A set of scala_2.13 core utility classes.
Project Dependencies:
- sbt installed on your machine
Production code dependency:
- typesafe-config: Used for functional style on configuration
- circe-parser, circe-generic, circe-yaml: Used for serializing and deserializing objects into and from json/yml
- cats-core: Used for functional programming effects
- scala-logging, logback-classic: Used as logging system
Test code dependency:
- scalatest: framework for unittest in scala
- scalamock: framework for mock and stub in scala
Add the library to your sbt libraryDependencies
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.witboost.provisioning" %% "scala-mesh-core" % scalaMeshCommonsVersion
A simple facade to Logging stuff
val audit = Audit.default("my-logger-name")
audit.info("my info message")
audit.error("my error message")
audit.warning("my warning message")
audit.debug("my debug message")
audit.trace("my trace message")
A simple facade Configuration.
method return an Either[ConfErr,String]
to manage side effect like configuration not found.
case class MyCredential(username:String, password:String)
val conf = Conf.env()
//Use Conf.envWithAudit() to enable logging on all Conf process
//val conf = Conf.envWithAudit()
val myCredential: Either[ConfError, MyCredential] = for {
username <- conf.get("USR")
password <- conf.get("PWD")
} yield MyCredential(username,password)
A simple facade to DateTime
val dateTimeProvider = DateTimeProvider.utc()
val dateTime = dateTimeProvider.get()
val idGenerator = IDGenerator.uuid()
val id1 = idGenerator.random()
val id2 = idGenerator.randomFromStr("my-seed-str")
Implicit definition of Throwable show method, which can be used to easily print a throwable. The show definition will include the throwable stack trace (differently from the toString method).
val throwable = new Exception("message")
val throwableStringWithStackTrace = show"$throwable"
case class MyModel(id:String, name:String, description:String)
class MyHighLevelService extends MyServiceTrait with ParserSupport{
def myMethod(myModel:MyModel): String =
case class MyModel(id:Int, name:String, description:String)
val validator:Validator[MyModel] =
.rule(_.id>0, "Id should be gt 0")
.rule(_.name.length > 4, "name should be gt 4 chars")