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File metadata and controls

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CLI Reference for Objects

This document contains ais object commands - the commands to read (GET), write (PUT), APPEND, PROMOTE, PREFETCH, EVICT etc. user data.

Table of Contents

GET object

The command is very useful in terms getting your data out of the cluster. In its brief description:

ais get [command options] BUCKET[/OBJECT_NAME] [OUT_FILE|-]

there's a

  • bucket source with an optional object name (BUCKET[/OBJECT_NAME]), and
  • the destination (but also optional) [OUT_FILE] or standard output (-)

Here's how it goes and what gives:

$ ais get --help
   ais get - (alias for "object get") get an object, an archived file, or a range of bytes from the above, and in addition:
           - write the content locally with destination options including: filename, directory, STDOUT ('-');
           - use '--prefix' to get multiple objects in one shot (empty prefix for the entire bucket).

   ais get [command options] BUCKET[/OBJECT_NAME] [OUT_FILE|-]

   --offset value    object read offset; must be used together with '--length'; default formatting: IEC (use '--units' to override)
   --length value    object read length; default formatting: IEC (use '--units' to override)
   --archpath value  filename in archive
   --checksum        validate checksum
   --yes, -y         assume 'yes' for all questions
   --check-cached    check if a given object from a remote bucket is present ("cached") in AIS
   --refresh value   interval for continuous monitoring;
                     valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
   --progress        show progress bar(s) and progress of execution in real time
   --prefix value    get objects that start with the specified prefix, e.g.:
                     '--prefix a/b/c' - get objects from the virtual directory a/b/c and objects from the virtual directory
                     a/b that have their names (relative to this directory) starting with c;
                     '--prefix ""' - get entire bucket
   --cached          get only those objects from a remote bucket that are present ("cached") in AIS
   --archive         list archived content (see docs/ for details)
   --limit value     limit object name count (0 - unlimited) (default: 0)
   --units value     show statistics and/or parse command-line specified sizes using one of the following _units of measurement_:
                     iec - IEC format, e.g.: KiB, MiB, GiB (default)
                     si  - SI (metric) format, e.g.: KB, MB, GB
                     raw - do not convert to (or from) human-readable format
   --verbose, -v     verbose
   --help, -h        show help

Save object to local file

Get the imagenet_train-000010.tgz object from the imagenet bucket and write it to a local file, ~/train-10.tgz:

$ ais get ais://imagenet/imagenet_train-000010.tgz ~/train-10.tgz
GET "imagenet_train-000010.tgz" from bucket "imagenet" as "/home/user/train-10.tgz" [946.8MiB]

For comparison, the same GET using curl and the two supported variants of RESTful API:

# 1. curl GET using conventional RESTful API
# (`aistore` in the URL is a host that runs any AIStore gateway that can be specified via `AIS_ENDPOINT` environment):

$ curl -L -X GET 'http://aistore/v1/objects/imagenet/magenet_train-000010.tgz?provider=gs -o ~/train-10.tgz'

# 2. and the same using "easy URL":

$ curl -L -X GET 'http://aistore/ais/imagenet/magenet_train-000010.tgz -o ~/train-10.tgz'

Save object to local file with implied file name

If OUT_FILE is omitted, the local file name is implied from the object name.

Get the imagenet_train-000010.tgz object from the imagenet bucket and write it to a local file, imagenet_train-000010.tgz:

$ ais get imagenet/imagenet_train-000010.tgz
GET "imagenet_train-000010.tgz" from bucket "imagenet" as "imagenet_train-000010.tgz" [946.8MiB]

Get object and print it to standard output

Get the imagenet_train-000010.tgz object from the imagenet AWS bucket and write it to standard output:

$ ais get aws://imagenet/imagenet_train-000010.tgz -

Check if object is cached

We say that "an object is cached" to indicate two separate things:

  • The object was originally downloaded from a remote (e.g., 3rd party Cloud) bucket, a bucket in a remote AIS cluster, or a HTTP(s) based dataset;
  • The object is stored in the AIS cluster.

In other words, the term "cached" is simply a shortcut to indicate the object's immediate availability without the need to go to the object's original location. Being "cached" does not have any implications on an object's persistence: "cached" objects, similar to objects that originated in a given AIS cluster, are stored with arbitrary (per bucket configurable) levels of redundancy, etc. In short, the same storage policies apply to "cached" and "non-cached".

