypt-data
- new classes for encryption and decryption with public and private keys that take byte arrays as arguments in the encryption and decryption process
- new class for build a SecureRandom object
- new factory for Certificate object creation
- new inteface Cryptor created for define the operation mode
- new factory class for KeyStore object
- javadoc extended and improved
- rename of interfaces from encryptor and decryptor
- extended crypt model and adapted related classes
- update of documentation in file
- new encryptor and decryptor classes for base64 pem files created
- new enum for modes, paddings created
- created new crypt model and extracted all relevant data to the crypt model
- update of several dependencies versions
- renamed GenericCryptor to AbstractCryptor
- update the abstract cryptor to the new crypt model
- unit tests improved
- javadoc extended and improved
- update of several dependencies versions
- new exception for security created
- new method for create a random token
- update of license header from all files
- create new top25pw.txt for unit tests with WordlistProcessorTest
- create KeyPairAlgorithm class
- create new enum for mac algorithms
- create new interface generators for random data
- update of Algorithm interface and RandomExtensions class
- new class Credentials created
- documentation of file improved and extended
- update of several dependencies versions
- using git-flow for new releases
- added license header to all files
- new AuthenticationResult class created for authentication
- documentation of file improved and extended
- javadoc improved and extended
- New factory classes and new abstract classes for en and decrypting
- resourcebundle-inspector version upgrade to 2.7.0
- created new abstract cryptor class with callback methods
- update of parent version
- rename of classes to a more appropriate name
- javadoc improved and extended
- javadoc improved and extended
- renamed util classes
- deleted depracated classes
- moved project to mystic-crypt and rename it to auth-security
- created a simple wordlist processor that was requested from an issue
- new major version 4.0.0 and using new jdk version 8
- altered .travis.yml email address
- update of lombok version to 1.16.6
- created new maven profile for deploy on sonatype
- maven-compiler-plugin.version updated to 3.3
- maven-javadoc-plugin.version updated to 2.10.3
- nexus-staging-maven-plugin version updated to version 1.6.5
- Refactoring from method parameters and made method parameters final
- added flattr image for donations
- added .travis.yml file and build-status image
- moved jaulp.random project as new module project randomizer in parent project mystic-crypt
- update of lombok version to 1.16.4
- javadoc extended and improved
- initial version of mystic-crypt
- moved from project jaulp.core
- adoption of version from jaulp.core
- javadoc extended and improved
Notable links: keep a changelog Don’t let your friends dump git logs into changelogs