- You're expected to follow standard rules on research ethics, plagiarism and co-authorship – see Research and publication ethics, below. You should be particularly careful with citations, use of sources and plagiarism. Co-authorship questions will most likely not apply to you unless you're collaborating with someone or your results are publishable.
- You're expected to follow standard rules on research ethics, plagiarism and co-authorship – see Research and publication ethics, below. For PhD students, this is covered by the compulsory course on Theory of Science and Ethics (MNF990).
- Guidelines for research ethics in science and technology (from The Norwegian National Committees for Research Ethics)
- ACM Code of Ethics
Plagiarism is passing off someone's results, ideas, thinking or words as your own, for example by not referring to / citing previous work, not marking quoted text explicitly or by reusing text, source code, tables or graphics (reuse without permission could in some cases also be a violation of copyright law). You can also self-plagiarise if the “someone” is yourself (e.g., passing off your own work as new work – you should always cite/quote your own previous work properly).
- UiB has nice guidelines for the use of sources in student work (also in Norwegian)
- The Univeristy Library has a nice movie about plagiarism
- At the UiB, plagiarism is treated as cheating, and may result in annulment of exams and/or expulsion from all higher education in Norway for up to one year.
In general, UiB expects co-authors to fulfil the Vancouver criteria for co-authorship:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
More guidelines:
- University of Bergen guidelines (in Norwegian)
- Authorship and co-authorship guidelines (from The Norwegian National Committees for Research Ethics)
- ACM Authorship Policy
- Contributor roles for other contributors
- Master application for residents of Norway / Nordic countries
- All master application guidelines (including for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, and for earthlings in general)
- For a PhD, you will need a funded PhD position. There's are announced at uib.no/ii from time to time.