diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization/lib/flutter_sheet_localization.dart b/flutter_sheet_localization/lib/flutter_sheet_localization.dart index 232ed8c..c94157f 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization/lib/flutter_sheet_localization.dart +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization/lib/flutter_sheet_localization.dart @@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ class SheetLocalization { final String sheetId; final int version; final bool jsonSerializers; + final String? langFallback; const SheetLocalization( this.docId, this.sheetId, this.version, { this.jsonSerializers = true, + this.langFallback, }); } diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization/pubspec.yaml b/flutter_sheet_localization/pubspec.yaml index a35fe8c..0250be9 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization/pubspec.yaml +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization/pubspec.yaml @@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ environment: sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0' dependencies: - intl: ^0.17.0 - template_string: ^0.6.0 + intl: ^0.19.0 + template_string: + path: ../template_string diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.dart b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.dart index e077f78..d39f535 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.dart +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.dart @@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ extension AppLocalizationsExtensions on BuildContext { } } -@SheetLocalization('1AcjI1BjmQpjlnPUZ7aVLbrnVR98xtATnSjU4CExM9fs', '0', 16) -class AppLocalizationsDelegate - extends LocalizationsDelegate { +@SheetLocalization('1IgWiJd-V9p9CF8srgBCpecttFD5svfyDEH0gTtjJkUo', '0', 1) +class AppLocalizationsDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate { const AppLocalizationsDelegate(); @override diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.g.dart b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.g.dart index 2321a46..38ba718 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.g.dart +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/localizations.g.dart @@ -7,824 +7,15645 @@ part of 'localizations.dart'; // ************************************************************************** final localizedLabels = { - Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'fr'): const AppLocalizationsData( - multiline: 'C\'est\n\nune\n\nexemple multiligne.', - plurals: const AppLocalizationsDataPlurals( - manMultiple: 'hommes', - manOne: 'homme', - manZero: 'hommes', - ), - templated: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplated( - pattern: 'Aujourd\'hui : {{date:DateTime[EEE, M/d/y]}}', - simple: 'Aujourd\'hui : {{date:DateTime}}', - formatted: 'Le prix est de {{price:double[compactCurrency]}}', - count: 'Il y a {{count:int}} éléments.', - contactFemale: 'Mme {{last_name}}', - contactMale: 'M. {{last_name}}', - hello: 'Bonjour {{first_name}}!', - date: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate( - pattern: 'Aujourd\'hui : {{date:DateTime[EEE, M/d/y]}}', - simple: 'Aujourd\'hui : {{date:DateTime}}', - ), - numbers: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers( - formatted: 'Le prix est de {{price:double[compactCurrency]}}', - simple: 'Le prix est de {{price:double}}€', - count: 'Il y a {{count:int}} éléments.', - ), - ), - dates: const AppLocalizationsDataDates( - april: 'avril', - march: 'février', - february: 'février', - january: 'janvier', - sunday: 'dimanche', - saturday: 'samedi', - friday: 'Vendredi', - thursday: 'jeudi', - wednesday: 'Mercredi', - tuesday: 'Mardi', - monday: 'LUNDI', - month: const AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth( - april: 'avril', - march: 'février', - february: 'février', - january: 'janvier', - ), - weekday: const AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday( - sunday: 'dimanche', - saturday: 'samedi', - friday: 'Vendredi', - thursday: 'jeudi', - wednesday: 'Mercredi', - tuesday: 'Mardi', - monday: 'LUNDI', + Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'cs'): const AppLocalizationsData( + notifications: const AppLocalizationsDataNotifications( + allAsRead: 'Označit vše jako přečtené', + title: 'Upozornění', + ), + select: const AppLocalizationsDataSelect( + hint: 'Vyberte ze seznamu', + ), + absence: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsence( + addFile: 'Připojit soubor', + excuses: 'Omluvenky', + countDown: 'Nahraj do {{duration}}', + adminNote: 'Komentář administrátora', + alert: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert( + body: + 'Abychom mohli absenci omluvit, potřebujeme znát více podrobností.', + title: 'Upřesněte důvod absence, nebo připojte soubor.', + ), + rejected: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected( + chip: 'Zamítnuto', + title: 'Nedostatečná omluva', + ), + processing: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing( + chip: 'Zpracováváme', + button: 'Zobrazit moje zdůvodnění absence', + description: + 'Brzy ti dáme vědět, zda tebou uvedená objektivní překážka v práci byla schválena. Nejpozději následující pracovní den.', + title: 'Zpracováváme zdůvodnění absence', + ), + approved: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved( + chip: 'Omluveno', + ), + screen: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen( + buttonClarify: 'Upřesnit absenci', + buttonExcuse: 'Omluvit absenci', + description: + 'Pokud se vyskytla objektivní překážka v práci, dodej nám prosím její potvrzení, aby si se vyhl případné penalizaci.', + title: 'Omluva absence', + reason: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason( + label: 'Upřesnění', + ), + category: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory( + other: 'Ostatní důvody', + familyDeath: 'Úmrtí v rodině', + familyReasons: 'Rodinné důvody', + traffic: 'Dopravní situace', + illness: 'Nemoc', + label: 'Důvod absence', + ), + ), + clarification: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification( + button: 'Upřesnit absenci', + title: 'Potřebujeme upřesnit důvod absence', + ), + missing: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing( + button: 'Zdůvodnit absenci', + description: + 'Zrušil jsi směnu 24 hodin před začátkem, nebo jsi nedorazil. Pokud se jednalo o objektivní překážku v práci, dodej nám prosím zdůvodnění. V opačném případě ti hrozí dočasný ban.', + title: 'Neomluvená absence', ), ), - ), - Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'en'): const AppLocalizationsData( - multiline: 'This is\n\na\n\nmultiline example.', - plurals: const AppLocalizationsDataPlurals( - manMultiple: 'men', - manOne: 'man', - manZero: 'man', - ), - templated: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplated( - pattern: 'Today : {{date:DateTime[EEE, M/d/y]}}', - simple: 'Today : {{date:DateTime}}', - formatted: 'The price is {{price:double[compactCurrency]}}', - count: 'There are {{count:int}}\ items.', - contactFemale: 'Mrs {{last_name}}!', - contactMale: 'Mr {{last_name}}!', - hello: 'Hello {{first_name}}!', - date: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate( - pattern: 'Today : {{date:DateTime[EEE, M/d/y]}}', - simple: 'Today : {{date:DateTime}}', - ), - numbers: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers( - formatted: 'The price is {{price:double[compactCurrency]}}', - simple: 'The price is {{price:double}}\$', - count: 'There are {{count:int}}\ items.', - ), - ), - dates: const AppLocalizationsDataDates( - april: 'april', - march: 'march', - february: 'february', - january: 'january', - sunday: 'sunday', - saturday: 'saturday', - friday: 'friday', - thursday: 'thursday', - wednesday: 'wednesday', - tuesday: 'tuesday', - monday: 'MONDAY', - month: const AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth( - april: 'april', - march: 'march', - february: 'february', - january: 'january', - ), - weekday: const AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday( - sunday: 'sunday', - saturday: 'saturday', - friday: 'friday', - thursday: 'thursday', - wednesday: 'wednesday', - tuesday: 'tuesday', - monday: 'MONDAY', + blog: const AppLocalizationsDataBlog( + title: 'Tymbe blog', + banner: const AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner( + hint: 'Tymbe blog', ), ), - ), - Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', scriptCode: 'Hans', countryCode: 'CN'): - const AppLocalizationsData( - multiline: '这是\n\n一种\n\n多例子。', - plurals: const AppLocalizationsDataPlurals( - manMultiple: '男人', - manOne: '男人', - manZero: '男人', - ), - templated: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplated( - pattern: '今日 : {{date:DateTime[EEE, M/d/y]}}', - simple: '今日 : {{date:DateTime}}', - formatted: '価格は{{price:double[compactCurrency]}}です', - count: '{{count:int}}個のアイテムがあります', - contactFemale: '夫人{{last_name}}', - contactMale: '先生{{last_name}}', - hello: '你好{{first_name}}!', - date: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate( - pattern: '今日 : {{date:DateTime[EEE, M/d/y]}}', - simple: '今日 : {{date:DateTime}}', - ), - numbers: const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers( - formatted: '価格は{{price:double[compactCurrency]}}です', - simple: '価格は{{price:double}}¥です', - count: '{{count:int}}個のアイテムがあります', - ), - ), - dates: const AppLocalizationsDataDates( - april: '四月', - march: '游行', - february: '二月', - january: '一月', - sunday: '星期日', - saturday: '星期六', - friday: '星期五', - thursday: '星期四', - wednesday: '星期三', - tuesday: '星期二', - monday: '星期一', - month: const AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth( - april: '四月', - march: '游行', - february: '二月', - january: '一月', - ), - weekday: const AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday( - sunday: '星期日', - saturday: '星期六', - friday: '星期五', - thursday: '星期四', - wednesday: '星期三', - tuesday: '星期二', - monday: '星期一', + userStatus: const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus( + missingHealthInsuranceCard: + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard( + mainButton: 'Nahrát kartičku', + description: + 'Abychom tě mohli nechat pracovat na brigádě, potřebujeme informace o tvém pojištění.', + title: 'Chybějící kartička pojištěnce', + ), + missingPhoneNumber: + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber( + mainButton: 'Zadat telefonní číslo', + description: + 'Předtím, než tě necháme přihlásit se na brigádu, potřebujeme znát tvé telefonní číslo, abychom tě v případě problémů mohli jednoduše kontaktovat.', + title: 'Chybějící telefonní číslo', + ), + missingBankAccount: + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount( + mainButton: 'Zadat číslo účtu', + description: + 'Předtím, než tě necháme přihlásit se na brigádu, potřebujeme znát tvé číslo bankovního účtu, na který ti budeme posílat výplatu.', + title: 'Chybějící číslo bankovního účtu', + ), + idNotVerified: const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified( + mainButton: 'Ověřit profil', + description: + 'Abychom tě mohli nechat pracovat na brigádě, potřebujeme tvůj profil ověřit. Jakmile jej ověříme, budeš se moct na brigády hlásit.', + title: 'Neověřený profil', + ), + expiredIdCard: const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard( + mainButton: 'Nahrát nový doklad', + description: 'Platnost tvého dokladu vypršela', + title: 'Neověřený doklad', + ), + ), + documentUpload: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload( + title: 'Kamera', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess( + button: 'Rozumím', + description: + 'Ověříme ho jak nejrychleji to půjde. Nejdéle následující pracovní den.', + title: 'Doklad nahrán', + ), + dataFill: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill( + button: 'Dokončit', + info: + 'Pokračováním souhlasíš s zpracováním osobních údajů pro účely zprostředkování brigád a pro zaměstnavatele.', + birthplace: 'Místo narození', + birthdate: 'Datum narození', + sex: 'Pohlaví', + noPersonalId: 'Nemám české rodné číslo', + personalInfo: 'Osobní údaje', + nationality: 'Národnost', + personalId: 'Rodné číslo', + documentValidTo: 'Platnost do', + documentValidFrom: 'Datum vydání', + documentId: 'Číslo dokladu*', + healthInsuranceCode: 'Kód pojišťovny', + title: 'Doplňte následující údaje', + duplicateId: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId( + button: 'LIVE CHAT', + message: + 'Zkotroluj prosím své rodné číslo. Pokud se ti něco nezdá, kontaktuj naší podporu přes live chat.', + title: 'Rodné číslo již použil jiný uživatel', + ), + permanentAddress: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress( + appBarTitle: 'Změna telefonu', + submit: 'Uložit', + contactAddress: 'Kontaktní adresa', + subitle: 'Trvalé bydliště', + title: 'Adresa trvalého bydliště', + ), + ), + filesCheck: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck( + uploadMore: 'Přidat další', + next: 'Pokračovat', + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint( + description: + 'Ujisti se prosím, že jsi vyfotil všechny strany i části dokumentu.', + title: 'Nahrál jsi všechny části?', + ), + ), + photoCheck: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck( + upload: 'Uložit doklad', + retake: 'Vyfotit znovu', + next: 'Pokračovat', + legal: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.legal', + description: 'Jestli se něco nepovedlo, fotku prosím zopakuj ', + title: 'Je doklad k přečtení?', + ), + filePicker: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker( + type: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType( + images: 'Obrázky', + files: 'Soubory', + title: 'Jaký typ chceš nahrát?', + ), + ), + photoTake: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake( + general: 'Vyfoť dokument', + backPage: 'Vyfoť zadní stranu', + frontPage: 'Vyfoť přední stranu', + ), + noCameraAvailable: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable( + description: + 'Nahrajte prosím soubory z úpložiště zařízení pomocí tlačítka v levo dole nebo v nastavení aplikace povolte přístup k fotoaparátu.', + title: 'Kamera nebo povolení k jejímu použití není k dispozici', + ), + identificationPick: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick( + residencePermit: 'Povolení k pobytu', + visa: 'Krátkodobě vízum', + idCard: 'Občanský průkaz', + description: + 'S ověřenou identitou budeš moci snadno uzavírat pracovní smlouvy on-line', + subtitle: 'Jaký doklad chceš ověřit?', + title: 'Ověření identity', + ), + popDialog: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog( + message: 'O neuložená data přijdeš a budeš je muset nahrát znovu.', + title: 'Přerušit nahrávání dokladu?', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton( + continueUpload: 'Pokračovat v nahrávání', + leaveScreen: 'Přerušit', + ), + ), + ), + supportChat: const AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat( + title: 'Zeptej se na cokoliv', + ), + documentType: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType( + infoCard: 'Informační karta', + entryHealthCheck: 'Vstupní lékařská prohlídka', + contractDPC: 'DPČ', + contractDPP: 'DPP', + contractHPP: 'Pracovní poměr', + medicalExamination: 'Vstupní lékařská prohlídka', + safetyShoesS1: 'Bezpečnostní obuv S1', + vzv: 'VZV', + oldAgePension: 'Výměr starobní důchod', + parentalLeave: 'Výměr mateřská/rodičovská dovolená', + invalidPension3: 'Výměr invalidní důchod III. Stupně', + invalidPension12: 'Výměr invalidní důchod I. a II. Stupně', + ztpCard: 'Průkaz ZTP/P', + taxpayerDeclaration: 'Čestné prohlášení živnostníka - ZP', + jobApplicantConfirmation: + 'Potvrzení o evidenci uchazeče o zaměstnání na ÚP', + employerConfirmation: + 'Potvrzení jiného zaměstnavatele, že odvádí min. pojistné', + nzv: 'NZV (motopaleťák)', + covidTestVaccination: 'COVID-19 test/očkování', + criminalRecord: 'Výpis z rejstříku trestů', + pinkie: 'Prohlášení poplatníka (základní sleva na dani)', + drivingLicense: 'Řidičský průkaz skupina B', + healthCard: 'Zdravotní (potravinářský) průkaz', + student: 'Potvrzení o studiu', + healthInsuranceCard: 'Kartička pojištěnce', + idCard: 'Občanský průkaz / Vízum', + ), + updateRequired: const AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired( + button: 'Aktualizovat aplikaci', + description: 'Pro pokračování je potřeba stáhnout novou verzi aplikace', + title: 'Nutná aktualizace', + ), + emergencyShutdown: const AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown( + description: + 'Omlouváme se, aplikace je nyní nedostupná. Zkus to prosím později.', + title: 'Něco se nám nepovedlo...', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton( + contactSupport: 'Kontaktovat podporu', + launchWebApp: 'Vyřídit brigádu přes web', + closeApp: 'Zavřít aplikaci', + ), + ), + components: const AppLocalizationsDataComponents( + scrollView: const AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView( + loadMoreFun: 'Načíst další ({{left}})', + ), + ), + documentTileStateEnum: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum( + valid: 'Do {{date}}', + processing: 'Čeká na ověření', + expired: 'Platnost dokladu vypršela', + notUploaded: 'Nemáte ve svém profilu', + rejected: 'Doklad byl zamítnut', + ), + tax: const AppLocalizationsDataTax( + adjustment: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment( + base: 'Základní', + healthAdditional: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional( + desc: 'do minima', + name: 'Doplatek zdravotního pojištění', + ), + disabilityDiscount: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount( + name: 'Sleva pro ZTP/P', + ), + disabilityRetirementDiscount: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount( + name: 'Sleva pro invalidní důchodce', + ), + studentDiscount: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount( + name: 'Sleva na studenta', + ), + taxpayerDiscount: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount( + name: 'Sleva na poplatníka', + ), + ), + income: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome( + desc: 'tax.income.desc', + name: 'Srážková daň', + ), + blocking: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking( + desc: 'na doplatek zdravotního pojištění', + name: 'Předběžná alokace', + ), + health: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth( + desc: '4,5% z vyměřovacího základu', + name: 'Zdravotní pojištění', + ), + social: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial( + desc: '6,5% z vyměřovacího základu', + name: 'Sociální pojištění', + ), + advance: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance( + desc: '15% z příjmu do 4 000 Kč u DPČ', + name: 'Zálohová daň', + ), + ), + profile: const AppLocalizationsDataProfile( + changePassword: 'Změnit heslo', + logout: 'Odhlásit se', + support: 'LIVE CHAT (podpora)', + applicationSettings: 'Nastavení aplikace', + notificationSettings: 'Notifikace', + fontSizeSettings: 'Velikost písma', + blog: 'Blog', + paymentInfo: 'Platební údaje', + settingsAndSupport: 'Nastavení a support', + myIDCopy: 'Tvoje ID zkopírováno do schránky', + myID: 'ID', + emptyDocuments: 'Zatím žádné dokumenty', + allContractsFun: 'Všechny dokumenty ({{total}})', + documents: 'Dokumenty', + allDocuments: 'Všechny doklady', + myDocuments: 'Moje doklady', + licenses: 'Licence', + deleteAccount: 'Smazat účet', + reliability: 'Spolehlivost', + noRating: 'Bez ratingu', + shifts: 'profile.shifts', + workedShifts: 'Odpracováno', + levelHelpText: 'K čemu potřebujete level', + level: 'Úroveň', + lives: 'Životy', + age: 'let', + title: 'Můj profil', + vacation: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation( + link: 'Vzít si dovolenou', + title: 'Dovolená', + screen: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen( + selectDate: 'Vyberte datum', + noVacation: + 'Zatím nemáš nárok na dovolenou. Ten ti vzniká po odpracování 80 hodin v daném roce.', + description: + 'Vyber si, kdy za odpočívání dostaneš zaplaceno. 😉 Fakt! Máš odpracováno tolik, že si můžeš vzít placenou dovolenou po 4 hodinách.', + title: 'Dovolenkové směny', + hourlyWage: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage( + description: + 'Částka, kterou dostaneš, závisí na tvých odpracovaných směnách. ', + title: 'Hodinovka', + ), + relax: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax( + description: + 'Když čerpáš dovolenou, nemůžeš se přihlásit na žádnou směnu. ', + title: 'Odpočívej', + ), + ), + ), + salaryLimit: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit( + description: + 'Po zapnutí funkce bude aplikace bránit v přihlášení na směny, kterými bys překročil rozhodný příjem 4000 Kč na DPČ. Díky tomu ti nebudeme provádět předběžnou alokaci pro případné odvody na sociálním a zdravotním pojištění a ty si budeš moct vyplatit celou částku získanou za směnu.\n\nPři vypnutí funkce ti aplikce dovolí překročit rozhodný příjem na DPČ. My ti ale budeme muset držet alokaci na případné odvody. Tuto alokaci dostaneš k vyplacení po zpracování mezd za daný měsíc, pokud rozhodný příjem nepřekročíš.', + title: 'Hlídání rozhodného příjmu', + error: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError( + typeAvoidTaxes: + 'V tomto měsíci tuto funkci už vypnout nemůžeš, protože máš vyplaceno více, než bys po případném překročení rozhodného příjmu měl mít vyplaceno. Vypnout funkci můžeš, pokud v daném měsíci nemáš vyplaceno více než 4000 Kč.', + typeNone: + 'V tomto měsíci tuto funkci už použít nemůžeš, protože máš přihlášené směny, jejichž výdělek překračuje rozhodný příjem.', + ), + ), + accountVerification: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification( + changeSuccess: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess( + button: 'Rozumím', + message: + 'Jakmile ověříme tvůj doklad totožnosti, automaticky ti upravíme změněné osobní údaje. Ty pak uvidíš ve svém profilu.', + title: 'To je vše', + ), + success: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess( + button: 'Prohlédnout brigády', + message: + 'Jakmile ověříme tvůj doklad totožnosti, budeš se moci přihlásit na brigádu. Zatím mrkni na naši nabídku.', + title: 'Vše připraveno', + ), + personalDataChanges: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges( + button: 'Nahrát doklad', + message: + 'Abychom mohli změnit tvoje osobní údaje, potřebujeme od tebe nahrát nový průkaz totožnosti, na kterém budou tyto údaje. Jejich změnu pak uděláme za tebe.', + title: 'Změnu musíme ověřit', + ), + intro: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro( + stepFour: 'Telefonní číslo ', + stepThree: 'Vyplnit bankovní účet', + stepTwo: 'Kartičku pojištěnce', + stepOne: 'Nahrát průkaz totožnosti', + subTitle: 'Budeme od tebe potřebovat:', + button: 'Nahrát doklad', + message: + 'Abychom s tebou mohli uzavírat smlouvy a vyplácet ti odměny, potřebujeme ověřit tvou identitu a doplnit pár informací o tobě - musíme vědět třeba to, že je ti víc než 16 a na brigádu můžeš a další věci, na které narazíš v následujících krocích.', + title: 'Pojďme ověřit tvůj účet', + pageTitle: 'Ověření účtu', + ), + ), + editProfile: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile( + access: 'Přístupové údaje', + gender: 'Pohlaví', + processing: 'Doklad ověřujeme', + validTo: 'Ověřeno do', + verified: 'Ověřeno', + unverified: 'Neověřeno', + changeInformation: 'Změnit údaje', + contactAddress: 'Kontaktní adresa', + permanentAddress: 'Trvalé bydlíště', + email: 'E-mail', + phoneNumber: 'Telefonní číslo', + contactInformation: 'Kontaktní údaje', + verifyIdentity: 'Ověřit identitu', + personalInformation: 'Osobní údaje', + title: 'Osobní a kontaktní údaje', + editPhoneNumber: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber( + subtitle: + 'Tvůj telefon potřebujeme znát, abychom tě mohli včas informovat, kdyby se něco změnilo ve tvých brigádách', + title: 'Změna telefoního čísla', + appBarTitle: 'Telefonní číslo', + duplicateError: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError( + message: + 'Zkotroluj prosím své číslo. Pokud se ti něco nezdá, kontaktuj naší podporu přes live chat.', + title: 'Zadané telefonní číslo již používá jiný uživatel. ', + ), + button: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton( + text: 'Uložit', + ), + input: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput( + label: 'Nový telefon', + error: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError( + empty: 'Povinné pole', + prefix: 'Nepodporovaná předvolba, pouze +420 nebo +421.', + format: 'Neplatný formát', + ), + ), + ), + setPhoneNumber: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber( + title: 'Nastavení telefoního čísla', + ), + appBar: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar( + title: 'Můj profil', + ), + ), + editContactInformation: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation( + title: 'Doplnění adresy', + subtitle: 'Kontaktní adresa', + sameAsPermanent: 'Použít adresu trvalého bydliště', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton( + submit: 'Dokončit', + ), + country: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry( + hint: 'CZK', + label: 'Země', + ), + zip: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip( + hint: '61300', + label: 'PSČ', + ), + city: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity( + hint: 'Brno', + label: 'Město', + ), + street: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet( + hint: 'Černopolní 228', + label: 'Ulice a číslo popisné / orientační', + ), + ), + changePasswordScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen( + title: 'Změň si heslo pro Tymbe', + button: 'Uložit heslo', + appBar: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar( + title: 'Změnit heslo', + ), + input: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput( + newPassword: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword( + label: 'Nové heslo', + hint: 'Nové heslo', + ), + oldPassword: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword( + label: 'Staré heslo', + hint: 'Staré heslo', + ), + ), + ), + paymentInfoScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen( + paymentNote: 'Nepovinná poznámka k platbě', + invalidBankCode: 'Neplatný kód banky', + submit: 'Uložit platební údaje', + invalidAccountNumber: 'Číslo účtu neexistuje', + bankCode: 'Kód banky', + accountNumber: 'Číslo účtu', + ), + utilities: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities( + own: 'Vlastní', + allUtilitiesFun: 'Všechny pomůcky ({{total}})', + empty: 'Zatím žádné pomůcky', + heading: 'Pomůcky', + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint( + description: + 'Na některých směnách zaměstnavatelé vyžadují pracovní pomůcky. Pokud na takovou směnu narazíš a chtěl by si se na ni přihlásit, napiš nám na Live chat, abychom se domluvili na poskytnutí pracovních pomůcek.', + title: 'Pracovní pomůcky', + ), + ), + signableDocs: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs( + olderDocumentsHelp: + 'Pro informace o starších dokumentech nás prosím kontaktuj přes live chat.', + ), + nonSignableDocs: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs( + empty: 'Zatím žádné doklady', + invalidOne: '{{amount}} NEPLATNÝ', + invalidZero: '{{amount}} NEPLATNÝCH', + invalidMultiple: '{{amount}} NEPLATNÉ', + heading: 'Doklady', + snackbar: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar( + documentDeleted: 'Doklad úspěšně smazán', + ), + ), + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen( + verifyNewDocument: 'Ověřit nový doklad', + unsupportedFormat: 'Nepodporovaný formát \n souboru', + notAvailable: 'Náhled není dostupný', + serverError: 'Nepodařilo se načíst náhled', + approvedDelete: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete( + subtitle: + 'Pokud některé údaje na dokladu již nejsou platné, nahraj nám prosím nový doklad pomocí tlačítka \"ověřit nový doklad\" na spodu obrazovky.', + title: 'Ověřený doklad nelze smazat', + ), + ), + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus( + verified: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified( + subtitle: 'Doklad je platný do', + title: 'Ověřeno', + ), + processing: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing( + subtitle: 'Zkontrolujeme ho během 24 hodin', + title: 'Doklad se zpracovává', + ), + expired: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired( + subtitle: 'Nahraj prosím nový', + title: 'Doklad je neplatný', + ), + notUploaded: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded( + subtitle: 'Nahraj prosím nový', + title: 'Doklad není nahraný', + ), + rejected: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected( + subtitle: 'Nahraj prosím nový', + title: 'Zamítnuto - špatný formát dokladu', + ), + ), + applicationSettingsScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen( + toc: 'Podmínky a zpracování osobních údajů', + language: 'Jazyk', + localization: 'Lokalizace', + deleteAccount: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount( + title: 'Opravdu chceš smazat účet?', + subtitle: + 'Z legislativních důvodů nejdříve musíme ověřit, zda tvůj účet můžeme plně smazat nebo pouze archivovat, abychom zachovali podepsané smlouvy. Kontaktuj prosím naši podporu přes Live chat.', + contactSupport: 'LIVE CHAT', + later: 'Zatím ne', + appBar: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar( + title: 'Smazání účtu', + ), + ), + signOut: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut( + title: 'Opravdu se chceš odhlásit?', + subtitle: 'Klidně se můžeš přihlásit potom', + buttonFilled: 'Odhlásit se', + buttonOutlined: 'Zatím ne', + appBar: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar( + title: 'Odhlásit se', + ), + ), + appBar: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar( + title: 'Nastavení aplikace', + ), + ), + notificationSettingsScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen( + title: 'Notifikace', + invitationEmail: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail( + description: 'Maximálně 1x týdně', + label: 'Dostávat emaily o pozvánkách na směny', + ), + ), + fontSizeSettingsScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen( + title: 'Velikost písma', + label: 'Použít vlastní velikost písma', + option: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption( + value5: 'obrovské', + value4: 'velké', + value3: 'středně velké', + value2: 'střední', + value1: 'základní', + ), + ), + footer: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter( + version: 'Verze {{version}} ({{buildNumber}})', + ), + ), + tyApiGender: const AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender( + female: 'žena', + male: 'muž', + ), + attendance: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendance( + olderAttendanceHelp: + 'Pro informace o starší docházce nás prosím kontaktuj přes live chat.', + m: 'm', + h: 'h', + hoursMoreThan4: 'hodin', + hour: 'hodinu', + hours: 'hodiny', + from: 'od', + rejected: 'Pozvánka zamítnuta', + systemCanceled: 'Zrušeno systémem', + canceledLate: 'Zrušeno po termínu', + canceledEarly: 'Zrušeno v termínu', + absentNok: 'Neomluvená absence', + alcoholDrugs: 'Nezpůsobilý práce', + absentOk: 'Omluvená absence', + completed: 'Potvrzená docházka', + confirmed: 'K vyplacení', + awaitingApproval: 'Čeká na schválení', + awaitingPayment: 'Zpracovaní platby', + unableToCancel: 'Probíhající brigádu nelze zrušit', + cancelTempJob: 'Zrušit brigádu', + reportAbsence: 'Nahlásit absenci', + empty: 'attendance.empty', + tempJobs: 'brigády', + tempJobsMoreThan4: 'brigád', + tempJob: 'brigádu', + youAreSignedOn: 'Jsi přihlášen na', + getCredits: 'Získej {{amount}}', + review: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview( + finish: 'Dokončit', + title: 'Hodnocení směny', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess( + button: 'Jít do Peněženky', + title: 'Získal jsi {{amount}}', + ), + option: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption( + great: 'Skvělá', + bad: 'Špatná', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint( + button: 'Ok, tak do toho', + body4: + 'Díky tomu se i Ty můžeš podílet na zlepšování kvality našich brigád!', + body3: + 'Z dotazníku uděláme anonymizovanou statistiku a tam, kde se budou sbíhat kritické hlasy, navrhneme zadavateli brigády zlepšení. Chceme, aby se Tobě i ostatním brigády líbily a aby vše klapalo, jak má.', + body2: + 'Žádný strach, vedoucí ani jiný pracovník zadavatele nemá k dotazníkům přístup.', + body1: + 'Vážíme si Tvého názoru a tak bychom Tě rádi odměnili za to, že nám řekneš, jaká byla Tvá brigáda.', + body: + 'Nepředáváme firmě, u které si brigádoval, tvé osobní údaje. Naším cílem je zlepšit podmínky brigádníků', + title: 'Tvoje odpovědi v dotazníku nikomu nepošleme!', + ), + ), + detail: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail( + absencesHeader: 'Omluva absence', + shiftHeader: 'Směna', + paidDeposit: 'Vyplacena záloha', + rateShiftFun: 'Ohodnotit směnu - {{amount}}', + rewardEstimate: 'Orientační výpočet odměny', + manko: 'Manko', + netWage: 'Čistá odměna', + tax: 'Daně', + noSurchargesGrossWage: 'Hrubá odměna (bez příplatků)', + grossWage: 'Hrubá odměna', + reward: 'Odměna', + workHours: 'Pracovní doba', + shiftDate: 'Datum směny', + ), + absence: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence( + approved: 'Omluvená absence', + rejected: 'Neuznaná absence', + clarification: 'Upřesnění absence', + processing: 'Zpracováváme absenci', + missing: 'Nezdůvodněná absence', + ), + cancelApplication: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication( + blogHint: 'Jak to funguje?', + title: 'Opravdu chceš směnu zrušit?', + ), + vacation: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation( + cancel: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel( + body: + 'Neboj, o dovolenou nepřijdeš. Můžeš si ji znovu zadat k vybrání na jiný datum.', + title: 'Opravdu chceš zrušit dovolenou?', + button: 'Zrušit dovolenou', + ), + ), + cancelApplicationWithExcuse: + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse( + body: + 'Budeš přesměrován na detail docházky kde musíš dodat omluvenku (vysvětlení absence).\nPokud omluvenku nedodáš, hrozí ti BAN.\nOpravdu chceš směnu zrušit?', + title: 'Snažíš se zrušit směnu po termínu', + ), + ), + credits: const AppLocalizationsDataCredits( + toPayout: 'Kredity k vyplacení', + payout: 'Vyplatit kredity', + surveyCredits: 'Vyplň dotazník a získej kredity', + claimedCredits: 'Získané kredity', + title: 'Kredity', + payoutScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen( + title: 'Výplata kreditů', + ), + history: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory( + title: 'Získané kredity', + ), + claimableCredits: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits( + empty: 'Zatím žádné dotazníky', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint( + body: + 'Kromě domluvené mzdy za práci rozdává Tymbe kredity. Každá brigáda má svou předem stanovenou hodinovou odměnu. Tu určuje zaměstnavatel dle svých interních předpisů. \n \n S Tymbe však navíc můžeš u některých směn získat zpeněžitelné Tymbe kredity za to, že nám řekneš, jak se Ti na brigádě líbilo. Stačí vyplnit dotazník spokojenosti.', + title: 'Co jsou to kredity?', + bottomWidget: '1 kredit = 1 Kč', + ), + ), + wallet: const AppLocalizationsDataWallet( + inNWorkingDaysOne: '{{amount}} pracovního dne', + inNWorkingDaysMultiple: '{{amount}} pracovních dnů', + inNWorkingDaysZero: '{{amount}} pracovních dnů', + isOnTheWayFun: '{{amount}} je na cestě', + totalEarnedCongratulations: '{{amount}}! Gratulujeme :)', + totalEarned: 'Celkem už jste si s Tymbe vydělali:', + olderPayouts: 'Starší výplaty', + getCredits: 'Získej kredity', + creditsHelp: 'Co jsou kredity?', + credits: 'Kredity', + payout: 'Vyplatit', + toPayout: 'K výplatě', + payoutStatus: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus( + processing: 'Vyřizujeme', + text: 'Momentálně vyplácíme do {{days}}.', + ), + dialog: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog( + close: 'Zavřít', + body: + 'Odesíláme do {{days}} po kliku na tlačítko vyplatit. Následně příkaz zpracovává banka.', + title: 'Peníze vyplácíme do {{days}}', + ), + paymentTransaction: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction( + paymentNote: 'Poznámka', + moneySent: 'Peníze odeslány', + sentToBankAt: 'Zadán příkaz bance: {{date}}', + ), + paymentRequest: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest( + requested: 'Zažádáno: {{date}}', + paidOut: 'VYPLACENO {{date}}', + specificSymbol: 'Specifický symbol', + variableSymbol: 'Variabilní symbol', + bankAccount: 'Bankovní účet', + heading: 'Detaily transakce', + title: 'Výplata', + ), + processing: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing( + empty: 'Zatím žádné platby', + title: 'Platby ve zpracování', + ), + payoutSuccess: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess( + bodyBottom: '(záleží na vaši bance)', + body: 'Za chvíli dorazí na váš účet', + title: 'Příkaz k vyplacení odeslán', + ), + exekuce: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce( + blockedAmount: 'Z toho důvodu nelze {{amountWithCurrency}} vyplatit', + ), + payoutScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen( + youCanPayMax: 'Vyplatit lze maximálně {{amountWithCurrency}}', + exekuceWarning: 'Evidujeme u tebe exekuci', + sendConfirm: 'Poslat na můj účet', + send: 'Vyplatit', + changeAccount: 'Změnit', + chooseAccount: 'Vyberte účet', + bankAccount: 'Bankovní účet', + totalPayout: 'Celkem k výplatě', + choosePayouts: 'Vyberte příjmy k výplatě', + title: 'Výplata peněz', + ), + payoutsScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen( + title: 'Výplaty', + ), + detail: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail( + paySupplement: 'příplatek', + beingProcessed: 'Zpracovává se', + leftToPayout: 'Zbývá k výplatě:', + toPayout: 'K vyplacení', + allPaidOut: 'Vše vyplaceno!', + preparingPayoutReceipt: 'Výplatní lístek se připravuje ...', + payoutReceipt: 'Výplatní lístek', + cutsAndTaxes: 'Srážky a daně', + payroll: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll( + notReadyYet: 'Výplatní páska bude dostupná začátkem příštího měsíce', + ), + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint( + button: 'Zavřít nápovědu', + body: + 'Najdeš tu přehled o výdělku z tvých odpracovaných směn. Ten si můžeš nechat vyplatit na svůj bankovní účet.', + title: 'K čemu slouží peněženka?', + ), + ), + day: const AppLocalizationsDataDay( + yesterday: 'Včera', + today: 'Dnes', + tomorrow: 'Zítra', + ), + month: const AppLocalizationsDataMonth( + december: 'Prosinec', + november: 'Listopad', + october: 'Říjen', + september: 'Září', + august: 'Srpen', + july: 'Červenec', + june: 'Červen', + may: 'Květen', + april: 'Duben', + march: 'Březen', + february: 'Únor', + january: 'Leden', + ), + failure: const AppLocalizationsDataFailure( + unableToDeleteDocument: 'Chyba při odstraňování dokumentu', + invalidPhoneNumber: 'Neplatné telefonní číslo', + expiredResetToken: 'Platnost odkazu vypršela', + invalidResetToken: 'Neplatný odkaz na reset hesla', + accountAlreadyVerified: 'Účet byl již aktivován', + expiredVerifyToken: 'Platnost odkazu vypršela', + invalidVerifyToken: 'Neplatný aktivační odkaz', + noInternet: 'Vyskytl se problém s připojením k internetu.', + invitation: const AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation( + reject: 'Chyba při odmítnutí pozvánky', + accept: 'Chyba při kontrole údajů pro přijmutí pozvánky', + fetch: 'Nepodařilo se načíst pozvánky', + ), + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken: + const AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken( + body: + 'Zkotroluj prosím své zadané číslo. Pokud se ti něco nezdá, kontaktuj naší podporu přes live chat.', + title: 'Zadané telefonní číslo již používá jiný uživatel. ', + ), + invalidResetPasswordToken: + const AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken( + message: 'Zkuste heslo resetovat znovu.', + title: 'Neplatný odkaz', + ), + general: const AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral( + message: 'Něco se u nás pokazilo', + title: 'Chyba', + ), + ), + appSettings: const AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings( + language: 'Jazyk', + title: 'Nastavení', + ), + activateAccount: const AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount( + successMessage: 'Nyní se do něj můžeš přihlášit', + success: 'Účet byl úspěšne aktivován', + ), + newPassword: const AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword( + button: 'Vytvořit heslo', + title: 'Nové heslo', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess( + body: 'Přihlas se do Tymbe znovu.', + title: 'Změna hesla byla úspěšná', + ), + ), + forgottenPassword: const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword( + button: 'Resetovat heslo', + body: 'Zadej e-mailovou adresu a my ti heslo resetujeme.', + title: 'Nepamatuješ si heslo?', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess( + techSupport: 'LIVE CHAT', + sendEmailAgain: 'Odeslat e-mail znovu', + body: + 'V e-mailu najdeš odkaz na nastavení nového hesla. Zkontroluj také schránku SPAM. Pokud e-mail nedorazil, kontaktuj nás přes live chat', + title: 'Odeslali jsem ti e-mail', + ), + appbar: const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar( + title: 'Zapomenuté heslo', + ), + ), + shifts: const AppLocalizationsDataShifts( + knowledgeTest: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest( + errorMessage: + 'Pro pokračování potřebujete alespoň {{amount}} bodů, prosím opravte červeně znázorněné odpovědi.', + points: 'Body: {{amount}}/{{total}}', + finishTest: 'Dokončit test', + fillOutTest: 'Vyplnit test', + ), + claim: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim( + title: 'Přihlášení na brigádu', + completed: 'Směna přihlášena!', + overview: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview( + button: 'OK, závazně přihlásit', + confirm: 'Přihlašuješ se na tuto brigádu', + title: 'Závazně přihlásit', + ), + signature: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature( + hint: 'Zde se prosím podepiš', + title: 'Už jen podpis', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton( + next: 'Pokračovat', + signAgain: 'Podepsat znovu', + ), + ), + limitsPredictions: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions( + rejectShift: 'Na směnu nechci', + assumption: 'Předpoklad', + limit: 'Maximální limit', + contractSalaryInfo: + 'Jde o maximální limit odpracovaných hodin na dané smlouvě. Tvoje odpracované hodiny započítávají historické směny, ke kterým je přičten i odhad času stráveného na směně, na kterou se právě hlásíš.', + contractHoursInfo: + 'Jde o maximální limit tvé hrubé mzdy, který když překročíš, budeme za tebe muset hradit odvody na sociální a zdravotní pojištění, ale i doplatek zdravotního pojištění a dohromady už je to docela dost peněz (pár tisíc). Jak z toho ven? Nahrej doklad ve své šatně, pokud jsi student, v evidenci UP, zkrátka pokud jsi státní pojištěnec nebo si hradíš pojištění jinde. Tvá čistá odměna pak bude o poznání vyšší. Tvoje vydělané peníze se počítahí z historických směn vázajících se ke stejné smlouvě, ke kterým je přičten i odhad výdělku stráveného na směně, na kterou se právě hlásíš.', + contractHours: 'Předpokládané hodiny na smlouvě', + contractSalary: 'Předpokládaná hrubá mzda', + description: + 'Zobrazené limity představují předpoklad tvých limitů na smlouvě po odpracování směny, na kterou se právě hlásíš.', + title: 'Předpoklad limitů', + warning: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning( + description: + 'Odpracováním této směny dosáhneš rozhodný příjem a budeš muset hradit nejen odvody na sociální a zdravotní pojištění, ale i doplatek zdravotního pojištění a dohromady už je to docela dost peněz (pár tisíc). Jak z toh ven? Nahrej doklad ve své šatně, pokud jsi student, v evidenci UP, zkrátka pokud jsi státní pojištěnec nebo si hradíš pojištění jinde. Tvá čistá odměna pak bude o poznání vyšší ;)', + title: 'Ty nezahálíš, ale pozor!', + ), + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton( + readAndAgree: 'Četl/a jsem a souhlasím', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint( + button: 'Pokračovat', + title: 'Nejprve je třeba podepsat dokumenty', + ), + ), + label: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel( + utilities: 'Pomůcky', + conditions: 'Podmínky', + lastPlace: 'Poslední místo', + physicallyChallengingJob: 'Fyzicky náročná brigáda', + ), + detail: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail( + claimError: 'Nelze se přihlásit na směnu', + showOnMap: 'Zobrazit na mapě', + loading: 'Načítání směny', + issue: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue( + hpp: 'Požádat o HPP', + salaryLimit: 'Vypnout hlídání příjmu', + ), + vacation: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation( + title: 'Dovolená', + info: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo( + description: + 'Nejedná se o klasickou směnu ale výběr dovolené. Není třeba nikam chodit.', + title: 'Odpočinek si zaloužíš!', + ), + ), + footer: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter( + invitation: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation( + title: 'Na tuto směnu máš pozvánku', + ), + ), + accountInReview: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview( + description: + 'Předtím, než ti ukážeme detaily naších nabídek, potřebujeme ověřit tvůj účet. Tvůj doklad totožnosti už máme a ověříme ho co nejdříve, nejdéle do následujícího pracovního dne od nahrání. Děkujeme za trpělivost.', + title: 'Tvůj účet ověřujeme', + ), + accountInactive: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive( + description: + 'Předtím, než ti ukážeme detaily naších nabídek, si prosím ověř svůj účet nahráním dokladu totožnosti.', + title: 'Nemáš ověřený účet', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton( + back: 'Zpět na nabídky', + verifyAccount: 'Ověřit účet', + ), + ), + error: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError( + missingDocument: + 'Směna vyžaduje doklad, který nemáš nahraný ve svém profilu', + salaryLimitExceeded: + 'Máš zapnuté hlídání překročení rozhodného příjmu a touto směnou by si rozhodný příjem překročil. Hlídání si můžeš vypnout ve svém profilu.', + ), + surcharge: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge( + forWeekend: 'víkend', + forNight: 'práci v noci', + forHoliday: 'svátek', + reason: 'příplatek za', + ), + loadingError: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError( + retry: 'Načíst znovu', + title: 'Nepodařilo se načíst detail brigády', + ), + notAvailable: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable( + title: 'Brigáda již není dostupná', + ), + section: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection( + location: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation( + title: 'Provozovna', + ), + instructionNewcommers: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers( + title: 'Informace pro nováčky', + ), + emergencyContact: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact( + copied: 'Nouzový kontakt zkopírován do schránky', + title: 'Nouzový kontakt', + ), + description: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription( + title: 'Popis brigády', + ), + instruction: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction( + title: 'Informace', + ), + documents: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments( + title: 'Dokumenty k podpisu', + ), + utilities: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities( + title: 'Vyžadované pomůcky', + error: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError( + description: + 'Pro směnu jsou vyžadované pracovní pomůcky. V případě zájmu o směnu nás prosím kontaktuj přes live chat, abychom se domluvili na jejich poskytnutí.', + title: 'Chybí ti pomůcky', + ), + item: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem( + added: 'Přidáno ', + ), + ), + requirements: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements( + title: 'Podmínky nástupu', + error: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError( + expired: 'Platnost vypršela', + notInProfile: 'Ještě nemáš ve svém profilu', + description: + 'Pro možnost přijmout směnu nahraj do svého profilu všechny potřebné dokumenty uvedené níže. Potom prosím počkej, až je ověříme, nejdéle další pracovní den.', + title: 'Zatím nesplňuješ všechny podmínky', + ), + ), + ), + label: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel( + contractType: 'Smlouva', + employer: 'Zaměstnavatel', + credits: 'Kredity', + pay: 'Odměna', + time: 'Čas', + when: 'Kdy', + offersMore: 'volých míst', + offers: 'volná místa', + offer: 'volné místo', + noOffers: 'Žádné volné místo', + addedDateDays: 'dny', + addedDateDay: 'dnem', + addedDateToday: 'Přidáno dnes', + addedDate: 'Přidáno před', + extra: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra( + holiday: 'příplatek za ve svátek', + weekendNight: 'příplatek za práci o víkendu a v noci', + ), + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton( + apply: 'Přihlásit se na brigádu', + ), + ), + filter: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter( + date: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate( + to: 'do {{date}}', + from: 'od {{date}}', + chip: 'Datum', + reset: 'Zrušit výběr', + save: 'Uložit', + bottomSheet: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet( + error: 'Hodnota Od je starší než Do', + show: 'Zobrazit', + to: 'Do', + from: 'Od', + title: 'Zobrazit brigády', + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint( + to: 'Neurčito', + from: 'Dnes', + ), + ), + ), + search: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch( + save: 'Hledat zadaný výraz', + hint: 'Hledat firmu / pracovní pozici', + title: 'Hledat firmu', + ), + locality: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality( + anywhere: 'Zobrazit všechny brigády', + title: 'Lokalita', + ), + ), + feed: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed( + plusExtra: '\+ příplatky', + lastPlace: 'Poslední místo', + endActiveFilter: + 'Bohužel víc toho pro tebe pro zadané vyhledávání nebo lokalitu nemáme. \n\n Můžeš si upravit vyhledávání a lokalitu, nebo to zkus později, až se objeví nové brigády 💪', + end: 'To je prozatím vše, brzo ale očekávej nové brigády 💪', + reload: 'Načíst znovu', + errorLoading: 'Tak tohle se nepovedlo 😢', + errorLoadingInternet: 'Slabé připojení k internetu', + ban: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan( + labelNote: 'Důvod banu:', + description: + 'V období, kdy máš ban, se nemůžeš přihlásit na novou brigádu', + unlimited: 's neomezenou platností', + title: 'Byl jsi zabanován', + ), + invitation: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation( + title: 'Tvoje pozvánky na směny', + expiration: 'Pozvánka vyprší za', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton( + reject: 'Odmítnout', + accept: 'Přijmout', + ), + ), + empty: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty( + loadAgain: 'Načíst znovu', + noFilter: + 'Mrzí nás to, zrovna pro tebe v nabídce nic nemáme. Zkus prosím to později.', + loadAgainWithoutFilter: 'Zobrazit všechny brigády', + activeFilter: + 'Bohužel pro tebe nemáme nic, co by odpovídalo tvému vyhledávání nebo nastavené lokalitě. \n\n Brzo ale očekávej nové brigády 💪', + ), + ), + list: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList( + tomorrow: 'Zítra', + today: 'Dnes', + search: 'Hledat', + anywhere: 'Kdekoliv', + ), + ), + signup: const AppLocalizationsDataSignup( + tocLink: 'podmínkami použití', + tocAgree: 'Souhlasím s', + title: 'Založení nového účtu', + finish: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish( + success: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess( + button: 'Otevřít aplikaci', + body: 'Všechny údaje můžeš upravit ve svém profilu.', + title: 'Děkujeme', + ), + source: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource( + otherHint: 'Kde jinde?', + other: 'Jiné', + ), + gender: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender( + woman: 'Ženy', + man: 'Muže', + body: + 'Respektujeme všechny gendery, ale zákon o prací definuje jenom 2.', + title: 'Hledáš brigádu spíše pro', + ), + locality: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality( + invalid: 'Vyber správnou lokalitu ze seznamu', + hint: 'Město', + label: 'Lokalita', + body: 'Vyber si lokalitu', + title: 'Kde hledáš práci?', + ), + password: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword( + tooShort: 'Heslo musí mít alespoň 8 znaků', + submit: 'Uložit heslo', + title: 'Nastav si heslo', + ), + ), + success: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess( + techSupport: 'LIVE CHAT', + sendEmailAgain: 'Odeslat e-mail znovu', + body: + 'V e-mailu ověříš svůj nový Tymbe profil. Zkontroluj také schránku SPAM. Pokud e-mail nedorazil, kontaktuj nás přes live chat.', + title: 'Odeslali jsem ti e-mail', + ), + error: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupError( + emailTaken: 'Emailová adresa je již zabraná.', + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton( + signup: 'Vytvořit účet', + ), + input: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput( + email: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail( + notValid: 'Neplatný e-mail', + missing: 'Zadej e-mail', + hint: 'karel.novak@gmail.com', + label: 'E-mail', + ), + lastName: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName( + missing: 'Zadej příjmení', + hint: 'Novák', + label: 'Příjmení', + ), + firstName: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName( + missing: 'Zadej jméno', + hint: 'Karel', + label: 'Jméno', + ), + ), + appbar: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar( + title: 'Nový účet', + ), + ), + login: const AppLocalizationsDataLogin( + error: 'Neplatné přihlašovací údaje', + subtitle: 'Nejdřív se přihlas', + title: 'Ahoj, Tymbere!', + label: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel( + tymbeCz: 'Tymbe.cz', + label: 'label', + noAccount: 'Ještě nemáš účet?', + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton( + changeLanguage: 'Změnit jazyk', + registration: 'Zaregistruj se', + login: 'Přihlásit se', + forgottenPassword: 'Zapomenuté heslo', + ), + input: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput( + password: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword( + hint: '•••••••••••', + label: 'Heslo', + ), + email: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail( + hint: 'muj@email.cz', + label: 'E-mail', + ), + ), + ), + walkthrough: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough( + step3: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3( + description: + 'S Tymbe si vyděláš víc. Když po brigádě ohodnotíš v aplikaci svou směnu, získáš navíc bonus za každou hodinu práce!', + title: 'Získej bonus', + ), + step2: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2( + description: + 'Počkej na potvrzení docházky vedoucím a pak je jen na tobě, jestli chceš výplatu co nejdříve po směně a nebo třeba jednou za měsíc.', + title: 'Odpracuj si směnu', + ), + step1: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1( + description: + 'Sám si řekni, jaká cena je pro tebe fajn, všechny potřebné dokumenty ti připravíme a podepsat je můžeš online.', + title: 'Vyber si tu pravou brigádu', + ), + ), + validator: const AppLocalizationsDataValidator( + czech: const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech( + zip: