We can extend the idea of Base components to create Typography components this pattern helps ensure consistency and keep your styling DRY.
- http://jxnblk.com/writing/posts/patterns-for-style-composition-in-react/
- https://github.com/vasanthk/react-bits/blob/master/styling/05.base-component.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { alternateFont, typeScale, boldFontWeight } from './styles';
const Text = ({
tag = 'span',
size = 4,
}) => {
const Tag = tag;
const sx = {
fontFamily: alt ? alternateFont : null,
fontSize: typeScale[size],
fontWeight: bold ? boldFontWeight : null,
textAlign: center ? 'center' : null,
textTransform: caps ? 'uppercase' : null
return <Tag {...props} style={sx}/>
const LeadText = (props) => <Text {...props} tag='p' size={3}/>;
const Caps = (props) => <Text {...props} caps/>;
const MetaText = (props) => <Text {...props} size={5} caps/>;
const AltParagraph = (props) => <Text {...props} tag='p' alt/>;
const CapsButton = ({ children, ...props }) => (
<Button {...props}>
Usage example
const TypographyComponent = () => (
This is a lead with some<Caps>all caps</Caps>.
It has a larger font size than the default paragraph.
This is smaller text, like form helper copy.