This pitot tube prototype is designed as an all-in-one plug-and-play system to gather data.
The controller is based on an STM32F405 and mounted directly to the tube along with two MS5803 barometers, one MCP9600 thermocouple ADC, one ICM20601 accelerometer, an SD card and a battery. The software uses freeRTOS and will put the MCU in standby mode until the IMU wakes it up during lift-off (interrupt out of IMU to wakeup pin 1 on MCU). Preliminary measurements show that the current consumption in flight mode is 150mA and in sleep mode 3mA. With a 240mAh battery, this allows for 80h of sleep time or 1.6h of flight time.Below is a diagram explaining the software architecture.
Repo structure:
contains all step files and technical drawings to manufacture and assemble the structural components as well as the EAGLE files of the electronics hardware
contains headers of project specific code
contains source of project specific code
contains python code for analysis (including supersonic flight data from SPAC2022, HELVETIA)