const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip( + error: 'Neplatné PSČ', + ), + nationalNumber: const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber( + error: 'Nejedná se o české rodné číslo', + ), + ), + ), + webAppBackup: const AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup( + title: 'Webová verze aplikace', + ), + dialog: const AppLocalizationsDataDialog( + incorrectPassword: 'Nesprávné heslo', + loggedOut: const AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut( + body: 'Pro pokračování je potřeba se znovu přihlásit.', + title: 'Přihlášení vypršelo', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint( + close: 'Zavřít nápovědu', + ), + ), + error: const AppLocalizationsDataError( + webOpenFailed: 'Nepodařilo se otevřít webovou stránku', + ), + bottomnav: const AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav( + temping: const AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping( + wallet: 'Peníze', + attendance: 'Docházka', + shifts: 'Brigády', + ), + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataHint( + credits: const AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits( + message: + 'Jde o bonusové peníze, které můžeš získat vyplněním dotazníku po potvrzení docházky na směnu. Poté si je můžeš vyplatit jako normální peníze. \n\n 1 kredit = 1 Kč', + title: 'Kredity', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton( + more: 'Více informací', + ), + ), + ), + global: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobal( + tocLink: 'pravidly o zpracování osobních údajů.', + tocText: 'Odesláním formuláře potvrzuji, že jsem byl/a obeznámen/a s ', + tymbeCredits: 'Tymbe kredity', + credits: 'kreditů', + inMoreThanOneDay: 'dnů', + inOneDay: 'dne', + to: 'do', + from: 'od', + save: 'Uložit', + search: 'Hledat', + tryAgain: 'Zkusit znovu', + no: 'Ne', + yes: 'Ano', + perHour: '/h', + hour: 'h', + czechCrowns: 'Kč', + creditsPerHour: 'Kr/h', + ok: 'OK', + contactSupport: 'Live chat', + woman: 'Žena', + man: 'Muž', + skip: 'Přeskočit', + goOn: 'Pokračovat', + appname: 'Tymbe', + input: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput( + required: 'Povinné pole', + ), + currency: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency( + creditsShort: 'Kr', + credit: 'Kredit', + credits: 'Kredity', + creditsMoreThan4: 'Kreditů', + ), + language: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage( + cs: 'Čeština', + uk: 'Українська', ), ), ), -}; -enum Plural { - multiple, - one, - zero, -} -enum Gender { - female, - male, + Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'uk'): const AppLocalizationsData( + notifications: const AppLocalizationsDataNotifications( + allAsRead: 'notifications.allAsRead', + title: 'notifications.title', + ), + select: const AppLocalizationsDataSelect( + hint: 'select.hint', + ), + absence: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsence( + addFile: 'absence.addFile', + excuses: 'absence.excuses', + countDown: 'absence.countDown', + adminNote: 'absence.adminNote', + alert: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert( + body: 'absence.alert.body', + title: 'absence.alert.title', + ), + rejected: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected( + chip: 'absence.rejected.chip', + title: 'absence.rejected.title', + ), + processing: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing( + chip: 'absence.processing.chip', + button: 'absence.processing.button', + description: 'absence.processing.description', + title: 'absence.processing.title', + ), + approved: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved( + chip: 'absence.approved.chip', + ), + screen: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen( + buttonClarify: 'absence.screen.buttonClarify', + buttonExcuse: 'absence.screen.buttonExcuse', + description: 'absence.screen.description', + title: 'absence.screen.title', + reason: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason( + label: 'absence.screen.reason.label', + ), + category: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory( + other: 'absence.screen.category.other', + familyDeath: 'absence.screen.category.familyDeath', + familyReasons: 'absence.screen.category.familyReasons', + traffic: 'absence.screen.category.traffic', + illness: 'absence.screen.category.illness', + label: 'absence.screen.category.label', + ), + ), + clarification: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification( + button: 'absence.clarification.button', + title: 'absence.clarification.title', + ), + missing: const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing( + button: 'absence.missing.button', + description: 'absence.missing.description', + title: 'absence.missing.title', + ), + ), + blog: const AppLocalizationsDataBlog( + title: 'blog.title', + banner: const AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner( + hint: 'blog.banner.hint', + ), + ), + userStatus: const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus( + missingHealthInsuranceCard: + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard( + mainButton: 'userStatus.missingHealthInsuranceCard.mainButton', + description: 'userStatus.missingHealthInsuranceCard.description', + title: 'userStatus.missingHealthInsuranceCard.title', + ), + missingPhoneNumber: + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber( + mainButton: 'userStatus.missingPhoneNumber.mainButton', + description: 'userStatus.missingPhoneNumber.description', + title: 'userStatus.missingPhoneNumber.title', + ), + missingBankAccount: + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount( + mainButton: 'userStatus.missingBankAccount.mainButton', + description: 'userStatus.missingBankAccount.description', + title: 'userStatus.missingBankAccount.title', + ), + idNotVerified: const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified( + mainButton: 'userStatus.idNotVerified.mainButton', + description: 'userStatus.idNotVerified.description', + title: 'userStatus.idNotVerified.title', + ), + expiredIdCard: const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard( + mainButton: 'userStatus.expiredIdCard.mainButton', + description: 'userStatus.expiredIdCard.description', + title: 'userStatus.expiredIdCard.title', + ), + ), + documentUpload: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload( + title: 'documentUpload.title', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess( + button: 'documentUpload.success.button', + description: 'documentUpload.success.description', + title: 'documentUpload.success.title', + ), + dataFill: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill( + button: 'documentUpload.dataFill.button', + info: 'documentUpload.dataFill.info', + birthplace: 'documentUpload.dataFill.birthplace', + birthdate: 'documentUpload.dataFill.birthdate', + sex: 'documentUpload.dataFill.sex', + noPersonalId: 'documentUpload.dataFill.noPersonalId', + personalInfo: 'documentUpload.dataFill.personalInfo', + nationality: 'documentUpload.dataFill.nationality', + personalId: 'documentUpload.dataFill.personalId', + documentValidTo: 'documentUpload.dataFill.documentValidTo', + documentValidFrom: 'documentUpload.dataFill.documentValidFrom', + documentId: 'documentUpload.dataFill.documentId', + healthInsuranceCode: 'documentUpload.dataFill.healthInsuranceCode', + title: 'documentUpload.dataFill.title', + duplicateId: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId( + button: 'documentUpload.dataFill.duplicateId.button', + message: 'documentUpload.dataFill.duplicateId.message', + title: 'documentUpload.dataFill.duplicateId.title', + ), + permanentAddress: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress( + appBarTitle: 'documentUpload.dataFill.permanentAddress.appBarTitle', + submit: 'documentUpload.dataFill.permanentAddress.submit', + contactAddress: + 'documentUpload.dataFill.permanentAddress.contactAddress', + subitle: 'documentUpload.dataFill.permanentAddress.subitle', + title: 'documentUpload.dataFill.permanentAddress.title', + ), + ), + filesCheck: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck( + uploadMore: 'documentUpload.filesCheck.uploadMore', + next: 'documentUpload.filesCheck.next', + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint( + description: 'documentUpload.filesCheck.hint.description', + title: 'documentUpload.filesCheck.hint.title', + ), + ), + photoCheck: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck( + upload: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.upload', + retake: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.retake', + next: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.next', + legal: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.legal', + description: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.description', + title: 'documentUpload.photoCheck.title', + ), + filePicker: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker( + type: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType( + images: 'documentUpload.filePicker.type.images', + files: 'documentUpload.filePicker.type.files', + title: 'documentUpload.filePicker.type.title', + ), + ), + photoTake: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake( + general: 'documentUpload.photoTake.general', + backPage: 'documentUpload.photoTake.backPage', + frontPage: 'documentUpload.photoTake.frontPage', + ), + noCameraAvailable: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable( + description: 'documentUpload.noCameraAvailable.description', + title: 'documentUpload.noCameraAvailable.title', + ), + identificationPick: + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick( + residencePermit: 'documentUpload.identificationPick.residencePermit', + visa: 'documentUpload.identificationPick.visa', + idCard: 'documentUpload.identificationPick.idCard', + description: 'documentUpload.identificationPick.description', + subtitle: 'documentUpload.identificationPick.subtitle', + title: 'documentUpload.identificationPick.title', + ), + popDialog: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog( + message: 'documentUpload.popDialog.message', + title: 'documentUpload.popDialog.title', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton( + continueUpload: 'documentUpload.popDialog.button.continueUpload', + leaveScreen: 'documentUpload.popDialog.button.leaveScreen', + ), + ), + ), + supportChat: const AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat( + title: 'supportChat.title', + ), + documentType: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType( + infoCard: 'documentType.infoCard', + entryHealthCheck: 'documentType.entryHealthCheck', + contractDPC: 'documentType.contractDPC', + contractDPP: 'documentType.contractDPP', + contractHPP: 'documentType.contractHPP', + medicalExamination: 'documentType.medicalExamination', + safetyShoesS1: 'documentType.safetyShoesS1', + vzv: 'documentType.vzv', + oldAgePension: 'documentType.oldAgePension', + parentalLeave: 'documentType.parentalLeave', + invalidPension3: 'documentType.invalidPension3', + invalidPension12: 'documentType.invalidPension12', + ztpCard: 'documentType.ztpCard', + taxpayerDeclaration: 'documentType.taxpayerDeclaration', + jobApplicantConfirmation: 'documentType.jobApplicantConfirmation', + employerConfirmation: 'documentType.employerConfirmation', + nzv: 'documentType.nzv', + covidTestVaccination: 'documentType.covidTestVaccination', + criminalRecord: 'documentType.criminalRecord', + pinkie: 'documentType.pinkie', + drivingLicense: 'documentType.drivingLicense', + healthCard: 'documentType.healthCard', + student: 'documentType.student', + healthInsuranceCard: 'documentType.healthInsuranceCard', + idCard: 'documentType.idCard', + ), + updateRequired: const AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired( + button: 'updateRequired.button', + description: 'updateRequired.description', + title: 'updateRequired.title', + ), + emergencyShutdown: const AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown( + description: 'emergencyShutdown.description', + title: 'emergencyShutdown.title', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton( + contactSupport: 'emergencyShutdown.button.contactSupport', + launchWebApp: 'emergencyShutdown.button.launchWebApp', + closeApp: 'emergencyShutdown.button.closeApp', + ), + ), + components: const AppLocalizationsDataComponents( + scrollView: const AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView( + loadMoreFun: 'components.scrollView.loadMoreFun', + ), + ), + documentTileStateEnum: const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum( + valid: 'documentTileStateEnum.valid', + processing: 'documentTileStateEnum.processing', + expired: 'documentTileStateEnum.expired', + notUploaded: 'documentTileStateEnum.notUploaded', + rejected: 'documentTileStateEnum.rejected', + ), + tax: const AppLocalizationsDataTax( + adjustment: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment( + base: 'tax.adjustment.base', + healthAdditional: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional( + desc: 'tax.adjustment.healthAdditional.desc', + name: 'tax.adjustment.healthAdditional.name', + ), + disabilityDiscount: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount( + name: 'tax.adjustment.disabilityDiscount.name', + ), + disabilityRetirementDiscount: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount( + name: 'tax.adjustment.disabilityRetirementDiscount.name', + ), + studentDiscount: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount( + name: 'tax.adjustment.studentDiscount.name', + ), + taxpayerDiscount: + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount( + name: 'tax.adjustment.taxpayerDiscount.name', + ), + ), + income: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome( + desc: 'tax.income.desc', + name: 'tax.income.name', + ), + blocking: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking( + desc: 'tax.blocking.desc', + name: 'tax.blocking.name', + ), + health: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth( + desc: 'tax.health.desc', + name: 'tax.health.name', + ), + social: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial( + desc: 'tax.social.desc', + name: 'tax.social.name', + ), + advance: const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance( + desc: 'tax.advance.desc', + name: 'tax.advance.name', + ), + ), + profile: const AppLocalizationsDataProfile( + changePassword: 'profile.changePassword', + logout: 'profile.logout', + support: 'profile.support', + applicationSettings: 'profile.applicationSettings', + notificationSettings: 'profile.notificationSettings', + fontSizeSettings: 'profile.fontSizeSettings', + blog: 'profile.blog', + paymentInfo: 'profile.paymentInfo', + settingsAndSupport: 'profile.settingsAndSupport', + myIDCopy: 'profile.myIDCopy', + myID: 'profile.myID', + emptyDocuments: 'profile.emptyDocuments', + allContractsFun: 'profile.allContractsFun', + documents: 'profile.documents', + allDocuments: 'profile.allDocuments', + myDocuments: 'profile.myDocuments', + licenses: 'profile.licenses', + deleteAccount: 'profile.deleteAccount', + reliability: 'profile.reliability', + noRating: 'profile.noRating', + shifts: 'profile.shifts', + workedShifts: 'profile.workedShifts', + levelHelpText: 'profile.levelHelpText', + level: 'profile.level', + lives: 'profile.lives', + age: 'profile.age', + title: 'profile.title', + vacation: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation( + link: 'profile.vacation.link', + title: 'profile.vacation.title', + screen: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen( + selectDate: 'profile.vacation.screen.selectDate', + noVacation: 'profile.vacation.screen.noVacation', + description: 'profile.vacation.screen.description', + title: 'profile.vacation.screen.title', + hourlyWage: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage( + description: 'profile.vacation.screen.hourlyWage.description', + title: 'profile.vacation.screen.hourlyWage.title', + ), + relax: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax( + description: 'profile.vacation.screen.relax.description', + title: 'profile.vacation.screen.relax.title', + ), + ), + ), + salaryLimit: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit( + description: 'profile.salaryLimit.description', + title: 'profile.salaryLimit.title', + error: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError( + typeAvoidTaxes: 'profile.salaryLimit.error.typeAvoidTaxes', + typeNone: 'profile.salaryLimit.error.typeNone', + ), + ), + accountVerification: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification( + changeSuccess: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess( + button: 'profile.accountVerification.changeSuccess.button', + message: 'profile.accountVerification.changeSuccess.message', + title: 'profile.accountVerification.changeSuccess.title', + ), + success: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess( + button: 'profile.accountVerification.success.button', + message: 'profile.accountVerification.success.message', + title: 'profile.accountVerification.success.title', + ), + personalDataChanges: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges( + button: 'profile.accountVerification.personalDataChanges.button', + message: 'profile.accountVerification.personalDataChanges.message', + title: 'profile.accountVerification.personalDataChanges.title', + ), + intro: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro( + stepFour: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.stepFour', + stepThree: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.stepThree', + stepTwo: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.stepTwo', + stepOne: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.stepOne', + subTitle: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.subTitle', + button: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.button', + message: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.message', + title: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.title', + pageTitle: 'profile.accountVerification.intro.pageTitle', + ), + ), + editProfile: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile( + access: 'profile.editProfile.access', + gender: 'profile.editProfile.gender', + processing: 'profile.editProfile.processing', + validTo: 'profile.editProfile.validTo', + verified: 'profile.editProfile.verified', + unverified: 'profile.editProfile.unverified', + changeInformation: 'profile.editProfile.changeInformation', + contactAddress: 'profile.editProfile.contactAddress', + permanentAddress: 'profile.editProfile.permanentAddress', + email: 'profile.editProfile.email', + phoneNumber: 'profile.editProfile.phoneNumber', + contactInformation: 'profile.editProfile.contactInformation', + verifyIdentity: 'profile.editProfile.verifyIdentity', + personalInformation: 'profile.editProfile.personalInformation', + title: 'profile.editProfile.title', + editPhoneNumber: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber( + subtitle: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.subtitle', + title: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.title', + appBarTitle: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.appBarTitle', + duplicateError: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError( + message: + 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.duplicateError.message', + title: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.duplicateError.title', + ), + button: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton( + text: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.button.text', + ), + input: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput( + label: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.input.label', + error: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError( + empty: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.input.error.empty', + prefix: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.input.error.prefix', + format: 'profile.editProfile.editPhoneNumber.input.error.format', + ), + ), + ), + setPhoneNumber: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber( + title: 'profile.editProfile.setPhoneNumber.title', + ), + appBar: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar( + title: 'profile.editProfile.appBar.title', + ), + ), + editContactInformation: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation( + title: 'profile.editContactInformation.title', + subtitle: 'profile.editContactInformation.subtitle', + sameAsPermanent: 'profile.editContactInformation.sameAsPermanent', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton( + submit: 'profile.editContactInformation.button.submit', + ), + country: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry( + hint: 'profile.editContactInformation.country.hint', + label: 'profile.editContactInformation.country.label', + ), + zip: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip( + hint: 'profile.editContactInformation.zip.hint', + label: 'profile.editContactInformation.zip.label', + ), + city: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity( + hint: 'profile.editContactInformation.city.hint', + label: 'profile.editContactInformation.city.label', + ), + street: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet( + hint: 'profile.editContactInformation.street.hint', + label: 'profile.editContactInformation.street.label', + ), + ), + changePasswordScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen( + title: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.title', + button: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.button', + appBar: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar( + title: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.appBar.title', + ), + input: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput( + newPassword: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword( + label: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.input.newPassword.label', + hint: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.input.newPassword.hint', + ), + oldPassword: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword( + label: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.input.oldPassword.label', + hint: 'profile.changePasswordScreen.input.oldPassword.hint', + ), + ), + ), + paymentInfoScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen( + paymentNote: 'profile.paymentInfoScreen.paymentNote', + invalidBankCode: 'profile.paymentInfoScreen.invalidBankCode', + submit: 'profile.paymentInfoScreen.submit', + invalidAccountNumber: 'profile.paymentInfoScreen.invalidAccountNumber', + bankCode: 'profile.paymentInfoScreen.bankCode', + accountNumber: 'profile.paymentInfoScreen.accountNumber', + ), + utilities: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities( + own: 'profile.utilities.own', + allUtilitiesFun: 'profile.utilities.allUtilitiesFun', + empty: 'profile.utilities.empty', + heading: 'profile.utilities.heading', + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint( + description: 'profile.utilities.hint.description', + title: 'profile.utilities.hint.title', + ), + ), + signableDocs: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs( + olderDocumentsHelp: 'profile.signableDocs.olderDocumentsHelp', + ), + nonSignableDocs: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs( + empty: 'profile.nonSignableDocs.empty', + invalidOne: 'profile.nonSignableDocs.invalid', + invalidZero: 'profile.nonSignableDocs.invalid', + invalidMultiple: 'profile.nonSignableDocs.invalid', + heading: 'profile.nonSignableDocs.heading', + snackbar: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar( + documentDeleted: 'profile.nonSignableDocs.snackbar.documentDeleted', + ), + ), + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen( + verifyNewDocument: + 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.verifyNewDocument', + unsupportedFormat: + 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.unsupportedFormat', + notAvailable: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.notAvailable', + serverError: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.serverError', + approvedDelete: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete( + subtitle: + 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.approvedDelete.subtitle', + title: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.approvedDelete.title', + ), + ), + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus( + verified: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified( + subtitle: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.verified.subtitle', + title: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.verified.title', + ), + processing: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing( + subtitle: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.processing.subtitle', + title: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.processing.title', + ), + expired: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired( + subtitle: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.expired.subtitle', + title: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.expired.title', + ), + notUploaded: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded( + subtitle: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.notUploaded.subtitle', + title: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.notUploaded.title', + ), + rejected: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected( + subtitle: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.rejected.subtitle', + title: 'profile.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.rejected.title', + ), + ), + applicationSettingsScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen( + toc: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.toc', + language: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.language', + localization: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.localization', + deleteAccount: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount( + title: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.deleteAccount.title', + subtitle: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.deleteAccount.subtitle', + contactSupport: + 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.deleteAccount.contactSupport', + later: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.deleteAccount.later', + appBar: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar( + title: + 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.deleteAccount.appBar.title', + ), + ), + signOut: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut( + title: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.signOut.title', + subtitle: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.signOut.subtitle', + buttonFilled: + 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.signOut.buttonFilled', + buttonOutlined: + 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.signOut.buttonOutlined', + appBar: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar( + title: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.signOut.appBar.title', + ), + ), + appBar: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar( + title: 'profile.applicationSettingsScreen.appBar.title', + ), + ), + notificationSettingsScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen( + title: 'profile.notificationSettingsScreen.title', + invitationEmail: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail( + description: + 'profile.notificationSettingsScreen.invitationEmail.description', + label: 'profile.notificationSettingsScreen.invitationEmail.label', + ), + ), + fontSizeSettingsScreen: + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen( + title: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.title', + label: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.label', + option: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption( + value5: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.option.value5', + value4: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.option.value4', + value3: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.option.value3', + value2: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.option.value2', + value1: 'profile.fontSizeSettingsScreen.option.value1', + ), + ), + footer: const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter( + version: 'profile.footer.version', + ), + ), + tyApiGender: const AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender( + female: 'tyApiGender.female', + male: 'tyApiGender.male', + ), + attendance: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendance( + olderAttendanceHelp: 'attendance.olderAttendanceHelp', + m: 'attendance.m', + h: 'attendance.h', + hoursMoreThan4: 'attendance.hoursMoreThan4', + hour: 'attendance.hour', + hours: 'attendance.hours', + from: 'attendance.from', + rejected: 'attendance.rejected', + systemCanceled: 'attendance.systemCanceled', + canceledLate: 'attendance.canceledLate', + canceledEarly: 'attendance.canceledEarly', + absentNok: 'attendance.absentNok', + alcoholDrugs: 'attendance.alcoholDrugs', + absentOk: 'attendance.absentOk', + completed: 'attendance.completed', + confirmed: 'attendance.confirmed', + awaitingApproval: 'attendance.awaitingApproval', + awaitingPayment: 'attendance.awaitingPayment', + unableToCancel: 'attendance.unableToCancel', + cancelTempJob: 'attendance.cancelTempJob', + reportAbsence: 'attendance.reportAbsence', + empty: 'attendance.empty', + tempJobs: 'attendance.tempJobs', + tempJobsMoreThan4: 'attendance.tempJobsMoreThan4', + tempJob: 'attendance.tempJob', + youAreSignedOn: 'attendance.youAreSignedOn', + getCredits: 'attendance.getCredits', + review: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview( + finish: 'attendance.review.finish', + title: 'attendance.review.title', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess( + button: 'attendance.review.success.button', + title: 'attendance.review.success.title', + ), + option: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption( + great: 'attendance.review.option.great', + bad: 'attendance.review.option.bad', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint( + button: 'attendance.review.hint.button', + body4: 'attendance.review.hint.body4', + body3: 'attendance.review.hint.body3', + body2: 'attendance.review.hint.body2', + body1: 'attendance.review.hint.body1', + body: 'attendance.review.hint.body', + title: 'attendance.review.hint.title', + ), + ), + detail: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail( + absencesHeader: 'attendance.detail.absencesHeader', + shiftHeader: 'attendance.detail.shiftHeader', + paidDeposit: 'attendance.detail.paidDeposit', + rateShiftFun: 'attendance.detail.rateShiftFun', + rewardEstimate: 'attendance.detail.rewardEstimate', + manko: 'attendance.detail.manko', + netWage: 'attendance.detail.netWage', + tax: 'attendance.detail.tax', + noSurchargesGrossWage: 'attendance.detail.noSurchargesGrossWage', + grossWage: 'attendance.detail.grossWage', + reward: 'attendance.detail.reward', + workHours: 'attendance.detail.workHours', + shiftDate: 'attendance.detail.shiftDate', + ), + absence: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence( + approved: 'attendance.absence.approved', + rejected: 'attendance.absence.rejected', + clarification: 'attendance.absence.clarification', + processing: 'attendance.absence.processing', + missing: 'attendance.absence.missing', + ), + cancelApplication: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication( + blogHint: 'attendance.cancelApplication.blogHint', + title: 'attendance.cancelApplication.title', + ), + vacation: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation( + cancel: const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel( + body: 'attendance.vacation.cancel.body', + title: 'attendance.vacation.cancel.title', + button: 'attendance.vacation.cancel.button', + ), + ), + cancelApplicationWithExcuse: + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse( + body: 'attendance.cancelApplicationWithExcuse.body', + title: 'attendance.cancelApplicationWithExcuse.title', + ), + ), + credits: const AppLocalizationsDataCredits( + toPayout: 'credits.toPayout', + payout: 'credits.payout', + surveyCredits: 'credits.surveyCredits', + claimedCredits: 'credits.claimedCredits', + title: 'credits.title', + payoutScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen( + title: 'credits.payoutScreen.title', + ), + history: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory( + title: 'credits.history.title', + ), + claimableCredits: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits( + empty: 'credits.claimableCredits.empty', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint( + body: 'credits.hint.body', + title: 'credits.hint.title', + bottomWidget: 'credits.hint.bottomWidget', + ), + ), + wallet: const AppLocalizationsDataWallet( + inNWorkingDaysOne: 'wallet.inNWorkingDays', + inNWorkingDaysMultiple: 'wallet.inNWorkingDays', + inNWorkingDaysZero: 'wallet.inNWorkingDays', + isOnTheWayFun: 'wallet.isOnTheWayFun', + totalEarnedCongratulations: 'wallet.totalEarnedCongratulations', + totalEarned: 'wallet.totalEarned', + olderPayouts: 'wallet.olderPayouts', + getCredits: 'wallet.getCredits', + creditsHelp: 'wallet.creditsHelp', + credits: 'wallet.credits', + payout: 'wallet.payout', + toPayout: 'wallet.toPayout', + payoutStatus: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus( + processing: 'wallet.payoutStatus.processing', + text: 'wallet.payoutStatus.text', + ), + dialog: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog( + close: 'wallet.dialog.close', + body: 'wallet.dialog.body', + title: 'wallet.dialog.title', + ), + paymentTransaction: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction( + paymentNote: 'wallet.paymentTransaction.paymentNote', + moneySent: 'wallet.paymentTransaction.moneySent', + sentToBankAt: 'wallet.paymentTransaction.sentToBankAt', + ), + paymentRequest: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest( + requested: 'wallet.paymentRequest.requested', + paidOut: 'wallet.paymentRequest.paidOut', + specificSymbol: 'wallet.paymentRequest.specificSymbol', + variableSymbol: 'wallet.paymentRequest.variableSymbol', + bankAccount: 'wallet.paymentRequest.bankAccount', + heading: 'wallet.paymentRequest.heading', + title: 'wallet.paymentRequest.title', + ), + processing: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing( + empty: 'wallet.processing.empty', + title: 'wallet.processing.title', + ), + payoutSuccess: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess( + bodyBottom: 'wallet.payoutSuccess.bodyBottom', + body: 'wallet.payoutSuccess.body', + title: 'wallet.payoutSuccess.title', + ), + exekuce: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce( + blockedAmount: 'wallet.exekuce.blockedAmount', + ), + payoutScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen( + youCanPayMax: 'wallet.payoutScreen.youCanPayMax', + exekuceWarning: 'wallet.payoutScreen.exekuceWarning', + sendConfirm: 'wallet.payoutScreen.sendConfirm', + send: 'wallet.payoutScreen.send', + changeAccount: 'wallet.payoutScreen.changeAccount', + chooseAccount: 'wallet.payoutScreen.chooseAccount', + bankAccount: 'wallet.payoutScreen.bankAccount', + totalPayout: 'wallet.payoutScreen.totalPayout', + choosePayouts: 'wallet.payoutScreen.choosePayouts', + title: 'wallet.payoutScreen.title', + ), + payoutsScreen: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen( + title: 'wallet.payoutsScreen.title', + ), + detail: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail( + paySupplement: 'wallet.detail.paySupplement', + beingProcessed: 'wallet.detail.beingProcessed', + leftToPayout: 'wallet.detail.leftToPayout', + toPayout: 'wallet.detail.toPayout', + allPaidOut: 'wallet.detail.allPaidOut', + preparingPayoutReceipt: 'wallet.detail.preparingPayoutReceipt', + payoutReceipt: 'wallet.detail.payoutReceipt', + cutsAndTaxes: 'wallet.detail.cutsAndTaxes', + payroll: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll( + notReadyYet: 'wallet.detail.payroll.notReadyYet', + ), + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint( + button: 'wallet.hint.button', + body: 'wallet.hint.body', + title: 'wallet.hint.title', + ), + ), + day: const AppLocalizationsDataDay( + yesterday: 'day.yesterday', + today: 'day.today', + tomorrow: 'day.tomorrow', + ), + month: const AppLocalizationsDataMonth( + december: 'month.december', + november: 'month.november', + october: 'month.october', + september: 'month.september', + august: 'month.august', + july: 'month.july', + june: 'month.june', + may: 'month.may', + april: 'month.april', + march: 'month.march', + february: 'month.february', + january: 'month.january', + ), + failure: const AppLocalizationsDataFailure( + unableToDeleteDocument: 'failure.unableToDeleteDocument', + invalidPhoneNumber: 'failure.invalidPhoneNumber', + expiredResetToken: 'failure.expiredResetToken', + invalidResetToken: 'failure.invalidResetToken', + accountAlreadyVerified: 'failure.accountAlreadyVerified', + expiredVerifyToken: 'failure.expiredVerifyToken', + invalidVerifyToken: 'failure.invalidVerifyToken', + noInternet: 'failure.noInternet', + invitation: const AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation( + reject: 'failure.invitation.reject', + accept: 'failure.invitation.accept', + fetch: 'failure.invitation.fetch', + ), + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken: + const AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken( + body: 'failure.phoneNumberAlreadyTaken.body', + title: 'failure.phoneNumberAlreadyTaken.title', + ), + invalidResetPasswordToken: + const AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken( + message: 'failure.invalidResetPasswordToken.message', + title: 'failure.invalidResetPasswordToken.title', + ), + general: const AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral( + message: 'failure.general.message', + title: 'failure.general.title', + ), + ), + appSettings: const AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings( + language: 'appSettings.language', + title: 'Мова', + ), + activateAccount: const AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount( + successMessage: 'activateAccount.successMessage', + success: 'activateAccount.success', + ), + newPassword: const AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword( + button: 'newPassword.button', + title: 'newPassword.title', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess( + body: 'newPassword.success.body', + title: 'newPassword.success.title', + ), + ), + forgottenPassword: const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword( + button: 'forgottenPassword.button', + body: 'forgottenPassword.body', + title: 'forgottenPassword.title', + success: const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess( + techSupport: 'forgottenPassword.success.techSupport', + sendEmailAgain: 'forgottenPassword.success.sendEmailAgain', + body: 'forgottenPassword.success.body', + title: 'forgottenPassword.success.title', + ), + appbar: const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar( + title: 'forgottenPassword.appbar.title', + ), + ), + shifts: const AppLocalizationsDataShifts( + knowledgeTest: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest( + errorMessage: 'shifts.knowledgeTest.errorMessage', + points: 'shifts.knowledgeTest.points', + finishTest: 'shifts.knowledgeTest.finishTest', + fillOutTest: 'shifts.knowledgeTest.fillOutTest', + ), + claim: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim( + title: 'shifts.claim.title', + completed: 'shifts.claim.completed', + overview: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview( + button: 'shifts.claim.overview.button', + confirm: 'shifts.claim.overview.confirm', + title: 'shifts.claim.overview.title', + ), + signature: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature( + hint: 'shifts.claim.signature.hint', + title: 'shifts.claim.signature.title', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton( + next: 'shifts.claim.signature.button.next', + signAgain: 'shifts.claim.signature.button.signAgain', + ), + ), + limitsPredictions: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions( + rejectShift: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.rejectShift', + assumption: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.assumption', + limit: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.limit', + contractSalaryInfo: + 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.contractSalaryInfo', + contractHoursInfo: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.contractHoursInfo', + contractHours: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.contractHours', + contractSalary: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.contractSalary', + description: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.description', + title: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.title', + warning: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning( + description: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.warning.description', + title: 'shifts.claim.limitsPredictions.warning.title', + ), + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton( + readAndAgree: 'shifts.claim.button.readAndAgree', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint( + button: 'shifts.claim.hint.button', + title: 'shifts.claim.hint.title', + ), + ), + label: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel( + utilities: 'shifts.label.utilities', + conditions: 'shifts.label.conditions', + lastPlace: 'shifts.label.lastPlace', + physicallyChallengingJob: 'shifts.label.physicallyChallengingJob', + ), + detail: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail( + claimError: 'shifts.detail.claimError', + showOnMap: 'shifts.detail.showOnMap', + loading: 'shifts.detail.loading', + issue: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue( + hpp: 'shifts.detail.issue.hpp', + salaryLimit: 'shifts.detail.issue.salaryLimit', + ), + vacation: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation( + title: 'shifts.detail.vacation.title', + info: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo( + description: 'shifts.detail.vacation.info.description', + title: 'shifts.detail.vacation.info.title', + ), + ), + footer: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter( + invitation: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation( + title: 'shifts.detail.footer.invitation.title', + ), + ), + accountInReview: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview( + description: 'shifts.detail.accountInReview.description', + title: 'shifts.detail.accountInReview.title', + ), + accountInactive: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive( + description: 'shifts.detail.accountInactive.description', + title: 'shifts.detail.accountInactive.title', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton( + back: 'shifts.detail.accountInactive.button.back', + verifyAccount: 'shifts.detail.accountInactive.button.verifyAccount', + ), + ), + error: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError( + missingDocument: 'shifts.detail.error.missingDocument', + salaryLimitExceeded: 'shifts.detail.error.salaryLimitExceeded', + ), + surcharge: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge( + forWeekend: 'shifts.detail.surcharge.forWeekend', + forNight: 'shifts.detail.surcharge.forNight', + forHoliday: 'shifts.detail.surcharge.forHoliday', + reason: 'shifts.detail.surcharge.reason', + ), + loadingError: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError( + retry: 'shifts.detail.loadingError.retry', + title: 'shifts.detail.loadingError.title', + ), + notAvailable: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable( + title: 'shifts.detail.notAvailable.title', + ), + section: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection( + location: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.location.title', + ), + instructionNewcommers: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.instructionNewcommers.title', + ), + emergencyContact: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact( + copied: 'shifts.detail.section.emergencyContact.copied', + title: 'shifts.detail.section.emergencyContact.title', + ), + description: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.description.title', + ), + instruction: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.instruction.title', + ), + documents: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.documents.title', + ), + utilities: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.utilities.title', + error: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError( + description: 'shifts.detail.section.utilities.error.description', + title: 'shifts.detail.section.utilities.error.title', + ), + item: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem( + added: 'shifts.detail.section.utilities.item.added', + ), + ), + requirements: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements( + title: 'shifts.detail.section.requirements.title', + error: + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError( + expired: 'shifts.detail.section.requirements.error.expired', + notInProfile: + 'shifts.detail.section.requirements.error.notInProfile', + description: + 'shifts.detail.section.requirements.error.description', + title: 'shifts.detail.section.requirements.error.title', + ), + ), + ), + label: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel( + contractType: 'shifts.detail.label.contractType', + employer: 'shifts.detail.label.employer', + credits: 'shifts.detail.label.credits', + pay: 'shifts.detail.label.pay', + time: 'shifts.detail.label.time', + when: 'shifts.detail.label.when', + offersMore: 'shifts.detail.label.offersMore', + offers: 'shifts.detail.label.offers', + offer: 'shifts.detail.label.offer', + noOffers: 'shifts.detail.label.noOffers', + addedDateDays: 'shifts.detail.label.addedDateDays', + addedDateDay: 'shifts.detail.label.addedDateDay', + addedDateToday: 'shifts.detail.label.addedDateToday', + addedDate: 'shifts.detail.label.addedDate', + extra: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra( + holiday: 'shifts.detail.label.extra.holiday', + weekendNight: 'shifts.detail.label.extra.weekendNight', + ), + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton( + apply: 'shifts.detail.button.apply', + ), + ), + filter: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter( + date: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate( + to: 'shifts.filter.date.to', + from: 'shifts.filter.date.from', + chip: 'shifts.filter.date.chip', + reset: 'shifts.filter.date.reset', + save: 'shifts.filter.date.save', + bottomSheet: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet( + error: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.error', + show: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.show', + to: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.to', + from: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.from', + title: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.title', + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint( + to: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.hint.to', + from: 'shifts.filter.date.bottomSheet.hint.from', + ), + ), + ), + search: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch( + save: 'shifts.filter.search.save', + hint: 'shifts.filter.search.hint', + title: 'shifts.filter.search.title', + ), + locality: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality( + anywhere: 'shifts.filter.locality.anywhere', + title: 'shifts.filter.locality.title', + ), + ), + feed: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed( + plusExtra: 'shifts.feed.plusExtra', + lastPlace: 'shifts.feed.lastPlace', + endActiveFilter: 'shifts.feed.endActiveFilter', + end: 'shifts.feed.end', + reload: 'shifts.feed.reload', + errorLoading: 'shifts.feed.errorLoading', + errorLoadingInternet: 'shifts.feed.errorLoadingInternet', + ban: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan( + labelNote: 'shifts.feed.ban.labelNote', + description: 'shifts.feed.ban.description', + unlimited: 'shifts.feed.ban.unlimited', + title: 'shifts.feed.ban.title', + ), + invitation: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation( + title: 'shifts.feed.invitation.title', + expiration: 'shifts.feed.invitation.expiration', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton( + reject: 'shifts.feed.invitation.button.reject', + accept: 'shifts.feed.invitation.button.accept', + ), + ), + empty: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty( + loadAgain: 'shifts.feed.empty.loadAgain', + noFilter: 'shifts.feed.empty.noFilter', + loadAgainWithoutFilter: 'shifts.feed.empty.loadAgainWithoutFilter', + activeFilter: 'shifts.feed.empty.activeFilter', + ), + ), + list: const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList( + tomorrow: 'shifts.list.tomorrow', + today: 'shifts.list.today', + search: 'shifts.list.search', + anywhere: 'shifts.list.anywhere', + ), + ), + signup: const AppLocalizationsDataSignup( + tocLink: 'signup.tocLink', + tocAgree: 'signup.tocAgree', + title: 'signup.title', + finish: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish( + success: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess( + button: 'signup.finish.success.button', + body: 'signup.finish.success.body', + title: 'signup.finish.success.title', + ), + source: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource( + otherHint: 'signup.finish.source.otherHint', + other: 'signup.finish.source.other', + ), + gender: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender( + woman: 'signup.finish.gender.woman', + man: 'signup.finish.gender.man', + body: 'signup.finish.gender.body', + title: 'signup.finish.gender.title', + ), + locality: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality( + invalid: 'signup.finish.locality.invalid', + hint: 'signup.finish.locality.hint', + label: 'signup.finish.locality.label', + body: 'signup.finish.locality.body', + title: 'signup.finish.locality.title', + ), + password: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword( + tooShort: 'signup.finish.password.tooShort', + submit: 'signup.finish.password.submit', + title: 'signup.finish.password.title', + ), + ), + success: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess( + techSupport: 'signup.success.techSupport', + sendEmailAgain: 'signup.success.sendEmailAgain', + body: 'signup.success.body', + title: 'signup.success.title', + ), + error: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupError( + emailTaken: 'signup.error.emailTaken', + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton( + signup: 'signup.button.signup', + ), + input: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput( + email: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail( + notValid: 'signup.input.email.notValid', + missing: 'signup.input.email.missing', + hint: 'signup.input.email.hint', + label: 'signup.input.email.label', + ), + lastName: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName( + missing: 'signup.input.lastName.missing', + hint: 'signup.input.lastName.hint', + label: 'signup.input.lastName.label', + ), + firstName: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName( + missing: 'signup.input.firstName.missing', + hint: 'signup.input.firstName.hint', + label: 'signup.input.firstName.label', + ), + ), + appbar: const AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar( + title: 'signup.appbar.title', + ), + ), + login: const AppLocalizationsDataLogin( + error: 'login.error', + subtitle: 'login.subtitle', + title: 'login.title', + label: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel( + tymbeCz: 'login.label.tymbeCz', + label: 'login.label.label', + noAccount: 'login.label.noAccount', + ), + button: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton( + changeLanguage: 'login.button.changeLanguage', + registration: 'login.button.registration', + login: 'login.button.login', + forgottenPassword: 'login.button.forgottenPassword', + ), + input: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput( + password: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword( + hint: 'login.input.password.hint', + label: 'login.input.password.label', + ), + email: const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail( + hint: 'login.input.email.hint', + label: 'login.input.email.label', + ), + ), + ), + walkthrough: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough( + step3: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3( + description: 'walkthrough.step3.description', + title: 'walkthrough.step3.title', + ), + step2: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2( + description: 'walkthrough.step2.description', + title: 'walkthrough.step2.title', + ), + step1: const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1( + description: 'walkthrough.step1.description', + title: 'walkthrough.step1.title', + ), + ), + validator: const AppLocalizationsDataValidator( + czech: const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech( + zip: const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip( + error: 'validator.czech.zip.error', + ), + nationalNumber: const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber( + error: 'validator.czech.nationalNumber.error', + ), + ), + ), + webAppBackup: const AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup( + title: 'webAppBackup.title', + ), + dialog: const AppLocalizationsDataDialog( + incorrectPassword: 'dialog.incorrectPassword', + loggedOut: const AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut( + body: 'dialog.loggedOut.body', + title: 'dialog.loggedOut.title', + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint( + close: 'dialog.hint.close', + ), + ), + error: const AppLocalizationsDataError( + webOpenFailed: 'error.webOpenFailed', + ), + bottomnav: const AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav( + temping: const AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping( + wallet: 'Гроші', + attendance: 'Відвідуваність', + shifts: 'Бригади', + ), + ), + hint: const AppLocalizationsDataHint( + credits: const AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits( + message: 'hint.credits.message', + title: 'hint.credits.title', + button: const AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton( + more: 'hint.credits.button.more', + ), + ), + ), + global: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobal( + tocLink: 'global.tocLink', + tocText: 'global.tocText', + tymbeCredits: 'global.tymbeCredits', + credits: 'global.credits', + inMoreThanOneDay: 'global.inMoreThanOneDay', + inOneDay: 'global.inOneDay', + to: 'global.to', + from: 'global.from', + save: 'global.save', + search: 'global.search', + tryAgain: 'global.tryAgain', + no: 'global.no', + yes: 'global.yes', + perHour: 'global.perHour', + hour: 'global.hour', + czechCrowns: 'global.czechCrowns', + creditsPerHour: 'global.creditsPerHour', + ok: 'global.ok', + contactSupport: 'global.contactSupport', + woman: 'global.woman', + man: 'global.man', + skip: 'global.skip', + goOn: 'global.goOn', + appname: 'global.appname', + input: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput( + required: 'global.input.required', + ), + currency: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency( + creditsShort: 'global.currency.creditsShort', + credit: 'global.currency.credit', + credits: 'global.currency.credits', + creditsMoreThan4: 'global.currency.creditsMoreThan4', + ), + language: const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage( + cs: 't', + uk: 'Українська', + ), + ), + ), +}; + +enum Plural { + one, + zero, + multiple, +} + +class AppLocalizationsData { + const AppLocalizationsData({ + required this.notifications, + required this.select, + required this.absence, + required this.blog, + required this.userStatus, + required this.documentUpload, + required this.supportChat, + required this.documentType, + required this.updateRequired, + required this.emergencyShutdown, + required this.components, + required this.documentTileStateEnum, + required this.tax, + required this.profile, + required this.tyApiGender, + required this.attendance, + required this.credits, + required this.wallet, + required this.day, + required this.month, + required this.failure, + required this.appSettings, + required this.activateAccount, + required this.newPassword, + required this.forgottenPassword, + required this.shifts, + required this.signup, + required this.login, + required this.walkthrough, + required this.validator, + required this.webAppBackup, + required this.dialog, + required this.error, + required this.bottomnav, + required this.hint, + required this.global, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataNotifications notifications; + final AppLocalizationsDataSelect select; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsence absence; + final AppLocalizationsDataBlog blog; + final AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus userStatus; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload documentUpload; + final AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat supportChat; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType documentType; + final AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired updateRequired; + final AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown emergencyShutdown; + final AppLocalizationsDataComponents components; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum documentTileStateEnum; + final AppLocalizationsDataTax tax; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfile profile; + final AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender tyApiGender; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendance attendance; + final AppLocalizationsDataCredits credits; + final AppLocalizationsDataWallet wallet; + final AppLocalizationsDataDay day; + final AppLocalizationsDataMonth month; + final AppLocalizationsDataFailure failure; + final AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings appSettings; + final AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount activateAccount; + final AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword newPassword; + final AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword forgottenPassword; + final AppLocalizationsDataShifts shifts; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignup signup; + final AppLocalizationsDataLogin login; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough walkthrough; + final AppLocalizationsDataValidator validator; + final AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup webAppBackup; + final AppLocalizationsDataDialog dialog; + final AppLocalizationsDataError error; + final AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav bottomnav; + final AppLocalizationsDataHint hint; + final AppLocalizationsDataGlobal global; + factory AppLocalizationsData.