- Instructor: Kihong Heo ([email protected])
- TAs (mailing list: [email protected])
- Time: Mon/Wed 09:00 - 10:30
- Location: N1 117
- Office hour:
- Instructor: Mon 10:30 - 11:30
- TAs: TBD
- Homework 50%
- Final exam 40%
- Participation 10%
- Lecture slides will be provided
This course includes written and programming assignments.
Students will use a few tools which are described here.
All submissions will be managed using Github.
For each assignment, a unique invitation URL for Github Classroom will be posted in the issue board.
Once you accept the invitation, a private repository for your assignment will be created.
You can push as many commits as you want before the deadline. We will grade the final commit of your main
The late homework policy is as follows:
- 80% credit for one day late
- 50% credit for two days late
- NO credit given after two days late
Students who violate academic integrity will get F. See the KAIST CS honor code.
Week | Topics |
0 | Functional Programming in OCaml |
9 | Access Control |
10 | Web Security |
11 | Software Vulnerabilities |
12 | Safe Programming Systems |
13 | Fuzzing |
14 | Static Analysis (1) |
15 | Static Analysis (2) |
16 | No Classes (Final week) |
See the outstanding achievement of our friends here.