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This document explains how system calls work in Tock with regards to both the kernel and applications. TRD104 contains the more formal specification of the system call API and ABI for 32-bit systems. This document describes the considerations behind the system call design.

Overview of System Calls in Tock

System calls are the method used to send information from applications to the kernel. Rather than directly calling a function in the kernel, applications trigger a service call (svc) interrupt which causes a context switch to the kernel. The kernel then uses the values in registers and the stack at the time of the interrupt call to determine how to route the system call and which driver function to call with which data values.

Using system calls has three advantages. First, the act of triggering a service call interrupt can be used to change the processor state. Rather than being in unprivileged mode (as applications are run) and limited by the Memory Protection Unit (MPU), after the service call the kernel switches to privileged mode where it has full control of system resources (more detail on ARM processor modes).

Second, context switching to the kernel allows it to do other resource handling before returning to the application. This could include running other applications, servicing queued upcalls, or many other activities.

Finally, and most importantly, using system calls allows applications to be built independently from the kernel. The entire codebase of the kernel could change, but as long as the system call interface remains identical, applications do not even need to be recompiled to work on the platform. Applications, when separated from the kernel, no longer need to be loaded at the same time as the kernel. They could be uploaded at a later time, modified, and then have a new version uploaded, all without modifying the kernel running on a platform.

Process State

In Tock, a process can be in one of seven states:

  • Running: Normal operation. A Running process is eligible to be scheduled for execution, although is subject to being paused by Tock to allow interrupt handlers or other processes to run. During normal operation, a process remains in the Running state until it explicitly yields. Upcalls from other kernel operations are not delivered to Running processes (i.e. upcalls do not interrupt processes), rather they are enqueued until the process yields.
  • Yielded: Suspended operation. A Yielded process will not be scheduled by Tock. Processes often yield while they are waiting for I/O or other operations to complete and have no immediately useful work to do. Whenever the kernel issues an upcall to a Yielded process, the process is transitioned to the Running state.
  • Fault: Erroneous operation. A Fault-ed process will not be scheduled by Tock. Processes enter the Fault state by performing an illegal operation, such as accessing memory outside of their address space.
  • Terminated The process ended itself by calling the Exit system call and the kernel has not restarted it.
  • Unstarted The process has not yet started; this state is typically very short-lived, between process loading and it started. However, in cases when processes might be loaded for a long time without running, this state might be long-lived.
  • StoppedRunning, StoppedYielded These states correspond to a process that was in either the Running or Yielded state but was then explicitly stopped by the kernel (e.g., by the process console). A process in these states will not be made runnable until it is restarted, at which point it will continue execution where it was stopped.


Upon process initialization, a single function call task is added to its upcall queue. The function is determined by the ENTRY point in the process TBF header (typically the _start symbol) and is passed the following arguments in registers r0 - r3:

  • r0: the base address of the process code
  • r1: the base address of the processes allocated memory region
  • r2: the total amount of memory in its region
  • r3: the current process memory break

System Call Invocation

A process invokes a system call by triggering a software interrupt that transitions the microcontroller to supervisor/kernel mode. The exact mechanism for this is architecture-specific. TRD104 specifies how userspace and the kernel pass values to each other for CortexM and RISCV32I platforms.

The Context Switch

Handling a context switch is one of the few pieces of architecture-specific Tock code. The code is located in within the arch/ folder under the appropriate architecture. As this code deals with low-level functionality in the processor it is written in assembly wrapped as Rust function calls.

Context Switch Interface

The architecture crates (in the /arch folder) are responsible for implementing the UserspaceKernelBoundary trait which defines the functions needed to allow the kernel to correctly switch to userspace. These functions handle the architecture-specific details of how the context switch occurs, such as which registers are saved on the stack, where the stack pointer is stored, and how data is passed for the Tock syscall interface.

Cortex-M Architecture Details

Starting in the kernel before any application has been run but after the process has been created, the kernel calls switch_to_user. This code sets up registers for the application, including the PIC base register and the process stack pointer, then triggers a service call interrupt with a call to svc. The svc handler code automatically determines if the system desired a switch to application or to kernel and sets the processor mode. Finally, the svc handler returns, directing the PC to the entry point of the app.

The application runs in unprivileged mode while executing. When it needs to use a kernel resource it issues a syscall by running svc instruction. The svc_handler determines that it should switch to the kernel from an app, sets the processor mode to privileged, and returns. Since the stack has changed to the kernel's stack pointer (rather than the process stack pointer), execution returns to switch_to_user immediately after the svc that led to the application starting. switch_to_user saves registers and returns to the kernel so the system call can be processed.

On the next switch_to_user call, the application will resume execution based on the process stack pointer, which points to the instruction after the system call that switched execution to the kernel.

Syscalls may clobber userspace memory, as the kernel may write to buffers previously given to it using Allow. The kernel will not clobber any userspace registers except for the return value register (r0). However, Yield must be treated as clobbering more registers, as it can call an upcall in userspace before returning. This upcall can clobber r0-r3, r12, and lr. See this comment in the libtock-c syscall code for more information about Yield.

RISC-V Architecture Details

Tock assumes that a RISC-V platform that supports context switching has two privilege modes: machine mode and user mode.