The following example checks whether imagenet_train-000010.tgz is "cached" in the bucket imagenet:

$ ais get --cached ais://imagenet/imagenet_train-000010.tgz
Cached: true

Read range

Get the contents of object list.txt from texts bucket starting from offset 1024 length 1024 and save it as ~/list.txt file:

$ ais get --offset 1024 --length 1024 ais://texts/list.txt ~/list.txt
Read 1.00KiB (1024 B)

GET multiple objects

Note that destination in this case is a local directory and that (an empty) prefix indicates getting entire bucket; see --help for details.

$ ais get s3://abc /tmp/w --prefix "" --progress
GET 60 objects from s3://abc to /tmp/w (size 92.47MiB) [Y/N]: y
Objects:                     59/60 [============================================================>-] 98 %
Total size:  63.00 MiB / 92.47 MiB [=========================================>--------------------] 68 %

Print object content

ais object cat BUCKET/OBJECT_NAME

Get OBJECT_NAME from bucket BUCKET and print it to standard output. Alias for ais get BUCKET/OBJECT_NAME -.


Flag Type Description Default
--offset string Read offset, which can end with size suffix (k, MB, GiB, ...) ""
--length string Read length, which can end with size suffix (k, MB, GiB, ...) ""
--checksum bool Validate the checksum of the object false

Print content of object

Print content of list.txt from local bucket texts to the standard output:

$ ais object cat ais://texts/list.txt

Read range

Print content of object list.txt starting from offset 1024 length 1024 to the standard output:

$ ais object cat ais://texts/list.txt --offset 1024 --length 1024

Show object properties

ais object show [--props PROP_LIST] BUCKET/OBJECT_NAME

Get object detailed information. PROP_LIST is a comma-separated list of properties to display. If PROP_LIST is omitted, default properties are shown.

Supported properties:

  • cached - the object cached on local drives (always true for AIS buckets)
  • size - object size
  • version - object version (empty if versioning is disabled for the bucket)
  • atime - object's last access time
  • copies - the number of object replicas per target (1 if bucket mirroring is disabled), and mountpath where object and its mirrors are located
  • checksum - object's checksum
  • node - on which target the object is located
  • ec - object's EC info (empty if EC is disabled for the bucket, if EC is enabled it looks like DATA:PARITY[MODE], where DATA - the number of data slices, PARITY - the number of parity slices, and MODE is protection mode selected for the object: replicated - object has PARITY replicas on other targets, encoded the object is erasure coded and other targets contains only encoded slices

ais object show is an for ais object show - both can be used interchangeably.

Show default object properties

Display default properties of object list.txt from bucket texts:

$ ais object show ais://texts/list.txt
checksum    2d61e9b8b299c41f
size        7.63MiB
atime       06 Jan 20 14:55 PST
version     1

Show all object properties

Display all properties of object list.txt from bucket texts:

$ ais object show ais://texts/list.txt --props=all
atime       06 Jan 20 14:55 PST
checksum    2d61e9b8b299c41f
copies      1 [/data/mp1]
custom      -
ec          1:1[replicated]
name        provider://texts/list.txt
node        t[neft8086]
size        7.63MiB
version     2

Show selected object properties

Show only selected (size,version,ec) properties:

$ ais object show --props size,version,ec ais://texts/listx.txt
size        7.63MiB
version     1
ec          2:2[replicated]

PUT object


ais put [command options] [-|FILE|DIRECTORY[/PATTERN]] BUCKET[/OBJECT_NAME]1

writes a single file, an entire directory (of files), or a typed content directly from STDIN (-) - into the specified (destination) bucket.

Notice the optional [/PATTERN] - a regular shell filename-matching primitive - to select files from the source directory.

If an object of the same name exists, the object will be overwritten without confirmation

but only if is different, content-wise - writing identical bits is optimized-out

If CLI detects that a user is going to put more than one file, it calculates the total number of files, total data size, and checks if the bucket is empty.

Then it shows all gathered info to the user and asks for confirmation to continue.

Confirmation request can be disabled with the option --yes for use in scripts.

When writing from STDIN, type Ctrl-D to terminate the input.