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsData( + notifications: AppLocalizationsDataNotifications.fromJson( + map['notifications']! as Map), + select: AppLocalizationsDataSelect.fromJson( + map['select']! as Map), + absence: AppLocalizationsDataAbsence.fromJson( + map['absence']! as Map), + blog: AppLocalizationsDataBlog.fromJson( + map['blog']! as Map), + userStatus: AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus.fromJson( + map['userStatus']! as Map), + documentUpload: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload.fromJson( + map['documentUpload']! as Map), + supportChat: AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat.fromJson( + map['supportChat']! as Map), + documentType: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType.fromJson( + map['documentType']! as Map), + updateRequired: AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired.fromJson( + map['updateRequired']! as Map), + emergencyShutdown: AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown.fromJson( + map['emergencyShutdown']! as Map), + components: AppLocalizationsDataComponents.fromJson( + map['components']! as Map), + documentTileStateEnum: + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum.fromJson( + map['documentTileStateEnum']! as Map), + tax: AppLocalizationsDataTax.fromJson( + map['tax']! as Map), + profile: AppLocalizationsDataProfile.fromJson( + map['profile']! as Map), + tyApiGender: AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender.fromJson( + map['tyApiGender']! as Map), + attendance: AppLocalizationsDataAttendance.fromJson( + map['attendance']! as Map), + credits: AppLocalizationsDataCredits.fromJson( + map['credits']! as Map), + wallet: AppLocalizationsDataWallet.fromJson( + map['wallet']! as Map), + day: AppLocalizationsDataDay.fromJson( + map['day']! as Map), + month: AppLocalizationsDataMonth.fromJson( + map['month']! as Map), + failure: AppLocalizationsDataFailure.fromJson( + map['failure']! as Map), + appSettings: AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings.fromJson( + map['appSettings']! as Map), + activateAccount: AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount.fromJson( + map['activateAccount']! as Map), + newPassword: AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword.fromJson( + map['newPassword']! as Map), + forgottenPassword: AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword.fromJson( + map['forgottenPassword']! as Map), + shifts: AppLocalizationsDataShifts.fromJson( + map['shifts']! as Map), + signup: AppLocalizationsDataSignup.fromJson( + map['signup']! as Map), + login: AppLocalizationsDataLogin.fromJson( + map['login']! as Map), + walkthrough: AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough.fromJson( + map['walkthrough']! as Map), + validator: AppLocalizationsDataValidator.fromJson( + map['validator']! as Map), + webAppBackup: AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup.fromJson( + map['webAppBackup']! as Map), + dialog: AppLocalizationsDataDialog.fromJson( + map['dialog']! as Map), + error: AppLocalizationsDataError.fromJson( + map['error']! as Map), + bottomnav: AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav.fromJson( + map['bottomnav']! as Map), + hint: AppLocalizationsDataHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + global: AppLocalizationsDataGlobal.fromJson( + map['global']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsData copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataNotifications? notifications, + AppLocalizationsDataSelect? select, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsence? absence, + AppLocalizationsDataBlog? blog, + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus? userStatus, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload? documentUpload, + AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat? supportChat, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType? documentType, + AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired? updateRequired, + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown? emergencyShutdown, + AppLocalizationsDataComponents? components, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum? documentTileStateEnum, + AppLocalizationsDataTax? tax, + AppLocalizationsDataProfile? profile, + AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender? tyApiGender, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendance? attendance, + AppLocalizationsDataCredits? credits, + AppLocalizationsDataWallet? wallet, + AppLocalizationsDataDay? day, + AppLocalizationsDataMonth? month, + AppLocalizationsDataFailure? failure, + AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings? appSettings, + AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount? activateAccount, + AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword? newPassword, + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword? forgottenPassword, + AppLocalizationsDataShifts? shifts, + AppLocalizationsDataSignup? signup, + AppLocalizationsDataLogin? login, + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough? walkthrough, + AppLocalizationsDataValidator? validator, + AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup? webAppBackup, + AppLocalizationsDataDialog? dialog, + AppLocalizationsDataError? error, + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav? bottomnav, + AppLocalizationsDataHint? hint, + AppLocalizationsDataGlobal? global, + }) => + AppLocalizationsData( + notifications: notifications ?? this.notifications, + select: select ?? this.select, + absence: absence ?? this.absence, + blog: blog ?? this.blog, + userStatus: userStatus ?? this.userStatus, + documentUpload: documentUpload ?? this.documentUpload, + supportChat: supportChat ?? this.supportChat, + documentType: documentType ?? this.documentType, + updateRequired: updateRequired ?? this.updateRequired, + emergencyShutdown: emergencyShutdown ?? this.emergencyShutdown, + components: components ?? this.components, + documentTileStateEnum: + documentTileStateEnum ?? this.documentTileStateEnum, + tax: tax ?? this.tax, + profile: profile ?? this.profile, + tyApiGender: tyApiGender ?? this.tyApiGender, + attendance: attendance ?? this.attendance, + credits: credits ?? this.credits, + wallet: wallet ?? this.wallet, + day: day ?? this.day, + month: month ?? this.month, + failure: failure ?? this.failure, + appSettings: appSettings ?? this.appSettings, + activateAccount: activateAccount ?? this.activateAccount, + newPassword: newPassword ?? this.newPassword, + forgottenPassword: forgottenPassword ?? this.forgottenPassword, + shifts: shifts ?? this.shifts, + signup: signup ?? this.signup, + login: login ?? this.login, + walkthrough: walkthrough ?? this.walkthrough, + validator: validator ?? this.validator, + webAppBackup: webAppBackup ?? this.webAppBackup, + dialog: dialog ?? this.dialog, + error: error ?? this.error, + bottomnav: bottomnav ?? this.bottomnav, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + global: global ?? this.global, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsData && + notifications == other.notifications && + select == other.select && + absence == other.absence && + blog == other.blog && + userStatus == other.userStatus && + documentUpload == other.documentUpload && + supportChat == other.supportChat && + documentType == other.documentType && + updateRequired == other.updateRequired && + emergencyShutdown == other.emergencyShutdown && + components == other.components && + documentTileStateEnum == other.documentTileStateEnum && + tax == other.tax && + profile == other.profile && + tyApiGender == other.tyApiGender && + attendance == other.attendance && + credits == other.credits && + wallet == other.wallet && + day == other.day && + month == other.month && + failure == other.failure && + appSettings == other.appSettings && + activateAccount == other.activateAccount && + newPassword == other.newPassword && + forgottenPassword == other.forgottenPassword && + shifts == other.shifts && + signup == other.signup && + login == other.login && + walkthrough == other.walkthrough && + validator == other.validator && + webAppBackup == other.webAppBackup && + dialog == other.dialog && + error == other.error && + bottomnav == other.bottomnav && + hint == other.hint && + global == other.global); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + notifications.hashCode ^ + select.hashCode ^ + absence.hashCode ^ + blog.hashCode ^ + userStatus.hashCode ^ + documentUpload.hashCode ^ + supportChat.hashCode ^ + documentType.hashCode ^ + updateRequired.hashCode ^ + emergencyShutdown.hashCode ^ + components.hashCode ^ + documentTileStateEnum.hashCode ^ + tax.hashCode ^ + profile.hashCode ^ + tyApiGender.hashCode ^ + attendance.hashCode ^ + credits.hashCode ^ + wallet.hashCode ^ + day.hashCode ^ + month.hashCode ^ + failure.hashCode ^ + appSettings.hashCode ^ + activateAccount.hashCode ^ + newPassword.hashCode ^ + forgottenPassword.hashCode ^ + shifts.hashCode ^ + signup.hashCode ^ + login.hashCode ^ + walkthrough.hashCode ^ + validator.hashCode ^ + webAppBackup.hashCode ^ + dialog.hashCode ^ + error.hashCode ^ + bottomnav.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode ^ + global.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataNotifications { + const AppLocalizationsDataNotifications({ + required this.allAsRead, + required this.title, + }); + + final String allAsRead; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataNotifications.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataNotifications( + allAsRead: map['allAsRead']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataNotifications copyWith({ + String? allAsRead, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataNotifications( + allAsRead: allAsRead ?? this.allAsRead, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataNotifications && + allAsRead == other.allAsRead && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ allAsRead.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSelect { + const AppLocalizationsDataSelect({ + required this.hint, + }); + + final String hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSelect.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSelect( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSelect copyWith({ + String? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSelect( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSelect && hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsence { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsence({ + required this.addFile, + required this.excuses, + required String countDown, + required this.adminNote, + required this.alert, + required this.rejected, + required this.processing, + required this.approved, + required this.screen, + required this.clarification, + required this.missing, + }) : _countDown = countDown; + + final String addFile; + final String excuses; + final String _countDown; + final String adminNote; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert alert; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected rejected; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing processing; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved approved; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen screen; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification clarification; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing missing; + + String countDown({ + required String duration, + String? locale, + }) { + return _countDown.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'duration': duration, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsence.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsence( + addFile: map['addFile']! as String, + excuses: map['excuses']! as String, + countDown: map['countDown']! as String, + adminNote: map['adminNote']! as String, + alert: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert.fromJson( + map['alert']! as Map), + rejected: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected.fromJson( + map['rejected']! as Map), + processing: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing.fromJson( + map['processing']! as Map), + approved: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved.fromJson( + map['approved']! as Map), + screen: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen.fromJson( + map['screen']! as Map), + clarification: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification.fromJson( + map['clarification']! as Map), + missing: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing.fromJson( + map['missing']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsence copyWith({ + String? addFile, + String? excuses, + String? countDown, + String? adminNote, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert? alert, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected? rejected, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing? processing, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved? approved, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen? screen, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification? clarification, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing? missing, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsence( + addFile: addFile ?? this.addFile, + excuses: excuses ?? this.excuses, + countDown: countDown ?? _countDown, + adminNote: adminNote ?? this.adminNote, + alert: alert ?? this.alert, + rejected: rejected ?? this.rejected, + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + approved: approved ?? this.approved, + screen: screen ?? this.screen, + clarification: clarification ?? this.clarification, + missing: missing ?? this.missing, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsence && + addFile == other.addFile && + excuses == other.excuses && + _countDown == other._countDown && + adminNote == other.adminNote && + alert == other.alert && + rejected == other.rejected && + processing == other.processing && + approved == other.approved && + screen == other.screen && + clarification == other.clarification && + missing == other.missing); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + addFile.hashCode ^ + excuses.hashCode ^ + _countDown.hashCode ^ + adminNote.hashCode ^ + alert.hashCode ^ + rejected.hashCode ^ + processing.hashCode ^ + approved.hashCode ^ + screen.hashCode ^ + clarification.hashCode ^ + missing.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceAlert && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected({ + required this.chip, + required this.title, + }); + + final String chip; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected( + chip: map['chip']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected copyWith({ + String? chip, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected( + chip: chip ?? this.chip, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceRejected && + chip == other.chip && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ chip.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing({ + required this.chip, + required this.button, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String chip; + final String button; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing( + chip: map['chip']! as String, + button: map['button']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing copyWith({ + String? chip, + String? button, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing( + chip: chip ?? this.chip, + button: button ?? this.button, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceProcessing && + chip == other.chip && + button == other.button && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + chip.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved({ + required this.chip, + }); + + final String chip; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved( + chip: map['chip']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved copyWith({ + String? chip, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved( + chip: chip ?? this.chip, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceApproved && chip == other.chip); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ chip.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen({ + required this.buttonClarify, + required this.buttonExcuse, + required this.description, + required this.title, + required this.reason, + required this.category, + }); + + final String buttonClarify; + final String buttonExcuse; + final String description; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason reason; + final AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory category; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen( + buttonClarify: map['buttonClarify']! as String, + buttonExcuse: map['buttonExcuse']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + reason: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason.fromJson( + map['reason']! as Map), + category: AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory.fromJson( + map['category']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen copyWith({ + String? buttonClarify, + String? buttonExcuse, + String? description, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason? reason, + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory? category, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen( + buttonClarify: buttonClarify ?? this.buttonClarify, + buttonExcuse: buttonExcuse ?? this.buttonExcuse, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + reason: reason ?? this.reason, + category: category ?? this.category, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreen && + buttonClarify == other.buttonClarify && + buttonExcuse == other.buttonExcuse && + description == other.description && + title == other.title && + reason == other.reason && + category == other.category); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + buttonClarify.hashCode ^ + buttonExcuse.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + reason.hashCode ^ + category.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason({ + required this.label, + }); + + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason( + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason copyWith({ + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason( + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenReason && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory({ + required this.other, + required this.familyDeath, + required this.familyReasons, + required this.traffic, + required this.illness, + required this.label, + }); + + final String other; + final String familyDeath; + final String familyReasons; + final String traffic; + final String illness; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory( + other: map['other']! as String, + familyDeath: map['familyDeath']! as String, + familyReasons: map['familyReasons']! as String, + traffic: map['traffic']! as String, + illness: map['illness']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory copyWith({ + String? other, + String? familyDeath, + String? familyReasons, + String? traffic, + String? illness, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory( + other: other ?? this.other, + familyDeath: familyDeath ?? this.familyDeath, + familyReasons: familyReasons ?? this.familyReasons, + traffic: traffic ?? this.traffic, + illness: illness ?? this.illness, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceScreenCategory && + other == other.other && + familyDeath == other.familyDeath && + familyReasons == other.familyReasons && + traffic == other.traffic && + illness == other.illness && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + other.hashCode ^ + familyDeath.hashCode ^ + familyReasons.hashCode ^ + traffic.hashCode ^ + illness.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification({ + required this.button, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification( + button: map['button']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification copyWith({ + String? button, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification( + button: button ?? this.button, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceClarification && + button == other.button && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ button.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing { + const AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing({ + required this.button, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing( + button: map['button']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing copyWith({ + String? button, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing( + button: button ?? this.button, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAbsenceMissing && + button == other.button && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataBlog { + const AppLocalizationsDataBlog({ + required this.title, + required this.banner, + }); + + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner banner; + factory AppLocalizationsDataBlog.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataBlog( + title: map['title']! as String, + banner: AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner.fromJson( + map['banner']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataBlog copyWith({ + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner? banner, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataBlog( + title: title ?? this.title, + banner: banner ?? this.banner, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataBlog && + title == other.title && + banner == other.banner); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ banner.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner { + const AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner({ + required this.hint, + }); + + final String hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner copyWith({ + String? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataBlogBanner && hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus { + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus({ + required this.missingHealthInsuranceCard, + required this.missingPhoneNumber, + required this.missingBankAccount, + required this.idNotVerified, + required this.expiredIdCard, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard + missingHealthInsuranceCard; + final AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber missingPhoneNumber; + final AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount missingBankAccount; + final AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified idNotVerified; + final AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard expiredIdCard; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus( + missingHealthInsuranceCard: + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard.fromJson( + map['missingHealthInsuranceCard']! as Map), + missingPhoneNumber: + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber.fromJson( + map['missingPhoneNumber']! as Map), + missingBankAccount: + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount.fromJson( + map['missingBankAccount']! as Map), + idNotVerified: AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified.fromJson( + map['idNotVerified']! as Map), + expiredIdCard: AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard.fromJson( + map['expiredIdCard']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard? + missingHealthInsuranceCard, + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber? missingPhoneNumber, + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount? missingBankAccount, + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified? idNotVerified, + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard? expiredIdCard, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus( + missingHealthInsuranceCard: + missingHealthInsuranceCard ?? this.missingHealthInsuranceCard, + missingPhoneNumber: missingPhoneNumber ?? this.missingPhoneNumber, + missingBankAccount: missingBankAccount ?? this.missingBankAccount, + idNotVerified: idNotVerified ?? this.idNotVerified, + expiredIdCard: expiredIdCard ?? this.expiredIdCard, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUserStatus && + missingHealthInsuranceCard == other.missingHealthInsuranceCard && + missingPhoneNumber == other.missingPhoneNumber && + missingBankAccount == other.missingBankAccount && + idNotVerified == other.idNotVerified && + expiredIdCard == other.expiredIdCard); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + missingHealthInsuranceCard.hashCode ^ + missingPhoneNumber.hashCode ^ + missingBankAccount.hashCode ^ + idNotVerified.hashCode ^ + expiredIdCard.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard { + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard({ + required this.mainButton, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String mainButton; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard( + mainButton: map['mainButton']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard copyWith({ + String? mainButton, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard( + mainButton: mainButton ?? this.mainButton, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingHealthInsuranceCard && + mainButton == other.mainButton && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + mainButton.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber { + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber({ + required this.mainButton, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String mainButton; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber( + mainButton: map['mainButton']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber copyWith({ + String? mainButton, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber( + mainButton: mainButton ?? this.mainButton, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingPhoneNumber && + mainButton == other.mainButton && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + mainButton.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount { + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount({ + required this.mainButton, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String mainButton; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount( + mainButton: map['mainButton']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount copyWith({ + String? mainButton, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount( + mainButton: mainButton ?? this.mainButton, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusMissingBankAccount && + mainButton == other.mainButton && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + mainButton.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified { + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified({ + required this.mainButton, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String mainButton; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified( + mainButton: map['mainButton']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified copyWith({ + String? mainButton, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified( + mainButton: mainButton ?? this.mainButton, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusIdNotVerified && + mainButton == other.mainButton && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + mainButton.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard { + const AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard({ + required this.mainButton, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String mainButton; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard( + mainButton: map['mainButton']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard copyWith({ + String? mainButton, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard( + mainButton: mainButton ?? this.mainButton, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUserStatusExpiredIdCard && + mainButton == other.mainButton && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + mainButton.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload({ + required this.title, + required this.success, + required this.dataFill, + required this.filesCheck, + required this.photoCheck, + required this.filePicker, + required this.photoTake, + required this.noCameraAvailable, + required this.identificationPick, + required this.popDialog, + }); + + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess success; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill dataFill; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck filesCheck; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck photoCheck; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker filePicker; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake photoTake; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable noCameraAvailable; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick identificationPick; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog popDialog; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload( + title: map['title']! as String, + success: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + dataFill: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill.fromJson( + map['dataFill']! as Map), + filesCheck: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck.fromJson( + map['filesCheck']! as Map), + photoCheck: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck.fromJson( + map['photoCheck']! as Map), + filePicker: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker.fromJson( + map['filePicker']! as Map), + photoTake: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake.fromJson( + map['photoTake']! as Map), + noCameraAvailable: + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable.fromJson( + map['noCameraAvailable']! as Map), + identificationPick: + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick.fromJson( + map['identificationPick']! as Map), + popDialog: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog.fromJson( + map['popDialog']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload copyWith({ + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess? success, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill? dataFill, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck? filesCheck, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck? photoCheck, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker? filePicker, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake? photoTake, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable? noCameraAvailable, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick? identificationPick, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog? popDialog, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload( + title: title ?? this.title, + success: success ?? this.success, + dataFill: dataFill ?? this.dataFill, + filesCheck: filesCheck ?? this.filesCheck, + photoCheck: photoCheck ?? this.photoCheck, + filePicker: filePicker ?? this.filePicker, + photoTake: photoTake ?? this.photoTake, + noCameraAvailable: noCameraAvailable ?? this.noCameraAvailable, + identificationPick: identificationPick ?? this.identificationPick, + popDialog: popDialog ?? this.popDialog, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUpload && + title == other.title && + success == other.success && + dataFill == other.dataFill && + filesCheck == other.filesCheck && + photoCheck == other.photoCheck && + filePicker == other.filePicker && + photoTake == other.photoTake && + noCameraAvailable == other.noCameraAvailable && + identificationPick == other.identificationPick && + popDialog == other.popDialog); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode ^ + dataFill.hashCode ^ + filesCheck.hashCode ^ + photoCheck.hashCode ^ + filePicker.hashCode ^ + photoTake.hashCode ^ + noCameraAvailable.hashCode ^ + identificationPick.hashCode ^ + popDialog.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess({ + required this.button, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess( + button: map['button']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess copyWith({ + String? button, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess( + button: button ?? this.button, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadSuccess && + button == other.button && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill({ + required this.button, + required this.info, + required this.birthplace, + required this.birthdate, + required this.sex, + required this.noPersonalId, + required this.personalInfo, + required this.nationality, + required this.personalId, + required this.documentValidTo, + required this.documentValidFrom, + required this.documentId, + required this.healthInsuranceCode, + required this.title, + required this.duplicateId, + required this.permanentAddress, + }); + + final String button; + final String info; + final String birthplace; + final String birthdate; + final String sex; + final String noPersonalId; + final String personalInfo; + final String nationality; + final String personalId; + final String documentValidTo; + final String documentValidFrom; + final String documentId; + final String healthInsuranceCode; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId duplicateId; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress + permanentAddress; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill( + button: map['button']! as String, + info: map['info']! as String, + birthplace: map['birthplace']! as String, + birthdate: map['birthdate']! as String, + sex: map['sex']! as String, + noPersonalId: map['noPersonalId']! as String, + personalInfo: map['personalInfo']! as String, + nationality: map['nationality']! as String, + personalId: map['personalId']! as String, + documentValidTo: map['documentValidTo']! as String, + documentValidFrom: map['documentValidFrom']! as String, + documentId: map['documentId']! as String, + healthInsuranceCode: map['healthInsuranceCode']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + duplicateId: + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId.fromJson( + map['duplicateId']! as Map), + permanentAddress: + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress.fromJson( + map['permanentAddress']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill copyWith({ + String? button, + String? info, + String? birthplace, + String? birthdate, + String? sex, + String? noPersonalId, + String? personalInfo, + String? nationality, + String? personalId, + String? documentValidTo, + String? documentValidFrom, + String? documentId, + String? healthInsuranceCode, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId? duplicateId, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress? + permanentAddress, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill( + button: button ?? this.button, + info: info ?? this.info, + birthplace: birthplace ?? this.birthplace, + birthdate: birthdate ?? this.birthdate, + sex: sex ?? this.sex, + noPersonalId: noPersonalId ?? this.noPersonalId, + personalInfo: personalInfo ?? this.personalInfo, + nationality: nationality ?? this.nationality, + personalId: personalId ?? this.personalId, + documentValidTo: documentValidTo ?? this.documentValidTo, + documentValidFrom: documentValidFrom ?? this.documentValidFrom, + documentId: documentId ?? this.documentId, + healthInsuranceCode: healthInsuranceCode ?? this.healthInsuranceCode, + title: title ?? this.title, + duplicateId: duplicateId ?? this.duplicateId, + permanentAddress: permanentAddress ?? this.permanentAddress, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFill && + button == other.button && + info == other.info && + birthplace == other.birthplace && + birthdate == other.birthdate && + sex == other.sex && + noPersonalId == other.noPersonalId && + personalInfo == other.personalInfo && + nationality == other.nationality && + personalId == other.personalId && + documentValidTo == other.documentValidTo && + documentValidFrom == other.documentValidFrom && + documentId == other.documentId && + healthInsuranceCode == other.healthInsuranceCode && + title == other.title && + duplicateId == other.duplicateId && + permanentAddress == other.permanentAddress); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + info.hashCode ^ + birthplace.hashCode ^ + birthdate.hashCode ^ + sex.hashCode ^ + noPersonalId.hashCode ^ + personalInfo.hashCode ^ + nationality.hashCode ^ + personalId.hashCode ^ + documentValidTo.hashCode ^ + documentValidFrom.hashCode ^ + documentId.hashCode ^ + healthInsuranceCode.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + duplicateId.hashCode ^ + permanentAddress.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId({ + required this.button, + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId( + button: map['button']! as String, + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId copyWith({ + String? button, + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId( + button: button ?? this.button, + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillDuplicateId && + button == other.button && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress({ + required this.appBarTitle, + required this.submit, + required this.contactAddress, + required this.subitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String appBarTitle; + final String submit; + final String contactAddress; + final String subitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress( + appBarTitle: map['appBarTitle']! as String, + submit: map['submit']! as String, + contactAddress: map['contactAddress']! as String, + subitle: map['subitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress copyWith({ + String? appBarTitle, + String? submit, + String? contactAddress, + String? subitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress( + appBarTitle: appBarTitle ?? this.appBarTitle, + submit: submit ?? this.submit, + contactAddress: contactAddress ?? this.contactAddress, + subitle: subitle ?? this.subitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadDataFillPermanentAddress && + appBarTitle == other.appBarTitle && + submit == other.submit && + contactAddress == other.contactAddress && + subitle == other.subitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + appBarTitle.hashCode ^ + submit.hashCode ^ + contactAddress.hashCode ^ + subitle.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck({ + required this.uploadMore, + required this.next, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String uploadMore; + final String next; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck( + uploadMore: map['uploadMore']! as String, + next: map['next']! as String, + hint: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck copyWith({ + String? uploadMore, + String? next, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck( + uploadMore: uploadMore ?? this.uploadMore, + next: next ?? this.next, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheck && + uploadMore == other.uploadMore && + next == other.next && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + uploadMore.hashCode ^ + next.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilesCheckHint && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck({ + required this.upload, + required this.retake, + required this.next, + required this.legal, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String upload; + final String retake; + final String next; + final String legal; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck( + upload: map['upload']! as String, + retake: map['retake']! as String, + next: map['next']! as String, + legal: map['legal']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck copyWith({ + String? upload, + String? retake, + String? next, + String? legal, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck( + upload: upload ?? this.upload, + retake: retake ?? this.retake, + next: next ?? this.next, + legal: legal ?? this.legal, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoCheck && + upload == other.upload && + retake == other.retake && + next == other.next && + legal == other.legal && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + upload.hashCode ^ + retake.hashCode ^ + next.hashCode ^ + legal.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker({ + required this.type, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType type; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker( + type: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType.fromJson( + map['type']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType? type, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker( + type: type ?? this.type, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePicker && + type == other.type); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ type.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType({ + required this.images, + required this.files, + required this.title, + }); + + final String images; + final String files; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType( + images: map['images']! as String, + files: map['files']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType copyWith({ + String? images, + String? files, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType( + images: images ?? this.images, + files: files ?? this.files, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadFilePickerType && + images == other.images && + files == other.files && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ images.hashCode ^ files.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake({ + required this.general, + required this.backPage, + required this.frontPage, + }); + + final String general; + final String backPage; + final String frontPage; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake( + general: map['general']! as String, + backPage: map['backPage']! as String, + frontPage: map['frontPage']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake copyWith({ + String? general, + String? backPage, + String? frontPage, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake( + general: general ?? this.general, + backPage: backPage ?? this.backPage, + frontPage: frontPage ?? this.frontPage, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPhotoTake && + general == other.general && + backPage == other.backPage && + frontPage == other.frontPage); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + general.hashCode ^ + backPage.hashCode ^ + frontPage.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadNoCameraAvailable && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick({ + required this.residencePermit, + required this.visa, + required this.idCard, + required this.description, + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String residencePermit; + final String visa; + final String idCard; + final String description; + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick( + residencePermit: map['residencePermit']! as String, + visa: map['visa']! as String, + idCard: map['idCard']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick copyWith({ + String? residencePermit, + String? visa, + String? idCard, + String? description, + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick( + residencePermit: residencePermit ?? this.residencePermit, + visa: visa ?? this.visa, + idCard: idCard ?? this.idCard, + description: description ?? this.description, + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadIdentificationPick && + residencePermit == other.residencePermit && + visa == other.visa && + idCard == other.idCard && + description == other.description && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + residencePermit.hashCode ^ + visa.hashCode ^ + idCard.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + subtitle.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog({ + required this.message, + required this.title, + required this.button, + }); + + final String message; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog( + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + button: AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog copyWith({ + String? message, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog( + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialog && + message == other.message && + title == other.title && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton({ + required this.continueUpload, + required this.leaveScreen, + }); + + final String continueUpload; + final String leaveScreen; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton( + continueUpload: map['continueUpload']! as String, + leaveScreen: map['leaveScreen']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton copyWith({ + String? continueUpload, + String? leaveScreen, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton( + continueUpload: continueUpload ?? this.continueUpload, + leaveScreen: leaveScreen ?? this.leaveScreen, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentUploadPopDialogButton && + continueUpload == other.continueUpload && + leaveScreen == other.leaveScreen); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ continueUpload.hashCode ^ leaveScreen.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat { + const AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSupportChat && title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType({ + required this.infoCard, + required this.entryHealthCheck, + required this.contractDPC, + required this.contractDPP, + required this.contractHPP, + required this.medicalExamination, + required this.safetyShoesS1, + required this.vzv, + required this.oldAgePension, + required this.parentalLeave, + required this.invalidPension3, + required this.invalidPension12, + required this.ztpCard, + required this.taxpayerDeclaration, + required this.jobApplicantConfirmation, + required this.employerConfirmation, + required this.nzv, + required this.covidTestVaccination, + required this.criminalRecord, + required this.pinkie, + required this.drivingLicense, + required this.healthCard, + required this.student, + required this.healthInsuranceCard, + required this.idCard, + }); + + final String infoCard; + final String entryHealthCheck; + final String contractDPC; + final String contractDPP; + final String contractHPP; + final String medicalExamination; + final String safetyShoesS1; + final String vzv; + final String oldAgePension; + final String parentalLeave; + final String invalidPension3; + final String invalidPension12; + final String ztpCard; + final String taxpayerDeclaration; + final String jobApplicantConfirmation; + final String employerConfirmation; + final String nzv; + final String covidTestVaccination; + final String criminalRecord; + final String pinkie; + final String drivingLicense; + final String healthCard; + final String student; + final String healthInsuranceCard; + final String idCard; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType( + infoCard: map['infoCard']! as String, + entryHealthCheck: map['entryHealthCheck']! as String, + contractDPC: map['contractDPC']! as String, + contractDPP: map['contractDPP']! as String, + contractHPP: map['contractHPP']! as String, + medicalExamination: map['medicalExamination']! as String, + safetyShoesS1: map['safetyShoesS1']! as String, + vzv: map['vzv']! as String, + oldAgePension: map['oldAgePension']! as String, + parentalLeave: map['parentalLeave']! as String, + invalidPension3: map['invalidPension3']! as String, + invalidPension12: map['invalidPension12']! as String, + ztpCard: map['ztpCard']! as String, + taxpayerDeclaration: map['taxpayerDeclaration']! as String, + jobApplicantConfirmation: map['jobApplicantConfirmation']! as String, + employerConfirmation: map['employerConfirmation']! as String, + nzv: map['nzv']! as String, + covidTestVaccination: map['covidTestVaccination']! as String, + criminalRecord: map['criminalRecord']! as String, + pinkie: map['pinkie']! as String, + drivingLicense: map['drivingLicense']! as String, + healthCard: map['healthCard']! as String, + student: map['student']! as String, + healthInsuranceCard: map['healthInsuranceCard']! as String, + idCard: map['idCard']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType copyWith({ + String? infoCard, + String? entryHealthCheck, + String? contractDPC, + String? contractDPP, + String? contractHPP, + String? medicalExamination, + String? safetyShoesS1, + String? vzv, + String? oldAgePension, + String? parentalLeave, + String? invalidPension3, + String? invalidPension12, + String? ztpCard, + String? taxpayerDeclaration, + String? jobApplicantConfirmation, + String? employerConfirmation, + String? nzv, + String? covidTestVaccination, + String? criminalRecord, + String? pinkie, + String? drivingLicense, + String? healthCard, + String? student, + String? healthInsuranceCard, + String? idCard, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType( + infoCard: infoCard ?? this.infoCard, + entryHealthCheck: entryHealthCheck ?? this.entryHealthCheck, + contractDPC: contractDPC ?? this.contractDPC, + contractDPP: contractDPP ?? this.contractDPP, + contractHPP: contractHPP ?? this.contractHPP, + medicalExamination: medicalExamination ?? this.medicalExamination, + safetyShoesS1: safetyShoesS1 ?? this.safetyShoesS1, + vzv: vzv ?? this.vzv, + oldAgePension: oldAgePension ?? this.oldAgePension, + parentalLeave: parentalLeave ?? this.parentalLeave, + invalidPension3: invalidPension3 ?? this.invalidPension3, + invalidPension12: invalidPension12 ?? this.invalidPension12, + ztpCard: ztpCard ?? this.ztpCard, + taxpayerDeclaration: taxpayerDeclaration ?? this.taxpayerDeclaration, + jobApplicantConfirmation: + jobApplicantConfirmation ?? this.jobApplicantConfirmation, + employerConfirmation: employerConfirmation ?? this.employerConfirmation, + nzv: nzv ?? this.nzv, + covidTestVaccination: covidTestVaccination ?? this.covidTestVaccination, + criminalRecord: criminalRecord ?? this.criminalRecord, + pinkie: pinkie ?? this.pinkie, + drivingLicense: drivingLicense ?? this.drivingLicense, + healthCard: healthCard ?? this.healthCard, + student: student ?? this.student, + healthInsuranceCard: healthInsuranceCard ?? this.healthInsuranceCard, + idCard: idCard ?? this.idCard, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentType && + infoCard == other.infoCard && + entryHealthCheck == other.entryHealthCheck && + contractDPC == other.contractDPC && + contractDPP == other.contractDPP && + contractHPP == other.contractHPP && + medicalExamination == other.medicalExamination && + safetyShoesS1 == other.safetyShoesS1 && + vzv == other.vzv && + oldAgePension == other.oldAgePension && + parentalLeave == other.parentalLeave && + invalidPension3 == other.invalidPension3 && + invalidPension12 == other.invalidPension12 && + ztpCard == other.ztpCard && + taxpayerDeclaration == other.taxpayerDeclaration && + jobApplicantConfirmation == other.jobApplicantConfirmation && + employerConfirmation == other.employerConfirmation && + nzv == other.nzv && + covidTestVaccination == other.covidTestVaccination && + criminalRecord == other.criminalRecord && + pinkie == other.pinkie && + drivingLicense == other.drivingLicense && + healthCard == other.healthCard && + student == other.student && + healthInsuranceCard == other.healthInsuranceCard && + idCard == other.idCard); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + infoCard.hashCode ^ + entryHealthCheck.hashCode ^ + contractDPC.hashCode ^ + contractDPP.hashCode ^ + contractHPP.hashCode ^ + medicalExamination.hashCode ^ + safetyShoesS1.hashCode ^ + vzv.hashCode ^ + oldAgePension.hashCode ^ + parentalLeave.hashCode ^ + invalidPension3.hashCode ^ + invalidPension12.hashCode ^ + ztpCard.hashCode ^ + taxpayerDeclaration.hashCode ^ + jobApplicantConfirmation.hashCode ^ + employerConfirmation.hashCode ^ + nzv.hashCode ^ + covidTestVaccination.hashCode ^ + criminalRecord.hashCode ^ + pinkie.hashCode ^ + drivingLicense.hashCode ^ + healthCard.hashCode ^ + student.hashCode ^ + healthInsuranceCard.hashCode ^ + idCard.