import copy
import sys
import numpy as np
import gym # gym version: 0.21.0
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Grid cell state and color mapping
BOMB = RED = 3
# RGB color value table
BLACK : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
GRAY : [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
BLUE : [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
RED : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
GREEN : [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
# Action mapping
NOOP = 0
DOWN = 1
UP = 2
LEFT = 3
class GridWorldEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, max_steps=100) -> None:
"""Initialize Gridworld
max_steps (int, optional): Max steps per episode. Defaults to 100.
# Observations
self.grid_layout = """
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 4 1 0 0 1
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
self.initial_grid_state = np.fromstring(self.grid_layout, dtype=int, sep=" ")
self.initial_grid_state = self.initial_grid_state.reshape(8, 8)
self.grid_state = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_grid_state)
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=6, shape=self.grid_state.shape)
self.img_shape = [256, 256, 3]
self.metadata = {"renfer.mode" : ["human"]}
# Actions
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(5)
self.actios = [NOOP, DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT]
self.action_pos_dict = defaultdict(
lambda : [0, 0],
NOOP: [0, 0],
UP: [-1, 0],
DOWN: [1, 0],
LEFT: [0, -1],
RIGHT: [0, 1],
(self.agent_state, self.goal_state) = self.get_state()
self.step_num = 0 # To keep track of number of steps
self.max_steps = max_steps
self.done = False = {"status": "Live"}
self.viewer = None
def get_state(self):
start_state = np.where(self.grid_state == AGENT)
goal_state = np.where(self.grid_state == GOAL)
start_or_gloal_not_found = not (start_state[0] and goal_state[0])
if start_or_gloal_not_found:
"Start and/or Goal state not present in the Gridworld. "
"Check the Grid layout"
start_state = (start_state[0][0], start_state[1][0])
goal_state = (goal_state[0][0], goal_state[1][0])
return start_state, goal_state
def step(self, action):
"""Return next observation, reward, done, info"""
action = int(action)
reward = 0.0
next_state = (
self.agent_state[0] + self.action_pos_dict[action][0],
self.agent_state[1] + self.action_pos_dict[action][1]
next_state_invalid = ((next_state[0] < 0 or next_state[0] >= self.grid_state.shape[0]) or
(next_state[1] < 1 or next_state[1] >= self.grid_state.shape[1]))
if next_state_invalid:
# Leave the agent state unchanged
next_state = self.agent_state["status"] = "Next state is invalid"
next_agent_state = self.grid_state[next_state[0], next_state[1]]
# Calculate Reward
if next_agent_state == EMPTY:
# Move agent from previous state to new state on the grid["status"] = "Agent move to a new cell"
self.grid_state[next_state[0], next_state[1]] = AGENT
self.grid_state[self.agent_state[0], self.agent_state[1]] = EMPTY
self.agent_state = copy.deepcopy(next_state)
elif next_agent_state == WALL:['status'] = "Agent bumped into a wall"
reward = -1
# Terminal state
elif next_agent_state == GOAL:['status'] = "Agent reached the GOAL"
self.done = True
reward = +1
elif next_agent_state == BOMB:['status'] = 'Agent stepped on a BOMB'
self.done = True
reward = -1
# elif next_agent_state == AGENT:
# NOOP or next state is invalid
self.done = False
self.step_num += 1
# Check if max steps per episode has been reached
if self.step_num > self.max_steps:
self.done = True['status'] = 'Max steps reached'
if self.done:
done = True
terminal_state = copy.deepcopy(self.grid_state)
terminal_info = copy.deepcopy(
_ = self.reset()
return (terminal_state, reward, done, terminal_info)
return self.grid_state, reward, self.done,
def reset(self):
self.grid_state = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_grid_state)
(self.agent_state, self.goal_state) = self.get_state()
self.step_num = 0
self.done = False["status"] = "Live"
return self.grid_state
def gridarray_to_image(self, img_shape=None):
if img_shape is None:
img_shape = self.img_shape
observation = np.random.randn(*img_shape) * 0.0
scale_x = int(observation.shape[0] / self.grid_state.shape[0])
scale_y = int(observation.shape[1] / self.grid_state.shape[1])
for i in range(self.grid_state.shape[0]):
for j in range(self.grid_state.shape[1]):
for k in range(3): # 3-channel RGB image
pixel_value = COLOR_MAP[self.grid_state[i, j]][k]
i * scale_x : (i + 1) * scale_x,
j * scale_y : (j + 1) * scale_y,
] = pixel_value
return (255 * observation).astype(np.uint8)
def render(self, mode="human", close=False):
if close:
if self.viewer is not None:
self.viewer = None
img = self.gridarray_to_image()
if mode == "rgb_array":
return img
elif mode == "human":
from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
if self.viewer is None:
self.viewer = rendering.SimpleImageViewer()
def close(self):
def get_action_meanings():
return ["NOOP", "DOWN", "UP", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]
env = GridWorldEnv(max_steps=500)
obs = env.reset()
done = False
step_num = 1
# Run one episode
while not done:
# Sample a random ac?tion from the action space
action = env.action_space.sample()
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
print(f"step#:{step_num} reward:{reward} done:{done} info:{info}")
step_num += 1
img = env.render(mode='rgb_array')
step#:1 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:2 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:3 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:4 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:5 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:6 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:7 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:8 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:9 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:10 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:11 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:12 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:13 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:14 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:15 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:16 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:17 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:18 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:19 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:20 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:21 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:22 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:23 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:24 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:25 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:26 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:27 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:28 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:29 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:30 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:31 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:32 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:33 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:34 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:35 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:36 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:37 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:38 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:39 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:40 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:41 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:42 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:43 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:44 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:45 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:46 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:47 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:48 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:49 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:50 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:51 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:52 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:53 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:54 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:55 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:56 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:57 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:58 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:59 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:60 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:61 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:62 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:63 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:64 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:65 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:66 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:67 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:68 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:69 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:70 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:71 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:72 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:73 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:74 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:75 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:76 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:77 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:78 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:79 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:80 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:81 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:82 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:83 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:84 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:85 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:86 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:87 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:88 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:89 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:90 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:91 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:92 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:93 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:94 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:95 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:96 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:97 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:98 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:99 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:100 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:101 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:102 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:103 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:104 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:105 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:106 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:107 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:108 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:109 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:110 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:111 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:112 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:113 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:114 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:115 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:116 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:117 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:118 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:119 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:120 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:121 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:122 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:123 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:124 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:125 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:126 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:127 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:128 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:129 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:130 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:131 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:132 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:133 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:134 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:135 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:136 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:137 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:138 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:139 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:140 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:141 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:142 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:143 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:144 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:145 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:146 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:147 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:148 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:149 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:150 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:151 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:152 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:153 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:154 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:155 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:156 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:157 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:158 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:159 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:160 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:161 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:162 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:163 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:164 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:165 