$ ais put --help
   ais put - (alias for "object put") PUT or APPEND one file or one directory, or multiple files and/or directories.
              - use optional shell filename pattern (wildcard) to match/select sources;
              - request '--compute-checksum' to facilitate end-to-end protection;
              - progress bar via '--progress' to show runtime execution (uploaded files count and size);
              - when writing directly from standard input use Ctrl-D to terminate;
              - use '--archpath' to APPEND to an existing tar-formatted object.

   ais put [command options] [-|FILE|DIRECTORY[/PATTERN]] BUCKET[/OBJECT_NAME]

   --list value        comma-separated list of file names, e.g.:
                       --list 'f1,f2,f3'
                       --list "/home/abc/1.tar, /home/abc/1.cls, /home/abc/1.jpeg"
   --template value    template to match file names; may contain prefix with zero or more ranges (with optional steps and gaps), e.g.:
                       --template '/home/dir/subdir/'
                       --template 'shard-{1000..9999}.tar'
                       --template "prefix-{0010..0013..2}-gap-{1..2}-suffix"
                       --template "prefix-{0010..9999..2}-suffix"
   --progress          show progress bar(s) and progress of execution in real time
   --refresh value     interval for continuous monitoring;
                       valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
   --chunk-size value  chunk size in IEC or SI units, or "raw" bytes (e.g.: 1MiB or 1048576; see '--units')
   --conc value        limits number of concurrent put requests and number of concurrent shards created (default: 10)
   --dry-run           preview the results without really running the action
   --recursive, -r     recursive operation
   --verbose, -v       verbose
   --yes, -y           assume 'yes' for all questions
   --include-src-bck   prefix names of archived objects with the source bucket name
   --cont-on-err       keep running archiving xaction in presence of errors in a any given multi-object transaction
   --units value       show statistics and/or parse command-line specified sizes using one of the following _units of measurement_:
                       iec - IEC format, e.g.: KiB, MiB, GiB (default)
                       si  - SI (metric) format, e.g.: KB, MB, GB
                       raw - do not convert to (or from) human-readable format
   --archpath value    filename in archive
   --archive           archive a given list ('--list') or range ('--template') of objects
   --append-to-arch    add object(s) to an existing (.tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, .zip, .msgpack)-formatted object ("archive", "shard")
   --skip-vc           skip loading object metadata (and the associated checksum & version related processing)
   --compute-checksum  [end-to-end protection] compute client-side checksum configured for the destination bucket
   --crc32c value      compute client-side crc32c checksum
                       and provide it as part of the PUT request for subsequent validation on the server side
   --md5 value         compute client-side md5 checksum
                       and provide it as part of the PUT request for subsequent validation on the server side
   --sha256 value      compute client-side sha256 checksum
                       and provide it as part of the PUT request for subsequent validation on the server side
   --sha512 value      compute client-side sha512 checksum
                       and provide it as part of the PUT request for subsequent validation on the server side
   --xxhash value      compute client-side xxhash checksum
                       and provide it as part of the PUT request for subsequent validation on the server side
   --help, -h          show help

1 FILE|DIRECTORY should point to a file or a directory. Wildcards are supported, but they work a bit differently from shell wildcards. Symbols * and ? can be used only in a file name pattern. Directory names cannot include wildcards. Only a file name is matched, not full file path, so /home/user/*.tar --recursive matches not only .tar files inside /home/user but any .tar file in any /home/user/ subdirectory. This makes shell wildcards like ** redundant, and the following patterns won't work in ais: /home/user/img-set-*/*.tar or /home/user/bck/**/*.tar.gz

FILE must point to an existing file. File masks and directory uploading are NOT supported in single-file upload mode.

Object names

PUT command handles two possible ways to specify resulting object name if source references single file:

  1. Object name is not provided: ais put path/to/(..)/file.go bucket/ creates object file.go in bucket
  2. Explicit object name is provided: ais put path/to/(..)/file.go bucket/path/to/object.go creates object path/to/object.go in bucket

PUT command handles object naming with range syntax as follows:

  • Object names are file paths without longest common prefix of all files from source. This means that the leading part of file path until the last / before first { is excluded from object name.
  • OBJECT_NAME is prepended to each object name.
  • Abbreviations in source like ../ are not supported at the moment.

PUT command handles object naming if its source references directories:

  • For path p of source directory, resulting objects names are path to files with trimmed p prefix
  • OBJECT_NAME is prepended to each object name.
  • Abbreviations in source like ../ are not supported at the moment.

