diff --git a/lms/templates/widgets/segment-io.html b/lms/templates/widgets/segment-io.html
index 5f8da23000e8..bfde404d9bec 100644
--- a/lms/templates/widgets/segment-io.html
+++ b/lms/templates/widgets/segment-io.html
@@ -9,18 +9,45 @@
var originalAPI = '${settings.SEGMENT_ORIGINAL_API}';
var replicateAPI = '${settings.SEGMENT_REPLICATE_API}';
- function replaceFetchResourceForSegmentSite(resource){
- if (resource.substr(0, originalAPI.length) === originalAPI) {
- resource = replicateAPI + resource.substr(originalAPI.length);
+ function replaceFetchResourceForSegmentSite(resource) {
+ // Helper function to replace the URL
+ function replaceUrl(url) {
+ if (url.substr(0, originalAPI.length) === originalAPI) {
+ return replicateAPI + url.substr(originalAPI.length);
+ }
+ return url;
+ }
+ // Check if resource is a string (a URL)
+ if (typeof resource === 'string') {
+ return replaceUrl(resource);
+ } else if (resource instanceof Request) {
+ // If resource is a Request object, create a new Request with a replaced URL
+ const newUrl = replaceUrl(resource.url);
+ return new Request(newUrl, {
+ method: resource.method,
+ headers: resource.headers,
+ body: resource.body,
+ mode: resource.mode,
+ credentials: resource.credentials,
+ cache: resource.cache,
+ redirect: resource.redirect,
+ referrer: resource.referrer,
+ integrity: resource.integrity,
+ keepalive: resource.keepalive,
+ signal: resource.signal
+ });
+ } else {
+ // If it's neither a string nor a Request object, log an error or handle as needed
+ console.error('replaceFetchResourceForSegmentSite was called with an unexpected argument type');
+ return resource;
- return resource;
- const { fetch: originalFetch } = window;
+ // Override the fetch function to use the replaceFetchResourceForSegmentSite function
+ const originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = async (...args) => {
- let [resource, config ] = args;
- resource = replaceFetchResourceForSegmentSite(resource);
- const response = await originalFetch(resource, config);
- return response;
+ args[0] = replaceFetchResourceForSegmentSite(args[0]);
+ return originalFetch.apply(window, args);