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired { + const AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired({ + required this.button, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired( + button: map['button']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired copyWith({ + String? button, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired( + button: button ?? this.button, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataUpdateRequired && + button == other.button && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown { + const AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + required this.button, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + button: AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdown && + description == other.description && + title == other.title && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton({ + required this.contactSupport, + required this.launchWebApp, + required this.closeApp, + }); + + final String contactSupport; + final String launchWebApp; + final String closeApp; + factory AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton( + contactSupport: map['contactSupport']! as String, + launchWebApp: map['launchWebApp']! as String, + closeApp: map['closeApp']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton copyWith({ + String? contactSupport, + String? launchWebApp, + String? closeApp, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton( + contactSupport: contactSupport ?? this.contactSupport, + launchWebApp: launchWebApp ?? this.launchWebApp, + closeApp: closeApp ?? this.closeApp, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataEmergencyShutdownButton && + contactSupport == other.contactSupport && + launchWebApp == other.launchWebApp && + closeApp == other.closeApp); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + contactSupport.hashCode ^ + launchWebApp.hashCode ^ + closeApp.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataComponents { + const AppLocalizationsDataComponents({ + required this.scrollView, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView scrollView; + factory AppLocalizationsDataComponents.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataComponents( + scrollView: AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView.fromJson( + map['scrollView']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataComponents copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView? scrollView, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataComponents( + scrollView: scrollView ?? this.scrollView, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataComponents && + scrollView == other.scrollView); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ scrollView.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView { + const AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView({ + required String loadMoreFun, + }) : _loadMoreFun = loadMoreFun; + + final String _loadMoreFun; + + String loadMoreFun({ + required String left, + String? locale, + }) { + return _loadMoreFun.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'left': left, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView( + loadMoreFun: map['loadMoreFun']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView copyWith({ + String? loadMoreFun, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView( + loadMoreFun: loadMoreFun ?? _loadMoreFun, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataComponentsScrollView && + _loadMoreFun == other._loadMoreFun); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ _loadMoreFun.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum { + const AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum({ + required String valid, + required this.processing, + required this.expired, + required this.notUploaded, + required this.rejected, + }) : _valid = valid; + + final String _valid; + final String processing; + final String expired; + final String notUploaded; + final String rejected; + + String valid({ + required String date, + String? locale, + }) { + return _valid.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'date': date, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum( + valid: map['valid']! as String, + processing: map['processing']! as String, + expired: map['expired']! as String, + notUploaded: map['notUploaded']! as String, + rejected: map['rejected']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum copyWith({ + String? valid, + String? processing, + String? expired, + String? notUploaded, + String? rejected, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum( + valid: valid ?? _valid, + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + expired: expired ?? this.expired, + notUploaded: notUploaded ?? this.notUploaded, + rejected: rejected ?? this.rejected, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDocumentTileStateEnum && + _valid == other._valid && + processing == other.processing && + expired == other.expired && + notUploaded == other.notUploaded && + rejected == other.rejected); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + _valid.hashCode ^ + processing.hashCode ^ + expired.hashCode ^ + notUploaded.hashCode ^ + rejected.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTax { + const AppLocalizationsDataTax({ + required this.adjustment, + required this.income, + required this.blocking, + required this.health, + required this.social, + required this.advance, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment adjustment; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome income; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking blocking; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth health; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial social; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance advance; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTax.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTax( + adjustment: AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment.fromJson( + map['adjustment']! as Map), + income: AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome.fromJson( + map['income']! as Map), + blocking: AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking.fromJson( + map['blocking']! as Map), + health: AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth.fromJson( + map['health']! as Map), + social: AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial.fromJson( + map['social']! as Map), + advance: AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance.fromJson( + map['advance']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTax copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment? adjustment, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome? income, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking? blocking, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth? health, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial? social, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance? advance, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTax( + adjustment: adjustment ?? this.adjustment, + income: income ?? this.income, + blocking: blocking ?? this.blocking, + health: health ?? this.health, + social: social ?? this.social, + advance: advance ?? this.advance, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTax && + adjustment == other.adjustment && + income == other.income && + blocking == other.blocking && + health == other.health && + social == other.social && + advance == other.advance); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + adjustment.hashCode ^ + income.hashCode ^ + blocking.hashCode ^ + health.hashCode ^ + social.hashCode ^ + advance.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment({ + required this.base, + required this.healthAdditional, + required this.disabilityDiscount, + required this.disabilityRetirementDiscount, + required this.studentDiscount, + required this.taxpayerDiscount, + }); + + final String base; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional healthAdditional; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount disabilityDiscount; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount + disabilityRetirementDiscount; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount studentDiscount; + final AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount taxpayerDiscount; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment( + base: map['base']! as String, + healthAdditional: + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional.fromJson( + map['healthAdditional']! as Map), + disabilityDiscount: + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount.fromJson( + map['disabilityDiscount']! as Map), + disabilityRetirementDiscount: + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount + .fromJson(map['disabilityRetirementDiscount']! + as Map), + studentDiscount: + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount.fromJson( + map['studentDiscount']! as Map), + taxpayerDiscount: + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount.fromJson( + map['taxpayerDiscount']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment copyWith({ + String? base, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional? healthAdditional, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount? disabilityDiscount, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount? + disabilityRetirementDiscount, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount? studentDiscount, + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount? taxpayerDiscount, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment( + base: base ?? this.base, + healthAdditional: healthAdditional ?? this.healthAdditional, + disabilityDiscount: disabilityDiscount ?? this.disabilityDiscount, + disabilityRetirementDiscount: + disabilityRetirementDiscount ?? this.disabilityRetirementDiscount, + studentDiscount: studentDiscount ?? this.studentDiscount, + taxpayerDiscount: taxpayerDiscount ?? this.taxpayerDiscount, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustment && + base == other.base && + healthAdditional == other.healthAdditional && + disabilityDiscount == other.disabilityDiscount && + disabilityRetirementDiscount == other.disabilityRetirementDiscount && + studentDiscount == other.studentDiscount && + taxpayerDiscount == other.taxpayerDiscount); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + base.hashCode ^ + healthAdditional.hashCode ^ + disabilityDiscount.hashCode ^ + disabilityRetirementDiscount.hashCode ^ + studentDiscount.hashCode ^ + taxpayerDiscount.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional({ + required this.desc, + required this.name, + }); + + final String desc; + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional( + desc: map['desc']! as String, + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional copyWith({ + String? desc, + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional( + desc: desc ?? this.desc, + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentHealthAdditional && + desc == other.desc && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ desc.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount({ + required this.name, + }); + + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount( + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount copyWith({ + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount( + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityDiscount && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount({ + required this.name, + }); + + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount( + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount copyWith({ + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount( + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentDisabilityRetirementDiscount && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount({ + required this.name, + }); + + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount( + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount copyWith({ + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount( + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentStudentDiscount && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount({ + required this.name, + }); + + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount( + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount copyWith({ + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount( + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdjustmentTaxpayerDiscount && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome({ + required this.desc, + required this.name, + }); + + final String desc; + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome( + desc: map['desc']! as String, + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome copyWith({ + String? desc, + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome( + desc: desc ?? this.desc, + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxIncome && + desc == other.desc && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ desc.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking({ + required this.desc, + required this.name, + }); + + final String desc; + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking( + desc: map['desc']! as String, + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking copyWith({ + String? desc, + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking( + desc: desc ?? this.desc, + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxBlocking && + desc == other.desc && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ desc.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth({ + required this.desc, + required this.name, + }); + + final String desc; + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth( + desc: map['desc']! as String, + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth copyWith({ + String? desc, + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth( + desc: desc ?? this.desc, + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxHealth && + desc == other.desc && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ desc.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial({ + required this.desc, + required this.name, + }); + + final String desc; + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial( + desc: map['desc']! as String, + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial copyWith({ + String? desc, + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial( + desc: desc ?? this.desc, + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxSocial && + desc == other.desc && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ desc.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance { + const AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance({ + required this.desc, + required this.name, + }); + + final String desc; + final String name; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance( + desc: map['desc']! as String, + name: map['name']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance copyWith({ + String? desc, + String? name, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance( + desc: desc ?? this.desc, + name: name ?? this.name, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTaxAdvance && + desc == other.desc && + name == other.name); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ desc.hashCode ^ name.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfile { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfile({ + required this.changePassword, + required this.logout, + required this.support, + required this.applicationSettings, + required this.notificationSettings, + required this.fontSizeSettings, + required this.blog, + required this.paymentInfo, + required this.settingsAndSupport, + required this.myIDCopy, + required this.myID, + required this.emptyDocuments, + required String allContractsFun, + required this.documents, + required this.allDocuments, + required this.myDocuments, + required this.licenses, + required this.deleteAccount, + required this.reliability, + required this.noRating, + required this.shifts, + required this.workedShifts, + required this.levelHelpText, + required this.level, + required this.lives, + required this.age, + required this.title, + required this.vacation, + required this.salaryLimit, + required this.accountVerification, + required this.editProfile, + required this.editContactInformation, + required this.changePasswordScreen, + required this.paymentInfoScreen, + required this.utilities, + required this.signableDocs, + required this.nonSignableDocs, + required this.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen, + required this.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus, + required this.applicationSettingsScreen, + required this.notificationSettingsScreen, + required this.fontSizeSettingsScreen, + required this.footer, + }) : _allContractsFun = allContractsFun; + + final String changePassword; + final String logout; + final String support; + final String applicationSettings; + final String notificationSettings; + final String fontSizeSettings; + final String blog; + final String paymentInfo; + final String settingsAndSupport; + final String myIDCopy; + final String myID; + final String emptyDocuments; + final String _allContractsFun; + final String documents; + final String allDocuments; + final String myDocuments; + final String licenses; + final String deleteAccount; + final String reliability; + final String noRating; + final String shifts; + final String workedShifts; + final String levelHelpText; + final String level; + final String lives; + final String age; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation vacation; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit salaryLimit; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification accountVerification; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile editProfile; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation + editContactInformation; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen changePasswordScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen paymentInfoScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities utilities; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs signableDocs; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs nonSignableDocs; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen + applicationSettingsScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen + notificationSettingsScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen + fontSizeSettingsScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter footer; + + String allContractsFun({ + required String total, + String? locale, + }) { + return _allContractsFun.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'total': total, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfile.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfile( + changePassword: map['changePassword']! as String, + logout: map['logout']! as String, + support: map['support']! as String, + applicationSettings: map['applicationSettings']! as String, + notificationSettings: map['notificationSettings']! as String, + fontSizeSettings: map['fontSizeSettings']! as String, + blog: map['blog']! as String, + paymentInfo: map['paymentInfo']! as String, + settingsAndSupport: map['settingsAndSupport']! as String, + myIDCopy: map['myIDCopy']! as String, + myID: map['myID']! as String, + emptyDocuments: map['emptyDocuments']! as String, + allContractsFun: map['allContractsFun']! as String, + documents: map['documents']! as String, + allDocuments: map['allDocuments']! as String, + myDocuments: map['myDocuments']! as String, + licenses: map['licenses']! as String, + deleteAccount: map['deleteAccount']! as String, + reliability: map['reliability']! as String, + noRating: map['noRating']! as String, + shifts: map['shifts']! as String, + workedShifts: map['workedShifts']! as String, + levelHelpText: map['levelHelpText']! as String, + level: map['level']! as String, + lives: map['lives']! as String, + age: map['age']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + vacation: AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation.fromJson( + map['vacation']! as Map), + salaryLimit: AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit.fromJson( + map['salaryLimit']! as Map), + accountVerification: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification.fromJson( + map['accountVerification']! as Map), + editProfile: AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile.fromJson( + map['editProfile']! as Map), + editContactInformation: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation.fromJson( + map['editContactInformation']! as Map), + changePasswordScreen: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen.fromJson( + map['changePasswordScreen']! as Map), + paymentInfoScreen: + AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen.fromJson( + map['paymentInfoScreen']! as Map), + utilities: AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities.fromJson( + map['utilities']! as Map), + signableDocs: AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs.fromJson( + map['signableDocs']! as Map), + nonSignableDocs: AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs.fromJson( + map['nonSignableDocs']! as Map), + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen.fromJson( + map['nonSignableDocsDetailScreen']! as Map), + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus.fromJson( + map['nonSignableDocsDetailStatus']! as Map), + applicationSettingsScreen: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen.fromJson( + map['applicationSettingsScreen']! as Map), + notificationSettingsScreen: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen.fromJson( + map['notificationSettingsScreen']! as Map), + fontSizeSettingsScreen: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen.fromJson( + map['fontSizeSettingsScreen']! as Map), + footer: AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter.fromJson( + map['footer']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfile copyWith({ + String? changePassword, + String? logout, + String? support, + String? applicationSettings, + String? notificationSettings, + String? fontSizeSettings, + String? blog, + String? paymentInfo, + String? settingsAndSupport, + String? myIDCopy, + String? myID, + String? emptyDocuments, + String? allContractsFun, + String? documents, + String? allDocuments, + String? myDocuments, + String? licenses, + String? deleteAccount, + String? reliability, + String? noRating, + String? shifts, + String? workedShifts, + String? levelHelpText, + String? level, + String? lives, + String? age, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation? vacation, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit? salaryLimit, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification? accountVerification, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile? editProfile, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation? editContactInformation, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen? changePasswordScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen? paymentInfoScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities? utilities, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs? signableDocs, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs? nonSignableDocs, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen? + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus? + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen? + applicationSettingsScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen? + notificationSettingsScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen? fontSizeSettingsScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter? footer, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfile( + changePassword: changePassword ?? this.changePassword, + logout: logout ?? this.logout, + support: support ?? this.support, + applicationSettings: applicationSettings ?? this.applicationSettings, + notificationSettings: notificationSettings ?? this.notificationSettings, + fontSizeSettings: fontSizeSettings ?? this.fontSizeSettings, + blog: blog ?? this.blog, + paymentInfo: paymentInfo ?? this.paymentInfo, + settingsAndSupport: settingsAndSupport ?? this.settingsAndSupport, + myIDCopy: myIDCopy ?? this.myIDCopy, + myID: myID ?? this.myID, + emptyDocuments: emptyDocuments ?? this.emptyDocuments, + allContractsFun: allContractsFun ?? _allContractsFun, + documents: documents ?? this.documents, + allDocuments: allDocuments ?? this.allDocuments, + myDocuments: myDocuments ?? this.myDocuments, + licenses: licenses ?? this.licenses, + deleteAccount: deleteAccount ?? this.deleteAccount, + reliability: reliability ?? this.reliability, + noRating: noRating ?? this.noRating, + shifts: shifts ?? this.shifts, + workedShifts: workedShifts ?? this.workedShifts, + levelHelpText: levelHelpText ?? this.levelHelpText, + level: level ?? this.level, + lives: lives ?? this.lives, + age: age ?? this.age, + title: title ?? this.title, + vacation: vacation ?? this.vacation, + salaryLimit: salaryLimit ?? this.salaryLimit, + accountVerification: accountVerification ?? this.accountVerification, + editProfile: editProfile ?? this.editProfile, + editContactInformation: + editContactInformation ?? this.editContactInformation, + changePasswordScreen: changePasswordScreen ?? this.changePasswordScreen, + paymentInfoScreen: paymentInfoScreen ?? this.paymentInfoScreen, + utilities: utilities ?? this.utilities, + signableDocs: signableDocs ?? this.signableDocs, + nonSignableDocs: nonSignableDocs ?? this.nonSignableDocs, + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen: + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen ?? this.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen, + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus: + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus ?? this.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus, + applicationSettingsScreen: + applicationSettingsScreen ?? this.applicationSettingsScreen, + notificationSettingsScreen: + notificationSettingsScreen ?? this.notificationSettingsScreen, + fontSizeSettingsScreen: + fontSizeSettingsScreen ?? this.fontSizeSettingsScreen, + footer: footer ?? this.footer, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfile && + changePassword == other.changePassword && + logout == other.logout && + support == other.support && + applicationSettings == other.applicationSettings && + notificationSettings == other.notificationSettings && + fontSizeSettings == other.fontSizeSettings && + blog == other.blog && + paymentInfo == other.paymentInfo && + settingsAndSupport == other.settingsAndSupport && + myIDCopy == other.myIDCopy && + myID == other.myID && + emptyDocuments == other.emptyDocuments && + _allContractsFun == other._allContractsFun && + documents == other.documents && + allDocuments == other.allDocuments && + myDocuments == other.myDocuments && + licenses == other.licenses && + deleteAccount == other.deleteAccount && + reliability == other.reliability && + noRating == other.noRating && + shifts == other.shifts && + workedShifts == other.workedShifts && + levelHelpText == other.levelHelpText && + level == other.level && + lives == other.lives && + age == other.age && + title == other.title && + vacation == other.vacation && + salaryLimit == other.salaryLimit && + accountVerification == other.accountVerification && + editProfile == other.editProfile && + editContactInformation == other.editContactInformation && + changePasswordScreen == other.changePasswordScreen && + paymentInfoScreen == other.paymentInfoScreen && + utilities == other.utilities && + signableDocs == other.signableDocs && + nonSignableDocs == other.nonSignableDocs && + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen == other.nonSignableDocsDetailScreen && + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus == other.nonSignableDocsDetailStatus && + applicationSettingsScreen == other.applicationSettingsScreen && + notificationSettingsScreen == other.notificationSettingsScreen && + fontSizeSettingsScreen == other.fontSizeSettingsScreen && + footer == other.footer); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + changePassword.hashCode ^ + logout.hashCode ^ + support.hashCode ^ + applicationSettings.hashCode ^ + notificationSettings.hashCode ^ + fontSizeSettings.hashCode ^ + blog.hashCode ^ + paymentInfo.hashCode ^ + settingsAndSupport.hashCode ^ + myIDCopy.hashCode ^ + myID.hashCode ^ + emptyDocuments.hashCode ^ + _allContractsFun.hashCode ^ + documents.hashCode ^ + allDocuments.hashCode ^ + myDocuments.hashCode ^ + licenses.hashCode ^ + deleteAccount.hashCode ^ + reliability.hashCode ^ + noRating.hashCode ^ + shifts.hashCode ^ + workedShifts.hashCode ^ + levelHelpText.hashCode ^ + level.hashCode ^ + lives.hashCode ^ + age.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + vacation.hashCode ^ + salaryLimit.hashCode ^ + accountVerification.hashCode ^ + editProfile.hashCode ^ + editContactInformation.hashCode ^ + changePasswordScreen.hashCode ^ + paymentInfoScreen.hashCode ^ + utilities.hashCode ^ + signableDocs.hashCode ^ + nonSignableDocs.hashCode ^ + nonSignableDocsDetailScreen.hashCode ^ + nonSignableDocsDetailStatus.hashCode ^ + applicationSettingsScreen.hashCode ^ + notificationSettingsScreen.hashCode ^ + fontSizeSettingsScreen.hashCode ^ + footer.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation({ + required this.link, + required this.title, + required this.screen, + }); + + final String link; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen screen; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation( + link: map['link']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + screen: AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen.fromJson( + map['screen']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation copyWith({ + String? link, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen? screen, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation( + link: link ?? this.link, + title: title ?? this.title, + screen: screen ?? this.screen, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacation && + link == other.link && + title == other.title && + screen == other.screen); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ link.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ screen.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen({ + required this.selectDate, + required this.noVacation, + required this.description, + required this.title, + required this.hourlyWage, + required this.relax, + }); + + final String selectDate; + final String noVacation; + final String description; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage hourlyWage; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax relax; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen( + selectDate: map['selectDate']! as String, + noVacation: map['noVacation']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + hourlyWage: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage.fromJson( + map['hourlyWage']! as Map), + relax: AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax.fromJson( + map['relax']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen copyWith({ + String? selectDate, + String? noVacation, + String? description, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage? hourlyWage, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax? relax, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen( + selectDate: selectDate ?? this.selectDate, + noVacation: noVacation ?? this.noVacation, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + hourlyWage: hourlyWage ?? this.hourlyWage, + relax: relax ?? this.relax, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreen && + selectDate == other.selectDate && + noVacation == other.noVacation && + description == other.description && + title == other.title && + hourlyWage == other.hourlyWage && + relax == other.relax); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + selectDate.hashCode ^ + noVacation.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + hourlyWage.hashCode ^ + relax.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenHourlyWage && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileVacationScreenRelax && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + required this.error, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError error; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + error: AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError.fromJson( + map['error']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError? error, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + error: error ?? this.error, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimit && + description == other.description && + title == other.title && + error == other.error); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + error.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError({ + required this.typeAvoidTaxes, + required this.typeNone, + }); + + final String typeAvoidTaxes; + final String typeNone; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError( + typeAvoidTaxes: map['typeAvoidTaxes']! as String, + typeNone: map['typeNone']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError copyWith({ + String? typeAvoidTaxes, + String? typeNone, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError( + typeAvoidTaxes: typeAvoidTaxes ?? this.typeAvoidTaxes, + typeNone: typeNone ?? this.typeNone, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileSalaryLimitError && + typeAvoidTaxes == other.typeAvoidTaxes && + typeNone == other.typeNone); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ typeAvoidTaxes.hashCode ^ typeNone.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification({ + required this.changeSuccess, + required this.success, + required this.personalDataChanges, + required this.intro, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess + changeSuccess; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess success; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges + personalDataChanges; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro intro; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification( + changeSuccess: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess + .fromJson(map['changeSuccess']! as Map), + success: AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + personalDataChanges: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges + .fromJson(map['personalDataChanges']! as Map), + intro: AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro.fromJson( + map['intro']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess? changeSuccess, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess? success, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges? + personalDataChanges, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro? intro, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification( + changeSuccess: changeSuccess ?? this.changeSuccess, + success: success ?? this.success, + personalDataChanges: personalDataChanges ?? this.personalDataChanges, + intro: intro ?? this.intro, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerification && + changeSuccess == other.changeSuccess && + success == other.success && + personalDataChanges == other.personalDataChanges && + intro == other.intro); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + changeSuccess.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode ^ + personalDataChanges.hashCode ^ + intro.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess({ + required this.button, + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess( + button: map['button']! as String, + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess copyWith({ + String? button, + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess( + button: button ?? this.button, + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationChangeSuccess && + button == other.button && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess({ + required this.button, + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess( + button: map['button']! as String, + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess copyWith({ + String? button, + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess( + button: button ?? this.button, + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationSuccess && + button == other.button && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges({ + required this.button, + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges( + button: map['button']! as String, + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges copyWith({ + String? button, + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges( + button: button ?? this.button, + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationPersonalDataChanges && + button == other.button && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro({ + required this.stepFour, + required this.stepThree, + required this.stepTwo, + required this.stepOne, + required this.subTitle, + required this.button, + required this.message, + required this.title, + required this.pageTitle, + }); + + final String stepFour; + final String stepThree; + final String stepTwo; + final String stepOne; + final String subTitle; + final String button; + final String message; + final String title; + final String pageTitle; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro( + stepFour: map['stepFour']! as String, + stepThree: map['stepThree']! as String, + stepTwo: map['stepTwo']! as String, + stepOne: map['stepOne']! as String, + subTitle: map['subTitle']! as String, + button: map['button']! as String, + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + pageTitle: map['pageTitle']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro copyWith({ + String? stepFour, + String? stepThree, + String? stepTwo, + String? stepOne, + String? subTitle, + String? button, + String? message, + String? title, + String? pageTitle, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro( + stepFour: stepFour ?? this.stepFour, + stepThree: stepThree ?? this.stepThree, + stepTwo: stepTwo ?? this.stepTwo, + stepOne: stepOne ?? this.stepOne, + subTitle: subTitle ?? this.subTitle, + button: button ?? this.button, + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + pageTitle: pageTitle ?? this.pageTitle, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileAccountVerificationIntro && + stepFour == other.stepFour && + stepThree == other.stepThree && + stepTwo == other.stepTwo && + stepOne == other.stepOne && + subTitle == other.subTitle && + button == other.button && + message == other.message && + title == other.title && + pageTitle == other.pageTitle); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + stepFour.hashCode ^ + stepThree.hashCode ^ + stepTwo.hashCode ^ + stepOne.hashCode ^ + subTitle.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + pageTitle.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile({ + required this.access, + required this.gender, + required this.processing, + required this.validTo, + required this.verified, + required this.unverified, + required this.changeInformation, + required this.contactAddress, + required this.permanentAddress, + required this.email, + required this.phoneNumber, + required this.contactInformation, + required this.verifyIdentity, + required this.personalInformation, + required this.title, + required this.editPhoneNumber, + required this.setPhoneNumber, + required this.appBar, + }); + + final String access; + final String gender; + final String processing; + final String validTo; + final String verified; + final String unverified; + final String changeInformation; + final String contactAddress; + final String permanentAddress; + final String email; + final String phoneNumber; + final String contactInformation; + final String verifyIdentity; + final String personalInformation; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber editPhoneNumber; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber setPhoneNumber; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar appBar; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile( + access: map['access']! as String, + gender: map['gender']! as String, + processing: map['processing']! as String, + validTo: map['validTo']! as String, + verified: map['verified']! as String, + unverified: map['unverified']! as String, + changeInformation: map['changeInformation']! as String, + contactAddress: map['contactAddress']! as String, + permanentAddress: map['permanentAddress']! as String, + email: map['email']! as String, + phoneNumber: map['phoneNumber']! as String, + contactInformation: map['contactInformation']! as String, + verifyIdentity: map['verifyIdentity']! as String, + personalInformation: map['personalInformation']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + editPhoneNumber: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber.fromJson( + map['editPhoneNumber']! as Map), + setPhoneNumber: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber.fromJson( + map['setPhoneNumber']! as Map), + appBar: AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar.fromJson( + map['appBar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile copyWith({ + String? access, + String? gender, + String? processing, + String? validTo, + String? verified, + String? unverified, + String? changeInformation, + String? contactAddress, + String? permanentAddress, + String? email, + String? phoneNumber, + String? contactInformation, + String? verifyIdentity, + String? personalInformation, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber? editPhoneNumber, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber? setPhoneNumber, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar? appBar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile( + access: access ?? this.access, + gender: gender ?? this.gender, + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + validTo: validTo ?? this.validTo, + verified: verified ?? this.verified, + unverified: unverified ?? this.unverified, + changeInformation: changeInformation ?? this.changeInformation, + contactAddress: contactAddress ?? this.contactAddress, + permanentAddress: permanentAddress ?? this.permanentAddress, + email: email ?? this.email, + phoneNumber: phoneNumber ?? this.phoneNumber, + contactInformation: contactInformation ?? this.contactInformation, + verifyIdentity: verifyIdentity ?? this.verifyIdentity, + personalInformation: personalInformation ?? this.personalInformation, + title: title ?? this.title, + editPhoneNumber: editPhoneNumber ?? this.editPhoneNumber, + setPhoneNumber: setPhoneNumber ?? this.setPhoneNumber, + appBar: appBar ?? this.appBar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfile && + access == other.access && + gender == other.gender && + processing == other.processing && + validTo == other.validTo && + verified == other.verified && + unverified == other.unverified && + changeInformation == other.changeInformation && + contactAddress == other.contactAddress && + permanentAddress == other.permanentAddress && + email == other.email && + phoneNumber == other.phoneNumber && + contactInformation == other.contactInformation && + verifyIdentity == other.verifyIdentity && + personalInformation == other.personalInformation && + title == other.title && + editPhoneNumber == other.editPhoneNumber && + setPhoneNumber == other.setPhoneNumber && + appBar == other.appBar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + access.hashCode ^ + gender.hashCode ^ + processing.hashCode ^ + validTo.hashCode ^ + verified.hashCode ^ + unverified.hashCode ^ + changeInformation.hashCode ^ + contactAddress.hashCode ^ + permanentAddress.hashCode ^ + email.hashCode ^ + phoneNumber.hashCode ^ + contactInformation.hashCode ^ + verifyIdentity.hashCode ^ + personalInformation.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + editPhoneNumber.hashCode ^ + setPhoneNumber.hashCode ^ + appBar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + required this.appBarTitle, + required this.duplicateError, + required this.button, + required this.input, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + final String appBarTitle; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError + duplicateError; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton button; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput input; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + appBarTitle: map['appBarTitle']! as String, + duplicateError: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError + .fromJson(map['duplicateError']! as Map), + button: AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton + .fromJson(map['button']! as Map), + input: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput.fromJson( + map['input']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + String? appBarTitle, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError? + duplicateError, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton? button, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput? input, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + appBarTitle: appBarTitle ?? this.appBarTitle, + duplicateError: duplicateError ?? this.duplicateError, + button: button ?? this.button, + input: input ?? this.input, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumber && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title && + appBarTitle == other.appBarTitle && + duplicateError == other.duplicateError && + button == other.button && + input == other.input); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + subtitle.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + appBarTitle.hashCode ^ + duplicateError.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + input.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError({ + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError( + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError copyWith({ + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError( + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberDuplicateError && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ message.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton({ + required this.text, + }); + + final String text; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton( + text: map['text']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton copyWith({ + String? text, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton( + text: text ?? this.text, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberButton && + text == other.text); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ text.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput({ + required this.label, + required this.error, + }); + + final String label; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError error; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput( + label: map['label']! as String, + error: AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError + .fromJson(map['error']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput copyWith({ + String? label, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError? error, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput( + label: label ?? this.label, + error: error ?? this.error, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInput && + label == other.label && + error == other.error); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ label.hashCode ^ error.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError({ + required this.empty, + required this.prefix, + required this.format, + }); + + final String empty; + final String prefix; + final String format; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError( + empty: map['empty']! as String, + prefix: map['prefix']! as String, + format: map['format']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError copyWith({ + String? empty, + String? prefix, + String? format, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError( + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + prefix: prefix ?? this.prefix, + format: format ?? this.format, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileEditPhoneNumberInputError && + empty == other.empty && + prefix == other.prefix && + format == other.format); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ empty.hashCode ^ prefix.hashCode ^ format.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileSetPhoneNumber && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditProfileAppBar && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation({ + required this.title, + required this.subtitle, + required this.sameAsPermanent, + required this.button, + required this.country, + required this.zip, + required this.city, + required this.street, + }); + + final String title; + final String subtitle; + final String sameAsPermanent; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton button; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry country; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip zip; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity city; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet street; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation( + title: map['title']! as String, + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + sameAsPermanent: map['sameAsPermanent']! as String, + button: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + country: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry.fromJson( + map['country']! as Map), + zip: AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip.fromJson( + map['zip']! as Map), + city: AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity.fromJson( + map['city']! as Map), + street: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet.fromJson( + map['street']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation copyWith({ + String? title, + String? subtitle, + String? sameAsPermanent, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton? button, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry? country, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip? zip, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity? city, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet? street, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation( + title: title ?? this.title, + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + sameAsPermanent: sameAsPermanent ?? this.sameAsPermanent, + button: button ?? this.button, + country: country ?? this.country, + zip: zip ?? this.zip, + city: city ?? this.city, + street: street ?? this.street, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformation && + title == other.title && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + sameAsPermanent == other.sameAsPermanent && + button == other.button && + country == other.country && + zip == other.zip && + city == other.city && + street == other.street); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + subtitle.hashCode ^ + sameAsPermanent.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + country.hashCode ^ + zip.hashCode ^ + city.hashCode ^ + street.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton({ + required this.submit, + }); + + final String submit; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton( + submit: map['submit']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton copyWith({ + String? submit, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton( + submit: submit ?? this.submit, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationButton && + submit == other.submit); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ submit.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry({ + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCountry && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip({ + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationZip && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity({ + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationCity && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet({ + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileEditContactInformationStreet && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen({ + required this.title, + required this.button, + required this.appBar, + required this.input, + }); + + final String title; + final String button; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar appBar; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput input; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen( + title: map['title']! as String, + button: map['button']! as String, + appBar: AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar.fromJson( + map['appBar']! as Map), + input: AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput.fromJson( + map['input']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen copyWith({ + String? title, + String? button, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar? appBar, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput? input, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen( + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, + appBar: appBar ?? this.appBar, + input: input ?? this.input, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreen && + title == other.title && + button == other.button && + appBar == other.appBar && + input == other.input); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + appBar.hashCode ^ + input.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenAppBar && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput({ + required this.newPassword, + required this.oldPassword, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword + newPassword; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword + oldPassword; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput( + newPassword: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword + .fromJson(map['newPassword']! as Map), + oldPassword: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword + .fromJson(map['oldPassword']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword? + newPassword, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword? + oldPassword, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput( + newPassword: newPassword ?? this.newPassword, + oldPassword: oldPassword ?? this.oldPassword, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInput && + newPassword == other.newPassword && + oldPassword == other.oldPassword); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ newPassword.hashCode ^ oldPassword.