All examples below put into an empty bucket and the source directory structure is:


The current user HOME directory is /home/user.

Put single file

Put a single file img1.tar into local bucket mybucket, name it img-set-1.tar.

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

Put single file with checksum

Put a single file img1.tar into local bucket mybucket, with a content checksum flag to override the default bucket checksum performed at the server side.

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar --crc32c 0767345f
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar --md5 e91753513c7fc873467c1f3ca061fa70
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar --sha256 dc2bac3ba773b7bc52c20aa85e6ce3ae097dec870e7b9bda03671a1c434b7a5d
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar --sha512 e7da5269d4cd882deb8d7b7ca5cbf424047f56815fd7723123482e2931823a68d866627a449a55ca3a18f9c9ba7c8bb6219a028ba3ff5a5e905240907d087e40
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar --xxhash 05967d5390ac53b0
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

Optionally, the user can choose to provide a --compute-cksum flag for the checksum flag and let the API take care of the computation.

$ ais put "/home/user/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar --compute-cksum
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/img-set-1.tar

Put single file with implicitly defined name

Put a single file ~/bck/img1.tar into bucket mybucket, without explicit name.

$ ais put "~/bck/img1.tar" ais://mybucket/

# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => mybucket/img-set-1.tar

Put content from STDIN

Read unpacked content from STDIN and put it into bucket mybucket with name img-unpacked.

Note that content is put in chunks that can have a slight overhead. --chunk-size allows for controlling the chunk size - the bigger the chunk size the better performance (but also higher memory usage).

$ tar -xOzf ~/bck/img1.tar | ais put - ais://mybucket/img1-unpacked
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar (as stdin) => ais://mybucket/img-unpacked

Put directory

Put two objects, /home/user/bck/img1.tar and /home/user/bck/, into the root of bucket mybucket. Note that the path /home/user/bck is a shortcut for /home/user/bck/* and that recursion is disabled by default.

$ ais put "/home/user/bck" ais://mybucket

# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => img1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/img2.tar =>

Alternatively, to reference source directory we can use relative (../..) naming.

Also notice progress bar (the --progress flag) and g* wildcard that allows to select only the filenames that start with 'g'

$ ais put "../../../../bin/g*" ais://vvv --progress
Files to upload:
                 8       99.82MiB
.0               2       46.28MiB
TOTAL           10      146.10MiB
Proceed putting to ais://vvv? [Y/N]: y
Uploaded files progress                   10/10 [==============================================================] 100 %
Uploaded sizes progress 146.10 MiB / 146.10 MiB [==============================================================] 100 %
PUT 10 objects to "ais://vvv"

NOTE double quotes to denote the "../../../../bin/g*" source above. With pattern matching, using quotation marks is a MUST. Single quotes can be used as well.

Put directory with prefix added to destination object names

The same as above, but add OBJECT_NAME (../subdir/) prefix to object names.

$ ais put /home/user/bck ais://mybucket/subdir/

# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/subdir/img1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/img2.tar => ais://mybucket/subdir/
# PUT /home/user/bck/extra/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/subdir/extra/img1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/extra/ => ais://mybucket/subdir/extra/

The same as above, but without trailing /.

$ ais put "/home/user/bck" ais://mybucket/subdir

# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/subdirimg1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/img2.tar => ais://mybucket/
# PUT /home/user/bck/extra/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/subdirextra/img1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/extra/ => ais://mybucket/subdirextra/

Put multiple files into virtual directory, track progress

Same as above with source files in double quotes below, and with progress bar:

List of sources that you want to upload can (a) comprize any number (and any mix) of comma-separated files and/or directories, and (b) must be embedded in double or single quotes.

$ ais put ", LICENSE" ais://aaa/my-virt-dir/ --progress -y
Files to upload:
                 1       1.05KiB
.md              1       11.24KiB
TOTAL            2       12.29KiB
Uploaded files:                   2/2 [==============================================================] 100 %
Total size:     12.29 KiB / 12.29 KiB [==============================================================] 100 %
PUT 2 objects (non-recursive) to "ais://aaa"

Note '/' suffix in my-virt-dir/ above - without trailing filepath separator we would simply get a longer filename (filenames) at the root of the destination bucket.

