If you are using kind you will need to follow the kind guide to setup your cluster.
This is the default namespace for anonymous users setup by the localdev armada script
kubectl create namespace personal-anonymous
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install .
export ARMADA_SERVER=localhost
export ARMADA_PORT=50051
export DISABLE_SSL=true
An example of working with queues can be found in the queues example in the main Armada Repo.
python3 -m armada_jupyter submit ./example/testing.yml
Getting Submission Objects from ./example/testing.yml
Submitting 2 Jobs to Armada
Submitted Job 01gmqjyvrvha22j4sjw1h2fv0v to Armada
Job is Queued
Job 01gmqjyvrvha22j4sjw1h2fv0v will be running at: http://jupyterlab-8888-armada-01gmqjyvrvha22j4sjw1h2fv0v-0.personal-anonymous.mydomain:8888
This will show the URL's that you can use to access the JupyterLab instance.
NOTE: The Token is hardcoded as testing
To change the token, change the value in the /example/testing.yml
You can access the JupyterLab instance by using the URL's that are printed out by the client.
Please see the dnsrecords documentation guide for more information on how to access the JupyterLab instance.
To cancel a job you can use the following command:
python3 -m armada_jupyter cancel {URL}
URL should be the URL returned by the submit command.
i.e https://jupyterlab-8888-armada-JOBID-0.jupyter.domain:8888