This file describes the format that is returned by apidoc.
apidoc response is represented as a JSON object and Javascript AMD Modul.
apidoc itself copy some template files to the destination dir too.
Only when lib/apidoc is directly included and parameter --parse=true
is set, the json and javascript files will be returned.
"name": "apidoc-example",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "apiDoc example project",
"generator": {
"version": "0.7.1",
"time": "2014-08-22T16:15:45.522Z"
Javascript AMD Modul:
"name": "apidoc-example",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "apiDoc example project",
"generator": {
"version": "0.7.1",
"time": "2014-08-22T16:15:45.522Z"
By default apidoc creates 4 files:
with the representation of the APIapi_project.json
with the project description and documentation settings
The api_data root is an array that contain a list of objects (Endpoints).
Name | Type | Description |
object | Endpoint | Unique Endpoint. |
Each Endpoint / Method is unique. Unique because of their group, name and version, not because of the url, the url can change while the api is in development.
Name | Type | Description |
group | string | Group of the endpoint. A group describe to which part of your application the endpoint belongs, e.g. GET /user/:id/ and POST /logout could belong to the group Account .In the default template the group is used to separate the endpoints under a main navigation point. Example: "User" |
name | string | Name of the endpoint. Example: "GetUser" . |
version | string | Version of the endpoint - semver 2. If no Version is supported set to "0.0.0" .Example: "0.3.0" |
type | string | Type of the endpoint. "get" , "put" , "post" , "delete" , ... |
url | string | Endpoint path, a relative path to the projects base url. Example: "/with/:id/do/something" |
title | string | Title of the endpoint. |
description | string | Endpoint description. HTML capable. |
groupDescription | [string] | Group description. HTML capable. |
filename | string | Relative filename of the documentation position in the source file. |
permission | [Permission] | Permission object. |
parameter | [Parameter] | Parameter object. |
success | [Success] | Success object. |
error | [Error] | Error object. |
header | [Header] | Header object. |
examples | [Examples] | List of examples. |
sampleRequest | [SampleRequest] | List of sample request objects, to test the the API. |
Describes the permissions to access the endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the permission. Example: "admin" |
title | string | Title of the permission. Example: "Admin access rights needed." |
description | string | Permission description. HTML capable. |
Contains information about the parameters transfered to the endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
fields | Fields | Fields object. |
For historical reasons, the Parameter object did not have an examples array (compared to the Success, Error, Header object). |
Contains information about the success response from the server.
Name | Type | Description |
fields | Fields | Fields object. |
examples | Examples | Examples array. |
Contains information about the error response from the server.
Name | Type | Description |
fields | Fields | Fields object. |
examples | Examples | Examples array. |
Contains information about the header transfered to the endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
fields | Fields | Fields object. |
examples | Examples | Examples array. |
A list of objects that contain examples to access the Endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
object | Example | Example object. |
A list of objects that contain sample URL to test the Endpoint from within the documentation.
Name | Type | Description |
object | Example | Sample Request object. |
Example to access the Endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the example. Example: "Example usage with CURL:" |
content | string | Example code to access the endpoint. |
type | [string] | The code style of the content: "curl" , "json" , "yaml" , ... |
Test the Endpoint from within the documentation.
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | URL of the Endpoint. |
Contains variable named arrays. The label is the group of a field (more exactly the label of a group).
The label could be empty ""
, if no grouping is needed.
Name | Type | Description |
label | Field | Field object. |
Example: "This is a group"
is the variable label
"fields": {
"This is a group": [
"group": "MyGroup",
"type": "String",
"field": "id",
"optional": false,
"description": "<p>The Users-ID.</p>"
Hint: Yes it was a stupid idea, it was implemented because of the simpler processing in the handlebar template and will definitely changed in a future version.
A single parameter field.
Name | Type | Description |
group | string | Group name of the field. The group is used for a grouped output of all fields that belong to a group, e.g. it can be used to show public and private fields. |
type | string | User defined field type, "String" , "Number" , "Boolean" |
field | string | Name of the. Example: "firstname" |
optional | boolean | Is the field optional. |
defaultValue | mixed | The default value of the field. |
description | string | Description of the field. HTML capable. |
"name": "apidoc-example",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "apiDoc example project",
"title": "Custom apiDoc browser title",
"url": "",
"sampleUrl": "",
"generator": {
"version": "0.7.1",
"time": "2014-08-22T16:15:45.522Z"
"template": {
"withCompare": true,
"withGenerator": true
"header": {
"title": "Introduction",
"content": "<p>Please visit <a href=\"\"></a> for the full documentation.</p>\n"
"footer": {
"title": "Epilogue",
"content": "<p>Suggestions, contact, support and error reporting on <a href=\"\">GitHub</a></p>\n"
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the application. |
version | string | Version of the application (not the apiDoc Specification or Generator version!) - semver 2. Example: "0.3.0" |
description | string | Project description. It is used as introduction at the beginning of the documentation. |
title | [string] | Browser title. |
url | [string] | Public URL to access the API (prefix URL for an endpoint). Example: "" |
sampleUrl | [string] | Public URL to test the API. Example: "" |
generator | [Generator] | Provides generator informations. |
template | [Template] | Template specific settings. |
header | [Header] | Additional content for the top of the documentation. |
footer | [Footer] | Additional content for the bottom of the documentation. |
Provides generator informations.
Name | Type | Description |
version | string | Version of the generator (not the apiDoc Specification version!) - semver 2. Example: "0.7.1" |
time | string | Date-time when the representation file was created - ECMA-262. Example: "2014-08-22T16:15:45.522Z" |
Template specific settings. This settings belong to the default template.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
withCompare | [boolean] | true | Enable version compare function. |
withGenerator | [boolean] | true | Append generator information at the bottom of the page. |
An optional introduction section. The usage depend on the template.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | [string] | "General" | The title is used as the navigation label in default template. |
content | [string] | "" | HTML content appended to the top of the documentation. |
An optional epilogue. The usage depend on the template.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | [string] | The title is used as the navigation label in default template. | |
content | [string] | HTML content appended to the bottom of the documentation. |