We can now list them in the bucket ais://aaa the way we would list a directory:

$ ais ls ais://aaa --prefix my-virt-dir
NAME                     SIZE
my-virt-dir/LICENSE      1.05KiB
my-virt-dir/    11.24KiB

Put pattern-matching files from directory

Same as above, except that only files matching pattern *.tar are PUT, so the final bucket content is tars/img1.tar and tars/extra/img1.tar.

NOTE double quotes to denote the source. With pattern matching, using quotation marks is a MUST. Single quotes can be used as well.

$ ais put "~/bck/*.tar" ais://mybucket/tars/
# PUT /home/user/bck/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/tars/img1.tar
# PUT /home/user/bck/extra/img1.tar => ais://mybucket/tars/extra/img1.tar

Same as above with progress bar, recursion into nested directories, and matching characters anywhere in the filename:

$ ais put "ais/*_t*" ais://vvv --progress --recursive
Files to upload:
.go              43      704.40KiB
TOTAL            43      704.40KiB
PUT 43 files => ais://vvv? [Y/N]: y

Uploaded files progress                   43/43 [==============================================================] 100 %
Uploaded sizes progress 704.40 KiB / 704.40 KiB [==============================================================] 100 %
PUT 43 objects to "ais://vvv"

The result will look as follows:

test/target_test.go              1.55KiB
test/various_test.go             510B
test/xaction_test.go             2.61KiB
tgtobj_test.go                   5.57KiB
utils_test.go                    1.38KiB

Put a range of files

There are several equivalent ways to PUT a templated range of files:

Example 1.

Put 9 files to mybucket using a range request. Note the formatting of object names. They exclude the longest parent directory of path which doesn't contain a template ({a..b}).

$ for d1 in {0..2}; do for d2 in {0..2}; do echo "0" > ~/dir/test${d1}${d2}.txt; done; done

# NOTE: make sure to use double or sinle quotes around the range

$ ais put "~/dir/test{0..2}{0..2}.txt" ais://mybucket -y
9 objects put into "ais://mybucket" bucket

Example 2. PUT a range of files into virtial directory

Same as above but in addition destination object names will have additional prefix subdir/ (notice the trailing /)

In other words, this PUT in affect creates a virtual directory inside destination ais://mybucket

# prep test files
$ for d1 in {0..2}; do for d2 in {0..2}; do echo "0" > ~/dir/test${d1}${d2}.txt; done; done

$ ais put "~/dir/test{0..2}{0..2}.txt" ais://mybucket/subdir/ -y

Example 3.

Finally, the same exact operation can be accomplished using --template option

--template is universally supported to specify a range of files or objects

$ ais put ais://mybucket/dir/ -y --template "~/dir/test{0..2}{0..2}.txt"

Put a list of files

There are several equivalent ways to PUT a list of files:

Example 1. Notice the double quotes (single quotes can be used as well)

$ ais put ",LICENSE" s3://abc
Files to upload:
                 1       1.05KiB
.md              1       11.24KiB
TOTAL            2       12.29KiB
PUT 2 files => s3://abc? [Y/N]: y

Example 2.

Alternatively, the same can be done using the --list flag:

--list is universally supported to specify a list of files or objects

$ ais put s3://abc --list ",LICENSE"

Files to upload:
                 1       1.05KiB
.md              1       11.24KiB
TOTAL            2       12.29KiB
PUT 2 files => s3://abc? [Y/N]: y

Example 3. PUT a list into virtual directory

The only difference from the two examples above is: trailing / in the destination name.

$ ais put ais://abc/subdir/ --list 'LICENSE,' -y

$ ais ls ais://abc
NAME                     SIZE
subdir/LICENSE           1.05KiB
subdir/         11.24KiB

Dry-Run option

Preview the files that would be sent to the cluster, without actually putting them.

$ for d1 in {0..2}; do for d2 in {0..2}; mkdir -p ~/dir/test${d1}/dir && do echo "0" > ~/dir/test${d1}/dir/test${d2}.txt; done; done
$ ais put "~/dir/test{0..2}/dir/test{0..2}.txt" ais://mybucket --dry-run

[DRY RUN] No modifications on the cluster
/home/user/dir/test0/dir/test0.txt => ais://mybucket/test0/dir/test0.txt

Put multiple directories

Put multiple directories into the cluster with range syntax.

