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Hackathon Six: New Digs

David Baumgold edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 31 revisions

The Hacks

  • We got some new digs, so let's celebrate by making this the best hack so far!

The Schedule

  1. Mar 6, 2014: hack
  2. Mar 7, 2014: demo (3:00-4:30pm) (Google Hangout)

The Proposed Hacks

Advocate Description Interested Parties
gprice / JZ Relative diff quality metrics so it's your merged PR vs. master instead of vs. the last build on jenkins gprice
sarina / JZ fix beta instructor dashboard!! sarina adam (and deprecate legacy!)
sarina/dkh finish intern badging project
Jarv external status board - Jarv/devops
Jarv engineering blog - All or a subset of individuals are chosen to present a blog post about their hack, we stagger the posts to keep the blog fresh engineering
Jarv using reddit as forums - Reddit is open source and is easily installed alongside the LMS, add it as one of the forums options for universities who want polished looking forums as well as event data from it Jarv
Ned Coverage testing of Mako templates Ned
Ned Responsive how-to XBlock (riffing on Git choose your own adventure) Ned
Marco airquotes Finish airquotes previous LMS Redesign Design Mocks HackProject, demo through InvisionApp Marco
JZ Combine the microsites and theming features
JZ Bring the Paver PR to completion
JZ Create a rules-based risk calculation for PRs
JZ Develop an ansible script for provisioning JMeter engines for performance testing
AndyA Develop an XBlocks Install Manager for Studio, i.e. Chrome Extensions for Studio AndyA, Christina
e0d FED love for our Asgard fork, Hammer of the Gods. The tool is super powerful, with confusing buttons...
e0d Run edx-platform and the forums in uWSGI, better performance, same runtime for Python and Ruby... e0d?
e0d Work on clojure/neo4j deployment mapper "clueprint." Dynamically map AWS entities and relate them to arbitrary other entities from other domains, like git commits, visualize as a graph, use cypher or gremlin DSLs to bootstrap commonly needed visualizations. e0d
DB Set up a bot for IRC. Maybe extend Hubot? Needs to do channel logging. DB
DB Github bot for pull requests from new contributors. Check for contribution agreement, AUTHORS file. Maybe also check for new tests? DB
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