Login via: https://jupyter.alcf.anl.gov/
Select "Login Polaris" and use your ALCF credentials and Multi-Factor Authentication.
Note: some of the images below show "ThetaGPU" being used, however, similar instructions apply to "Polaris" or "Sophia".
You'll want to set your server options to the following:
- job profile: ThetaGPU Compute Node
- Sophia Queue: by-gpu
- Project List: ALCFAITP
- Runtime: can be 5 to 60 minutes
When you click "start" you are submitting a job to the batch queue and waiting for the job to begin.
ALCF's guiding policy is:
"We ask that all users follow good etiquette and be excellent to one another."
If you simply close your browser window, or logout without shutting down the jupyter server, your job will continue to occupy the worker node. Be considerate and shutdown your job when you finish.