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Releases: aleph-im/pyaleph


20 Oct 10:53
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This release fixes a minor issue related to message processing introduced with v0.4.0.

How to upgrade

From 0.4.x

Download the new Docker Compose file

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-old.yml
wget ""

Restart the node

docker-compose -f docker-compose-old.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

From older versions

Follow the guide here.


18 Oct 10:17
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This release fixes default configuration values to make the transition to v0.4.x simpler.

How to upgrade

0.4.0 introduces a new service for P2P communication. This implies a few modifications to the configuration of your node.

Node private key file

This release includes a change in the private key format. The P2P service requires the key to be in PKCS8 DER format. This change is automatically managed in a migration script that you must run with the upgrade command (see below).

P2P topics

This release introduces new configuration options for the P2P service. The default configuration should work out of the box, but if you customized your install we advise to set the following configuration options. Append these options to your config.yml file:

  queue_topic: ALEPH-TEST

  daemon_host: p2p-service
  http_port: 4024
  port: 4025
  control_port: 4030
  listen_port: 4031
  reconnect_delay: 60
    - /dns/
    - /dns/

Note that you are free to configure bootstrap peers as you wish. The two default servers listed above will fit most use cases.

RabbitMQ config

The Core Channel Node communicates with the new P2P service through an instance of RabbitMQ for P2P pubsub topics. We strongly advise to change the default username and password in the config.yml and docker-compose.yml files:


    host: rabbitmq
    port: 5672
    username: <new-username>
    password: <new-password>


      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: <new-username>
      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: <new-password>

Upgrade your node

From any version >= 0.2.0

Download the new Docker Compose file

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-old.yml
wget ""

Stop, upgrade and restart the node

docker-compose -f docker-compose-old.yml down --remove-orphans
# Adapt if your config.yml and/or keys/ directory are in different places
docker run \
      --entrypoint /opt/pyaleph/migrations/ \
      -v $(pwd)/keys:/opt/pyaleph/keys \
      -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/opt/pyaleph/config.yml \
      alephim/pyaleph-node:v0.4.2 \
      --key-dir /opt/pyaleph/keys \
      --key-file /opt/pyaleph/keys/node-secret.key \
      --config /opt/pyaleph/config.yml \
      upgrade \
      --filter-scripts 0003*
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Alternatively, if you are encountering issues running the upgrade, you can simply generate the new key file with the following OpenSSL command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-old.yml down --remove-orphans
cd keys/
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in node-secret.key -out node-secret.pkcs8.der -nocrypt
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

From any version < 0.2.0:


17 Oct 13:11
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This release fixes a minor issue of v0.4.0 where an improperly formatted message could be retried indefinitely.

What's Changed

  • Fix: do not retry pending messages failing validation by @odesenfans in #348

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1

How to upgrade

0.4.0 introduces a new service for P2P communication. This implies a few modifications to the configuration of your node.

Node private key file

This release includes a change in the private key format. The P2P service requires the key to be in PKCS8 DER format. This change is automatically managed in a migration script that you must run with the upgrade command (see below).

P2P topics

This release introduces new configuration options for the P2P service. We advise to set the following configuration options. Append these options to your config.yml file:

    queue_topic: ALEPH-TEST

  daemon_host: p2p-service
  http_port: 4024
  port: 4025
  control_port: 4030
  listen_port: 4031
  reconnect_delay: 60
    - /dns/
    - /dns/

Note that you are free to configure bootstrap peers as you wish. The two default servers listed above will fit most use cases.

RabbitMQ config

The Core Channel Node communicates with the new P2P service through an instance of RabbitMQ for P2P pubsub topics. We strongly advise to change the default username and password in the config.yml and docker-compose.yml files:


    host: rabbitmq
    port: 5672
    username: <new-username>
    password: <new-password>


      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: <new-username>
      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: <new-password>

Upgrade your node

From any version >= 0.2.0

Download the new Docker Compose file

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-old.yml
wget ""

Stop, upgrade and restart the node

docker-compose -f docker-compose-old.yml down --remove-orphans
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml \
      run \
      --entrypoint /opt/pyaleph/migrations/ \
      pyaleph \
      --key-dir /opt/pyaleph/keys \
      --key-file /opt/pyaleph/keys/node-secret.key \
      --config /opt/pyaleph/config.yml \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

From any version < 0.2.0:


17 Oct 10:25
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This release introduces the use of the P2P service to replace the libp2p daemon.
This is expected to reduce the load of core channel nodes significantly and fixes several performance issues.

The release also fixes several bugs linked to the validation of messages.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.4.0

How to upgrade

Node private key file

This release includes a change in the private key format. The P2P service requires the key to be in PKCS8 DER format. This change is automatically managed in a migration script that you must run with the upgrade command (see below).

