Cancelling multiple task with context
package main
import (
func main () {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg .Add (3 )
ctx := context .Background ()
ctx , cancel := context .WithTimeout (ctx , 5 * time .Second )
defer cancel ()
for i := 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ {
go func () {
defer wg .Done ()
task (ctx )
wg .Wait ()
func task (ctx context.Context ) {
fmt .Println ("start task" )
select {
case <- time .After (10 * time .Second ):
fmt .Println ("timeout" )
case <- ctx .Done ():
fmt .Println ("terminating task" )
Use context instead of channel to signal completion
package main
import (
func main () {
done := make (chan bool )
ctx , cancel := context .WithCancel (context .Background ())
go func () {
for {
select {
case <- ctx .Done ():
fmt .Println (ctx .Err ())
close (done )
default :
time .Sleep (300 * time .Millisecond )
fmt .Println ("doing work" )
go func () {
select {
case <- time .After (3 * time .Second ):
cancel ()
<- done
fmt .Println ("Hello, playground" )