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword({ + required this.label, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String label; + final String hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword( + label: map['label']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword copyWith({ + String? label, + String? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword( + label: label ?? this.label, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputNewPassword && + label == other.label && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ label.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword({ + required this.label, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String label; + final String hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword( + label: map['label']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword copyWith({ + String? label, + String? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword( + label: label ?? this.label, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileChangePasswordScreenInputOldPassword && + label == other.label && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ label.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen({ + required this.paymentNote, + required this.invalidBankCode, + required this.submit, + required this.invalidAccountNumber, + required this.bankCode, + required this.accountNumber, + }); + + final String paymentNote; + final String invalidBankCode; + final String submit; + final String invalidAccountNumber; + final String bankCode; + final String accountNumber; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen( + paymentNote: map['paymentNote']! as String, + invalidBankCode: map['invalidBankCode']! as String, + submit: map['submit']! as String, + invalidAccountNumber: map['invalidAccountNumber']! as String, + bankCode: map['bankCode']! as String, + accountNumber: map['accountNumber']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen copyWith({ + String? paymentNote, + String? invalidBankCode, + String? submit, + String? invalidAccountNumber, + String? bankCode, + String? accountNumber, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen( + paymentNote: paymentNote ?? this.paymentNote, + invalidBankCode: invalidBankCode ?? this.invalidBankCode, + submit: submit ?? this.submit, + invalidAccountNumber: invalidAccountNumber ?? this.invalidAccountNumber, + bankCode: bankCode ?? this.bankCode, + accountNumber: accountNumber ?? this.accountNumber, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfilePaymentInfoScreen && + paymentNote == other.paymentNote && + invalidBankCode == other.invalidBankCode && + submit == other.submit && + invalidAccountNumber == other.invalidAccountNumber && + bankCode == other.bankCode && + accountNumber == other.accountNumber); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + paymentNote.hashCode ^ + invalidBankCode.hashCode ^ + submit.hashCode ^ + invalidAccountNumber.hashCode ^ + bankCode.hashCode ^ + accountNumber.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities({ + required this.own, + required String allUtilitiesFun, + required this.empty, + required this.heading, + required this.hint, + }) : _allUtilitiesFun = allUtilitiesFun; + + final String own; + final String _allUtilitiesFun; + final String empty; + final String heading; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint hint; + + String allUtilitiesFun({ + required String total, + String? locale, + }) { + return _allUtilitiesFun.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'total': total, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities( + own: map['own']! as String, + allUtilitiesFun: map['allUtilitiesFun']! as String, + empty: map['empty']! as String, + heading: map['heading']! as String, + hint: AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities copyWith({ + String? own, + String? allUtilitiesFun, + String? empty, + String? heading, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities( + own: own ?? this.own, + allUtilitiesFun: allUtilitiesFun ?? _allUtilitiesFun, + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + heading: heading ?? this.heading, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilities && + own == other.own && + _allUtilitiesFun == other._allUtilitiesFun && + empty == other.empty && + heading == other.heading && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + own.hashCode ^ + _allUtilitiesFun.hashCode ^ + empty.hashCode ^ + heading.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileUtilitiesHint && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs({ + required this.olderDocumentsHelp, + }); + + final String olderDocumentsHelp; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs( + olderDocumentsHelp: map['olderDocumentsHelp']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs copyWith({ + String? olderDocumentsHelp, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs( + olderDocumentsHelp: olderDocumentsHelp ?? this.olderDocumentsHelp, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileSignableDocs && + olderDocumentsHelp == other.olderDocumentsHelp); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ olderDocumentsHelp.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs({ + required this.empty, + required String invalidOne, + required String invalidZero, + required String invalidMultiple, + required this.heading, + required this.snackbar, + }) : _invalidOne = invalidOne, + _invalidZero = invalidZero, + _invalidMultiple = invalidMultiple; + + final String empty; + final String _invalidOne; + final String _invalidZero; + final String _invalidMultiple; + final String heading; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar snackbar; + + String invalid({ + required Plural plural, + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + if (plural == Plural.one) { + return _invalidOne.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + if (plural == Plural.zero) { + return _invalidZero.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + if (plural == Plural.multiple) { + return _invalidMultiple.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + throw Exception(); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs( + empty: map['empty']! as String, + invalidOne: map['invalidOne']! as String, + invalidZero: map['invalidZero']! as String, + invalidMultiple: map['invalidMultiple']! as String, + heading: map['heading']! as String, + snackbar: AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar.fromJson( + map['snackbar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs copyWith({ + String? empty, + String? invalidOne, + String? invalidZero, + String? invalidMultiple, + String? heading, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar? snackbar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs( + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + invalidOne: invalidOne ?? _invalidOne, + invalidZero: invalidZero ?? _invalidZero, + invalidMultiple: invalidMultiple ?? _invalidMultiple, + heading: heading ?? this.heading, + snackbar: snackbar ?? this.snackbar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocs && + empty == other.empty && + _invalidOne == other._invalidOne && + _invalidZero == other._invalidZero && + _invalidMultiple == other._invalidMultiple && + heading == other.heading && + snackbar == other.snackbar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + empty.hashCode ^ + _invalidOne.hashCode ^ + _invalidZero.hashCode ^ + _invalidMultiple.hashCode ^ + heading.hashCode ^ + snackbar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar({ + required this.documentDeleted, + }); + + final String documentDeleted; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar( + documentDeleted: map['documentDeleted']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar copyWith({ + String? documentDeleted, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar( + documentDeleted: documentDeleted ?? this.documentDeleted, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsSnackbar && + documentDeleted == other.documentDeleted); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ documentDeleted.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen({ + required this.verifyNewDocument, + required this.unsupportedFormat, + required this.notAvailable, + required this.serverError, + required this.approvedDelete, + }); + + final String verifyNewDocument; + final String unsupportedFormat; + final String notAvailable; + final String serverError; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete + approvedDelete; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen( + verifyNewDocument: map['verifyNewDocument']! as String, + unsupportedFormat: map['unsupportedFormat']! as String, + notAvailable: map['notAvailable']! as String, + serverError: map['serverError']! as String, + approvedDelete: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete + .fromJson(map['approvedDelete']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen copyWith({ + String? verifyNewDocument, + String? unsupportedFormat, + String? notAvailable, + String? serverError, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete? + approvedDelete, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen( + verifyNewDocument: verifyNewDocument ?? this.verifyNewDocument, + unsupportedFormat: unsupportedFormat ?? this.unsupportedFormat, + notAvailable: notAvailable ?? this.notAvailable, + serverError: serverError ?? this.serverError, + approvedDelete: approvedDelete ?? this.approvedDelete, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreen && + verifyNewDocument == other.verifyNewDocument && + unsupportedFormat == other.unsupportedFormat && + notAvailable == other.notAvailable && + serverError == other.serverError && + approvedDelete == other.approvedDelete); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + verifyNewDocument.hashCode ^ + unsupportedFormat.hashCode ^ + notAvailable.hashCode ^ + serverError.hashCode ^ + approvedDelete.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete + copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailScreenApprovedDelete && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ subtitle.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus({ + required this.verified, + required this.processing, + required this.expired, + required this.notUploaded, + required this.rejected, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified verified; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing + processing; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired expired; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded + notUploaded; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected rejected; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus( + verified: AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified + .fromJson(map['verified']! as Map), + processing: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing + .fromJson(map['processing']! as Map), + expired: AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired + .fromJson(map['expired']! as Map), + notUploaded: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded + .fromJson(map['notUploaded']! as Map), + rejected: AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected + .fromJson(map['rejected']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified? verified, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing? + processing, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired? expired, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded? + notUploaded, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected? rejected, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus( + verified: verified ?? this.verified, + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + expired: expired ?? this.expired, + notUploaded: notUploaded ?? this.notUploaded, + rejected: rejected ?? this.rejected, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatus && + verified == other.verified && + processing == other.processing && + expired == other.expired && + notUploaded == other.notUploaded && + rejected == other.rejected); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + verified.hashCode ^ + processing.hashCode ^ + expired.hashCode ^ + notUploaded.hashCode ^ + rejected.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusVerified && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ subtitle.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusProcessing && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ subtitle.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusExpired && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ subtitle.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusNotUploaded && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ subtitle.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected({ + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + }); + + final String subtitle; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected( + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected copyWith({ + String? subtitle, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected( + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNonSignableDocsDetailStatusRejected && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ subtitle.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen({ + required this.toc, + required this.language, + required this.localization, + required this.deleteAccount, + required this.signOut, + required this.appBar, + }); + + final String toc; + final String language; + final String localization; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount + deleteAccount; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut signOut; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar appBar; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen( + toc: map['toc']! as String, + language: map['language']! as String, + localization: map['localization']! as String, + deleteAccount: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount + .fromJson(map['deleteAccount']! as Map), + signOut: AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut + .fromJson(map['signOut']! as Map), + appBar: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar.fromJson( + map['appBar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen copyWith({ + String? toc, + String? language, + String? localization, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount? + deleteAccount, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut? signOut, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar? appBar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen( + toc: toc ?? this.toc, + language: language ?? this.language, + localization: localization ?? this.localization, + deleteAccount: deleteAccount ?? this.deleteAccount, + signOut: signOut ?? this.signOut, + appBar: appBar ?? this.appBar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreen && + toc == other.toc && + language == other.language && + localization == other.localization && + deleteAccount == other.deleteAccount && + signOut == other.signOut && + appBar == other.appBar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + toc.hashCode ^ + language.hashCode ^ + localization.hashCode ^ + deleteAccount.hashCode ^ + signOut.hashCode ^ + appBar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount({ + required this.title, + required this.subtitle, + required this.contactSupport, + required this.later, + required this.appBar, + }); + + final String title; + final String subtitle; + final String contactSupport; + final String later; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar + appBar; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount( + title: map['title']! as String, + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + contactSupport: map['contactSupport']! as String, + later: map['later']! as String, + appBar: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar + .fromJson(map['appBar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount copyWith({ + String? title, + String? subtitle, + String? contactSupport, + String? later, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar? + appBar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount( + title: title ?? this.title, + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + contactSupport: contactSupport ?? this.contactSupport, + later: later ?? this.later, + appBar: appBar ?? this.appBar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccount && + title == other.title && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + contactSupport == other.contactSupport && + later == other.later && + appBar == other.appBar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + subtitle.hashCode ^ + contactSupport.hashCode ^ + later.hashCode ^ + appBar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar + copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenDeleteAccountAppBar && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut({ + required this.title, + required this.subtitle, + required this.buttonFilled, + required this.buttonOutlined, + required this.appBar, + }); + + final String title; + final String subtitle; + final String buttonFilled; + final String buttonOutlined; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar + appBar; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut( + title: map['title']! as String, + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + buttonFilled: map['buttonFilled']! as String, + buttonOutlined: map['buttonOutlined']! as String, + appBar: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar + .fromJson(map['appBar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut copyWith({ + String? title, + String? subtitle, + String? buttonFilled, + String? buttonOutlined, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar? appBar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut( + title: title ?? this.title, + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + buttonFilled: buttonFilled ?? this.buttonFilled, + buttonOutlined: buttonOutlined ?? this.buttonOutlined, + appBar: appBar ?? this.appBar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOut && + title == other.title && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + buttonFilled == other.buttonFilled && + buttonOutlined == other.buttonOutlined && + appBar == other.appBar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + subtitle.hashCode ^ + buttonFilled.hashCode ^ + buttonOutlined.hashCode ^ + appBar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenSignOutAppBar && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileApplicationSettingsScreenAppBar && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen({ + required this.title, + required this.invitationEmail, + }); + + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail + invitationEmail; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen( + title: map['title']! as String, + invitationEmail: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail + .fromJson(map['invitationEmail']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen copyWith({ + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail? + invitationEmail, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen( + title: title ?? this.title, + invitationEmail: invitationEmail ?? this.invitationEmail, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreen && + title == other.title && + invitationEmail == other.invitationEmail); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ invitationEmail.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail({ + required this.description, + required this.label, + }); + + final String description; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail( + description: map['description']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail + copyWith({ + String? description, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail( + description: description ?? this.description, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileNotificationSettingsScreenInvitationEmail && + description == other.description && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen({ + required this.title, + required this.label, + required this.option, + }); + + final String title; + final String label; + final AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption option; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen( + title: map['title']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + option: + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption.fromJson( + map['option']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen copyWith({ + String? title, + String? label, + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption? option, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen( + title: title ?? this.title, + label: label ?? this.label, + option: option ?? this.option, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreen && + title == other.title && + label == other.label && + option == other.option); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ label.hashCode ^ option.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption({ + required this.value5, + required this.value4, + required this.value3, + required this.value2, + required this.value1, + }); + + final String value5; + final String value4; + final String value3; + final String value2; + final String value1; + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption( + value5: map['value5']! as String, + value4: map['value4']! as String, + value3: map['value3']! as String, + value2: map['value2']! as String, + value1: map['value1']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption copyWith({ + String? value5, + String? value4, + String? value3, + String? value2, + String? value1, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption( + value5: value5 ?? this.value5, + value4: value4 ?? this.value4, + value3: value3 ?? this.value3, + value2: value2 ?? this.value2, + value1: value1 ?? this.value1, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileFontSizeSettingsScreenOption && + value5 == other.value5 && + value4 == other.value4 && + value3 == other.value3 && + value2 == other.value2 && + value1 == other.value1); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + value5.hashCode ^ + value4.hashCode ^ + value3.hashCode ^ + value2.hashCode ^ + value1.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter { + const AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter({ + required String version, + }) : _version = version; + + final String _version; + + String version({ + required String version, + required String buildNumber, + String? locale, + }) { + return _version.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'version': version, + 'buildNumber': buildNumber, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter( + version: map['version']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter copyWith({ + String? version, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter( + version: version ?? _version, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataProfileFooter && + _version == other._version); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ _version.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender { + const AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender({ + required this.female, + required this.male, + }); + + final String female; + final String male; + factory AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender( + female: map['female']! as String, + male: map['male']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender copyWith({ + String? female, + String? male, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender( + female: female ?? this.female, + male: male ?? this.male, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataTyApiGender && + female == other.female && + male == other.male); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ female.hashCode ^ male.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendance { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendance({ + required this.olderAttendanceHelp, + required this.m, + required this.h, + required this.hoursMoreThan4, + required this.hour, + required this.hours, + required this.from, + required this.rejected, + required this.systemCanceled, + required this.canceledLate, + required this.canceledEarly, + required this.absentNok, + required this.alcoholDrugs, + required this.absentOk, + required this.completed, + required this.confirmed, + required this.awaitingApproval, + required this.awaitingPayment, + required this.unableToCancel, + required this.cancelTempJob, + required this.reportAbsence, + required this.empty, + required this.tempJobs, + required this.tempJobsMoreThan4, + required this.tempJob, + required this.youAreSignedOn, + required String getCredits, + required this.review, + required this.detail, + required this.absence, + required this.cancelApplication, + required this.vacation, + required this.cancelApplicationWithExcuse, + }) : _getCredits = getCredits; + + final String olderAttendanceHelp; + final String m; + final String h; + final String hoursMoreThan4; + final String hour; + final String hours; + final String from; + final String rejected; + final String systemCanceled; + final String canceledLate; + final String canceledEarly; + final String absentNok; + final String alcoholDrugs; + final String absentOk; + final String completed; + final String confirmed; + final String awaitingApproval; + final String awaitingPayment; + final String unableToCancel; + final String cancelTempJob; + final String reportAbsence; + final String empty; + final String tempJobs; + final String tempJobsMoreThan4; + final String tempJob; + final String youAreSignedOn; + final String _getCredits; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview review; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail detail; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence absence; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication cancelApplication; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation vacation; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse + cancelApplicationWithExcuse; + + String getCredits({ + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + return _getCredits.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendance.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendance( + olderAttendanceHelp: map['olderAttendanceHelp']! as String, + m: map['m']! as String, + h: map['h']! as String, + hoursMoreThan4: map['hoursMoreThan4']! as String, + hour: map['hour']! as String, + hours: map['hours']! as String, + from: map['from']! as String, + rejected: map['rejected']! as String, + systemCanceled: map['systemCanceled']! as String, + canceledLate: map['canceledLate']! as String, + canceledEarly: map['canceledEarly']! as String, + absentNok: map['absentNok']! as String, + alcoholDrugs: map['alcoholDrugs']! as String, + absentOk: map['absentOk']! as String, + completed: map['completed']! as String, + confirmed: map['confirmed']! as String, + awaitingApproval: map['awaitingApproval']! as String, + awaitingPayment: map['awaitingPayment']! as String, + unableToCancel: map['unableToCancel']! as String, + cancelTempJob: map['cancelTempJob']! as String, + reportAbsence: map['reportAbsence']! as String, + empty: map['empty']! as String, + tempJobs: map['tempJobs']! as String, + tempJobsMoreThan4: map['tempJobsMoreThan4']! as String, + tempJob: map['tempJob']! as String, + youAreSignedOn: map['youAreSignedOn']! as String, + getCredits: map['getCredits']! as String, + review: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview.fromJson( + map['review']! as Map), + detail: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail.fromJson( + map['detail']! as Map), + absence: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence.fromJson( + map['absence']! as Map), + cancelApplication: + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication.fromJson( + map['cancelApplication']! as Map), + vacation: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation.fromJson( + map['vacation']! as Map), + cancelApplicationWithExcuse: + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse.fromJson( + map['cancelApplicationWithExcuse']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendance copyWith({ + String? olderAttendanceHelp, + String? m, + String? h, + String? hoursMoreThan4, + String? hour, + String? hours, + String? from, + String? rejected, + String? systemCanceled, + String? canceledLate, + String? canceledEarly, + String? absentNok, + String? alcoholDrugs, + String? absentOk, + String? completed, + String? confirmed, + String? awaitingApproval, + String? awaitingPayment, + String? unableToCancel, + String? cancelTempJob, + String? reportAbsence, + String? empty, + String? tempJobs, + String? tempJobsMoreThan4, + String? tempJob, + String? youAreSignedOn, + String? getCredits, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview? review, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail? detail, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence? absence, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication? cancelApplication, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation? vacation, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse? + cancelApplicationWithExcuse, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendance( + olderAttendanceHelp: olderAttendanceHelp ?? this.olderAttendanceHelp, + m: m ?? this.m, + h: h ?? this.h, + hoursMoreThan4: hoursMoreThan4 ?? this.hoursMoreThan4, + hour: hour ?? this.hour, + hours: hours ?? this.hours, + from: from ?? this.from, + rejected: rejected ?? this.rejected, + systemCanceled: systemCanceled ?? this.systemCanceled, + canceledLate: canceledLate ?? this.canceledLate, + canceledEarly: canceledEarly ?? this.canceledEarly, + absentNok: absentNok ?? this.absentNok, + alcoholDrugs: alcoholDrugs ?? this.alcoholDrugs, + absentOk: absentOk ?? this.absentOk, + completed: completed ?? this.completed, + confirmed: confirmed ?? this.confirmed, + awaitingApproval: awaitingApproval ?? this.awaitingApproval, + awaitingPayment: awaitingPayment ?? this.awaitingPayment, + unableToCancel: unableToCancel ?? this.unableToCancel, + cancelTempJob: cancelTempJob ?? this.cancelTempJob, + reportAbsence: reportAbsence ?? this.reportAbsence, + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + tempJobs: tempJobs ?? this.tempJobs, + tempJobsMoreThan4: tempJobsMoreThan4 ?? this.tempJobsMoreThan4, + tempJob: tempJob ?? this.tempJob, + youAreSignedOn: youAreSignedOn ?? this.youAreSignedOn, + getCredits: getCredits ?? _getCredits, + review: review ?? this.review, + detail: detail ?? this.detail, + absence: absence ?? this.absence, + cancelApplication: cancelApplication ?? this.cancelApplication, + vacation: vacation ?? this.vacation, + cancelApplicationWithExcuse: + cancelApplicationWithExcuse ?? this.cancelApplicationWithExcuse, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendance && + olderAttendanceHelp == other.olderAttendanceHelp && + m == other.m && + h == other.h && + hoursMoreThan4 == other.hoursMoreThan4 && + hour == other.hour && + hours == other.hours && + from == other.from && + rejected == other.rejected && + systemCanceled == other.systemCanceled && + canceledLate == other.canceledLate && + canceledEarly == other.canceledEarly && + absentNok == other.absentNok && + alcoholDrugs == other.alcoholDrugs && + absentOk == other.absentOk && + completed == other.completed && + confirmed == other.confirmed && + awaitingApproval == other.awaitingApproval && + awaitingPayment == other.awaitingPayment && + unableToCancel == other.unableToCancel && + cancelTempJob == other.cancelTempJob && + reportAbsence == other.reportAbsence && + empty == other.empty && + tempJobs == other.tempJobs && + tempJobsMoreThan4 == other.tempJobsMoreThan4 && + tempJob == other.tempJob && + youAreSignedOn == other.youAreSignedOn && + _getCredits == other._getCredits && + review == other.review && + detail == other.detail && + absence == other.absence && + cancelApplication == other.cancelApplication && + vacation == other.vacation && + cancelApplicationWithExcuse == other.cancelApplicationWithExcuse); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + olderAttendanceHelp.hashCode ^ + m.hashCode ^ + h.hashCode ^ + hoursMoreThan4.hashCode ^ + hour.hashCode ^ + hours.hashCode ^ + from.hashCode ^ + rejected.hashCode ^ + systemCanceled.hashCode ^ + canceledLate.hashCode ^ + canceledEarly.hashCode ^ + absentNok.hashCode ^ + alcoholDrugs.hashCode ^ + absentOk.hashCode ^ + completed.hashCode ^ + confirmed.hashCode ^ + awaitingApproval.hashCode ^ + awaitingPayment.hashCode ^ + unableToCancel.hashCode ^ + cancelTempJob.hashCode ^ + reportAbsence.hashCode ^ + empty.hashCode ^ + tempJobs.hashCode ^ + tempJobsMoreThan4.hashCode ^ + tempJob.hashCode ^ + youAreSignedOn.hashCode ^ + _getCredits.hashCode ^ + review.hashCode ^ + detail.hashCode ^ + absence.hashCode ^ + cancelApplication.hashCode ^ + vacation.hashCode ^ + cancelApplicationWithExcuse.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview({ + required this.finish, + required this.title, + required this.success, + required this.option, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String finish; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess success; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption option; + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview( + finish: map['finish']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + success: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + option: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption.fromJson( + map['option']! as Map), + hint: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview copyWith({ + String? finish, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess? success, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption? option, + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview( + finish: finish ?? this.finish, + title: title ?? this.title, + success: success ?? this.success, + option: option ?? this.option, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReview && + finish == other.finish && + title == other.title && + success == other.success && + option == other.option && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + finish.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode ^ + option.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess({ + required this.button, + required String title, + }) : _title = title; + + final String button; + final String _title; + + String title({ + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + return _title.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess( + button: map['button']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess copyWith({ + String? button, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess( + button: button ?? this.button, + title: title ?? _title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewSuccess && + button == other.button && + _title == other._title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ button.hashCode ^ _title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption({ + required this.great, + required this.bad, + }); + + final String great; + final String bad; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption( + great: map['great']! as String, + bad: map['bad']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption copyWith({ + String? great, + String? bad, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption( + great: great ?? this.great, + bad: bad ?? this.bad, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewOption && + great == other.great && + bad == other.bad); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ great.hashCode ^ bad.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint({ + required this.button, + required this.body4, + required this.body3, + required this.body2, + required this.body1, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String body4; + final String body3; + final String body2; + final String body1; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint( + button: map['button']! as String, + body4: map['body4']! as String, + body3: map['body3']! as String, + body2: map['body2']! as String, + body1: map['body1']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint copyWith({ + String? button, + String? body4, + String? body3, + String? body2, + String? body1, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint( + button: button ?? this.button, + body4: body4 ?? this.body4, + body3: body3 ?? this.body3, + body2: body2 ?? this.body2, + body1: body1 ?? this.body1, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceReviewHint && + button == other.button && + body4 == other.body4 && + body3 == other.body3 && + body2 == other.body2 && + body1 == other.body1 && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + body4.hashCode ^ + body3.hashCode ^ + body2.hashCode ^ + body1.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail({ + required this.absencesHeader, + required this.shiftHeader, + required this.paidDeposit, + required String rateShiftFun, + required this.rewardEstimate, + required this.manko, + required this.netWage, + required this.tax, + required this.noSurchargesGrossWage, + required this.grossWage, + required this.reward, + required this.workHours, + required this.shiftDate, + }) : _rateShiftFun = rateShiftFun; + + final String absencesHeader; + final String shiftHeader; + final String paidDeposit; + final String _rateShiftFun; + final String rewardEstimate; + final String manko; + final String netWage; + final String tax; + final String noSurchargesGrossWage; + final String grossWage; + final String reward; + final String workHours; + final String shiftDate; + + String rateShiftFun({ + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + return _rateShiftFun.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail( + absencesHeader: map['absencesHeader']! as String, + shiftHeader: map['shiftHeader']! as String, + paidDeposit: map['paidDeposit']! as String, + rateShiftFun: map['rateShiftFun']! as String, + rewardEstimate: map['rewardEstimate']! as String, + manko: map['manko']! as String, + netWage: map['netWage']! as String, + tax: map['tax']! as String, + noSurchargesGrossWage: map['noSurchargesGrossWage']! as String, + grossWage: map['grossWage']! as String, + reward: map['reward']! as String, + workHours: map['workHours']! as String, + shiftDate: map['shiftDate']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail copyWith({ + String? absencesHeader, + String? shiftHeader, + String? paidDeposit, + String? rateShiftFun, + String? rewardEstimate, + String? manko, + String? netWage, + String? tax, + String? noSurchargesGrossWage, + String? grossWage, + String? reward, + String? workHours, + String? shiftDate, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail( + absencesHeader: absencesHeader ?? this.absencesHeader, + shiftHeader: shiftHeader ?? this.shiftHeader, + paidDeposit: paidDeposit ?? this.paidDeposit, + rateShiftFun: rateShiftFun ?? _rateShiftFun, + rewardEstimate: rewardEstimate ?? this.rewardEstimate, + manko: manko ?? this.manko, + netWage: netWage ?? this.netWage, + tax: tax ?? this.tax, + noSurchargesGrossWage: + noSurchargesGrossWage ?? this.noSurchargesGrossWage, + grossWage: grossWage ?? this.grossWage, + reward: reward ?? this.reward, + workHours: workHours ?? this.workHours, + shiftDate: shiftDate ?? this.shiftDate, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceDetail && + absencesHeader == other.absencesHeader && + shiftHeader == other.shiftHeader && + paidDeposit == other.paidDeposit && + _rateShiftFun == other._rateShiftFun && + rewardEstimate == other.rewardEstimate && + manko == other.manko && + netWage == other.netWage && + tax == other.tax && + noSurchargesGrossWage == other.noSurchargesGrossWage && + grossWage == other.grossWage && + reward == other.reward && + workHours == other.workHours && + shiftDate == other.shiftDate); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + absencesHeader.hashCode ^ + shiftHeader.hashCode ^ + paidDeposit.hashCode ^ + _rateShiftFun.hashCode ^ + rewardEstimate.hashCode ^ + manko.hashCode ^ + netWage.hashCode ^ + tax.hashCode ^ + noSurchargesGrossWage.hashCode ^ + grossWage.hashCode ^ + reward.hashCode ^ + workHours.hashCode ^ + shiftDate.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence({ + required this.approved, + required this.rejected, + required this.clarification, + required this.processing, + required this.missing, + }); + + final String approved; + final String rejected; + final String clarification; + final String processing; + final String missing; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence( + approved: map['approved']! as String, + rejected: map['rejected']! as String, + clarification: map['clarification']! as String, + processing: map['processing']! as String, + missing: map['missing']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence copyWith({ + String? approved, + String? rejected, + String? clarification, + String? processing, + String? missing, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence( + approved: approved ?? this.approved, + rejected: rejected ?? this.rejected, + clarification: clarification ?? this.clarification, + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + missing: missing ?? this.missing, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceAbsence && + approved == other.approved && + rejected == other.rejected && + clarification == other.clarification && + processing == other.processing && + missing == other.missing); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + approved.hashCode ^ + rejected.hashCode ^ + clarification.hashCode ^ + processing.hashCode ^ + missing.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication({ + required this.blogHint, + required this.title, + }); + + final String blogHint; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication( + blogHint: map['blogHint']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication copyWith({ + String? blogHint, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication( + blogHint: blogHint ?? this.blogHint, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplication && + blogHint == other.blogHint && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ blogHint.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation({ + required this.cancel, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel cancel; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation( + cancel: AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel.fromJson( + map['cancel']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel? cancel, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation( + cancel: cancel ?? this.cancel, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacation && + cancel == other.cancel); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ cancel.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + required this.button, + }); + + final String body; + final String title; + final String button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + button: map['button']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + String? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceVacationCancel && + body == other.body && + title == other.title && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse { + const AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAttendanceCancelApplicationWithExcuse && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataCredits { + const AppLocalizationsDataCredits({ + required this.toPayout, + required this.payout, + required this.surveyCredits, + required this.claimedCredits, + required this.title, + required this.payoutScreen, + required this.history, + required this.claimableCredits, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String toPayout; + final String payout; + final String surveyCredits; + final String claimedCredits; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen payoutScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory history; + final AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits claimableCredits; + final AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataCredits.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataCredits( + toPayout: map['toPayout']! as String, + payout: map['payout']! as String, + surveyCredits: map['surveyCredits']! as String, + claimedCredits: map['claimedCredits']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + payoutScreen: AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen.fromJson( + map['payoutScreen']! as Map), + history: AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory.fromJson( + map['history']! as Map), + claimableCredits: AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits.fromJson( + map['claimableCredits']! as Map), + hint: AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataCredits copyWith({ + String? toPayout, + String? payout, + String? surveyCredits, + String? claimedCredits, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen? payoutScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory? history, + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits? claimableCredits, + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataCredits( + toPayout: toPayout ?? this.toPayout, + payout: payout ?? this.payout, + surveyCredits: surveyCredits ?? this.surveyCredits, + claimedCredits: claimedCredits ?? this.claimedCredits, + title: title ?? this.title, + payoutScreen: payoutScreen ?? this.payoutScreen, + history: history ?? this.history, + claimableCredits: claimableCredits ?? this.claimableCredits, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataCredits && + toPayout == other.toPayout && + payout == other.payout && + surveyCredits == other.surveyCredits && + claimedCredits == other.claimedCredits && + title == other.title && + payoutScreen == other.payoutScreen && + history == other.history && + claimableCredits == other.claimableCredits && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + toPayout.hashCode ^ + payout.hashCode ^ + surveyCredits.hashCode ^ + claimedCredits.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + payoutScreen.hashCode ^ + history.hashCode ^ + claimableCredits.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataCreditsPayoutScreen && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory { + const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHistory && title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits { + const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits({ + required this.empty, + }); + + final String empty; + factory AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits( + empty: map['empty']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits copyWith({ + String? empty, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits( + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataCreditsClaimableCredits && + empty == other.empty); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ empty.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + required this.bottomWidget, + }); + + final String body; + final String title; + final String bottomWidget; + factory AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + bottomWidget: map['bottomWidget']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + String? bottomWidget, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + bottomWidget: bottomWidget ?? this.bottomWidget, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataCreditsHint && + body == other.body && + title == other.title && + bottomWidget == other.bottomWidget); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + bottomWidget.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWallet { + const AppLocalizationsDataWallet({ + required String inNWorkingDaysOne, + required String inNWorkingDaysMultiple, + required String inNWorkingDaysZero, + required String isOnTheWayFun, + required String totalEarnedCongratulations, + required this.totalEarned, + required this.olderPayouts, + required this.getCredits, + required this.creditsHelp, + required this.credits, + required this.payout, + required this.toPayout, + required this.payoutStatus, + required this.dialog, + required this.paymentTransaction, + required this.paymentRequest, + required this.processing, + required this.payoutSuccess, + required this.exekuce, + required this.payoutScreen, + required this.payoutsScreen, + required this.detail, + required this.hint, + }) : _inNWorkingDaysOne = inNWorkingDaysOne, + _inNWorkingDaysMultiple = inNWorkingDaysMultiple, + _inNWorkingDaysZero = inNWorkingDaysZero, + _isOnTheWayFun = isOnTheWayFun, + _totalEarnedCongratulations = totalEarnedCongratulations; + + final String _inNWorkingDaysOne; + final String _inNWorkingDaysMultiple; + final String _inNWorkingDaysZero; + final String _isOnTheWayFun; + final String _totalEarnedCongratulations; + final String totalEarned; + final String olderPayouts; + final String getCredits; + final String creditsHelp; + final String credits; + final String payout; + final String toPayout; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus payoutStatus; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog dialog; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction paymentTransaction; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest paymentRequest; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing processing; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess payoutSuccess; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce exekuce; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen payoutScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen payoutsScreen; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail detail; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint hint; + + String inNWorkingDays({ + required Plural plural, + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + if (plural == Plural.one) { + return _inNWorkingDaysOne.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + if (plural == Plural.multiple) { + return _inNWorkingDaysMultiple.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + if (plural == Plural.zero) { + return _inNWorkingDaysZero.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + throw Exception(); + } + + String isOnTheWayFun({ + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + return _isOnTheWayFun.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + String totalEarnedCongratulations({ + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + return _totalEarnedCongratulations.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWallet.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWallet( + inNWorkingDaysOne: map['inNWorkingDaysOne']! as String, + inNWorkingDaysMultiple: map['inNWorkingDaysMultiple']! as String, + inNWorkingDaysZero: map['inNWorkingDaysZero']! as String, + isOnTheWayFun: map['isOnTheWayFun']! as String, + totalEarnedCongratulations: + map['totalEarnedCongratulations']! as String, + totalEarned: map['totalEarned']! as String, + olderPayouts: map['olderPayouts']! as String, + getCredits: map['getCredits']! as String, + creditsHelp: map['creditsHelp']! as String, + credits: map['credits']! as String, + payout: map['payout']! as String, + toPayout: map['toPayout']! as String, + payoutStatus: AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus.fromJson( + map['payoutStatus']! as Map), + dialog: AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog.fromJson( + map['dialog']! as Map), + paymentTransaction: + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction.fromJson( + map['paymentTransaction']! as Map), + paymentRequest: AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest.fromJson( + map['paymentRequest']! as Map), + processing: AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing.fromJson( + map['processing']! as Map), + payoutSuccess: AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess.fromJson( + map['payoutSuccess']! as Map), + exekuce: AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce.fromJson( + map['exekuce']! as Map), + payoutScreen: AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen.fromJson( + map['payoutScreen']! as Map), + payoutsScreen: AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen.fromJson( + map['payoutsScreen']! as Map), + detail: AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail.fromJson( + map['detail']! as Map), + hint: AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWallet copyWith({ + String? inNWorkingDaysOne, + String? inNWorkingDaysMultiple, + String? inNWorkingDaysZero, + String? isOnTheWayFun, + String? totalEarnedCongratulations, + String? totalEarned, + String? olderPayouts, + String? getCredits, + String? creditsHelp, + String? credits, + String? payout, + String? toPayout, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus? payoutStatus, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog? dialog, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction? paymentTransaction, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest? paymentRequest, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing? processing, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess? payoutSuccess, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce? exekuce, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen? payoutScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen? payoutsScreen, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail? detail, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWallet( + inNWorkingDaysOne: inNWorkingDaysOne ?? _inNWorkingDaysOne, + inNWorkingDaysMultiple: + inNWorkingDaysMultiple ?? _inNWorkingDaysMultiple, + inNWorkingDaysZero: inNWorkingDaysZero ?? _inNWorkingDaysZero, + isOnTheWayFun: isOnTheWayFun ?? _isOnTheWayFun, + totalEarnedCongratulations: + totalEarnedCongratulations ?? _totalEarnedCongratulations, + totalEarned: totalEarned ?? this.totalEarned, + olderPayouts: olderPayouts ?? this.olderPayouts, + getCredits: getCredits ?? this.getCredits, + creditsHelp: creditsHelp ?? this.creditsHelp, + credits: credits ?? this.credits, + payout: payout ?? this.payout, + toPayout: toPayout ?? this.toPayout, + payoutStatus: payoutStatus ?? this.payoutStatus, + dialog: dialog ?? this.dialog, + paymentTransaction: paymentTransaction ?? this.paymentTransaction, + paymentRequest: paymentRequest ?? this.paymentRequest, + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + payoutSuccess: payoutSuccess ?? this.payoutSuccess, + exekuce: exekuce ?? this.exekuce, + payoutScreen: payoutScreen ?? this.payoutScreen, + payoutsScreen: payoutsScreen ?? this.payoutsScreen, + detail: detail ?? this.detail, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWallet && + _inNWorkingDaysOne == other._inNWorkingDaysOne && + _inNWorkingDaysMultiple == other._inNWorkingDaysMultiple && + _inNWorkingDaysZero == other._inNWorkingDaysZero && + _isOnTheWayFun == other._isOnTheWayFun && + _totalEarnedCongratulations == other._totalEarnedCongratulations && + totalEarned == other.totalEarned && + olderPayouts == other.olderPayouts && + getCredits == other.getCredits && + creditsHelp == other.creditsHelp && + credits == other.credits && + payout == other.payout && + toPayout == other.toPayout && + payoutStatus == other.payoutStatus && + dialog == other.dialog && + paymentTransaction == other.paymentTransaction && + paymentRequest == other.paymentRequest && + processing == other.processing && + payoutSuccess == other.payoutSuccess && + exekuce == other.exekuce && + payoutScreen == other.payoutScreen && + payoutsScreen == other.payoutsScreen && + detail == other.detail && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + _inNWorkingDaysOne.hashCode ^ + _inNWorkingDaysMultiple.hashCode ^ + _inNWorkingDaysZero.hashCode ^ + _isOnTheWayFun.hashCode ^ + _totalEarnedCongratulations.hashCode ^ + totalEarned.hashCode ^ + olderPayouts.hashCode ^ + getCredits.hashCode ^ + creditsHelp.hashCode ^ + credits.hashCode ^ + payout.hashCode ^ + toPayout.hashCode ^ + payoutStatus.hashCode ^ + dialog.hashCode ^ + paymentTransaction.hashCode ^ + paymentRequest.hashCode ^ + processing.hashCode ^ + payoutSuccess.hashCode ^ + exekuce.hashCode ^ + payoutScreen.hashCode ^ + payoutsScreen.hashCode ^ + detail.