The Replicator plugin provides a task that generates the structure of your project. To use it you need to first build it, then run the task on your project with the plugin applied.
The first step is to build and publish the Gradle plugin:
./gradlew publishLocal
This will put the plugin and its dependencies in your maven local
repository, generally
located under ~./m2/repository
The plugin must be applied to the projects.
- Copy the content of
to the top of your root project'sbuild.gradle
. Only theplugins {}
block needs to be before it - If you do not want to access
edit the snippet to use your own repository.
There is a single task to call. It is registered in the root project:
./gradlew :getStructure
This creates a file in the build folder of the root project: build/project-structure.json
A mapping file is also created next to the structure plugin should you need to analyze the structure. This file
contains the original names from the project and is not used by the generator.
To build the generator, use the following command:
./gradlew generator:installDist
To launch the generator:
generator/build/install/generator/bin/generator --structure /path/to/project-structure.json --destination /path/to/empty/folder
To use the code generator, run the following command from the root of the generated project:
./gradlew -I init.gradle generateCode