$ for d1 in {0..10}; do mkdir dir$d1 && for d2 in {0..2}; do echo "0" > dir$d1/test${d2}.txt; done; done
$ ais put "dir{0..10}" ais://mybucket -y
33 objects put into "ais://mybucket" bucket
# PUT "/home/user/dir0/test0.txt" => b/dir0/test0.txt and 32 more

Put multiple directories with the --skip-vc option

The --skip-vc option allows AIS to skip loading existing object's metadata to perform metadata-associated processing (such as comparing source and destination checksums, for instance). In certain scenarios (e.g., massive uploading of new files that cannot be present in the bucket) this can help reduce PUT latency.

$ for d1 in {0..10}; do mkdir dir$d1 && for d2 in {0..2}; do echo "0" > dir$d1/test${d2}.txt; done; done
$ ais put "dir{0..10}" ais://mybucket -y --skip-vc

Files to upload:
.txt             33      66B
TOTAL            33      66B

Append file to archive


Append a file to an existing archive in a specified bucket. More specifically, the command allows a user to append any reader (e.g., an open file) to an existing object formatted as one of the supported archives.

Environment variable ARCH_PATH defines the path inside the archive for the new file.


Add a file to an archive:

$ # list archived content prior to appending new files
$ ais ls ais://bck --prefix test --list-archive
NAME                             SIZE
test.tar                         42.00KiB
    test.tar/main.c              40.00KiB

$ # add a new file to the archive
$ ais put readme.txt ais://bck/test.tar --archpath=doc/README
APPEND "readme.txt" to object "ais://abc/test.tar[/doc/README]"

$ # check that the archive is updated
$ ais ls ais://bck --prefix test --list-archive
NAME                             SIZE
test.tar                         45.50KiB
    test.tar/doc/README          3.11KiB
    test.tar/main.c              40.00KiB

Promote files and directories


Promote AIS-colocated files and directories to AIS objects in a specified bucket. Colocation in context means that the files in question are already located inside AIStore (bare-metal or virtual) storage servers (targets).


Flag Type Description Default
--verbose or -v bool Verbose output false
--target-id string Target ID; if specified, only the file/dir content stored on the corresponding AIS target is promoted ""
--recursive or -r bool Promote nested directories false
--overwrite-dst or -o bool Overwrite destination (object) if exists false
--delete-src bool Delete promoted source false
--not-file-share bool Each target must act autonomously, skipping file-share auto-detection and promoting the entire source (as seen from the target) false

Object names

When the specified source references a directory, or a tree of nested directories, object naming is set as follows:

  • For path p of source directory, resulting objects names are path to files with trimmed p prefix
  • OBJECT_NAME is prepended to each object name.
  • Abbreviations in source like ../ are not supported at the moment.

If the source references a single file, the resulting object name is set as follows:

  • Object name is not provided: ais object promote /path/to/(..)/file.go ais://bucket/ promotes to object file.go in bucket
  • Explicit object name is provided: ais object promote /path/to/(..)/file.go ais://bucket/path/to/object.go promotes object path/to/object.go in bucket

Notice that keep option is required - it cannot be omitted.

The usual argument for not keeping the original file-based content (keep=false) is a) saving space on the target servers and b) optimizing time to promote (larger) files and directories.

Promote a single file

Promote /tmp/examples/example1.txt without specified object name.

$ ais object promote /tmp/examples/example1.txt ais://mybucket --keep=true
# PROMOTE /tmp/examples/example1.txt => ais://mybucket/example1.txt

Promote file while specifying custom (resulting) name

Promote /tmp/examples/example1.txt as object with name example1.txt.

$ ais object promote /tmp/examples/example1.txt ais://mybucket/example1.txt --keep=true
# PROMOTE /tmp/examples/example1.txt => ais://mybucket/example1.txt

Promote a directory

Make AIS objects out of /tmp/examples files (one file = one object). /tmp/examples is a directory present on some (or all) of the deployed storage nodes.

$ ais object promote /tmp/examples ais://mybucket/ -r --keep=true

Promote directory with custom prefix

Promote /tmp/examples files to AIS objects. Object names will have examples/ prefix.

$ ais object promote /tmp/examples ais://mybucket/examples/ -r --keep=false

Promote invalid path

Try to promote a file that does not exist.

$ ais create ais://testbucket
"ais://testbucket" bucket created
$ ais show cluster
1014646t8081    0.00%	    4.00GiB	59%         375.026GiB  0.00%	    finished
$ ais object promote /target/1014646t8081/nonexistent/dir/ ais://testbucket --target 1014646t8081 --keep=false
(...) Bad Request: stat /target/1014646t8081/nonexistent/dir: no such file or directory

Delete object

ais object rm BUCKET/[OBJECT_NAME]...