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus({ + required this.processing, + required String text, + }) : _text = text; + + final String processing; + final String _text; + + String text({ + required String days, + String? locale, + }) { + return _text.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'days': days, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus( + processing: map['processing']! as String, + text: map['text']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus copyWith({ + String? processing, + String? text, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus( + processing: processing ?? this.processing, + text: text ?? _text, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutStatus && + processing == other.processing && + _text == other._text); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ processing.hashCode ^ _text.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog({ + required this.close, + required String body, + required String title, + }) : _body = body, + _title = title; + + final String close; + final String _body; + final String _title; + + String body({ + required String days, + String? locale, + }) { + return _body.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'days': days, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + String title({ + required String days, + String? locale, + }) { + return _title.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'days': days, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog( + close: map['close']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog copyWith({ + String? close, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog( + close: close ?? this.close, + body: body ?? _body, + title: title ?? _title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletDialog && + close == other.close && + _body == other._body && + _title == other._title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ close.hashCode ^ _body.hashCode ^ _title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction({ + required this.paymentNote, + required this.moneySent, + required String sentToBankAt, + }) : _sentToBankAt = sentToBankAt; + + final String paymentNote; + final String moneySent; + final String _sentToBankAt; + + String sentToBankAt({ + required String date, + String? locale, + }) { + return _sentToBankAt.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'date': date, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction( + paymentNote: map['paymentNote']! as String, + moneySent: map['moneySent']! as String, + sentToBankAt: map['sentToBankAt']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction copyWith({ + String? paymentNote, + String? moneySent, + String? sentToBankAt, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction( + paymentNote: paymentNote ?? this.paymentNote, + moneySent: moneySent ?? this.moneySent, + sentToBankAt: sentToBankAt ?? _sentToBankAt, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentTransaction && + paymentNote == other.paymentNote && + moneySent == other.moneySent && + _sentToBankAt == other._sentToBankAt); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + paymentNote.hashCode ^ + moneySent.hashCode ^ + _sentToBankAt.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest({ + required String requested, + required String paidOut, + required this.specificSymbol, + required this.variableSymbol, + required this.bankAccount, + required this.heading, + required this.title, + }) : _requested = requested, + _paidOut = paidOut; + + final String _requested; + final String _paidOut; + final String specificSymbol; + final String variableSymbol; + final String bankAccount; + final String heading; + final String title; + + String requested({ + required String date, + String? locale, + }) { + return _requested.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'date': date, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + String paidOut({ + required String date, + String? locale, + }) { + return _paidOut.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'date': date, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest( + requested: map['requested']! as String, + paidOut: map['paidOut']! as String, + specificSymbol: map['specificSymbol']! as String, + variableSymbol: map['variableSymbol']! as String, + bankAccount: map['bankAccount']! as String, + heading: map['heading']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest copyWith({ + String? requested, + String? paidOut, + String? specificSymbol, + String? variableSymbol, + String? bankAccount, + String? heading, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest( + requested: requested ?? _requested, + paidOut: paidOut ?? _paidOut, + specificSymbol: specificSymbol ?? this.specificSymbol, + variableSymbol: variableSymbol ?? this.variableSymbol, + bankAccount: bankAccount ?? this.bankAccount, + heading: heading ?? this.heading, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletPaymentRequest && + _requested == other._requested && + _paidOut == other._paidOut && + specificSymbol == other.specificSymbol && + variableSymbol == other.variableSymbol && + bankAccount == other.bankAccount && + heading == other.heading && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + _requested.hashCode ^ + _paidOut.hashCode ^ + specificSymbol.hashCode ^ + variableSymbol.hashCode ^ + bankAccount.hashCode ^ + heading.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing({ + required this.empty, + required this.title, + }); + + final String empty; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing( + empty: map['empty']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing copyWith({ + String? empty, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing( + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletProcessing && + empty == other.empty && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ empty.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess({ + required this.bodyBottom, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String bodyBottom; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess( + bodyBottom: map['bodyBottom']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess copyWith({ + String? bodyBottom, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess( + bodyBottom: bodyBottom ?? this.bodyBottom, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutSuccess && + bodyBottom == other.bodyBottom && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + bodyBottom.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce({ + required String blockedAmount, + }) : _blockedAmount = blockedAmount; + + final String _blockedAmount; + + String blockedAmount({ + required String amountWithCurrency, + String? locale, + }) { + return _blockedAmount.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amountWithCurrency': amountWithCurrency, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce( + blockedAmount: map['blockedAmount']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce copyWith({ + String? blockedAmount, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce( + blockedAmount: blockedAmount ?? _blockedAmount, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletExekuce && + _blockedAmount == other._blockedAmount); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ _blockedAmount.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen({ + required String youCanPayMax, + required this.exekuceWarning, + required this.sendConfirm, + required this.send, + required this.changeAccount, + required this.chooseAccount, + required this.bankAccount, + required this.totalPayout, + required this.choosePayouts, + required this.title, + }) : _youCanPayMax = youCanPayMax; + + final String _youCanPayMax; + final String exekuceWarning; + final String sendConfirm; + final String send; + final String changeAccount; + final String chooseAccount; + final String bankAccount; + final String totalPayout; + final String choosePayouts; + final String title; + + String youCanPayMax({ + required String amountWithCurrency, + String? locale, + }) { + return _youCanPayMax.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amountWithCurrency': amountWithCurrency, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen( + youCanPayMax: map['youCanPayMax']! as String, + exekuceWarning: map['exekuceWarning']! as String, + sendConfirm: map['sendConfirm']! as String, + send: map['send']! as String, + changeAccount: map['changeAccount']! as String, + chooseAccount: map['chooseAccount']! as String, + bankAccount: map['bankAccount']! as String, + totalPayout: map['totalPayout']! as String, + choosePayouts: map['choosePayouts']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen copyWith({ + String? youCanPayMax, + String? exekuceWarning, + String? sendConfirm, + String? send, + String? changeAccount, + String? chooseAccount, + String? bankAccount, + String? totalPayout, + String? choosePayouts, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen( + youCanPayMax: youCanPayMax ?? _youCanPayMax, + exekuceWarning: exekuceWarning ?? this.exekuceWarning, + sendConfirm: sendConfirm ?? this.sendConfirm, + send: send ?? this.send, + changeAccount: changeAccount ?? this.changeAccount, + chooseAccount: chooseAccount ?? this.chooseAccount, + bankAccount: bankAccount ?? this.bankAccount, + totalPayout: totalPayout ?? this.totalPayout, + choosePayouts: choosePayouts ?? this.choosePayouts, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutScreen && + _youCanPayMax == other._youCanPayMax && + exekuceWarning == other.exekuceWarning && + sendConfirm == other.sendConfirm && + send == other.send && + changeAccount == other.changeAccount && + chooseAccount == other.chooseAccount && + bankAccount == other.bankAccount && + totalPayout == other.totalPayout && + choosePayouts == other.choosePayouts && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + _youCanPayMax.hashCode ^ + exekuceWarning.hashCode ^ + sendConfirm.hashCode ^ + send.hashCode ^ + changeAccount.hashCode ^ + chooseAccount.hashCode ^ + bankAccount.hashCode ^ + totalPayout.hashCode ^ + choosePayouts.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletPayoutsScreen && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail({ + required this.paySupplement, + required this.beingProcessed, + required this.leftToPayout, + required this.toPayout, + required this.allPaidOut, + required this.preparingPayoutReceipt, + required this.payoutReceipt, + required this.cutsAndTaxes, + required this.payroll, + }); + + final String paySupplement; + final String beingProcessed; + final String leftToPayout; + final String toPayout; + final String allPaidOut; + final String preparingPayoutReceipt; + final String payoutReceipt; + final String cutsAndTaxes; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll payroll; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail( + paySupplement: map['paySupplement']! as String, + beingProcessed: map['beingProcessed']! as String, + leftToPayout: map['leftToPayout']! as String, + toPayout: map['toPayout']! as String, + allPaidOut: map['allPaidOut']! as String, + preparingPayoutReceipt: map['preparingPayoutReceipt']! as String, + payoutReceipt: map['payoutReceipt']! as String, + cutsAndTaxes: map['cutsAndTaxes']! as String, + payroll: AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll.fromJson( + map['payroll']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail copyWith({ + String? paySupplement, + String? beingProcessed, + String? leftToPayout, + String? toPayout, + String? allPaidOut, + String? preparingPayoutReceipt, + String? payoutReceipt, + String? cutsAndTaxes, + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll? payroll, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail( + paySupplement: paySupplement ?? this.paySupplement, + beingProcessed: beingProcessed ?? this.beingProcessed, + leftToPayout: leftToPayout ?? this.leftToPayout, + toPayout: toPayout ?? this.toPayout, + allPaidOut: allPaidOut ?? this.allPaidOut, + preparingPayoutReceipt: + preparingPayoutReceipt ?? this.preparingPayoutReceipt, + payoutReceipt: payoutReceipt ?? this.payoutReceipt, + cutsAndTaxes: cutsAndTaxes ?? this.cutsAndTaxes, + payroll: payroll ?? this.payroll, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetail && + paySupplement == other.paySupplement && + beingProcessed == other.beingProcessed && + leftToPayout == other.leftToPayout && + toPayout == other.toPayout && + allPaidOut == other.allPaidOut && + preparingPayoutReceipt == other.preparingPayoutReceipt && + payoutReceipt == other.payoutReceipt && + cutsAndTaxes == other.cutsAndTaxes && + payroll == other.payroll); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + paySupplement.hashCode ^ + beingProcessed.hashCode ^ + leftToPayout.hashCode ^ + toPayout.hashCode ^ + allPaidOut.hashCode ^ + preparingPayoutReceipt.hashCode ^ + payoutReceipt.hashCode ^ + cutsAndTaxes.hashCode ^ + payroll.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll({ + required this.notReadyYet, + }); + + final String notReadyYet; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll( + notReadyYet: map['notReadyYet']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll copyWith({ + String? notReadyYet, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll( + notReadyYet: notReadyYet ?? this.notReadyYet, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletDetailPayroll && + notReadyYet == other.notReadyYet); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ notReadyYet.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint({ + required this.button, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint( + button: map['button']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint copyWith({ + String? button, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint( + button: button ?? this.button, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalletHint && + button == other.button && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ button.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDay { + const AppLocalizationsDataDay({ + required this.yesterday, + required this.today, + required this.tomorrow, + }); + + final String yesterday; + final String today; + final String tomorrow; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDay.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDay( + yesterday: map['yesterday']! as String, + today: map['today']! as String, + tomorrow: map['tomorrow']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataDay copyWith({ + String? yesterday, + String? today, + String? tomorrow, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDay( + yesterday: yesterday ?? this.yesterday, + today: today ?? this.today, + tomorrow: tomorrow ?? this.tomorrow, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDay && + yesterday == other.yesterday && + today == other.today && + tomorrow == other.tomorrow); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + yesterday.hashCode ^ + today.hashCode ^ + tomorrow.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataMonth { + const AppLocalizationsDataMonth({ + required this.december, + required this.november, + required this.october, + required this.september, + required this.august, + required this.july, + required this.june, + required this.may, + required this.april, + required this.march, + required this.february, + required this.january, + }); + + final String december; + final String november; + final String october; + final String september; + final String august; + final String july; + final String june; + final String may; + final String april; + final String march; + final String february; + final String january; + factory AppLocalizationsDataMonth.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataMonth( + december: map['december']! as String, + november: map['november']! as String, + october: map['october']! as String, + september: map['september']! as String, + august: map['august']! as String, + july: map['july']! as String, + june: map['june']! as String, + may: map['may']! as String, + april: map['april']! as String, + march: map['march']! as String, + february: map['february']! as String, + january: map['january']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataMonth copyWith({ + String? december, + String? november, + String? october, + String? september, + String? august, + String? july, + String? june, + String? may, + String? april, + String? march, + String? february, + String? january, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataMonth( + december: december ?? this.december, + november: november ?? this.november, + october: october ?? this.october, + september: september ?? this.september, + august: august ?? this.august, + july: july ?? this.july, + june: june ?? this.june, + may: may ?? this.may, + april: april ?? this.april, + march: march ?? this.march, + february: february ?? this.february, + january: january ?? this.january, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataMonth && + december == other.december && + november == other.november && + october == other.october && + september == other.september && + august == other.august && + july == other.july && + june == other.june && + may == other.may && + april == other.april && + march == other.march && + february == other.february && + january == other.january); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + december.hashCode ^ + november.hashCode ^ + october.hashCode ^ + september.hashCode ^ + august.hashCode ^ + july.hashCode ^ + june.hashCode ^ + may.hashCode ^ + april.hashCode ^ + march.hashCode ^ + february.hashCode ^ + january.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataFailure { + const AppLocalizationsDataFailure({ + required this.unableToDeleteDocument, + required this.invalidPhoneNumber, + required this.expiredResetToken, + required this.invalidResetToken, + required this.accountAlreadyVerified, + required this.expiredVerifyToken, + required this.invalidVerifyToken, + required this.noInternet, + required this.invitation, + required this.phoneNumberAlreadyTaken, + required this.invalidResetPasswordToken, + required this.general, + }); + + final String unableToDeleteDocument; + final String invalidPhoneNumber; + final String expiredResetToken; + final String invalidResetToken; + final String accountAlreadyVerified; + final String expiredVerifyToken; + final String invalidVerifyToken; + final String noInternet; + final AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation invitation; + final AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken; + final AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken + invalidResetPasswordToken; + final AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral general; + factory AppLocalizationsDataFailure.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailure( + unableToDeleteDocument: map['unableToDeleteDocument']! as String, + invalidPhoneNumber: map['invalidPhoneNumber']! as String, + expiredResetToken: map['expiredResetToken']! as String, + invalidResetToken: map['invalidResetToken']! as String, + accountAlreadyVerified: map['accountAlreadyVerified']! as String, + expiredVerifyToken: map['expiredVerifyToken']! as String, + invalidVerifyToken: map['invalidVerifyToken']! as String, + noInternet: map['noInternet']! as String, + invitation: AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation.fromJson( + map['invitation']! as Map), + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken: + AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken.fromJson( + map['phoneNumberAlreadyTaken']! as Map), + invalidResetPasswordToken: + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken.fromJson( + map['invalidResetPasswordToken']! as Map), + general: AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral.fromJson( + map['general']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataFailure copyWith({ + String? unableToDeleteDocument, + String? invalidPhoneNumber, + String? expiredResetToken, + String? invalidResetToken, + String? accountAlreadyVerified, + String? expiredVerifyToken, + String? invalidVerifyToken, + String? noInternet, + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation? invitation, + AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken? phoneNumberAlreadyTaken, + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken? + invalidResetPasswordToken, + AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral? general, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailure( + unableToDeleteDocument: + unableToDeleteDocument ?? this.unableToDeleteDocument, + invalidPhoneNumber: invalidPhoneNumber ?? this.invalidPhoneNumber, + expiredResetToken: expiredResetToken ?? this.expiredResetToken, + invalidResetToken: invalidResetToken ?? this.invalidResetToken, + accountAlreadyVerified: + accountAlreadyVerified ?? this.accountAlreadyVerified, + expiredVerifyToken: expiredVerifyToken ?? this.expiredVerifyToken, + invalidVerifyToken: invalidVerifyToken ?? this.invalidVerifyToken, + noInternet: noInternet ?? this.noInternet, + invitation: invitation ?? this.invitation, + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken: + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken ?? this.phoneNumberAlreadyTaken, + invalidResetPasswordToken: + invalidResetPasswordToken ?? this.invalidResetPasswordToken, + general: general ?? this.general, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataFailure && + unableToDeleteDocument == other.unableToDeleteDocument && + invalidPhoneNumber == other.invalidPhoneNumber && + expiredResetToken == other.expiredResetToken && + invalidResetToken == other.invalidResetToken && + accountAlreadyVerified == other.accountAlreadyVerified && + expiredVerifyToken == other.expiredVerifyToken && + invalidVerifyToken == other.invalidVerifyToken && + noInternet == other.noInternet && + invitation == other.invitation && + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken == other.phoneNumberAlreadyTaken && + invalidResetPasswordToken == other.invalidResetPasswordToken && + general == other.general); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + unableToDeleteDocument.hashCode ^ + invalidPhoneNumber.hashCode ^ + expiredResetToken.hashCode ^ + invalidResetToken.hashCode ^ + accountAlreadyVerified.hashCode ^ + expiredVerifyToken.hashCode ^ + invalidVerifyToken.hashCode ^ + noInternet.hashCode ^ + invitation.hashCode ^ + phoneNumberAlreadyTaken.hashCode ^ + invalidResetPasswordToken.hashCode ^ + general.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation { + const AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation({ + required this.reject, + required this.accept, + required this.fetch, + }); + + final String reject; + final String accept; + final String fetch; + factory AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation( + reject: map['reject']! as String, + accept: map['accept']! as String, + fetch: map['fetch']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation copyWith({ + String? reject, + String? accept, + String? fetch, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation( + reject: reject ?? this.reject, + accept: accept ?? this.accept, + fetch: fetch ?? this.fetch, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvitation && + reject == other.reject && + accept == other.accept && + fetch == other.fetch); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ reject.hashCode ^ accept.hashCode ^ fetch.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken { + const AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataFailurePhoneNumberAlreadyTaken && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken { + const AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken({ + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken( + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken copyWith({ + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken( + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataFailureInvalidResetPasswordToken && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ message.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral { + const AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral({ + required this.message, + required this.title, + }); + + final String message; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral( + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral copyWith({ + String? message, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral( + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataFailureGeneral && + message == other.message && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ message.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings { + const AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings({ + required this.language, + required this.title, + }); + + final String language; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings( + language: map['language']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings copyWith({ + String? language, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings( + language: language ?? this.language, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataAppSettings && + language == other.language && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ language.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount { + const AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount({ + required this.successMessage, + required this.success, + }); + + final String successMessage; + final String success; + factory AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount( + successMessage: map['successMessage']! as String, + success: map['success']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount copyWith({ + String? successMessage, + String? success, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount( + successMessage: successMessage ?? this.successMessage, + success: success ?? this.success, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataActivateAccount && + successMessage == other.successMessage && + success == other.success); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ successMessage.hashCode ^ success.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword { + const AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword({ + required this.button, + required this.title, + required this.success, + }); + + final String button; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess success; + factory AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword( + button: map['button']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + success: AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword copyWith({ + String? button, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess? success, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword( + button: button ?? this.button, + title: title ?? this.title, + success: success ?? this.success, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataNewPassword && + button == other.button && + title == other.title && + success == other.success); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataNewPasswordSuccess && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword { + const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword({ + required this.button, + required this.body, + required this.title, + required this.success, + required this.appbar, + }); + + final String button; + final String body; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess success; + final AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar appbar; + factory AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword( + button: map['button']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + success: AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + appbar: AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar.fromJson( + map['appbar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword copyWith({ + String? button, + String? body, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess? success, + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar? appbar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword( + button: button ?? this.button, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + success: success ?? this.success, + appbar: appbar ?? this.appbar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPassword && + button == other.button && + body == other.body && + title == other.title && + success == other.success && + appbar == other.appbar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode ^ + appbar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess({ + required this.techSupport, + required this.sendEmailAgain, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String techSupport; + final String sendEmailAgain; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess( + techSupport: map['techSupport']! as String, + sendEmailAgain: map['sendEmailAgain']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess copyWith({ + String? techSupport, + String? sendEmailAgain, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess( + techSupport: techSupport ?? this.techSupport, + sendEmailAgain: sendEmailAgain ?? this.sendEmailAgain, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordSuccess && + techSupport == other.techSupport && + sendEmailAgain == other.sendEmailAgain && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + techSupport.hashCode ^ + sendEmailAgain.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar { + const AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataForgottenPasswordAppbar && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShifts { + const AppLocalizationsDataShifts({ + required this.knowledgeTest, + required this.claim, + required this.label, + required this.detail, + required this.filter, + required this.feed, + required this.list, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest knowledgeTest; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim claim; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel label; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail detail; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter filter; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed feed; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList list; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShifts.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShifts( + knowledgeTest: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest.fromJson( + map['knowledgeTest']! as Map), + claim: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim.fromJson( + map['claim']! as Map), + label: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel.fromJson( + map['label']! as Map), + detail: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail.fromJson( + map['detail']! as Map), + filter: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter.fromJson( + map['filter']! as Map), + feed: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed.fromJson( + map['feed']! as Map), + list: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList.fromJson( + map['list']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShifts copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest? knowledgeTest, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim? claim, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel? label, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail? detail, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter? filter, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed? feed, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList? list, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShifts( + knowledgeTest: knowledgeTest ?? this.knowledgeTest, + claim: claim ?? this.claim, + label: label ?? this.label, + detail: detail ?? this.detail, + filter: filter ?? this.filter, + feed: feed ?? this.feed, + list: list ?? this.list, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShifts && + knowledgeTest == other.knowledgeTest && + claim == other.claim && + label == other.label && + detail == other.detail && + filter == other.filter && + feed == other.feed && + list == other.list); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + knowledgeTest.hashCode ^ + claim.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode ^ + detail.hashCode ^ + filter.hashCode ^ + feed.hashCode ^ + list.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest({ + required String errorMessage, + required String points, + required this.finishTest, + required this.fillOutTest, + }) : _errorMessage = errorMessage, + _points = points; + + final String _errorMessage; + final String _points; + final String finishTest; + final String fillOutTest; + + String errorMessage({ + required String amount, + String? locale, + }) { + return _errorMessage.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + String points({ + required String amount, + required String total, + String? locale, + }) { + return _points.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'amount': amount, + 'total': total, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest( + errorMessage: map['errorMessage']! as String, + points: map['points']! as String, + finishTest: map['finishTest']! as String, + fillOutTest: map['fillOutTest']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest copyWith({ + String? errorMessage, + String? points, + String? finishTest, + String? fillOutTest, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest( + errorMessage: errorMessage ?? _errorMessage, + points: points ?? _points, + finishTest: finishTest ?? this.finishTest, + fillOutTest: fillOutTest ?? this.fillOutTest, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsKnowledgeTest && + _errorMessage == other._errorMessage && + _points == other._points && + finishTest == other.finishTest && + fillOutTest == other.fillOutTest); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + _errorMessage.hashCode ^ + _points.hashCode ^ + finishTest.hashCode ^ + fillOutTest.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim({ + required this.title, + required this.completed, + required this.overview, + required this.signature, + required this.limitsPredictions, + required this.button, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String title; + final String completed; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview overview; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature signature; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions limitsPredictions; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton button; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim( + title: map['title']! as String, + completed: map['completed']! as String, + overview: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview.fromJson( + map['overview']! as Map), + signature: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature.fromJson( + map['signature']! as Map), + limitsPredictions: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions.fromJson( + map['limitsPredictions']! as Map), + button: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + hint: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim copyWith({ + String? title, + String? completed, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview? overview, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature? signature, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions? limitsPredictions, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton? button, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim( + title: title ?? this.title, + completed: completed ?? this.completed, + overview: overview ?? this.overview, + signature: signature ?? this.signature, + limitsPredictions: limitsPredictions ?? this.limitsPredictions, + button: button ?? this.button, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaim && + title == other.title && + completed == other.completed && + overview == other.overview && + signature == other.signature && + limitsPredictions == other.limitsPredictions && + button == other.button && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + completed.hashCode ^ + overview.hashCode ^ + signature.hashCode ^ + limitsPredictions.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview({ + required this.button, + required this.confirm, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String confirm; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview( + button: map['button']! as String, + confirm: map['confirm']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview copyWith({ + String? button, + String? confirm, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview( + button: button ?? this.button, + confirm: confirm ?? this.confirm, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimOverview && + button == other.button && + confirm == other.confirm && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + confirm.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature({ + required this.hint, + required this.title, + required this.button, + }); + + final String hint; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + button: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignature && + hint == other.hint && + title == other.title && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton({ + required this.next, + required this.signAgain, + }); + + final String next; + final String signAgain; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton( + next: map['next']! as String, + signAgain: map['signAgain']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton copyWith({ + String? next, + String? signAgain, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton( + next: next ?? this.next, + signAgain: signAgain ?? this.signAgain, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimSignatureButton && + next == other.next && + signAgain == other.signAgain); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ next.hashCode ^ signAgain.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions({ + required this.rejectShift, + required this.assumption, + required this.limit, + required this.contractSalaryInfo, + required this.contractHoursInfo, + required this.contractHours, + required this.contractSalary, + required this.description, + required this.title, + required this.warning, + }); + + final String rejectShift; + final String assumption; + final String limit; + final String contractSalaryInfo; + final String contractHoursInfo; + final String contractHours; + final String contractSalary; + final String description; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning warning; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions( + rejectShift: map['rejectShift']! as String, + assumption: map['assumption']! as String, + limit: map['limit']! as String, + contractSalaryInfo: map['contractSalaryInfo']! as String, + contractHoursInfo: map['contractHoursInfo']! as String, + contractHours: map['contractHours']! as String, + contractSalary: map['contractSalary']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + warning: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning.fromJson( + map['warning']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions copyWith({ + String? rejectShift, + String? assumption, + String? limit, + String? contractSalaryInfo, + String? contractHoursInfo, + String? contractHours, + String? contractSalary, + String? description, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning? warning, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions( + rejectShift: rejectShift ?? this.rejectShift, + assumption: assumption ?? this.assumption, + limit: limit ?? this.limit, + contractSalaryInfo: contractSalaryInfo ?? this.contractSalaryInfo, + contractHoursInfo: contractHoursInfo ?? this.contractHoursInfo, + contractHours: contractHours ?? this.contractHours, + contractSalary: contractSalary ?? this.contractSalary, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + warning: warning ?? this.warning, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictions && + rejectShift == other.rejectShift && + assumption == other.assumption && + limit == other.limit && + contractSalaryInfo == other.contractSalaryInfo && + contractHoursInfo == other.contractHoursInfo && + contractHours == other.contractHours && + contractSalary == other.contractSalary && + description == other.description && + title == other.title && + warning == other.warning); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + rejectShift.hashCode ^ + assumption.hashCode ^ + limit.hashCode ^ + contractSalaryInfo.hashCode ^ + contractHoursInfo.hashCode ^ + contractHours.hashCode ^ + contractSalary.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + warning.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimLimitsPredictionsWarning && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton({ + required this.readAndAgree, + }); + + final String readAndAgree; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton( + readAndAgree: map['readAndAgree']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton copyWith({ + String? readAndAgree, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton( + readAndAgree: readAndAgree ?? this.readAndAgree, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimButton && + readAndAgree == other.readAndAgree); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ readAndAgree.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint({ + required this.button, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint( + button: map['button']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint copyWith({ + String? button, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint( + button: button ?? this.button, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsClaimHint && + button == other.button && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ button.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel({ + required this.utilities, + required this.conditions, + required this.lastPlace, + required this.physicallyChallengingJob, + }); + + final String utilities; + final String conditions; + final String lastPlace; + final String physicallyChallengingJob; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel( + utilities: map['utilities']! as String, + conditions: map['conditions']! as String, + lastPlace: map['lastPlace']! as String, + physicallyChallengingJob: map['physicallyChallengingJob']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel copyWith({ + String? utilities, + String? conditions, + String? lastPlace, + String? physicallyChallengingJob, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel( + utilities: utilities ?? this.utilities, + conditions: conditions ?? this.conditions, + lastPlace: lastPlace ?? this.lastPlace, + physicallyChallengingJob: + physicallyChallengingJob ?? this.physicallyChallengingJob, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsLabel && + utilities == other.utilities && + conditions == other.conditions && + lastPlace == other.lastPlace && + physicallyChallengingJob == other.physicallyChallengingJob); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + utilities.hashCode ^ + conditions.hashCode ^ + lastPlace.hashCode ^ + physicallyChallengingJob.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail({ + required this.claimError, + required this.showOnMap, + required this.loading, + required this.issue, + required this.vacation, + required this.footer, + required this.accountInReview, + required this.accountInactive, + required this.error, + required this.surcharge, + required this.loadingError, + required this.notAvailable, + required this.section, + required this.label, + required this.button, + }); + + final String claimError; + final String showOnMap; + final String loading; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue issue; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation vacation; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter footer; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview accountInReview; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive accountInactive; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError error; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge surcharge; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError loadingError; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable notAvailable; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection section; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel label; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail( + claimError: map['claimError']! as String, + showOnMap: map['showOnMap']! as String, + loading: map['loading']! as String, + issue: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue.fromJson( + map['issue']! as Map), + vacation: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation.fromJson( + map['vacation']! as Map), + footer: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter.fromJson( + map['footer']! as Map), + accountInReview: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview.fromJson( + map['accountInReview']! as Map), + accountInactive: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive.fromJson( + map['accountInactive']! as Map), + error: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError.fromJson( + map['error']! as Map), + surcharge: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge.fromJson( + map['surcharge']! as Map), + loadingError: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError.fromJson( + map['loadingError']! as Map), + notAvailable: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable.fromJson( + map['notAvailable']! as Map), + section: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection.fromJson( + map['section']! as Map), + label: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel.fromJson( + map['label']! as Map), + button: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail copyWith({ + String? claimError, + String? showOnMap, + String? loading, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue? issue, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation? vacation, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter? footer, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview? accountInReview, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive? accountInactive, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError? error, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge? surcharge, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError? loadingError, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable? notAvailable, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection? section, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel? label, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail( + claimError: claimError ?? this.claimError, + showOnMap: showOnMap ?? this.showOnMap, + loading: loading ?? this.loading, + issue: issue ?? this.issue, + vacation: vacation ?? this.vacation, + footer: footer ?? this.footer, + accountInReview: accountInReview ?? this.accountInReview, + accountInactive: accountInactive ?? this.accountInactive, + error: error ?? this.error, + surcharge: surcharge ?? this.surcharge, + loadingError: loadingError ?? this.loadingError, + notAvailable: notAvailable ?? this.notAvailable, + section: section ?? this.section, + label: label ?? this.label, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetail && + claimError == other.claimError && + showOnMap == other.showOnMap && + loading == other.loading && + issue == other.issue && + vacation == other.vacation && + footer == other.footer && + accountInReview == other.accountInReview && + accountInactive == other.accountInactive && + error == other.error && + surcharge == other.surcharge && + loadingError == other.loadingError && + notAvailable == other.notAvailable && + section == other.section && + label == other.label && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + claimError.hashCode ^ + showOnMap.hashCode ^ + loading.hashCode ^ + issue.hashCode ^ + vacation.hashCode ^ + footer.hashCode ^ + accountInReview.hashCode ^ + accountInactive.hashCode ^ + error.hashCode ^ + surcharge.hashCode ^ + loadingError.hashCode ^ + notAvailable.hashCode ^ + section.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue({ + required this.hpp, + required this.salaryLimit, + }); + + final String hpp; + final String salaryLimit; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue( + hpp: map['hpp']! as String, + salaryLimit: map['salaryLimit']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue copyWith({ + String? hpp, + String? salaryLimit, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue( + hpp: hpp ?? this.hpp, + salaryLimit: salaryLimit ?? this.salaryLimit, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailIssue && + hpp == other.hpp && + salaryLimit == other.salaryLimit); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ hpp.hashCode ^ salaryLimit.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation({ + required this.title, + required this.info, + }); + + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo info; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation( + title: map['title']! as String, + info: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo.fromJson( + map['info']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation copyWith({ + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo? info, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation( + title: title ?? this.title, + info: info ?? this.info, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacation && + title == other.title && + info == other.info); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ info.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailVacationInfo && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter({ + required this.invitation, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation invitation; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter( + invitation: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation.fromJson( + map['invitation']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation? invitation, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter( + invitation: invitation ?? this.invitation, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooter && + invitation == other.invitation); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ invitation.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailFooterInvitation && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInReview && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + required this.button, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + button: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactive && + description == other.description && + title == other.title && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton({ + required this.back, + required this.verifyAccount, + }); + + final String back; + final String verifyAccount; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton( + back: map['back']! as String, + verifyAccount: map['verifyAccount']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton copyWith({ + String? back, + String? verifyAccount, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton( + back: back ?? this.back, + verifyAccount: verifyAccount ?? this.verifyAccount, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailAccountInactiveButton && + back == other.back && + verifyAccount == other.verifyAccount); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ back.hashCode ^ verifyAccount.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError({ + required this.missingDocument, + required this.salaryLimitExceeded, + }); + + final String missingDocument; + final String salaryLimitExceeded; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError( + missingDocument: map['missingDocument']! as String, + salaryLimitExceeded: map['salaryLimitExceeded']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError copyWith({ + String? missingDocument, + String? salaryLimitExceeded, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError( + missingDocument: missingDocument ?? this.missingDocument, + salaryLimitExceeded: salaryLimitExceeded ?? this.salaryLimitExceeded, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailError && + missingDocument == other.missingDocument && + salaryLimitExceeded == other.salaryLimitExceeded); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + missingDocument.hashCode ^ + salaryLimitExceeded.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge({ + required this.forWeekend, + required this.forNight, + required this.forHoliday, + required this.reason, + }); + + final String forWeekend; + final String forNight; + final String forHoliday; + final String reason; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge( + forWeekend: map['forWeekend']! as String, + forNight: map['forNight']! as String, + forHoliday: map['forHoliday']! as String, + reason: map['reason']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge copyWith({ + String? forWeekend, + String? forNight, + String? forHoliday, + String? reason, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge( + forWeekend: forWeekend ?? this.forWeekend, + forNight: forNight ?? this.forNight, + forHoliday: forHoliday ?? this.forHoliday, + reason: reason ?? this.reason, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSurcharge && + forWeekend == other.forWeekend && + forNight == other.forNight && + forHoliday == other.forHoliday && + reason == other.reason); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + forWeekend.hashCode ^ + forNight.hashCode ^ + forHoliday.hashCode ^ + reason.