This is an example that demonstrates grpc-gateway-client in action. The example contains a simple gRPC service that is fronted by a
grpc-gateway. The service is defined in helloworld.proto and has a single gRPC method
that it translated to /v1/example/echo
REST endpoint by grpc-gateway.
Server implementation is located in server/main.go. It starts a gRPC server and a grpc-gateway server. The grpc-gateway server is listening on port 8081:
Start server using the following command:
$ go run server/main.go
Listening on :8081
Test it using curl:
$ curl "http://localhost:8081/v1/example/echo?name=world"
{"message":"Hello world"}
The client is generated by grpc-gateway-client that provides a clean typed interface to interact with the gRPC service over REST API:
client := grpc_gateway_client_example.NewGreeterGatewayClient(gateway.NewClient(baseURL))
resp, err := client.SayHello(context.Background(), &grpc_gateway_client_example.HelloRequest{Name: "World"})
if err != nil {