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Exercise 2 - Binary Search Tree

In this exercise sheet you will implement a binary search tree storing numeric values and follow some core principles of modular programming. The purpose of the exercise is to check (for yourself) whether you are sufficiently fluent in using the C programming language. Most exercises in this course will build directly on top of what you learned in the previous semester.

If you are struggling with this exercise sheet, please consider doing this course at a later point in your studies. Otherwise you need to be prepared for the fact that subsequent exercises will probably require greater effort from you than originally planned by us.

General remarks about this exercise:

  • Read this task from top to bottom before starting your implementation.
  • Ensure you fully understand the concept of a sorted binary tree as well as the provided header file.
  • If you find an error, note it down and make reasonable assumptions to continue.
  • Keep your code clean and simple. It should be as readable as possible.
  • Think about how you want to implement your solution before you begin. Hint: Many operations on a tree can be implemented more elegantly using recursive functions.
  • This exercise provides several existing files. You should not be required to make changes to any of them, except for bstree.c.
  • You are free to include additional headers within bstree.c.
  • Implement bstree and the required functions in bstree.c.
    • Your implementation may (and should) utilize additional functions not stated in the header file, but make sure they are not exported (by marking them as static).
    • Only the bstree_print function produces output during normal execution. There should not be any other debug messages / logs of any kind.
    • Try to reuse already implemented functions (e.g. bstree_remove could make use of bstree_maximum).
    • Everything (variable names, comments, etc) must be written in English.
  • Ensure proper error handling.
    • Use assert to ensure that NULL is not passed to functions which can not handle this case.
    • Check return values of functions that may fail, like malloc.
  • The two programming tasks (1 & 2) come with tests that you can use to check the correctness of your solution.
  • For this task a Makefile is provided. Aside from the standard targets (all, clean), the following targets are provided (and can be built/run using make <target>):
    • task1_tests: Compile tests for task 1.
    • check_task1: Compare output produced by printing the tree within the tests for task 1 to the expected output in bstree_task1_output.txt. Additionally run Valgrind to ensure no memory leaks or other memory-related bugs are present.
    • task2_tests: Compile tests for task 2.
    • check_task2: Compare output of task 2, check for memory bugs.

Task 1

Implement the first part of a module (bstree.h, bstree.c) providing a sorted binary tree for numeric values of type value_t. With your implementation it should be possible to:

  1. Create and destroy a tree: bstree_create() and bstree_destroy().
  2. Insert values in the tree: bstree_insert().
  3. Check whether the tree contains a given value: bstree_contains().
  4. Print the entire tree to an output stream: bstree_print().

The header file is already provided and holds the signatures of the functions alongside short descriptions. Your implementation should fulfill these descriptions as closely as possible.

The bstree type is used as a handle to work with the whole tree, and can also be used as storage for information concerning the entire tree. How you implement the tree structure itself is up to you. You might for example have a bstree_node, which holds on to a value_t and references to the left and right child nodes.

Use make check_task1 to check whether the produced output matches the expected output, and whether your implementation has any memory-related bugs.

Task 2

This task builds on top of the previous one and extends the capabilities of your tree. You are asked to implement the following functionalities:

  1. Get the minimum / maximum value stored within the tree: bstree_minimum() and bstree_maximum().

  2. Get the depth of a value (the root node has depth 0): bstree_depth().

  3. Get the size of (the total number of values stored within) the tree: bstree_size().

  4. Remove values from the tree: bstree_remove().

    NOTE: When removing nodes from a binary search tree, you sometimes have the choice of replacing the node by either the maximum of the left subtree or the minimum of the right subtree. The provided tests and example outputs assume that you pick the former strategy (maximum of left subtree).

Use make check_task2 to check whether the produced output matches the expected output, and whether your implementation has any memory-related bugs.

Task 3

In this task no implementation is required. Its purpose is to ensure you understand the background behind the details of the previous task. You should be able to answer the following questions without the use of any additional notes. Presenting images and examples is fine, though not required.

  • When would you use a sorted binary tree over a linked list?
  • What would you change if the tree had to support int values instead of floats? Can you use this approach to support any value type, or are there limitations?
  • Why do we use multiple translation units instead of putting everything a single file?
  • Is the development cycle (i.e. changing a source file, recompiling and running tests) faster when using multiple translation units? Explain your answer.
  • What is a header guard and why is it needed?
  • Why is struct bstree not defined in the header file? What are the implications?
  • Explain the const in the parameter list of bstree_print, is it required?
  • Explain memory leaks. Why are memory leaks bad?
  • What is the reason behind writing everything in English?
  • Why should you use static for non-exported functions?
  • Why should we comment our source code? Is it always needed? What should the comment state? What is self-documenting code?
  • Why should the module not output debug messages?
  • Why and when should you use assert?
  • What are the benefits of using a Makefile over calling the compiler by hand?
  • Imagine it was your job to design the interface for the bstree module (bstree.h). What, if anything, would you have done differently, and why?