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Exercise Sheet 5

In this exercise sheet you will practice shared memory communication and synchronization with semaphores. As with previous exercises, make sure to use the newer POSIX APIs instead of the System V APIs.

Task 1

In this task, you will implement the classic producer-consumer pattern using multiple processes operating on shared memory.

Begin by reading man 7 shm_overview. Take note of additional linker flags that may be required.

Create a program that receives two integer parameters N and B through the command line. The program acts as the parent of two child processes, the producer and the consumer. The parent begins by attaching a shared memory segment that has space for a buffer array and the result of the computation performed by the consumer (explained below). It then creates the two child processes and waits for their termination. Finally, it prints the result of the computation, releases the shared memory segment and exits.

The producer iteratively writes all numbers in [1, N] into an array of size B that is stored in shared memory. If N > B, the producer continues writing by wrapping around, overwriting the values previously stored within the array (this is called a ring buffer). You can implement this functionality using the modulo operator: buffer[i % B].

The consumer iteratively sums up N subsequent numbers from the ring buffer, thereby effectively computing the sum of all numbers in [1, N]. It then writes the resulting sum into the shared memory segment and exits.

Example output:

> ./task1 10 10
Result: 55

Analyze the obtained output. Is the computed result the expected value? Does the computed value change across different runs? What happens when you try different and larger values for N and B, for example 10,000 or 100,000? Try to explain the behavior.


  • There is no need to attach multiple shared memory segments. Think about a good way of storing the entire context (the ring buffer and the result) inside a single shared memory segment.
  • Make sure to use numeric data types that can store sufficiently large values, for example uint64_t, which is defined in <stdint.h>.
  • This exercise MUST be implemented using the POSIX shared memory mechanisms.

Task 2

In this task, you will use semaphores to synchronize access to shared data structures. Begin by reading man 7 sem_overview. Take note of any additional compiler flags that may be required. This exercise MUST be implemented using the POSIX semaphore facilities.

Task 2a

Implement the same program as before. However this time, ensure that the consumer only reads each value in [1, N] exactly once from the ring buffer. Likewise, ensure that the producer only overwrites values in the ring buffer that have already been read by the consumer. Use two semaphores to implement this behavior. Your program should now always compute the correct result.

Important: Make sure that the producer and consumer can perform work on the ring buffer concurrently, i.e., the semaphores should be used for counting.

Measure the execution time of your solutions for Task 1 and Task 2a using /usr/bin/time. What do you notice?

Task 2b

Now we want to examine the effect on our timings when the workload for the producer and consumer varies over time. Extend the synchronized variant from Task 2a: Before writing a number to the ring buffer, the producer passes it to the function expensive_calculation(). Likewise, before adding a number to the sum, the consumer calls that same function. Use the following definition for the function:

#define MAX_SLEEP_MS 10
uint64_t expensive_calculation(uint64_t value) {
	usleep((rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * MAX_SLEEP_MS);
	return value;

Important: Make sure that the producer and consumer use different random seeds (using srand).

Measure the execution time of your solution for Task 2b for N = 100000 and B = 1, B = 10 and B = 100. What do you notice? Try to explain the behavior.

Task 3

Answer the following questions. Provide your answers in a *.md or *.txt file.

  • What is the difference between shared memory and e.g. a global variable after calling fork()?
  • What is a race condition?
  • Why do race conditions occur?
  • Is the output of a program with a race condition always incorrect?
  • If you run your program 100 times and always get the correct result, does that mean that there is no race condition?
  • What is synchronization?
  • Why are semaphores well suited for synchronizing producer-consumer patterns?
  • There are two ways of creating a POSIX semaphore. Which would you use when?
  • Could Task 2 also be implemented using a single semaphore?