Run the binary decoder with
python -N 1 -P 0
For getting more information about other options use
python -h
usage: [-h] -N N -P {0,1} [-E_ini E_INI] [-E_end E_END] [-L] [-V]
[-CE] [-W W] [-CT]
Binary decoder for CAEN events from the V1740B digitizer.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-N N Number of events to be processed starting from 0.
-P {0,1} Plotting option: 0 for single event plot, 1 for multiple event
-E_ini E_INI Initial event index for multiple event plot option.
-E_end E_END Final event index for multiple event plot option.
-L Activates logging node in "decoder.log" file.
-V Activates verbose mode in console.
-CE Call function to check number of events.
-W W Set the number of words to check for -CE option.
-CT Call function to check TTT of the events.