Welcome to the Domain Scraper Bot! This bot helps you analyze domain availability and manage domain-related tasks directly from Telegram. The bot supports multiple languages, including English and Italian.
Simply start a chat with the bot on Telegram and use the commands listed below to interact with it.
- /start: Start the bot and display a welcome message.
- /lang <ENG|ITA>: Change the bot's language to English or Italian.
- /profile: View your user profile including remaining credits and scans.
- /domain : Set the domain extension (e.g., .com, .it)
- /wordlist: Generate wordlist dictionary .txt from your custom words
- /setfile <file_path>: Specify the file you want to analyze (supports .txt or .csv files)
- /analyze: Start analyzing domains listed in the specified file
- /stop: Stop the ongoing domain analysis
- /list: Download the HTML file with the analysis results
- /profile: Display all the info about you
- /supported: List the supported TLDs (Top Level Domains)
- /pay : Make a payment to add credits for more domain scans
- /credit: Check your remaining credit
- /wordlist : Generate a wordlist for domain analysis by providing between 3 to 10 words.
- Set Domain Extension:
/domain .com
- Specify the File to Analyze:
/setfile domains_to_check.txt
- Start Domain Analysis:
- Check Available Domains:
- Make a Payment:
/pay 1 LTC [email protected]
Where the number indicate the amount in EURO
- Each €1 deposited equals 1000 domain scans.
- Languages supported: English and Italian.
- Accepted cryptocurrencies include BTC, ETH, LTC, and several others.
If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact support.
Enjoy using the Domain Scraper Bot!
Arjen Van Zwam and Russo Federico