The RISC-V architecture provides very lean support for context switching, providing significant flexibility in software on how to support context switches. The hardware guarantees the following will happen during a context switch: when switching from kernel mode to user mode by calling the mret instruction, the PC is set to the value in the mepc CSR, and the privilege mode is set to the value in the MPP bits of the mstatus CSR. When switching from user mode to kernel mode using the ecall instruction, the PC of the ecall instruction is saved to the mepc CSR, the correct bits are set in the mcause CSR, and the privilege mode is restored to machine mode. The kernel can store 32 bits of state in the mscratch CSR.

Tock handles context switching using the following process. When switching to userland, all register contents are saved to the kernel's stack. Additionally, a pointer to a per-process struct of stored process state and the PC of where in the kernel to resume executing after the process switches back to kernel mode are stored to the kernel's stack. Then, the PC of the process to start executing is put into the mepc CSR, the kernel stack pointer is saved in mscratch, and the previous contents of the app's registers from the per-process stored state struct are copied back into the registers. Then mret is called to switch to user mode and begin executing the app.

An application calls a system call with the ecall instruction. This causes the trap handler to execute. The trap handler checks mscratch, and if the value is nonzero then it contains the stack pointer of the kernel and this trap must have happened while the system was executing an application. Then, the kernel stack pointer from mscratch is used to find the pointer to the stored state struct, and all process registers are saved. The trap handler also saves the process PC from the mepc CSR and the mcause CSR. It then loads the kernel address of where to resume the context switching code to mepc and calls mret to exit the trap handler. Back in the context switching code, the kernel restores its registers from its stack. Then, using the contents of mcause the kernel decides why the application stopped executing, and if it was a system call which one it is. Returning the context switch reason ends the context switching process.

All values for the system call functions are passed in registers a0-a4. No values are stored to the application stack. The return value for system call is set in a0. In most system calls the kernel will not clobber any userspace registers except for this return value register (a0). However, the yield() system call results in a upcall executing in the process. This can clobber all caller saved registers, as well as the return address (ra) register.

How System Calls Connect to Drivers

After a system call is made, the call is handled and routed by the Tock kernel in through a series of steps.

  1. For Command, Subscribe, Allow Read-Write, and Allow Read-Only system call classes, the kernel calls a platform-defined system call filter function. This function determines if the kernel should handle the system call or not. Yield, Exit, and Memop system calls are not filtered. This filter function allows the kernel to impose security policies that limit which system calls a process might invoke. The filter function takes the system call and which process issued the system call to return a Result<(), ErrorCode> to signal if the system call should be handled or if an error should be returned to the process. If the filter function disallows the system call it returns Err(ErrorCode) and the ErrorCode is provided to the process as the return code for the system call. Otherwise, the system call proceeds. The filter interface is unstable and may be changed in the future.

  2. The kernel scheduler loop handles the Exit and Yield system call classes.

  3. To handle Memop system calls, the scheduler loop invokes the memop module, which implements the Memop class.

  4. Allow Read-Write, Allow Read-Only, Subscribe, and Command follow a more complex execution path because are implemented by drivers. To route these system calls, the scheduler loop calls a struct that implements the SyscallDriverLookup trait. This trait has a with_driver() function that the driver number as an argument and returns either a reference to the corresponding driver or None if it is not installed. The kernel uses the returned reference to call the appropriate system call function on that driver with the remaining system call arguments.

An example board that implements the SyscallDriverLookup trait looks something like this:

struct TestBoard {
    console: &'static Console<'static, usart::USART>,

impl SyscallDriverLookup for TestBoard {
    fn with_driver<F, R>(&self, driver_num: usize, f: F) -> R
        where F: FnOnce(Option<&kernel::syscall::SyscallDriver>) -> R

        match driver_num {
            0 => f(Some(self.console)), // use capsules::console::DRIVER_NUM rather than 0 in real code
            _ => f(None),

TestBoard then supports one driver, the UART console, and maps it to driver number 0. Any command, subscribe, and allow sycalls to driver number 0 will get routed to the console, and all other driver numbers will return Err(ErrorCode::NODEVICE).

Error and Return Types

Tock includes some defined types and conventions for errors and return values between the kernel and userspace.

Naming Conventions

  • *Code (e.g. ErrorCode, StatusCode): These types are mappings between numeric values and semantic meanings. These can always be encoded in a usize.
  • *Return (e.g. SyscallReturn): These are more complex return types that can include arbitrary values, errors, or *Code types.

Type Descriptions

  • *Code Types:

    • ErrorCode: A standard set of errors and their numeric representations in Tock. This is used to represent errors for syscalls, and elsewhere in the kernel.

    • StatusCode: All errors in ErrorCode plus a Success value (represented by 0). This is used to pass a success/error status between the kernel and userspace.

      StatusCode is a pseudotype that is not actually defined as a concrete Rust type. Instead, it is always encoded as a usize. Even though it is not a concrete type, it is useful to be able to return to it conceptually, so we give it the name StatusCode.

      The intended use of StatusCode is to convey success/failure to userspace in upcalls. To try to keep things simple, we use the same numeric representations in StatusCode as we do with ErrorCode.

  • *Return Types:

    • SyscallReturn: The return type for a syscall. Includes whether the syscall succeeded or failed, optionally additional data values, and in the case of failure an ErrorCode.

Allocated Driver Numbers

All documented drivers are in the doc/syscalls folder.

The with_driver() function takes an argument driver_num to identify the driver. driver_num whose highest bit is set is private and can be used by out-of-tree drivers.