P2P topics

This release introduces new configuration options for the P2P service. We advise to set the following configuration options. Append these options to your config.yml file:

    queue_topic: ALEPH-QUEUE

    host: rabbitmq
    port: 5672

RabbitMQ config

The Core Channel Node communicates with the new P2P service through an instance of RabbitMQ for P2P pubsub topics. We strongly advise to change the default username and password in the Docker Compose file:

      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: <new-username>
      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: <new-password>

And in the config.yml file:

  username: <new-username>
  password: <new-password>

From any version >= 0.2.0

Download the new Docker Compose file

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-old.yml
wget ""

Stop, upgrade and restart the node

docker-compose down
docker-compose \
      run \
      --entrypoint /opt/pyaleph/migrations/ \
      pyaleph \
      --key-dir /opt/pyaleph/keys \
      --key-file /opt/pyaleph/keys/node-secret.key \
      --config /opt/pyaleph/config.yml \
docker-compose up -d

From any version < 0.2.0:


02 Sep 12:35
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3

How to upgrade:

From any version >= 0.2.0

Download the new Docker Compose file

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose-old.yml
wget ""

Stop, upgrade and restart the node

docker-compose [-f <docker-compose-file>] down
docker-compose [-f <docker-compose-file>] \
      run \
      --entrypoint /opt/pyaleph/migrations/ \
      pyaleph \
      --key-dir /opt/pyaleph/keys \
      --key-file /opt/pyaleph/keys/node-secret.key \
      --config /opt/pyaleph/config.yml \
docker-compose [-f <docker-compose-file>] up -d

From any version < 0.2.0:


14 Jun 14:19
Choose a tag to compare

This release fixes a synchronisation delay issue. The pending message job blocked
while waiting for the last pending messages in the queue to be processed. This caused
a delay of several hours until the job could loop again on the pending messages collection
and start processing new pending messages. We removed the blocking synchronisation point
and now let the job pick up new pending messages while ignoring the ones that are already
being processed.

How to upgrade:


06 Jun 14:34
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This release fixes a synchronisation issue introduced in 0.3.0. Messages where the "item_type"
field was not specified could not be processed in real-time and had to wait for the on-chain
confirmation to be processed.

How to upgrade:

v0.3.0 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

01 Jun 21:41
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This release focuses on improvements related to performance, stability and code quality. We also introduce new features related to FORGET and PROGRAM messages.

How to upgrade:

New features



Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0


28 Mar 11:21
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This minor release focuses on code improvements, improved test coverage and bug fixes.

Breaking changes

  • CCNs now required Python 3.8+ instead of Python 3.6.


  • Improved the code for the storage module and improved test coverage.
  • Fixed a major synchronisation issue between CCNs. A shared variable was not updated correctly, making it impossible
    for CCNs to fetch the content linked to random messages.
  • Fixed an issue where IPFS/P2P jobs in charge of listening to the "alive" topics would not restart
    once an error occurred.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in a KeyError if an IPFS pin timed out.

v0.2.0 Codename "Asimov, a new foundation."

22 Feb 13:35
Choose a tag to compare


  • Support for FORGET messages
  • A new dedicated service handles P2P connections
  • Node private keys need to be migrated for the new service to work
  • Many API improvements and fixes

Breaking changes

  • This release requires a new way to manage private keys. The private key must now be provided in a new serialized format. Use the configuration updater to migrate to the new format.
  • The "protocol" P2P config is disabled until further notice as it was not working properly.
  • MongoDB becomes the only supported internal storage engine. RocksDB is not supported anymore.

Main features

FORGET message

This is a new type of message. It is designed to order the explicit deletion of a message by a user.

When a FORGET message is received by a node, it will immediately:

  • remove the ‘content’ and ‘item_content’ sections of the targeted messages
  • add a field ‘forgotten_by’ that references to the processed FORGET message

The FORGET message will only be accepted if either:

  • the sender of the FORGET matches the ‘sender’ field of the message
  • the targeted message was created by a VM and the sender of the FORGET matches the ‘sender’ of the VM

If the forgotten message is of type STORE, the number of references to the data will be counted.
If the new count amounts to zero, the file will be deleted from the database or unpinned and cleared from IPFS.

P2P daemon

P2P communication is now managed with the official libp2p daemon.
This allows us to get rid of a dependency to the unmaintained py-libp2p library.
This in turn enables many improvements. We:

  • Moved to newer versions of many dependencies
  • Resolved many bugs related to P2P communication
  • Simplified the overall architecture of PyAleph.

API improvements

  • Calling /api/v0/messages.json with unsupported fields returns a proper error message instead of the obscure 500 Internal Server Error
  • Improved reliability of the Websocket API
  • New parameters to /api/v0/messages.json: contentKeys, startDate, endDate.

Other changes

  • The --gen-key option is renamed to --gen-keys. It now stores the public key along with the private key, and a serialized version of the private key for use by the P2P daemon.
  • The private key for the P2P host can no longer be provided through the config.yml file using the p2p.key field. The key must be provided as a serialized file in the keys directory.
  • Decommissioned the dockerized VMs as they were replaced by the micro-VMs.
  • Introduced a new tool called the configuration updater to manage changes in the configuration
    files and key files between versions.
  • Fixed minor issues in the index page of the web service.
  • Optimized the processing of messages by prioritizing new messages over messages that are waiting for a retry.
  • Add support for a IPFS content identifier (CID) format version 1.
  • Improve the reliability of the Websocket API
  • A new API /api/v0/storage/count/<storage-hash> exposes the number of times a IPFS/storage hash is pinned
  • A new metric exposes the number of files pinned that belong to a chain and cannot be unpinned
  • Operators can now distinguish the different processes of the node
  • Fixed issues where errors could not be reported on Sentry
  • Fixed an issue where the logging level was different in subprocesses