##PHP wrapper for NYTimes APIs.
####Are you a PHP dev? Try out these php bindings for the NYTimes API.
Use the Composer dependency manager to easily include these bindings into your project. In the composer.json file in your root directory add the following require entry:
"require" : {
"amy/nytimes-apis": "dev-master",
"eloquent/enumeration": "dev-master",
"nategood/httpful": "*"
Then run:
composer install
composer update
- Article Search API
###Documentation (More thorough documentation to come!) Creating request response objects are now super easy for PHP devs! Here's an example use for the Article Search API:
$query = new ArticleSearchQuery('test');
$request = new ArticleSearchRequest(
'your key'
$json = $request->query();
Amy Chen (@amy)
Reach out to me at [email protected]