Elixir library for Msg91
the package can be installed by adding ex_msg91
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_msg91, "~> 0.2.0"}
config :ex_msg91,
auth_key: "msg91_api_key",
ExMsg91.send_sms("123123", "1234567890", "91", %{"var1" => "123456"})
{200, %{"message" => "33667a74764c323230353034", "type" => "success"}}
send_sms(template_id, phone_number, country_code, variables)
1) `template_id` - Template ID of SMS template in Msg91
2) `phone_number` - Phone number without country code
3) `country_code` - Country code without + sign (E.g. For India use 91)
4) `variable` - Map of variables present in template.