Options, Commands, and Key Bindings are all settings that are managed in a similar way. They can each effectively be set, in order of lowest precedence to highest:
- globally
- for all types of tabular Sheets,
- for a specific type of derived Sheet,
- from the command-line
- at runtime via sheet-options for a specific sheet
Options and other settings can be set in .visidatarc as simple Python:
options.min_memory_mb = 50
All Python code in .visidatarc is executed and made available to column expressions and other components.
{see commands.md}
- loadConfigFile(fnrc)
These are all valid contexts:
: get in context of current sheet; set for runtime override ('override')vd.options.foo
: get in context of current sheet; set as global default ('global')sheet.options.foo
: get and set in context of given sheetSheet.options.foo
: plugins without Sheet subclasses can use change VisiData Sheet defaults- `TsvSheet.option("tsv_optnam", 'default', 'default string for tsv')
- define option and give it default and helpstr