DLPrimitives-OpenCL out of tree backend for pytorch
It is only beginning, but you can train some vision nets using OpenCL devices.
Supported pytorch versions are 1.13 and torch >=
Following torchvision networks were validated:
Network | Notes |
alexnet |
resnet18 |
resnet50 |
convnext_small |
vgg16 |
squeezenet1_0 |
googlenet |
densenet161 |
inception_v3 |
fwd only - backward fails on cuda/cpu |
shufflenet_v2_x1_0 |
mobilenet_v2 |
mobilenet_v3_large |
mobilenet_v3_small |
fwd only - same failure on bwd on cuda. |
resnext50_32x4d |
wide_resnet50_2 |
mnasnet1_0 |
efficientnet_b0 |
efficientnet_b4 |
regnet_y_400mf |
vit_b_16 |
Calculations validated agaist CPU reference for both forward and backward popogation.
DLPrimitves itself is tested on following devies:
- AMD rx 6600XT with ROCM drivers, rx560 16cu with AMDGPU-pro drivers
- Nvidia: GTX 960
- Intel: HD 530, UHD 770, Arc A380
The simplest way is to download whl
package from release page - builds for Windows and Linux are provided.
Create virtual evironment, install CPU version of pytorch >= 2.4, download whl
file that corresponds
to python version, pytorch version and architecture and install it. For example: python 3.10, torch 2.4 on Linux it is:
pip install pytorch_ocl-0.1.0+torch2.4-cp310-none-linux_x86_64.whl
Now all you need is to import pytorch_ocl
and now you can use device 'ocl' instead of cuda:
If you don't have prebuilt whl file for your enviromnent, you want use latest updates or modify the code, please refer to README-build.md
Keep it mind... it is earky version that misses a lot of functionality and it isn't fully tested yet. So if something fails. It is either not implemented or it is implemented incorrectly
Note: pytorch backend is based on dlprimitives library that actually implements all the operators and it is relatively well tested.
If you still want to try: import package pytorch_ocl
Keep in mind you may have several OpenCL devices. Refer to clinfo --list
to list
of the devices and their order. Now instead of calling something.to('cuda')
you call something.to('ocl:0')
something.to('privateuseone:0' for pytorch 1.13)
or another ocl:1
- Many operators not implemented and there may be fallbacks to CPU. Sometimes it is minor but sometimes it may hamper the performance, some may just fail
- When you save/restore the model move it to CPU. Currently there is an issue with loading back saved state dictionary if it was saved from ocl device
Some functions specific to pytorch_ocl
. When using pytorch >= 2.4 they are accessible from torch.ocl
and pytorch_ocl
, for 1.13 you must use pytorch_ocl
: Same astorch.cuda.empty_cache()
remove all cached GPU memorytorch.ocl.synchronize(device=None)
: synchronize all operations queue on the device, if device is None - all of them same astorch.cuda.synchonize
: reset random number generator state.torch.manual_seed
- it calls automatically for pytorch >= 2.4. Note for pytorch 1.13 you must callpytorch_ocl.manual_seed_all