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError({ + required this.retry, + required this.title, + }); + + final String retry; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError( + retry: map['retry']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError copyWith({ + String? retry, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError( + retry: retry ?? this.retry, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLoadingError && + retry == other.retry && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ retry.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailNotAvailable && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection({ + required this.location, + required this.instructionNewcommers, + required this.emergencyContact, + required this.description, + required this.instruction, + required this.documents, + required this.utilities, + required this.requirements, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation location; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers + instructionNewcommers; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact + emergencyContact; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription description; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction instruction; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments documents; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities utilities; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements requirements; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection( + location: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation.fromJson( + map['location']! as Map), + instructionNewcommers: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers + .fromJson( + map['instructionNewcommers']! as Map), + emergencyContact: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact.fromJson( + map['emergencyContact']! as Map), + description: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription.fromJson( + map['description']! as Map), + instruction: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction.fromJson( + map['instruction']! as Map), + documents: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments.fromJson( + map['documents']! as Map), + utilities: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities.fromJson( + map['utilities']! as Map), + requirements: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements.fromJson( + map['requirements']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation? location, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers? + instructionNewcommers, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact? emergencyContact, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription? description, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction? instruction, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments? documents, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities? utilities, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements? requirements, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection( + location: location ?? this.location, + instructionNewcommers: + instructionNewcommers ?? this.instructionNewcommers, + emergencyContact: emergencyContact ?? this.emergencyContact, + description: description ?? this.description, + instruction: instruction ?? this.instruction, + documents: documents ?? this.documents, + utilities: utilities ?? this.utilities, + requirements: requirements ?? this.requirements, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSection && + location == other.location && + instructionNewcommers == other.instructionNewcommers && + emergencyContact == other.emergencyContact && + description == other.description && + instruction == other.instruction && + documents == other.documents && + utilities == other.utilities && + requirements == other.requirements); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + location.hashCode ^ + instructionNewcommers.hashCode ^ + emergencyContact.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + instruction.hashCode ^ + documents.hashCode ^ + utilities.hashCode ^ + requirements.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionLocation && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstructionNewcommers && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact({ + required this.copied, + required this.title, + }); + + final String copied; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact( + copied: map['copied']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact copyWith({ + String? copied, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact( + copied: copied ?? this.copied, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionEmergencyContact && + copied == other.copied && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ copied.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDescription && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionInstruction && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionDocuments && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities({ + required this.title, + required this.error, + required this.item, + }); + + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError error; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem item; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities( + title: map['title']! as String, + error: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError.fromJson( + map['error']! as Map), + item: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem.fromJson( + map['item']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities copyWith({ + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError? error, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem? item, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities( + title: title ?? this.title, + error: error ?? this.error, + item: item ?? this.item, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilities && + title == other.title && + error == other.error && + item == other.item); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ error.hashCode ^ item.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesError && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem({ + required this.added, + }); + + final String added; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem( + added: map['added']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem copyWith({ + String? added, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem( + added: added ?? this.added, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionUtilitiesItem && + added == other.added); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ added.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements({ + required this.title, + required this.error, + }); + + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError error; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements( + title: map['title']! as String, + error: + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError.fromJson( + map['error']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements copyWith({ + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError? error, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements( + title: title ?? this.title, + error: error ?? this.error, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirements && + title == other.title && + error == other.error); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode ^ error.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError({ + required this.expired, + required this.notInProfile, + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String expired; + final String notInProfile; + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError( + expired: map['expired']! as String, + notInProfile: map['notInProfile']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError copyWith({ + String? expired, + String? notInProfile, + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError( + expired: expired ?? this.expired, + notInProfile: notInProfile ?? this.notInProfile, + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailSectionRequirementsError && + expired == other.expired && + notInProfile == other.notInProfile && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + expired.hashCode ^ + notInProfile.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel({ + required this.contractType, + required this.employer, + required this.credits, + required this.pay, + required this.time, + required this.when, + required this.offersMore, + required this.offers, + required this.offer, + required this.noOffers, + required this.addedDateDays, + required this.addedDateDay, + required this.addedDateToday, + required this.addedDate, + required this.extra, + }); + + final String contractType; + final String employer; + final String credits; + final String pay; + final String time; + final String when; + final String offersMore; + final String offers; + final String offer; + final String noOffers; + final String addedDateDays; + final String addedDateDay; + final String addedDateToday; + final String addedDate; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra extra; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel( + contractType: map['contractType']! as String, + employer: map['employer']! as String, + credits: map['credits']! as String, + pay: map['pay']! as String, + time: map['time']! as String, + when: map['when']! as String, + offersMore: map['offersMore']! as String, + offers: map['offers']! as String, + offer: map['offer']! as String, + noOffers: map['noOffers']! as String, + addedDateDays: map['addedDateDays']! as String, + addedDateDay: map['addedDateDay']! as String, + addedDateToday: map['addedDateToday']! as String, + addedDate: map['addedDate']! as String, + extra: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra.fromJson( + map['extra']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel copyWith({ + String? contractType, + String? employer, + String? credits, + String? pay, + String? time, + String? when, + String? offersMore, + String? offers, + String? offer, + String? noOffers, + String? addedDateDays, + String? addedDateDay, + String? addedDateToday, + String? addedDate, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra? extra, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel( + contractType: contractType ?? this.contractType, + employer: employer ?? this.employer, + credits: credits ?? this.credits, + pay: pay ?? this.pay, + time: time ?? this.time, + when: when ?? this.when, + offersMore: offersMore ?? this.offersMore, + offers: offers ?? this.offers, + offer: offer ?? this.offer, + noOffers: noOffers ?? this.noOffers, + addedDateDays: addedDateDays ?? this.addedDateDays, + addedDateDay: addedDateDay ?? this.addedDateDay, + addedDateToday: addedDateToday ?? this.addedDateToday, + addedDate: addedDate ?? this.addedDate, + extra: extra ?? this.extra, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabel && + contractType == other.contractType && + employer == other.employer && + credits == other.credits && + pay == other.pay && + time == other.time && + when == other.when && + offersMore == other.offersMore && + offers == other.offers && + offer == other.offer && + noOffers == other.noOffers && + addedDateDays == other.addedDateDays && + addedDateDay == other.addedDateDay && + addedDateToday == other.addedDateToday && + addedDate == other.addedDate && + extra == other.extra); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + contractType.hashCode ^ + employer.hashCode ^ + credits.hashCode ^ + pay.hashCode ^ + time.hashCode ^ + when.hashCode ^ + offersMore.hashCode ^ + offers.hashCode ^ + offer.hashCode ^ + noOffers.hashCode ^ + addedDateDays.hashCode ^ + addedDateDay.hashCode ^ + addedDateToday.hashCode ^ + addedDate.hashCode ^ + extra.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra({ + required this.holiday, + required this.weekendNight, + }); + + final String holiday; + final String weekendNight; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra( + holiday: map['holiday']! as String, + weekendNight: map['weekendNight']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra copyWith({ + String? holiday, + String? weekendNight, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra( + holiday: holiday ?? this.holiday, + weekendNight: weekendNight ?? this.weekendNight, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailLabelExtra && + holiday == other.holiday && + weekendNight == other.weekendNight); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ holiday.hashCode ^ weekendNight.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton({ + required this.apply, + }); + + final String apply; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton( + apply: map['apply']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton copyWith({ + String? apply, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton( + apply: apply ?? this.apply, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsDetailButton && apply == other.apply); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ apply.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter({ + required this.date, + required this.search, + required this.locality, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate date; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch search; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality locality; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter( + date: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate.fromJson( + map['date']! as Map), + search: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch.fromJson( + map['search']! as Map), + locality: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality.fromJson( + map['locality']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate? date, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch? search, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality? locality, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter( + date: date ?? this.date, + search: search ?? this.search, + locality: locality ?? this.locality, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilter && + date == other.date && + search == other.search && + locality == other.locality); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + date.hashCode ^ + search.hashCode ^ + locality.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate({ + required String to, + required String from, + required this.chip, + required this.reset, + required this.save, + required this.bottomSheet, + }) : _to = to, + _from = from; + + final String _to; + final String _from; + final String chip; + final String reset; + final String save; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet bottomSheet; + + String to({ + required String date, + String? locale, + }) { + return _to.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'date': date, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + String from({ + required String date, + String? locale, + }) { + return _from.insertTemplateValues( + { + 'date': date, + }, + locale: locale, + ); + } + + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate( + to: map['to']! as String, + from: map['from']! as String, + chip: map['chip']! as String, + reset: map['reset']! as String, + save: map['save']! as String, + bottomSheet: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet.fromJson( + map['bottomSheet']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate copyWith({ + String? to, + String? from, + String? chip, + String? reset, + String? save, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet? bottomSheet, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate( + to: to ?? _to, + from: from ?? _from, + chip: chip ?? this.chip, + reset: reset ?? this.reset, + save: save ?? this.save, + bottomSheet: bottomSheet ?? this.bottomSheet, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDate && + _to == other._to && + _from == other._from && + chip == other.chip && + reset == other.reset && + save == other.save && + bottomSheet == other.bottomSheet); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + _to.hashCode ^ + _from.hashCode ^ + chip.hashCode ^ + reset.hashCode ^ + save.hashCode ^ + bottomSheet.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet({ + required this.error, + required this.show, + required this.to, + required this.from, + required this.title, + required this.hint, + }); + + final String error; + final String show; + final String to; + final String from; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet( + error: map['error']! as String, + show: map['show']! as String, + to: map['to']! as String, + from: map['from']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + hint: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet copyWith({ + String? error, + String? show, + String? to, + String? from, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint? hint, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet( + error: error ?? this.error, + show: show ?? this.show, + to: to ?? this.to, + from: from ?? this.from, + title: title ?? this.title, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheet && + error == other.error && + show == other.show && + to == other.to && + from == other.from && + title == other.title && + hint == other.hint); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + error.hashCode ^ + show.hashCode ^ + to.hashCode ^ + from.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint({ + required this.to, + required this.from, + }); + + final String to; + final String from; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint( + to: map['to']! as String, + from: map['from']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint copyWith({ + String? to, + String? from, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint( + to: to ?? this.to, + from: from ?? this.from, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterDateBottomSheetHint && + to == other.to && + from == other.from); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ to.hashCode ^ from.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch({ + required this.save, + required this.hint, + required this.title, + }); + + final String save; + final String hint; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch( + save: map['save']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch copyWith({ + String? save, + String? hint, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch( + save: save ?? this.save, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterSearch && + save == other.save && + hint == other.hint && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ save.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality({ + required this.anywhere, + required this.title, + }); + + final String anywhere; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality( + anywhere: map['anywhere']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality copyWith({ + String? anywhere, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality( + anywhere: anywhere ?? this.anywhere, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFilterLocality && + anywhere == other.anywhere && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ anywhere.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed({ + required this.plusExtra, + required this.lastPlace, + required this.endActiveFilter, + required this.end, + required this.reload, + required this.errorLoading, + required this.errorLoadingInternet, + required this.ban, + required this.invitation, + required this.empty, + }); + + final String plusExtra; + final String lastPlace; + final String endActiveFilter; + final String end; + final String reload; + final String errorLoading; + final String errorLoadingInternet; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan ban; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation invitation; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty empty; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed( + plusExtra: map['plusExtra']! as String, + lastPlace: map['lastPlace']! as String, + endActiveFilter: map['endActiveFilter']! as String, + end: map['end']! as String, + reload: map['reload']! as String, + errorLoading: map['errorLoading']! as String, + errorLoadingInternet: map['errorLoadingInternet']! as String, + ban: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan.fromJson( + map['ban']! as Map), + invitation: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation.fromJson( + map['invitation']! as Map), + empty: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty.fromJson( + map['empty']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed copyWith({ + String? plusExtra, + String? lastPlace, + String? endActiveFilter, + String? end, + String? reload, + String? errorLoading, + String? errorLoadingInternet, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan? ban, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation? invitation, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty? empty, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed( + plusExtra: plusExtra ?? this.plusExtra, + lastPlace: lastPlace ?? this.lastPlace, + endActiveFilter: endActiveFilter ?? this.endActiveFilter, + end: end ?? this.end, + reload: reload ?? this.reload, + errorLoading: errorLoading ?? this.errorLoading, + errorLoadingInternet: errorLoadingInternet ?? this.errorLoadingInternet, + ban: ban ?? this.ban, + invitation: invitation ?? this.invitation, + empty: empty ?? this.empty, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeed && + plusExtra == other.plusExtra && + lastPlace == other.lastPlace && + endActiveFilter == other.endActiveFilter && + end == other.end && + reload == other.reload && + errorLoading == other.errorLoading && + errorLoadingInternet == other.errorLoadingInternet && + ban == other.ban && + invitation == other.invitation && + empty == other.empty); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + plusExtra.hashCode ^ + lastPlace.hashCode ^ + endActiveFilter.hashCode ^ + end.hashCode ^ + reload.hashCode ^ + errorLoading.hashCode ^ + errorLoadingInternet.hashCode ^ + ban.hashCode ^ + invitation.hashCode ^ + empty.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan({ + required this.labelNote, + required this.description, + required this.unlimited, + required this.title, + }); + + final String labelNote; + final String description; + final String unlimited; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan( + labelNote: map['labelNote']! as String, + description: map['description']! as String, + unlimited: map['unlimited']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan copyWith({ + String? labelNote, + String? description, + String? unlimited, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan( + labelNote: labelNote ?? this.labelNote, + description: description ?? this.description, + unlimited: unlimited ?? this.unlimited, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedBan && + labelNote == other.labelNote && + description == other.description && + unlimited == other.unlimited && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + labelNote.hashCode ^ + description.hashCode ^ + unlimited.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation({ + required this.title, + required this.expiration, + required this.button, + }); + + final String title; + final String expiration; + final AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation( + title: map['title']! as String, + expiration: map['expiration']! as String, + button: AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation copyWith({ + String? title, + String? expiration, + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton? button, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation( + title: title ?? this.title, + expiration: expiration ?? this.expiration, + button: button ?? this.button, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitation && + title == other.title && + expiration == other.expiration && + button == other.button); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + expiration.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton({ + required this.reject, + required this.accept, + }); + + final String reject; + final String accept; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton( + reject: map['reject']! as String, + accept: map['accept']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton copyWith({ + String? reject, + String? accept, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton( + reject: reject ?? this.reject, + accept: accept ?? this.accept, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedInvitationButton && + reject == other.reject && + accept == other.accept); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ reject.hashCode ^ accept.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty({ + required this.loadAgain, + required this.noFilter, + required this.loadAgainWithoutFilter, + required this.activeFilter, + }); + + final String loadAgain; + final String noFilter; + final String loadAgainWithoutFilter; + final String activeFilter; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty( + loadAgain: map['loadAgain']! as String, + noFilter: map['noFilter']! as String, + loadAgainWithoutFilter: map['loadAgainWithoutFilter']! as String, + activeFilter: map['activeFilter']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty copyWith({ + String? loadAgain, + String? noFilter, + String? loadAgainWithoutFilter, + String? activeFilter, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty( + loadAgain: loadAgain ?? this.loadAgain, + noFilter: noFilter ?? this.noFilter, + loadAgainWithoutFilter: + loadAgainWithoutFilter ?? this.loadAgainWithoutFilter, + activeFilter: activeFilter ?? this.activeFilter, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsFeedEmpty && + loadAgain == other.loadAgain && + noFilter == other.noFilter && + loadAgainWithoutFilter == other.loadAgainWithoutFilter && + activeFilter == other.activeFilter); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + loadAgain.hashCode ^ + noFilter.hashCode ^ + loadAgainWithoutFilter.hashCode ^ + activeFilter.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList { + const AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList({ + required this.tomorrow, + required this.today, + required this.search, + required this.anywhere, + }); + + final String tomorrow; + final String today; + final String search; + final String anywhere; + factory AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList( + tomorrow: map['tomorrow']! as String, + today: map['today']! as String, + search: map['search']! as String, + anywhere: map['anywhere']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList copyWith({ + String? tomorrow, + String? today, + String? search, + String? anywhere, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList( + tomorrow: tomorrow ?? this.tomorrow, + today: today ?? this.today, + search: search ?? this.search, + anywhere: anywhere ?? this.anywhere, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataShiftsList && + tomorrow == other.tomorrow && + today == other.today && + search == other.search && + anywhere == other.anywhere); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + tomorrow.hashCode ^ + today.hashCode ^ + search.hashCode ^ + anywhere.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignup { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignup({ + required this.tocLink, + required this.tocAgree, + required this.title, + required this.finish, + required this.success, + required this.error, + required this.button, + required this.input, + required this.appbar, + }); + + final String tocLink; + final String tocAgree; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish finish; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess success; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupError error; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton button; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput input; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar appbar; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignup.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignup( + tocLink: map['tocLink']! as String, + tocAgree: map['tocAgree']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + finish: AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish.fromJson( + map['finish']! as Map), + success: AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + error: AppLocalizationsDataSignupError.fromJson( + map['error']! as Map), + button: AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + input: AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput.fromJson( + map['input']! as Map), + appbar: AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar.fromJson( + map['appbar']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignup copyWith({ + String? tocLink, + String? tocAgree, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish? finish, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess? success, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupError? error, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton? button, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput? input, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar? appbar, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignup( + tocLink: tocLink ?? this.tocLink, + tocAgree: tocAgree ?? this.tocAgree, + title: title ?? this.title, + finish: finish ?? this.finish, + success: success ?? this.success, + error: error ?? this.error, + button: button ?? this.button, + input: input ?? this.input, + appbar: appbar ?? this.appbar, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignup && + tocLink == other.tocLink && + tocAgree == other.tocAgree && + title == other.title && + finish == other.finish && + success == other.success && + error == other.error && + button == other.button && + input == other.input && + appbar == other.appbar); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + tocLink.hashCode ^ + tocAgree.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + finish.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode ^ + error.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + input.hashCode ^ + appbar.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish({ + required this.success, + required this.source, + required this.gender, + required this.locality, + required this.password, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess success; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource source; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender gender; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality locality; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword password; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish( + success: AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess.fromJson( + map['success']! as Map), + source: AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource.fromJson( + map['source']! as Map), + gender: AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender.fromJson( + map['gender']! as Map), + locality: AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality.fromJson( + map['locality']! as Map), + password: AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword.fromJson( + map['password']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess? success, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource? source, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender? gender, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality? locality, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword? password, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish( + success: success ?? this.success, + source: source ?? this.source, + gender: gender ?? this.gender, + locality: locality ?? this.locality, + password: password ?? this.password, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinish && + success == other.success && + source == other.source && + gender == other.gender && + locality == other.locality && + password == other.password); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + success.hashCode ^ + source.hashCode ^ + gender.hashCode ^ + locality.hashCode ^ + password.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess({ + required this.button, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String button; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess( + button: map['button']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess copyWith({ + String? button, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess( + button: button ?? this.button, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSuccess && + button == other.button && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ button.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource({ + required this.otherHint, + required this.other, + }); + + final String otherHint; + final String other; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource( + otherHint: map['otherHint']! as String, + other: map['other']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource copyWith({ + String? otherHint, + String? other, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource( + otherHint: otherHint ?? this.otherHint, + other: other ?? this.other, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishSource && + otherHint == other.otherHint && + other == other.other); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ otherHint.hashCode ^ other.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender({ + required this.woman, + required this.man, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String woman; + final String man; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender( + woman: map['woman']! as String, + man: map['man']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender copyWith({ + String? woman, + String? man, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender( + woman: woman ?? this.woman, + man: man ?? this.man, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishGender && + woman == other.woman && + man == other.man && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + woman.hashCode ^ + man.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality({ + required this.invalid, + required this.hint, + required this.label, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String invalid; + final String hint; + final String label; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality( + invalid: map['invalid']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality copyWith({ + String? invalid, + String? hint, + String? label, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality( + invalid: invalid ?? this.invalid, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishLocality && + invalid == other.invalid && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + invalid.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword({ + required this.tooShort, + required this.submit, + required this.title, + }); + + final String tooShort; + final String submit; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword( + tooShort: map['tooShort']! as String, + submit: map['submit']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword copyWith({ + String? tooShort, + String? submit, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword( + tooShort: tooShort ?? this.tooShort, + submit: submit ?? this.submit, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupFinishPassword && + tooShort == other.tooShort && + submit == other.submit && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + tooShort.hashCode ^ + submit.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess({ + required this.techSupport, + required this.sendEmailAgain, + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); + + final String techSupport; + final String sendEmailAgain; + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess( + techSupport: map['techSupport']! as String, + sendEmailAgain: map['sendEmailAgain']! as String, + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess copyWith({ + String? techSupport, + String? sendEmailAgain, + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess( + techSupport: techSupport ?? this.techSupport, + sendEmailAgain: sendEmailAgain ?? this.sendEmailAgain, + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupSuccess && + techSupport == other.techSupport && + sendEmailAgain == other.sendEmailAgain && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + techSupport.hashCode ^ + sendEmailAgain.hashCode ^ + body.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupError { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupError({ + required this.emailTaken, + }); + + final String emailTaken; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupError.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupError( + emailTaken: map['emailTaken']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupError copyWith({ + String? emailTaken, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupError( + emailTaken: emailTaken ?? this.emailTaken, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupError && + emailTaken == other.emailTaken); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ emailTaken.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton({ + required this.signup, + }); + + final String signup; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton( + signup: map['signup']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton copyWith({ + String? signup, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton( + signup: signup ?? this.signup, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupButton && signup == other.signup); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ signup.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput({ + required this.email, + required this.lastName, + required this.firstName, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail email; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName lastName; + final AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName firstName; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput( + email: AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail.fromJson( + map['email']! as Map), + lastName: AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName.fromJson( + map['lastName']! as Map), + firstName: AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName.fromJson( + map['firstName']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail? email, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName? lastName, + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName? firstName, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput( + email: email ?? this.email, + lastName: lastName ?? this.lastName, + firstName: firstName ?? this.firstName, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupInput && + email == other.email && + lastName == other.lastName && + firstName == other.firstName); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + email.hashCode ^ + lastName.hashCode ^ + firstName.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail({ + required this.notValid, + required this.missing, + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String notValid; + final String missing; + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail( + notValid: map['notValid']! as String, + missing: map['missing']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail copyWith({ + String? notValid, + String? missing, + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail( + notValid: notValid ?? this.notValid, + missing: missing ?? this.missing, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputEmail && + notValid == other.notValid && + missing == other.missing && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + notValid.hashCode ^ + missing.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName({ + required this.missing, + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String missing; + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName( + missing: map['missing']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName copyWith({ + String? missing, + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName( + missing: missing ?? this.missing, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputLastName && + missing == other.missing && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ missing.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName({ + required this.missing, + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String missing; + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName( + missing: map['missing']! as String, + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName copyWith({ + String? missing, + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName( + missing: missing ?? this.missing, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupInputFirstName && + missing == other.missing && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ missing.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar { + const AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataSignupAppbar && title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataLogin { + const AppLocalizationsDataLogin({ + required this.error, + required this.subtitle, + required this.title, + required this.label, + required this.button, + required this.input, + }); + + final String error; + final String subtitle; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel label; + final AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton button; + final AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput input; + factory AppLocalizationsDataLogin.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataLogin( + error: map['error']! as String, + subtitle: map['subtitle']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + label: AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel.fromJson( + map['label']! as Map), + button: AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), + input: AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput.fromJson( + map['input']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataLogin copyWith({ + String? error, + String? subtitle, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel? label, + AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton? button, + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput? input, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataLogin( + error: error ?? this.error, + subtitle: subtitle ?? this.subtitle, + title: title ?? this.title, + label: label ?? this.label, + button: button ?? this.button, + input: input ?? this.input, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataLogin && + error == other.error && + subtitle == other.subtitle && + title == other.title && + label == other.label && + button == other.button && + input == other.input); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + error.hashCode ^ + subtitle.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode ^ + input.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel { + const AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel({ + required this.tymbeCz, + required this.label, + required this.noAccount, + }); + + final String tymbeCz; + final String label; + final String noAccount; + factory AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel( + tymbeCz: map['tymbeCz']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + noAccount: map['noAccount']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel copyWith({ + String? tymbeCz, + String? label, + String? noAccount, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel( + tymbeCz: tymbeCz ?? this.tymbeCz, + label: label ?? this.label, + noAccount: noAccount ?? this.noAccount, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataLoginLabel && + tymbeCz == other.tymbeCz && + label == other.label && + noAccount == other.noAccount); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + tymbeCz.hashCode ^ + label.hashCode ^ + noAccount.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton({ + required this.changeLanguage, + required this.registration, + required this.login, + required this.forgottenPassword, + }); + + final String changeLanguage; + final String registration; + final String login; + final String forgottenPassword; + factory AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton( + changeLanguage: map['changeLanguage']! as String, + registration: map['registration']! as String, + login: map['login']! as String, + forgottenPassword: map['forgottenPassword']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton copyWith({ + String? changeLanguage, + String? registration, + String? login, + String? forgottenPassword, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton( + changeLanguage: changeLanguage ?? this.changeLanguage, + registration: registration ?? this.registration, + login: login ?? this.login, + forgottenPassword: forgottenPassword ?? this.forgottenPassword, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataLoginButton && + changeLanguage == other.changeLanguage && + registration == other.registration && + login == other.login && + forgottenPassword == other.forgottenPassword); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + changeLanguage.hashCode ^ + registration.hashCode ^ + login.hashCode ^ + forgottenPassword.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput { + const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput({ + required this.password, + required this.email, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword password; + final AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail email; + factory AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput( + password: AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword.fromJson( + map['password']! as Map), + email: AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail.fromJson( + map['email']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword? password, + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail? email, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput( + password: password ?? this.password, + email: email ?? this.email, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataLoginInput && + password == other.password && + email == other.email); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ password.hashCode ^ email.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword { + const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword({ + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputPassword && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail { + const AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail({ + required this.hint, + required this.label, + }); + + final String hint; + final String label; + factory AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail( + hint: map['hint']! as String, + label: map['label']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail copyWith({ + String? hint, + String? label, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail( + hint: hint ?? this.hint, + label: label ?? this.label, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataLoginInputEmail && + hint == other.hint && + label == other.label); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ hint.hashCode ^ label.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough({ + required this.step3, + required this.step2, + required this.step1, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3 step3; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2 step2; + final AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1 step1; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough( + step3: AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3.fromJson( + map['step3']! as Map), + step2: AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2.fromJson( + map['step2']! as Map), + step1: AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1.fromJson( + map['step1']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3? step3, + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2? step2, + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1? step1, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough( + step3: step3 ?? this.step3, + step2: step2 ?? this.step2, + step1: step1 ?? this.step1, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalkthrough && + step3 == other.step3 && + step2 == other.step2 && + step1 == other.step1); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ step3.hashCode ^ step2.hashCode ^ step1.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3 { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3 copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep3 && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2 { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2 copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep2 && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1 { + const AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1({ + required this.description, + required this.title, + }); + + final String description; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1( + description: map['description']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1 copyWith({ + String? description, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1( + description: description ?? this.description, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWalkthroughStep1 && + description == other.description && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ description.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataValidator { + const AppLocalizationsDataValidator({ + required this.czech, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech czech; + factory AppLocalizationsDataValidator.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidator( + czech: AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech.fromJson( + map['czech']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataValidator copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech? czech, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidator( + czech: czech ?? this.czech, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataValidator && czech == other.czech); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ czech.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech { + const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech({ + required this.zip, + required this.nationalNumber, + }); + + final AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip zip; + final AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber nationalNumber; + factory AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech( + zip: AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip.fromJson( + map['zip']! as Map), + nationalNumber: + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber.fromJson( + map['nationalNumber']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip? zip, + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber? nationalNumber, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech( + zip: zip ?? this.zip, + nationalNumber: nationalNumber ?? this.nationalNumber, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzech && + zip == other.zip && + nationalNumber == other.nationalNumber); + @override + int get hashCode => + runtimeType.hashCode ^ zip.hashCode ^ nationalNumber.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip { + const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip({ + required this.error, + }); + + final String error; + factory AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip( + error: map['error']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip copyWith({ + String? error, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip( + error: error ?? this.error, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechZip && error == other.error); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ error.hashCode; } -class AppLocalizationsData { - const AppLocalizationsData({ - required this.plurals, - required this.templated, - required this.dates, - required this.multiline, +class AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber { + const AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber({ + required this.error, }); - final AppLocalizationsDataPlurals plurals; - final AppLocalizationsDataTemplated templated; - final AppLocalizationsDataDates dates; - final String multiline; - factory AppLocalizationsData.fromJson(Map map) => - AppLocalizationsData( - plurals: AppLocalizationsDataPlurals.fromJson( - map['plurals']! as Map), - templated: AppLocalizationsDataTemplated.fromJson( - map['templated']! as Map), - dates: AppLocalizationsDataDates.fromJson( - map['dates']! as Map), - multiline: map['multiline']! as String, + final String error; + factory AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber( + error: map['error']! as String, ); - AppLocalizationsData copyWith({ - AppLocalizationsDataPlurals? plurals, - AppLocalizationsDataTemplated? templated, - AppLocalizationsDataDates? dates, - String? multiline, + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber copyWith({ + String? error, }) => - AppLocalizationsData( - plurals: plurals ?? this.plurals, - templated: templated ?? this.templated, - dates: dates ?? this.dates, - multiline: multiline ?? this.multiline, + AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber( + error: error ?? this.error, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsData && - plurals == other.plurals && - templated == other.templated && - dates == other.dates && - multiline == other.multiline); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataValidatorCzechNationalNumber && + error == other.error); @override - int get hashCode => - runtimeType.hashCode ^ - plurals.hashCode ^ - templated.hashCode ^ - dates.hashCode ^ - multiline.hashCode; + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ error.hashCode; } -class AppLocalizationsDataPlurals { - const AppLocalizationsDataPlurals({ - required String manMultiple, - required String manOne, - required String manZero, - }) : _manMultiple = manMultiple, - _manOne = manOne, - _manZero = manZero; +class AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup { + const AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup({ + required this.title, + }); + + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup( + title: map['title']! as String, + ); - final String _manMultiple; - final String _manOne; - final String _manZero; + AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup copyWith({ + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup( + title: title ?? this.title, + ); - String man({ - required Plural plural, - }) { - if (plural == Plural.multiple) { - return _manMultiple; - } - if (plural == Plural.one) { - return _manOne; - } - if (plural == Plural.zero) { - return _manZero; - } - throw Exception(); - } + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataWebAppBackup && title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataDialog { + const AppLocalizationsDataDialog({ + required this.incorrectPassword, + required this.loggedOut, + required this.hint, + }); - factory AppLocalizationsDataPlurals.fromJson(Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataPlurals( - manMultiple: map['manMultiple']! as String, - manOne: map['manOne']! as String, - manZero: map['manZero']! as String, + final String incorrectPassword; + final AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut loggedOut; + final AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint hint; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDialog.