This module was written to provide the certain kind of conferences: where small number of speakers are broadcasting to a very big number of listeners and number of latest may vary in a large ranges.
The module can operate in two modes:
- standalone - a single instance (~25 speakers and 1k-2k listeners)
distributed - where multiple Freeswitch instances maintenance a huge conference(s)
to share media/events between nodes it uses built-in service based on UDP (multicast/unicast)
the traffic can be encrypted and authenticated that allows to live without VPN and use public networks
unfortunately the module can not route subscribers and balance the load so you should use some SBC for solve it
every instance able to process about 2k-5k listeners and about 25 spreakes (see performance tests)
A few words about communication:
The media streams share without any problems and this mechanism shows low latency and quite well, what I can't say about events (there are little problems there),
therefore if you want to have faster reaction on the events - rewrite this part and use some external tools such as rabbitmq or so on.
- Playback function for members/conferences and MOH sound for alone member
- Possible to give/take a voice to any member in any time (as well as: mute/unmute, deaf/undeaf, so on)
- Possible to invite members to a conference (make an outgoing calls) (*)
- Password protection for conference / admin access
- Independent controls profiles for admin / users
- Lots of DTMF commands and easy way to extend them (see commands.c)
- VAD/AGC/CNG (maybe will appear echo suppression)