Uwizard: All-In-One Wii U PC Program
- Easily manage your Wii U games from a list!
- SHA1 key verification!
- Hide keys in inactive text boxes!
- Downloads covers from GameTDB!
- Specialized NUS Downloader for the Wii U!
- Use Crediar's CDecrypt to decrypt downloaded Wii U titles from NUS without using the command prompt!
- Use Crediar's DiscU to extract game files without using the command prompt!
- Easily convert Wii U BFSTM or BFWAV sound files to WAV or MP3 sound files!
- Easily update Uwizard with a single click!
- Use Uwizard in either English, French, Portuguese, German, or Spanish!
- Easily manage SARC archives!
- Easily manage Yaz0 compressed SZS files.
You must obtain copyrighted Nintendo property to use with Uwizard by yourself. Such property includes but is not limited to Wii U games and Wii U encryption keys.
This program does NOT play Wii U game backups! It currently can only extract the files and download covers.
Current Version: 1.1.3
- Mr. Mysterio - Programmer of Uwizard
- Crediar - Programmer of DiscU and CDecrypt
- MasterF0x - Distributor of BFSTM Decoder
- GameTDB - Game Covers
- VinsCool, capito27, Phanteon, send0r - Translation
Along with Uwizard, the website http://wiiubrew.net is also newly released. You can find lots of useful Wii U related information there. You can even play PONG, the first Wii U homebrew game!