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDialog( + incorrectPassword: map['incorrectPassword']! as String, + loggedOut: AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut.fromJson( + map['loggedOut']! as Map), + hint: AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint.fromJson( + map['hint']! as Map), ); - AppLocalizationsDataPlurals copyWith({ - String? manMultiple, - String? manOne, - String? manZero, + AppLocalizationsDataDialog copyWith({ + String? incorrectPassword, + AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut? loggedOut, + AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint? hint, }) => - AppLocalizationsDataPlurals( - manMultiple: manMultiple ?? _manMultiple, - manOne: manOne ?? _manOne, - manZero: manZero ?? _manZero, + AppLocalizationsDataDialog( + incorrectPassword: incorrectPassword ?? this.incorrectPassword, + loggedOut: loggedOut ?? this.loggedOut, + hint: hint ?? this.hint, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataPlurals && - _manMultiple == other._manMultiple && - _manOne == other._manOne && - _manZero == other._manZero); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDialog && + incorrectPassword == other.incorrectPassword && + loggedOut == other.loggedOut && + hint == other.hint); @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ - _manMultiple.hashCode ^ - _manOne.hashCode ^ - _manZero.hashCode; + incorrectPassword.hashCode ^ + loggedOut.hashCode ^ + hint.hashCode; } -class AppLocalizationsDataTemplated { - const AppLocalizationsDataTemplated({ - required this.date, - required this.numbers, - required String pattern, - required String simple, - required String formatted, - required String count, - required String contactFemale, - required String contactMale, - required String hello, - }) : _pattern = pattern, - _simple = simple, - _formatted = formatted, - _count = count, - _contactFemale = contactFemale, - _contactMale = contactMale, - _hello = hello; - - final AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate date; - final AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers numbers; - final String _pattern; - final String _simple; - final String _formatted; - final String _count; - final String _contactFemale; - final String _contactMale; - final String _hello; - - String pattern({ - required DateTime date, - String? locale, - }) { - return _pattern.insertTemplateValues( - {'date': date}, - locale: locale, - ); - } +class AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut { + const AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut({ + required this.body, + required this.title, + }); - String simple({ - required DateTime date, - String? locale, - }) { - return _simple.insertTemplateValues( - {'date': date}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + final String body; + final String title; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut( + body: map['body']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + ); - String formatted({ - required double price, - String? locale, - }) { - return _formatted.insertTemplateValues( - {'price': price}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut copyWith({ + String? body, + String? title, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut( + body: body ?? this.body, + title: title ?? this.title, + ); - String count({ - required int count, - String? locale, - }) { - return _count.insertTemplateValues( - {'count': count}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDialogLoggedOut && + body == other.body && + title == other.title); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ body.hashCode ^ title.hashCode; +} - String contact({ - required Gender gender, - required String lastName, - String? locale, - }) { - if (gender == Gender.female) { - return _contactFemale.insertTemplateValues( - {'last_name': lastName}, - locale: locale, +class AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint({ + required this.close, + }); + + final String close; + factory AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint( + close: map['close']! as String, ); - } - if (gender == Gender.male) { - return _contactMale.insertTemplateValues( - {'last_name': lastName}, - locale: locale, + + AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint copyWith({ + String? close, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint( + close: close ?? this.close, ); - } - throw Exception(); - } - String hello({ - required String firstName, - String? locale, - }) { - return _hello.insertTemplateValues( - {'first_name': firstName}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataDialogHint && close == other.close); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ close.hashCode; +} - factory AppLocalizationsDataTemplated.fromJson(Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataTemplated( - date: AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate.fromJson( - map['date']! as Map), - numbers: AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers.fromJson( - map['numbers']! as Map), - pattern: map['pattern']! as String, - simple: map['simple']! as String, - formatted: map['formatted']! as String, - count: map['count']! as String, - contactFemale: map['contactFemale']! as String, - contactMale: map['contactMale']! as String, - hello: map['hello']! as String, - ); - - AppLocalizationsDataTemplated copyWith({ - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate? date, - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers? numbers, - String? pattern, - String? simple, - String? formatted, - String? count, - String? contactFemale, - String? contactMale, - String? hello, - }) => - AppLocalizationsDataTemplated( - date: date ?? this.date, - numbers: numbers ?? this.numbers, - pattern: pattern ?? _pattern, - simple: simple ?? _simple, - formatted: formatted ?? _formatted, - count: count ?? _count, - contactFemale: contactFemale ?? _contactFemale, - contactMale: contactMale ?? _contactMale, - hello: hello ?? _hello, +class AppLocalizationsDataError { + const AppLocalizationsDataError({ + required this.webOpenFailed, + }); + + final String webOpenFailed; + factory AppLocalizationsDataError.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataError( + webOpenFailed: map['webOpenFailed']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataError copyWith({ + String? webOpenFailed, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataError( + webOpenFailed: webOpenFailed ?? this.webOpenFailed, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataTemplated && - date == other.date && - numbers == other.numbers && - _pattern == other._pattern && - _simple == other._simple && - _formatted == other._formatted && - _count == other._count && - _contactFemale == other._contactFemale && - _contactMale == other._contactMale && - _hello == other._hello); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataError && + webOpenFailed == other.webOpenFailed); @override - int get hashCode => - runtimeType.hashCode ^ - date.hashCode ^ - numbers.hashCode ^ - _pattern.hashCode ^ - _simple.hashCode ^ - _formatted.hashCode ^ - _count.hashCode ^ - _contactFemale.hashCode ^ - _contactMale.hashCode ^ - _hello.hashCode; -} - -class AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate { - const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate({ - required String pattern, - required String simple, - }) : _pattern = pattern, - _simple = simple; - - final String _pattern; - final String _simple; - - String pattern({ - required DateTime date, - String? locale, - }) { - return _pattern.insertTemplateValues( - {'date': date}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ webOpenFailed.hashCode; +} - String simple({ - required DateTime date, - String? locale, - }) { - return _simple.insertTemplateValues( - {'date': date}, - locale: locale, - ); - } +class AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav { + const AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav({ + required this.temping, + }); - factory AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate.fromJson( + final AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping temping; + factory AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav( + temping: AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping.fromJson( + map['temping']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping? temping, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav( + temping: temping ?? this.temping, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataBottomnav && temping == other.temping); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ temping.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping { + const AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping({ + required this.wallet, + required this.attendance, + required this.shifts, + }); + + final String wallet; + final String attendance; + final String shifts; + factory AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping.fromJson( Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate( - pattern: map['pattern']! as String, - simple: map['simple']! as String, + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping( + wallet: map['wallet']! as String, + attendance: map['attendance']! as String, + shifts: map['shifts']! as String, ); - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate copyWith({ - String? pattern, - String? simple, + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping copyWith({ + String? wallet, + String? attendance, + String? shifts, }) => - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate( - pattern: pattern ?? _pattern, - simple: simple ?? _simple, + AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping( + wallet: wallet ?? this.wallet, + attendance: attendance ?? this.attendance, + shifts: shifts ?? this.shifts, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedDate && - _pattern == other._pattern && - _simple == other._simple); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataBottomnavTemping && + wallet == other.wallet && + attendance == other.attendance && + shifts == other.shifts); @override int get hashCode => - runtimeType.hashCode ^ _pattern.hashCode ^ _simple.hashCode; + runtimeType.hashCode ^ + wallet.hashCode ^ + attendance.hashCode ^ + shifts.hashCode; } -class AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers { - const AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers({ - required String formatted, - required String simple, - required String count, - }) : _formatted = formatted, - _simple = simple, - _count = count; +class AppLocalizationsDataHint { + const AppLocalizationsDataHint({ + required this.credits, + }); - final String _formatted; - final String _simple; - final String _count; + final AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits credits; + factory AppLocalizationsDataHint.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataHint( + credits: AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits.fromJson( + map['credits']! as Map), + ); - String formatted({ - required double price, - String? locale, - }) { - return _formatted.insertTemplateValues( - {'price': price}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + AppLocalizationsDataHint copyWith({ + AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits? credits, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataHint( + credits: credits ?? this.credits, + ); - String simple({ - required double price, - String? locale, - }) { - return _simple.insertTemplateValues( - {'price': price}, - locale: locale, - ); - } + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataHint && credits == other.credits); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ credits.hashCode; +} - String count({ - required int count, - String? locale, - }) { - return _count.insertTemplateValues( - {'count': count}, - locale: locale, - ); - } +class AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits { + const AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits({ + required this.message, + required this.title, + required this.button, + }); - factory AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers.fromJson( - Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers( - formatted: map['formatted']! as String, - simple: map['simple']! as String, - count: map['count']! as String, + final String message; + final String title; + final AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton button; + factory AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits( + message: map['message']! as String, + title: map['title']! as String, + button: AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton.fromJson( + map['button']! as Map), ); - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers copyWith({ - String? formatted, - String? simple, - String? count, + AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits copyWith({ + String? message, + String? title, + AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton? button, }) => - AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers( - formatted: formatted ?? _formatted, - simple: simple ?? _simple, - count: count ?? _count, + AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits( + message: message ?? this.message, + title: title ?? this.title, + button: button ?? this.button, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataTemplatedNumbers && - _formatted == other._formatted && - _simple == other._simple && - _count == other._count); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataHintCredits && + message == other.message && + title == other.title && + button == other.button); @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ - _formatted.hashCode ^ - _simple.hashCode ^ - _count.hashCode; + message.hashCode ^ + title.hashCode ^ + button.hashCode; } -class AppLocalizationsDataDates { - const AppLocalizationsDataDates({ - required this.month, - required this.weekday, - required this.april, - required this.march, - required this.february, - required this.january, - required this.sunday, - required this.saturday, - required this.friday, - required this.thursday, - required this.wednesday, - required this.tuesday, - required this.monday, +class AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton { + const AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton({ + required this.more, }); - final AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth month; - final AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday weekday; - final String april; - final String march; - final String february; - final String january; - final String sunday; - final String saturday; - final String friday; - final String thursday; - final String wednesday; - final String tuesday; - final String monday; - factory AppLocalizationsDataDates.fromJson(Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataDates( - month: AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth.fromJson( - map['month']! as Map), - weekday: AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday.fromJson( - map['weekday']! as Map), - april: map['april']! as String, - march: map['march']! as String, - february: map['february']! as String, - january: map['january']! as String, - sunday: map['sunday']! as String, - saturday: map['saturday']! as String, - friday: map['friday']! as String, - thursday: map['thursday']! as String, - wednesday: map['wednesday']! as String, - tuesday: map['tuesday']! as String, - monday: map['monday']! as String, - ); - - AppLocalizationsDataDates copyWith({ - AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth? month, - AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday? weekday, - String? april, - String? march, - String? february, - String? january, - String? sunday, - String? saturday, - String? friday, - String? thursday, - String? wednesday, - String? tuesday, - String? monday, - }) => - AppLocalizationsDataDates( - month: month ?? this.month, - weekday: weekday ?? this.weekday, - april: april ?? this.april, - march: march ?? this.march, - february: february ?? this.february, - january: january ?? this.january, - sunday: sunday ?? this.sunday, - saturday: saturday ?? this.saturday, - friday: friday ?? this.friday, - thursday: thursday ?? this.thursday, - wednesday: wednesday ?? this.wednesday, - tuesday: tuesday ?? this.tuesday, - monday: monday ?? this.monday, + final String more; + factory AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton( + more: map['more']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton copyWith({ + String? more, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton( + more: more ?? this.more, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataDates && - month == other.month && - weekday == other.weekday && - april == other.april && - march == other.march && - february == other.february && - january == other.january && - sunday == other.sunday && - saturday == other.saturday && - friday == other.friday && - thursday == other.thursday && - wednesday == other.wednesday && - tuesday == other.tuesday && - monday == other.monday); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataHintCreditsButton && more == other.more); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ more.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataGlobal { + const AppLocalizationsDataGlobal({ + required this.tocLink, + required this.tocText, + required this.tymbeCredits, + required this.credits, + required this.inMoreThanOneDay, + required this.inOneDay, + required this.to, + required this.from, + required this.save, + required this.search, + required this.tryAgain, + required this.no, + required this.yes, + required this.perHour, + required this.hour, + required this.czechCrowns, + required this.creditsPerHour, + required this.ok, + required this.contactSupport, + required this.woman, + required this.man, + required this.skip, + required this.goOn, + required this.appname, + required this.input, + required this.currency, + required this.language, + }); + + final String tocLink; + final String tocText; + final String tymbeCredits; + final String credits; + final String inMoreThanOneDay; + final String inOneDay; + final String to; + final String from; + final String save; + final String search; + final String tryAgain; + final String no; + final String yes; + final String perHour; + final String hour; + final String czechCrowns; + final String creditsPerHour; + final String ok; + final String contactSupport; + final String woman; + final String man; + final String skip; + final String goOn; + final String appname; + final AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput input; + final AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency currency; + final AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage language; + factory AppLocalizationsDataGlobal.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobal( + tocLink: map['tocLink']! as String, + tocText: map['tocText']! as String, + tymbeCredits: map['tymbeCredits']! as String, + credits: map['credits']! as String, + inMoreThanOneDay: map['inMoreThanOneDay']! as String, + inOneDay: map['inOneDay']! as String, + to: map['to']! as String, + from: map['from']! as String, + save: map['save']! as String, + search: map['search']! as String, + tryAgain: map['tryAgain']! as String, + no: map['no']! as String, + yes: map['yes']! as String, + perHour: map['perHour']! as String, + hour: map['hour']! as String, + czechCrowns: map['czechCrowns']! as String, + creditsPerHour: map['creditsPerHour']! as String, + ok: map['ok']! as String, + contactSupport: map['contactSupport']! as String, + woman: map['woman']! as String, + man: map['man']! as String, + skip: map['skip']! as String, + goOn: map['goOn']! as String, + appname: map['appname']! as String, + input: AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput.fromJson( + map['input']! as Map), + currency: AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency.fromJson( + map['currency']! as Map), + language: AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage.fromJson( + map['language']! as Map), + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataGlobal copyWith({ + String? tocLink, + String? tocText, + String? tymbeCredits, + String? credits, + String? inMoreThanOneDay, + String? inOneDay, + String? to, + String? from, + String? save, + String? search, + String? tryAgain, + String? no, + String? yes, + String? perHour, + String? hour, + String? czechCrowns, + String? creditsPerHour, + String? ok, + String? contactSupport, + String? woman, + String? man, + String? skip, + String? goOn, + String? appname, + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput? input, + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency? currency, + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage? language, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobal( + tocLink: tocLink ?? this.tocLink, + tocText: tocText ?? this.tocText, + tymbeCredits: tymbeCredits ?? this.tymbeCredits, + credits: credits ?? this.credits, + inMoreThanOneDay: inMoreThanOneDay ?? this.inMoreThanOneDay, + inOneDay: inOneDay ?? this.inOneDay, + to: to ?? this.to, + from: from ?? this.from, + save: save ?? this.save, + search: search ?? this.search, + tryAgain: tryAgain ?? this.tryAgain, + no: no ?? this.no, + yes: yes ?? this.yes, + perHour: perHour ?? this.perHour, + hour: hour ?? this.hour, + czechCrowns: czechCrowns ?? this.czechCrowns, + creditsPerHour: creditsPerHour ?? this.creditsPerHour, + ok: ok ?? this.ok, + contactSupport: contactSupport ?? this.contactSupport, + woman: woman ?? this.woman, + man: man ?? this.man, + skip: skip ?? this.skip, + goOn: goOn ?? this.goOn, + appname: appname ?? this.appname, + input: input ?? this.input, + currency: currency ?? this.currency, + language: language ?? this.language, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataGlobal && + tocLink == other.tocLink && + tocText == other.tocText && + tymbeCredits == other.tymbeCredits && + credits == other.credits && + inMoreThanOneDay == other.inMoreThanOneDay && + inOneDay == other.inOneDay && + to == other.to && + from == other.from && + save == other.save && + search == other.search && + tryAgain == other.tryAgain && + no == other.no && + yes == other.yes && + perHour == other.perHour && + hour == other.hour && + czechCrowns == other.czechCrowns && + creditsPerHour == other.creditsPerHour && + ok == other.ok && + contactSupport == other.contactSupport && + woman == other.woman && + man == other.man && + skip == other.skip && + goOn == other.goOn && + appname == other.appname && + input == other.input && + currency == other.currency && + language == other.language); @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ - month.hashCode ^ - weekday.hashCode ^ - april.hashCode ^ - march.hashCode ^ - february.hashCode ^ - january.hashCode ^ - sunday.hashCode ^ - saturday.hashCode ^ - friday.hashCode ^ - thursday.hashCode ^ - wednesday.hashCode ^ - tuesday.hashCode ^ - monday.hashCode; -} - -class AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth { - const AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth({ - required this.april, - required this.march, - required this.february, - required this.january, + tocLink.hashCode ^ + tocText.hashCode ^ + tymbeCredits.hashCode ^ + credits.hashCode ^ + inMoreThanOneDay.hashCode ^ + inOneDay.hashCode ^ + to.hashCode ^ + from.hashCode ^ + save.hashCode ^ + search.hashCode ^ + tryAgain.hashCode ^ + no.hashCode ^ + yes.hashCode ^ + perHour.hashCode ^ + hour.hashCode ^ + czechCrowns.hashCode ^ + creditsPerHour.hashCode ^ + ok.hashCode ^ + contactSupport.hashCode ^ + woman.hashCode ^ + man.hashCode ^ + skip.hashCode ^ + goOn.hashCode ^ + appname.hashCode ^ + input.hashCode ^ + currency.hashCode ^ + language.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput { + const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput({ + required this.required, }); - final String april; - final String march; - final String february; - final String january; - factory AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth.fromJson(Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth( - april: map['april']! as String, - march: map['march']! as String, - february: map['february']! as String, - january: map['january']! as String, + final String required; + factory AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput.fromJson(Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput( + required: map['required']! as String, ); - AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth copyWith({ - String? april, - String? march, - String? february, - String? january, + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput copyWith({ + String? required, }) => - AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth( - april: april ?? this.april, - march: march ?? this.march, - february: february ?? this.february, - january: january ?? this.january, + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput( + required: required ?? this.required, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataDatesMonth && - april == other.april && - march == other.march && - february == other.february && - january == other.january); + (other is AppLocalizationsDataGlobalInput && required == other.required); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ required.hashCode; +} + +class AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency { + const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency({ + required this.creditsShort, + required this.credit, + required this.credits, + required this.creditsMoreThan4, + }); + + final String creditsShort; + final String credit; + final String credits; + final String creditsMoreThan4; + factory AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency( + creditsShort: map['creditsShort']! as String, + credit: map['credit']! as String, + credits: map['credits']! as String, + creditsMoreThan4: map['creditsMoreThan4']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency copyWith({ + String? creditsShort, + String? credit, + String? credits, + String? creditsMoreThan4, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency( + creditsShort: creditsShort ?? this.creditsShort, + credit: credit ?? this.credit, + credits: credits ?? this.credits, + creditsMoreThan4: creditsMoreThan4 ?? this.creditsMoreThan4, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataGlobalCurrency && + creditsShort == other.creditsShort && + credit == other.credit && + credits == other.credits && + creditsMoreThan4 == other.creditsMoreThan4); @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ - april.hashCode ^ - march.hashCode ^ - february.hashCode ^ - january.hashCode; + creditsShort.hashCode ^ + credit.hashCode ^ + credits.hashCode ^ + creditsMoreThan4.hashCode; } -class AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday { - const AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday({ - required this.sunday, - required this.saturday, - required this.friday, - required this.thursday, - required this.wednesday, - required this.tuesday, - required this.monday, - }); - - final String sunday; - final String saturday; - final String friday; - final String thursday; - final String wednesday; - final String tuesday; - final String monday; - factory AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday.fromJson(Map map) => - AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday( - sunday: map['sunday']! as String, - saturday: map['saturday']! as String, - friday: map['friday']! as String, - thursday: map['thursday']! as String, - wednesday: map['wednesday']! as String, - tuesday: map['tuesday']! as String, - monday: map['monday']! as String, - ); - - AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday copyWith({ - String? sunday, - String? saturday, - String? friday, - String? thursday, - String? wednesday, - String? tuesday, - String? monday, - }) => - AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday( - sunday: sunday ?? this.sunday, - saturday: saturday ?? this.saturday, - friday: friday ?? this.friday, - thursday: thursday ?? this.thursday, - wednesday: wednesday ?? this.wednesday, - tuesday: tuesday ?? this.tuesday, - monday: monday ?? this.monday, - ); - - @override - bool operator ==(Object other) => - identical(this, other) || - (other is AppLocalizationsDataDatesWeekday && - sunday == other.sunday && - saturday == other.saturday && - friday == other.friday && - thursday == other.thursday && - wednesday == other.wednesday && - tuesday == other.tuesday && - monday == other.monday); - @override - int get hashCode => - runtimeType.hashCode ^ - sunday.hashCode ^ - saturday.hashCode ^ - friday.hashCode ^ - thursday.hashCode ^ - wednesday.hashCode ^ - tuesday.hashCode ^ - monday.hashCode; +class AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage { + const AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage({ + required this.cs, + required this.uk, + }); + + final String cs; + final String uk; + factory AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage.fromJson( + Map map) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage( + cs: map['cs']! as String, + uk: map['uk']! as String, + ); + + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage copyWith({ + String? cs, + String? uk, + }) => + AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage( + cs: cs ?? this.cs, + uk: uk ?? this.uk, + ); + + @override + bool operator ==(Object other) => + identical(this, other) || + (other is AppLocalizationsDataGlobalLanguage && + cs == other.cs && + uk == other.uk); + @override + int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ cs.hashCode ^ uk.hashCode; } diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/main.dart b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/main.dart index 13189f0..9457308 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/main.dart +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/lib/main.dart @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { } class _MyAppState extends State { - Locale? _currentLocale; + Locale _currentLocale = Locale('cs'); @override void initState() { @@ -23,16 +23,17 @@ class _MyAppState extends State { Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Flutter Demo', - locale: _currentLocale, + locale: Locale(_currentLocale.toString()), localizationsDelegates: [ - const AppLocalizationsDelegate(), // <- Your custom delegate + AppLocalizationsDelegate(), GlobalMaterialLocalizations.delegate, GlobalWidgetsLocalizations.delegate, + GlobalCupertinoLocalizations.delegate, ], supportedLocales: localizedLabels.keys.toList(), // <- Supported locales home: MyHomePage( title: 'Internationalization demo', - locale: _currentLocale!, + locale: _currentLocale, onLocaleChanged: (locale) { if (_currentLocale != locale) { setState(() => _currentLocale = locale); @@ -44,11 +45,7 @@ class _MyAppState extends State { } class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget { - MyHomePage( - {Key? key, - required this.title, - required this.locale, - required this.onLocaleChanged}) + MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title, required this.locale, required this.onLocaleChanged}) : super(key: key); final String title; @@ -82,33 +79,9 @@ class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget { Expanded( child: Column( children: [ - Text(labels.dates.month.february), - Text(labels.multiline), - Text(labels.templated.hello(firstName: 'World')), - Text(labels.templated - .contact(gender: Gender.male, lastName: 'John')), - Text(labels.templated - .contact(gender: Gender.female, lastName: 'Jane')), - Text('0 ' + labels.plurals.man(plural: 0.plural())), - Text('1 ' + labels.plurals.man(plural: 1.plural())), - Text('5 ' + labels.plurals.man(plural: 5.plural())), - Text(labels.templated.numbers.simple(price: 10)), - Text(labels.templated.numbers.formatted(price: 10)), - Text(labels.templated.date.simple(date: DateTime.now())), - Text(labels.templated.date.pattern(date: DateTime.now())), - - /* - Text(labels.templated.datetime(DateFormatter.yMd, - now: DateTime.now().add(Duration(days: 2)))), - Text(labels.amount(NumberFormatter.currency, amount: 1000000)), - Text(labels.amount(NumberFormatter.compactCurrency, - amount: 1000000)), - Text(labels.amount(NumberFormatter.decimalPattern, - amount: 1000000.101)), - Text(labels.amount(null, amount: 1000000)), - */ + Text(labels.bottomnav.temping.shifts), + Text(labels.global.currency.creditsMoreThan4), ], - // Displaying templated label ), ), ], diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/pubspec.yaml b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/pubspec.yaml index 6a49cfa..515b758 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/pubspec.yaml +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/example/pubspec.yaml @@ -18,19 +18,20 @@ environment: dependencies: flutter_sheet_localization: + path: ../../flutter_sheet_localization flutter_localizations: sdk: flutter flutter: sdk: flutter - cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 - intl: ^0.17.0 + cupertino_icons: ^1.0.8 + intl: ^0.19.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter - build_runner: ^2.0.0 flutter_sheet_localization_generator: path: ../ + build_runner: ^2.4.12 # For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the # following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/lib/flutter_sheet_localization_generator.dart b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/lib/flutter_sheet_localization_generator.dart index f9af0e3..1b5837d 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/lib/flutter_sheet_localization_generator.dart +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/lib/flutter_sheet_localization_generator.dart @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart'; import 'package:build/build.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; -class SheetLocalizationGenerator - extends GeneratorForAnnotation { +class SheetLocalizationGenerator extends GeneratorForAnnotation { const SheetLocalizationGenerator(); @override @@ -19,8 +18,7 @@ class SheetLocalizationGenerator if (element is! ClassElement) { final name = element.name; throw InvalidGenerationSourceError('Generator cannot target `$name`.', - todo: 'Remove the SheetLocalization annotation from `$name`.', - element: element); + todo: 'Remove the SheetLocalization annotation from `$name`.', element: element); } if (!element.name.endsWith('Delegate')) { @@ -46,26 +44,26 @@ class SheetLocalizationGenerator final name = '${element.name.replaceAll('Delegate', '')}Data'; final docId = annotation.objectValue.getField('docId')!.toStringValue(); final sheetId = annotation.objectValue.getField('sheetId')!.toStringValue(); + final langFallback = annotation.objectValue.getField('langFallback')?.toStringValue(); + print(langFallback); var localizations = await _downloadGoogleSheet( docId!, sheetId!, name, ); - final builder = DartLocalizationBuilder(); + final builder = DartLocalizationBuilder(fallbackLocale: langFallback); final code = StringBuffer(); code.writeln(builder.build(localizations)); return code.toString(); } - Future _downloadGoogleSheet( - String documentId, String sheetId, String name) async { + Future _downloadGoogleSheet(String documentId, String sheetId, String name) async { final url = 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/$documentId/export?format=csv&id=$documentId&gid=$sheetId'; log.info('Downloading csv from Google sheet url "$url" ...'); - var response = await http - .get(Uri.parse(url), headers: {'accept': 'text/csv;charset=UTF-8'}); + var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url), headers: {'accept': 'text/csv;charset=UTF-8'}); log.fine('Google sheet csv:\n ${response.body}'); diff --git a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/pubspec.yaml b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/pubspec.yaml index cee1fa0..e160551 100644 --- a/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/pubspec.yaml +++ b/flutter_sheet_localization_generator/pubspec.yaml @@ -10,20 +10,22 @@ environment: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter - http: ^0.13.1 + http: ^1.2.2 meta: ^1.3.0 - csv: ^5.0.0 + csv: ^6.0.0 recase: ^4.0.0 code_builder: ^4.0.0 dart_style: ^2.0.0 source_gen: ^1.0.0 - flutter_sheet_localization: ^5.1.1 + flutter_sheet_localization: + path: ../flutter_sheet_localization build: ^2.0.0 - analyzer: ^1.4.0 - collection: ^1.15.0 - intl: ^0.17.0 - localization_builder: ^0.15.7 + analyzer: ^6.7.0 + collection: ^1.18.0 + intl: ^0.19.0 + localization_builder: + path: ../localization_builder dev_dependencies: build_test: ^2.0.0 - build_runner: ^2.0.2 + build_runner: ^2.4.12 diff --git a/localization_builder/example/pubspec.yaml b/localization_builder/example/pubspec.yaml index 052c7a9..416ecbf 100644 --- a/localization_builder/example/pubspec.yaml +++ b/localization_builder/example/pubspec.yaml @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ dependencies: http: ^0.13.0 csv: template_string: + path: ../../template_string localization_builder: path: ../ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/base.dart b/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/base.dart index e41b658..becb1a3 100644 --- a/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/base.dart +++ b/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/base.dart @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ String createFieldName(String name) { return _removeSpecialCharacters(cased.camelCase); } -String createClassdName(String name) { +String createClassName(String name) { final cased = ReCase(name); return _removeSpecialCharacters(cased.pascalCase); } diff --git a/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/data_class.dart b/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/data_class.dart index abc6766..de4191c 100644 --- a/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/data_class.dart +++ b/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/builders/data_class.dart @@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { String type, String name, { String? defaultValue, - PropertyBuilderJsonConverter jsonConverter = - defaultPropertyBuilderJsonConverter, + PropertyBuilderJsonConverter jsonConverter = defaultPropertyBuilderJsonConverter, }) { final isPrivate = name.startsWith('_'); final property = PropertyBuilder( @@ -70,8 +69,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { buffer.write('{'); for (var propertyName in propertyNames) { final property = _properties[propertyName]!; - buffer.write( - property.buildConstructorParameter(nullSafety: nullSafety)); + buffer.write(property.buildConstructorParameter(nullSafety: nullSafety)); buffer.writeln(','); } buffer.write('}'); @@ -84,8 +82,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) { var propertyName = propertyNames[i]; final property = _properties[propertyName]!; - initializers.addAll( - property.buildConstructorInitializers(nullSafety: nullSafety)); + initializers.addAll(property.buildConstructorInitializers(nullSafety: nullSafety)); } } @@ -139,8 +136,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { var propertyName = propertyNames[i]; var property = _properties[propertyName]!; propertyName = createFieldName(propertyName); - buffer.write( - ' _${property.argumentName} = ${property.argumentName}'); + buffer.write(' _${property.argumentName} = ${property.argumentName}'); buffer.writeln(i == propertyNames.length - 1 ? ';' : ','); } } else { @@ -167,7 +163,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { buffer.writeln(); buffer.write( - ' const factory $name.${constructor.key}() = _$name${createClassdName(constructor.key)};'); + ' const factory $name.${constructor.key}() = _$name${createClassName(constructor.key)};'); } // Properties @@ -177,8 +173,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { var property = _properties[propertyName]!; final propertyType = property.type; propertyName = createFieldName(propertyName); - buffer.writeln( - ' final $propertyType${nullSafety ? '?' : ''} _${property.fieldName};'); + buffer.writeln(' final $propertyType${nullSafety ? '?' : ''} _${property.fieldName};'); final value = nullSafety ? '_${property.fieldName}!' : '_${property.fieldName} != null ? _${property.fieldName} : throw Exception()'; @@ -197,8 +192,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { // JSON Parsers if (jsonParser) { - buffer.write( - ' factory $name.fromJson(Map map) => $name('); + buffer.write(' factory $name.fromJson(Map map) => $name('); if (propertyNames.isNotEmpty) { for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) { @@ -223,8 +217,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { var property = _properties[propertyName]!; final propertyType = property.type; propertyName = createFieldName(propertyName); - buffer.writeln( - ' $propertyType${nullSafety ? '?' : ''} ${property.argumentName},'); + buffer.writeln(' $propertyType${nullSafety ? '?' : ''} ${property.argumentName},'); } buffer.writeln('}'); } @@ -246,8 +239,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { buffer.writeln('identical(this, other) || (other is $name'); for (var propertyName in _properties.keys) { final property = _properties[propertyName]!; - buffer.writeln( - ' && ${property.fieldName} == other.${property.fieldName}'); + buffer.writeln(' && ${property.fieldName} == other.${property.fieldName}'); } buffer.writeln(' );'); @@ -272,11 +264,9 @@ class DataClassBuilder { if (!isConst) { for (var constructor in _constructors.entries) { buffer.writeln(); - buffer.writeln( - 'class _$name${createClassdName(constructor.key)} extends $name \{\n'); + buffer.writeln('class _$name${createClassName(constructor.key)} extends $name \{\n'); - buffer.writeln( - ' const _$name${createClassdName(constructor.key)}() : super._();'); + buffer.writeln(' const _$name${createClassName(constructor.key)}() : super._();'); // Properties if (propertyNames.isNotEmpty) { @@ -295,8 +285,7 @@ class DataClassBuilder { buffer.writeln(' @override'); buffer.writeln( ' $propertyType get ${property.argumentName} => _${property.fieldName}Instance;'); - buffer.writeln( - ' static final _${property.fieldName}Instance = $value;'); + buffer.writeln(' static final _${property.fieldName}Instance = $value;'); } } diff --git a/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/dart_builder.dart b/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/dart_builder.dart index 21ccf11..9f85d48 100644 --- a/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/dart_builder.dart +++ b/localization_builder/lib/src/generators/dart_builder.dart @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/category.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/condition.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/localizations.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/section.dart'; -import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/translation.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/generators/builders/base.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/generators/builders/property.dart'; @@ -14,11 +13,13 @@ class DartLocalizationBuilder { DartLocalizationBuilder({ this.nullSafety = true, this.jsonParser = true, + this.fallbackLocale, }); StringBuffer _buffer = StringBuffer(); final bool nullSafety; final bool jsonParser; + final String? fallbackLocale; String buildImports() { return ''' @@ -47,8 +48,7 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; } void _createLocalization(List path, Localizations localizations) { - _buffer.writeln( - 'final localizedLabels = ${_createLanguageMap(path, localizations)};'); + _buffer.writeln('final localizedLabels = ${_createLanguageMap(path, localizations)};'); } String _createLanguageMap(List path, Localizations localizations) { @@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; result.write(' {'); for (var languageCode in localizations.supportedLanguageCodes) { - final instance = - _createSectionInstance(path, languageCode, localizations); + final instance = _createSectionInstance(path, languageCode, localizations); final splits = languageCode.split(RegExp(r'[-_]')); @@ -91,23 +90,36 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; final result = StringBuffer(); result.writeln('const ${_buildClassNameFromPath(path)}('); - for (var label in section.labels) { - for (var caze in label.cases) { - if (caze.condition is CategoryCondition) { - final condition = caze.condition as CategoryCondition; - final fieldName = - '${label.normalizedKey}${createClassdName(condition.value)}'; - result.write(fieldName); + for (var localizationLabel in section.labels) { + for (var labelVariant in localizationLabel.cases) { + String fieldName; + if (labelVariant.condition is CategoryCondition) { + final categoryCondition = labelVariant.condition as CategoryCondition; + fieldName = + '${localizationLabel.normalizedKey}${createClassName(categoryCondition.value)}'; } else { - final fieldName = '${label.normalizedKey}'; - result.write(fieldName); + fieldName = '${localizationLabel.normalizedKey}'; + } + result.write(fieldName); + + var matchingTranslation = labelVariant.translations + .firstWhere((translation) => translation.languageCode == languageCode); + + var finalTranslationValue = matchingTranslation.value; + + if (fallbackLocale != null && matchingTranslation.value.isEmpty) { + matchingTranslation = labelVariant.translations + .firstWhere((translation) => translation.languageCode == fallbackLocale); + finalTranslationValue = matchingTranslation.value; + } else if (fallbackLocale == null && matchingTranslation.value.isEmpty) { + final pathWithoutPrefix = [...path]; + pathWithoutPrefix.removeRange(0, 2); + + finalTranslationValue = + pathWithoutPrefix.join('.') + '.${localizationLabel.normalizedKey}'; } - final translation = caze.translations.firstWhere( - (x) => x.languageCode == languageCode, - orElse: () => Translation(languageCode, '?'), - ); result.write(':'); - result.write('\'${_escapeString(translation.value)}\','); + result.write('\'${_escapeString(finalTranslationValue)}\','); } } @@ -152,12 +164,10 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; final methodArguments = []; /// Adding an argument for each category - final categoryCases = - label.cases.where((x) => x.condition is CategoryCondition); + final categoryCases = label.cases.where((x) => x.condition is CategoryCondition); for (var categoryCase in categoryCases) { final condition = categoryCase.condition as CategoryCondition; - final fieldName = - '_${label.normalizedKey}${createClassdName(condition.value)}'; + final fieldName = '_${label.normalizedKey}${createClassName(condition.value)}'; result.addProperty('String', fieldName); } @@ -168,7 +178,7 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; .map((x) => x.name) .toSet(); for (var categoryName in categories) { - final categoryClassName = createClassdName(categoryName); + final categoryClassName = createClassName(categoryName); methodArguments.add( ArgumentBuilder( name: createFieldName(categoryName), @@ -178,8 +188,7 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; } /// Default value - final defaultCase = - label.cases.map((x) => x.condition).whereType(); + final defaultCase = label.cases.map((x) => x.condition).whereType(); if (defaultCase.isNotEmpty) { result.addProperty('String', '_${label.normalizedKey}'); @@ -207,22 +216,18 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; /// Creating method body final body = StringBuffer('{\n'); - for (var c - in label.cases.where((x) => x.condition is CategoryCondition)) { + for (var c in label.cases.where((x) => x.condition is CategoryCondition)) { final condition = c.condition as CategoryCondition; final categoryField = createFieldName(condition.name); - final categoryClassName = createClassdName(condition.name); - final categoryValue = - '$categoryClassName.${createFieldName(condition.value)}'; + final categoryClassName = createClassName(condition.name); + final categoryValue = '$categoryClassName.${createFieldName(condition.value)}'; body.writeln('if($categoryField == $categoryValue) { '); - body.write( - 'return _${label.normalizedKey}${createClassdName(condition.value)}'); + body.write('return _${label.normalizedKey}${createClassName(condition.value)}'); if (label.templatedValues.isNotEmpty) { body.write('.insertTemplateValues({'); for (var templatedValue in label.templatedValues) { - body.write( - '\'${templatedValue.key}\' : ${createFieldName(templatedValue.key)},'); + body.write('\'${templatedValue.key}\' : ${createFieldName(templatedValue.key)},'); } body.write('}, locale : locale,)'); } @@ -236,8 +241,7 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; if (label.templatedValues.isNotEmpty) { body.write('.insertTemplateValues({'); for (var templatedValue in label.templatedValues) { - body.write( - '\'${templatedValue.key}\' : ${createFieldName(templatedValue.key)},'); + body.write('\'${templatedValue.key}\' : ${createFieldName(templatedValue.key)},'); } body.write('}, locale: locale,)'); } @@ -283,10 +287,8 @@ import 'package:template_string/template_string.dart'; } String _buildClassNameFromPath(List path) { - return path.map((name) => createClassdName(name)).join(); + return path.map((name) => createClassName(name)).join(); } -String _escapeString(String value) => value - .replaceAll('\n', '\\n') - .replaceAll('\'', '\\\'') - .replaceAll('\$', '\\\$'); +String _escapeString(String value) => + value.replaceAll('\n', '\\n').replaceAll('\'', '\\\'').replaceAll('\$', '\\\$'); diff --git a/localization_builder/lib/src/parsers/csv/parser.dart b/localization_builder/lib/src/parsers/csv/parser.dart index 0ce27e9..83c9179 100644 --- a/localization_builder/lib/src/parsers/csv/parser.dart +++ b/localization_builder/lib/src/parsers/csv/parser.dart @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/label.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/localizations.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/section.dart'; import 'package:localization_builder/src/definitions/translation.dart'; @@ -7,8 +6,7 @@ import '../parser.dart'; import '../result.dart'; import 'token.dart'; -class CsvLocalizationParser - extends LocalizationParser, CsvLocalizationToken> { +class CsvLocalizationParser extends LocalizationParser, CsvLocalizationToken> { const CsvLocalizationParser(); static const conditionKey = 'condition'; @@ -30,8 +28,7 @@ class CsvLocalizationParser bool _isReservedKey(String key) => reservedIndexKeys.contains(key); bool _isLanguageKey(String key) => - !_isReservedKey(key) && - !(key.trim().startsWith('(') && key.trim().endsWith(')')); + !_isReservedKey(key) && !(key.trim().startsWith('(') && key.trim().endsWith(')')); @override ParsingResult, CsvLocalizationToken> parse({ @@ -40,11 +37,8 @@ class CsvLocalizationParser }) { final fields = input.toList(); - final index = fields[0] - .cast() - .map(_uniformizeKey) - .takeWhile((x) => x.isNotEmpty) - .toList(); + final index = + fields[0].cast().map(_uniformizeKey).takeWhile((x) => x.isNotEmpty).toList(); // Getting language codes final supportedLanguageCodes = index.where(_isLanguageKey).toList(); diff --git a/localization_builder/pubspec.yaml b/localization_builder/pubspec.yaml index 0d5c99a..a23c827 100644 --- a/localization_builder/pubspec.yaml +++ b/localization_builder/pubspec.yaml @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ environment: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter - template_string: ^0.6.0 + template_string: + path: ../template_string recase: ^4.0.0 yaml: ^3.1.0 equatable: ^2.0.0 diff --git a/template_string/lib/src/extension.dart b/template_string/lib/src/extension.dart index 16f28a6..a7c9775 100644 --- a/template_string/lib/src/extension.dart +++ b/template_string/lib/src/extension.dart @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import 'package:intl/locale.dart'; import 'package:template_string/src/template.dart'; import 'formatters.dart'; diff --git a/template_string/pubspec.lock b/template_string/pubspec.lock index 722060c..7194c29 100644 --- a/template_string/pubspec.lock +++ b/template_string/pubspec.lock @@ -5,36 +5,41 @@ packages: dependency: transitive description: name: clock - url: "https://pub.dartlang.org" + sha256: "6021e0172ab6e6eaa1d391afed0a99353921f00c54385c574dc53e55d67c092c" + url: "https://pub.dev" source: hosted version: "1.1.0" intl: dependency: "direct main" description: name: intl - url: "https://pub.dartlang.org" + sha256: d6f56758b7d3014a48af9701c085700aac781a92a87a62b1333b46d8879661cf + url: "https://pub.dev" source: hosted - version: "0.17.0" + version: "0.19.0" meta: dependency: transitive description: name: meta - url: "https://pub.dartlang.org" + sha256: bdb68674043280c3428e9ec998512fb681678676b3c54e773629ffe74419f8c7 + url: "https://pub.dev" source: hosted - version: "1.2.4" + version: "1.15.0" path: dependency: transitive description: name: path - url: "https://pub.dartlang.org" + sha256: "2ad4cddff7f5cc0e2d13069f2a3f7a73ca18f66abd6f5ecf215219cdb3638edb" + url: "https://pub.dev" source: hosted version: "1.8.0" pedantic: dependency: "direct dev" description: name: pedantic - url: "https://pub.dartlang.org" + sha256: "67fc27ed9639506c856c840ccce7594d0bdcd91bc8d53d6e52359449a1d50602" + url: "https://pub.dev" source: hosted - version: "1.9.2" + version: "1.11.1" sdks: - dart: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" + dart: ">=3.0.0 <4.0.0" diff --git a/template_string/pubspec.yaml b/template_string/pubspec.yaml index fec4a97..44e8921 100644 --- a/template_string/pubspec.yaml +++ b/template_string/pubspec.yaml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ environment: sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0' dependencies: - intl: ^0.17.0 + intl: ^0.19.0 dev_dependencies: pedantic: ^1.9.0