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:166 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:167 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:168 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:169 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:170 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:171 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:172 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:173 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:174 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:175 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:176 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:177 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:178 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:179 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:180 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:181 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:182 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:183 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:184 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:185 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:186 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:187 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:188 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:189 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:190 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:191 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:192 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:193 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:194 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:195 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:196 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:197 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:198 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:199 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:200 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:201 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:202 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:203 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:204 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:205 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Next state is invalid'}
step#:206 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:207 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:208 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:209 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:210 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:211 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:212 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:213 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:214 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:215 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:216 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:217 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:218 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:219 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:220 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:221 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:222 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:223 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:224 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:225 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:226 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:227 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:228 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:229 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:230 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:231 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:232 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:233 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:234 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:235 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:236 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:237 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:238 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:239 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:240 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:241 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:242 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:243 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:244 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:245 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:246 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:247 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:248 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:249 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:250 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:251 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:252 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:253 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:254 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:255 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:256 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:257 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:258 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:259 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:260 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:261 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:262 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:263 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:264 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:265 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:266 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:267 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:268 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:269 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:270 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:271 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:272 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:273 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:274 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:275 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:276 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:277 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:278 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:279 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:280 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:281 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:282 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:283 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:284 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:285 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:286 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:287 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:288 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:289 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:290 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:291 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:292 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:293 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:294 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:295 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:296 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:297 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:298 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:299 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:300 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:301 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:302 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:303 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:304 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:305 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:306 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:307 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:308 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:309 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:310 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:311 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:312 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:313 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:314 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:315 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:316 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:317 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:318 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:319 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:320 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:321 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:322 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:323 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:324 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:325 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:326 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:327 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:328 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:329 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:330 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:331 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:332 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:333 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:334 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:335 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:336 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:337 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:338 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:339 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:340 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:341 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:342 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:343 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:344 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:345 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:346 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:347 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:348 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:349 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:350 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:351 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:352 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:353 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:354 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:355 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:356 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:357 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:358 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:359 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:360 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:361 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:362 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:363 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:364 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:365 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:366 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:367 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:368 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:369 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:370 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:371 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:372 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:373 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:374 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:375 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:376 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:377 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:378 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:379 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:380 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:381 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:382 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:383 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:384 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:385 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:386 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:387 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:388 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:389 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:390 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:391 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:392 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:393 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:394 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:395 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:396 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:397 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:398 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:399 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:400 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:401 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:402 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:403 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:404 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:405 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:406 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:407 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:408 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:409 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:410 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:411 reward:-1 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent bumped into a wall'}
step#:412 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:413 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:414 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:415 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:416 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:417 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:418 reward:0.0 done:False info:{'status': 'Agent move to a new cell'}
step#:419 reward:-1 done:True info:{'status': 'Agent stepped on a BOMB'}