- Project Overview
- Technologies & Packages Used
- Key Features
- Behind the Scenes
- Getting Started
- Acknowledgments
- Author
- Project Link
- Thank You
- Creating a Netflix-gpt project involves several steps
- Ex- Image
Greetings, movie lovers! π Welcome to Netflix-GPT, a state-of-the-art movie recommendation website powered by the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model and Firebase.
- React: Powering the interactive and user-friendly interface.
- Firebase: Handling user authentication, data storage, and more.
- OpenAI: Leveraging the GPT model for sophisticated movie recommendations.
- React Router DOM: Enabling smooth navigation and user-friendly routing.
- React-Redux: Managing application state efficiently.
- React-Toastify: Adding beautiful notifications for enhanced user interaction.
- Tailwind CSS: Crafting a visually appealing and responsive design.
- Dynamic Recommendations: Leverage advanced machine learning for personalized movie suggestions based on your viewing history.
- Account Management: Seamlessly update your profile, delete your account, and reset your password.
- Smart Search: Effortlessly find movies by title, actor, or genre with real-time updates as you type.
- Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience across all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
- Login with Email or Password: Securely access personalized movie recommendations by logging in with your email and password.
- React: Powering the interactive and user-friendly interface.
- Firebase: Managing user authentication, data storage, and more.
- OpenAI: Leveraging the GPT model for sophisticated movie recommendations.
- React Parcel: Streamlining bundling, fast refresh, JSX support, and code splitting.
- React Router DOM: Facilitating smooth navigation and user-friendly routing.
- React-Toastify: Incorporating beautiful notifications for enhanced user interaction.
Follow these steps to get started with Netflix-GPT:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/akashdeep023/Netflix_Gpt.git cd Netflix_Gpt
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Set Up Environment Variables:
Configure the following environment variables by creating a .env file in the root of your project:
Replace the values with your specific configurations.
Run the Application:
npm start
Open in Your Browser:
Open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
Special thanks to Akshay Saini π for his invaluable guidance. His teaching approach, fostering curiosity and a deep understanding of each line of code, has played a pivotal role in my learning experience. Kudos! ππ
Akash Deep
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/akashdeep023/
Thank you for exploring Netflix-GPT! Your feedback is valuable. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to share them with us. π
- Create React App
- Configured TailwindCSS
- Header
- Routing of App
- Login Form
- Sign up Form
- Form Validation
- useRef Hook
- Firebase Setup
- Deploying our app to production
- Create SignUp/SignIn User Account
- Implement Sign In user Api
- Created Redux Store with userslice
- Implemented Sign out
- Update Profile
- BugFix: Sign up user displayName and profile picture update
- BugFix: if the user is not logged in Redirect /browse to Login Page and vice-versa
- Unsubscibed to the onAuthStateChanged callback
- Add hardcoded values to the constants file
- Regiter TMDB API & create an app & get access token
- Get Data from TMDB now playing movies List API
- Custom Hook for Now Playing Movies
- Create movieSlice
- Update Store with movies Data
- Planning for MainContauiner & secondary container
- Fetch Data for Trailer Video
- Update Store with Trailer Video Data
- Embedded the Yotube video and make it autoplay and mute
- Tailwind Classes to make Main Container Look awesome
- Create Some Custom Hook for Movies
- Update moviesSlice
- Update Store with new movies Data
- Create Secondary container
- Add some styles
SignUp Page
LogIn Page
Footer Page
Multilanguage Feature
Home Page
Search Page
Movie InfoBox
Movie Trailer
Confirmation Box
Forgot Password Box
Alert Msg