Delete an object or list/range of objects from the bucket.

Delete a single object

Delete object myobj.tgz from bucket mybucket.

$ ais object rm ais://mybucket/myobj.tgz
myobj.tgz deleted from ais://mybucket bucket

Delete multiple space-separated objects

Delete objects (obj1, obj2) from buckets (aisbck, cloudbck) respectively.

$ ais object rm ais://aisbck/obj1.tgz aws://cloudbck/obj2.tgz
obj1.tgz deleted from ais://aisbck bucket
obj2.tgz deleted from aws://cloudbck bucket
  • NOTE: for each space-separated object name CLI sends a separate request.
  • For multi-object delete that operates on a --list or --template, please see: Operations on Lists and Ranges below.

Evict object

ais bucket evict BUCKET/[OBJECT_NAME]...

Evict object(s) from a bucket that has remote backend.

  • NOTE: for each space-separated object name CLI sends a separate request.
  • For multi-object eviction that operates on a --list or --template, please see: Operations on Lists and Ranges below.

Evict a single object

Put file.txt object to cloudbucket bucket and evict it locally.

$ ais put file.txt aws://cloudbucket/file.txt
PUT file.txt into bucket aws://cloudbucket

$ ais bucket summary aws://cloudbucket --cached # show only cloudbucket objects present in the AIS cluster
NAME	           OBJECTS	 SIZE    USED %
aws://cloudbucket  1             702B    0%

$ ais bucket evict aws://cloudbucket/file.txt
file.txt evicted from aws://cloudbucket bucket

$ ais bucket summary aws://cloudbucket --cached
NAME	           OBJECTS	 SIZE    USED %
aws://cloudbucket  0             0B      0%

Evict a range of objects

$ ais bucket evict aws://cloudbucket --template "shard-{900..999}.tar"

Move object


Move (rename) an object within an ais bucket. Moving objects from one bucket to another bucket is not supported. If the NEW_OBJECT_NAME already exists, it will be overwritten without confirmation.

Concat objects


Create an object in a bucket by concatenating the provided files in the order of the arguments provided. If an object of the same name exists, the object will be overwritten without confirmation.

If a directory is provided, files within the directory are sent in lexical order of filename to the cluster for concatenation. Recursive iteration through directories and wildcards is supported in the same way as the PUT operation.


Flag Type Description Default
--recursive or -r bool Enable recursive directory upload
--progress bool Displays progress bar false

Concat two files

In two separate requests sends file1.txt and dir/file2.txt to the cluster, concatenates the files keeping the order and saves them as obj in bucket mybucket.

$ ais object concat file1.txt dir/file2.txt ais://mybucket/obj

Concat with progress bar

Same as above, but additionally shows progress bar of sending the files to the cluster.

$ ais object concat file1.txt dir/file2.txt ais://mybucket/obj --progress

Concat files from directories

Creates obj in bucket mybucket which is concatenation of sorted files from dirB with sorted files from dirA.

$ ais object concat dirB dirA ais://mybucket/obj

Set custom properties

Generally, AIS objects have two kinds of properties: system and, optionally, custom (user-defined). Unlike the system-maintained properties, such as checksum and the number of copies (or EC parity slices, etc.), custom properties may have arbitrary user-defined names and values.

Custom properties are not impacted by object updates (PUTs) -- a new version of an object simply inherits custom properties of the previous version as is with no changes.

The command's syntax is similar to the one used to assign bucket properties:

ais object set-custom [command options] BUCKET/OBJECT_NAME JSON_SPECIFICATION|KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE...],

for example:

$ ais put ais://abc
$ ais object set-custom ais://abc/ mykey1=value1 mykey2=value2

# or, the same using JSON formatting:
$ ais object set-custom ais://abc/ '{"mykey1":"value1", "mykey2":"value2"}'

To show the results:

$ ais show object ais://abc/ --props=all
atime            30 Jun 21 09:43 PDT
cached           yes
checksum         47904b6991a92ca9
copies           1
custom           mykey1=value1, mykey2=value2
ec               -
name             ais://abc/
size             13.13KiB
version          1

Note the flag --props=all used to show all object's properties including the custom ones, if available.

Operations on Lists and Ranges

Generally, multi-object operations are supported in 2 different ways:

  1. specifying source directory in the command line - see e.g. Promote files and directories and Concat objects;
  2. via --list or --template options, whereby the latter supports Bash expansion syntax and can also contain prefix, such as a virtual parent directory, etc.)

This section documents and exemplifies AIS CLI operating on multiple (source) objects that you can specify either explicitly or implicitly using the --list or --template flags.

The number of objects "involved" in a single operation does not have any designed-in limitations: all AIS targets work on a given multi-object operation simultaneously and in parallel.

Prefetch objects

ais start prefetch BUCKET/ --list|--template <value>

Prefetch objects from a remote bucket.


Flag Type Description Default
--list string Comma separated list of objects for list deletion ""
--template string The object name template with optional range parts ""
--dry-run bool Do not actually perform PREFETCH. Shows a few objects to be prefetched

Options --list and --template are mutually exclusive.

Prefetch a list of objects

NOTE: make sure to use double or single quotations to specify the list, as shown below.

# Prefetch o1, o2, and o3 from AWS bucket `cloudbucket`:
$ ais start prefetch aws://cloudbucket --list 'o1,o2,o3'

Prefetch a range of objects

# Prefetch from AWS bucket `cloudbucket` all objects in the specified range.
# NOTE: make sure to use double or single quotations to specify the template (aka "range")

$ ais start prefetch aws://cloudbucket --template "shard-{001..999}.tar"

Delete multiple objects

ais object rm BUCKET/[OBJECT_NAME]...

Delete an object or list or range of objects from a bucket.


Flag Type Description Default
--list string Comma separated list of objects for list deletion ""
--template string The object name template with optional range parts ""

Delete a list of objects

Delete a list of objects (obj1, obj2, obj3) from bucket mybucket.

NOTE: when specifying a comma-delimited --list option, make sure to use double or single quotations as shown below.

$ ais object rm ais://mybucket --list "obj1, obj2, obj3"
[obj1 obj2] removed from ais://mybucket bucket

Delete a range of objects

# Delete from bucket `mybucket` all objects in the range `001-003` with prefix `test-`.
# NOTE: when specifying template (aka "range") make sure to use double or single quotation marks.

$ ais object rm ais://mybucket --template "test-{001..003}"
removed files in the range 'test-{001..003}' from ais://mybucket bucket

And one other example (that also includes generating .tar shards):

$ ais archive gen-shards "ais://dsort-testing/shard-{001..999}.tar" --fcount 256
Shards created: 999/999 [==============================================================] 100 %

# NOTE: make sure to use double or single quotations to specify the template (aka "range")
$ ais object rm ais://dsort-testing --template 'shard-{900..999}.tar'
removed from ais://dsort-testing objects in the range "shard-{900..999}.tar", use 'ais job show xaction EH291ljOy' to monitor the progress

Evict multiple objects

ais bucket evict BUCKET/[OBJECT_NAME]...

Evict objects from a remote bucket.


Flag Type Description Default
--list string Comma separated list of objects for list deletion ""
--template string The object name template with optional range parts ""
--dry-run bool Do not actually perform EVICT. Shows a few objects to be evicted

Note that options --list and --template are mutually exclusive.

Evict a range of objects

$ ais bucket evict aws://cloudbucket --template "shard-{900..999}.tar"

Archive multiple objects

This is an archive-creating operation that takes in multiple objects from a source bucket and archives them all into a destination bucket, where:

  • source and destination buckets may not necessarily be different;
  • both --list and --template options are supported
  • supported archival formats include .tar, .tar.gz (or, same, .tgz), and .zip; more extensions may be added in the future.
  • archiving is carried out asynchronously, in parallel by all AIS targets.

Note that (alternatively) multi-object archives can be created using ais create archive:

# TAR objects `obj1`, `obj2` , `obj3` in a given (destination) bucket called `destbck`.
# NOTE: when specifying `--list` or `--template`, make sure to use double or single quotation marks.

$ ais put ais://abc ais://destbck/myarch.tar --list="obj1,  obj2,obj3" --archive
# ZIP objects `obj1`, `obj2` , `obj3`. Note that in this example source and destination are identical.

$ ais put ais://mybck ais://mybck/ --list="obj1,obj2, obj3" --archive